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Strategic Outcome: An environmentally sustainable agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products sector; A competitive agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products sector that proactively manages risk; and An innovative agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products sector.
Program Activities: Environmental Knowledge, Technology, Information, and Measurement; On-Farm Action; Food Safety and Biosecurity Risk Management Systems; Trade and Market Development; Science, Innovation, and Adoption; and Agri-Business Development.
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Programming related to the Agricultural Flexibility Fund (Voted)
Start date: June 18, 2009
End date: March 31, 2014
Agricultural Flexibility Fund (AgriFlexibility) initiatives will fall under three project categories or elements:
1) Investments to help reduce the cost of production or improve environmental sustainability;
2) Investments in value-chain innovation and sectoral adaptation; and
3) Investments to address emerging opportunities and challenges.
AgriFlexibility is a Canada's Economic Action Plan (CEAP) Initiative.
Expected results:
Producers/ partners/ industry implement actions to improve their environmental practices;
Producers/ partners/ industry implement actions to reduce costs of production;
Improved food safety, biosecurity, traceability and risk management measures;
Agri-processors upgrade their capacity (through the modernization of their facility(ies);
Increase in value-chain efforts focussed on innovation and/or adaptation; and
Agri-industry implements actions to respond to market threats and/or take advantage of emerging market opportunities.
Performance Indicators:
Number of actions implemented by producers to improve their environmental practices;
Number of actions implemented by producers to reduce their costs of production;
Number of improved food safety, biosecurity, traceability and risk management measures; Number of Agri-processors that
upgrade their capacity;
Number and types of activities that increased value-chain efforts focused on innovation and/or adaptation; and
Number of actions implemented to respond to market threats and/or take advantage of emerging market opportunities.
($ millions) | Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Program Activity: Environmental Knowledge, Technology, Information, and Measurement | ||||
Total grants | ||||
Total contributions | 1.4 | 2.6 | 2.6 | 2.6 |
Total Environmental Knowledge, Technology, Information, and Measurement | 1.4 | 2.6 | 2.6 | 2.6 |
Program Activity: On-Farm Action | ||||
Total grants | ||||
Total contributions | 12.3 | 22.8 | 22.8 | 22.8 |
Total On-Farm Action | 12.3 | 22.8 | 22.8 | 22.8 |
Program Activity: Food Safety and Biosecurity Risk Management Systems | ||||
Total grants | ||||
Total contributions | 9.5 | 17.7 | 17.7 | 17.7 |
Total Food Safety and Biosecurity Risk Management Systems | 9.5 | 17.7 | 17.7 | 17.7 |
Program Activity: Trade and Market Development | ||||
Total grants | ||||
Total contributions | 6.5 | 12.1 | 12.1 | 12.1 |
Total Trade and Market Development | 6.5 | 12.1 | 12.1 | 12.1 |
Program Activity: Science, Innovation, and Adoption | ||||
Total grants | ||||
Total contributions | 15.6 | 28.8 | 28.8 | 28.8 |
Total Science, Innovation, and Adoption | 15.6 | 28.8 | 28.8 | 28.8 |
Program Activity: Agri-Business Development | ||||
Total grants | ||||
Total contributions | 1.2 | 2.1 | 2.1 | 2.1 |
Total Agri-Business Development | 1.2 | 2.1 | 2.1 | 2.1 |
Total Transfer Payment Programs | 46.4 | 86.1 | 86.1 | 86.1 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan:
Planned spending for 2010-11 to 2012-13 reflects only the funding presented in the 2010-11 Annual Reference Level Update
(ARLU). It does not include any additional amounts that may be brought into the Department's reference levels.
Strategic Outcome: An environmentally sustainable agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products sector.
Program Activity: Environmental Knowledge, Technology, Information, and Measurement / On-Farm Action
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Contributions to promote Environmentally Responsible Agriculture (Voted)
Start date: April 1, 2008
End date: March 31, 2013
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) supports farmers through agri-environmental risk assessment and planning; providing
expertise, information and incentives to increase the adoption of sustainable agriculture practices at the farm and
landscape levels; investigating and developing new approaches that encourage and support the adoption of sustainable
agriculture practices; and increasing the recognition of the value of sustainable agriculture practices. This program
supports environmental stewardship and helps reduce the sector's overall impact on the environment. It contributes to
a cleaner environment and healthier living conditions for Canadian people, and a more profitable agriculture sector.
Expected results:
Improved agri-environmental risk assessment and planning by agricultural producers.
Performance Indicator:
Increase in adoption levels of Beneficial Management Practices (BMP). Environmental Farm Plans set out out priorities
for each farm once an environmental scan is performed. BMPs are based on priorities set out in that plan.
10% increase from previous program baselines by 2013. Baselines are from the Environmental Indicators for the National
Agri-Health Analysis and Reporting Program (NAHARP).
($ millions) | Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Program Activity: Environmental Knowledge, Technology, Information, and Measurement | ||||
Total grants | - | - | - | - |
Total contributions | 6.3 | 2.9 | 3.6 | 3.0 |
Total Environmental Knowledge, Technology, Information, and Measurement | 6.3 | 2.9 | 3.6 | 3.0 |
Program Activity: On-Farm Action | ||||
Total grants | - | - | - | - |
Total contributions | 64.2 | 67.1 | 63.7 | 55.0 |
Total On-Farm Action | 64.2 | 67.1 | 63.7 | 55.0 |
Total Transfer Payment Program | 70.5 | 70.0 | 67.3 | 58.1 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan:
Planned spending for 2010-11 to 2012-13 reflects only the funding presented in the 2010-11 Annual Reference Level Update
(ARLU). It does not include any additional amounts that may be brought into the Department's reference levels.
Strategic Outcome: A competitive agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products sector that proactively manages risk.
Program Activity: Business Risk Management
Name of Transfer Payment Program: AgriInsurance Program (Statutory)
Start date: April 1, 2008
End date: March 31, 2012
AI is statutory and ongoing; however, the current policy and program authorities expire March 31, 2012.
The AgriInsurance program is one of four core pillars of the business risk management suite available to producers under
Growing Forward.
AgriInsurance (formerly the Production Insurance program), will aim to reduce the financial impact on producers of production losses caused by uncontrollable natural perils.
Authorities for the program include Section 4 of the Farm Income Protection (FIPA), as well as "Growing Forward: A Federal-Provincial-Territorial Framework Agreement on Agriculture, Agri-Food and Agri-Based Products Policy" and "Federal / Provincial AgriInsurance Agreement."
Federal AgriInsurance website:
British Columbia
New Brunswick
Nova Scotia
Prince Edward Island
Expected results:
The financial impacts of production losses are mitigated by providing effective insurance protection.
Performance Indicators:
1. Value of insured production compared to the total value of all agricultural products eligible for insurance reported
as follows: Percentage of Crops - Target 60%.
2. Value of crops eligible for insurance compared to the value of all agricultural products reported as follows: Percentage
of Crops – Target 85%.
The Expected Results, Performance Indicators and Targets listed above are based on those provided for AAFC''s 2009-10 Performance Measurement Framework.
($ millions) | Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Program Activity: Business Risk Management | ||||
Total grants | ||||
Total contributions | 565.6 | 452.0 | 452.0 | 227.3 |
Total Transfer Payment Program | 565.6 | 452.09 | 452.0 | 227.3 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan:
Planned spending for 2010-11 to 2012-13 reflects only the funding presented in the 2010-11 Annual Reference Level Update
(ARLU). It does not include any additional amounts that may be brought into the Department's reference levels.
Strategic Outcome: A competitive agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products sector that proactively manages risk.
Program Activity: Business Risk Management
Name of Transfer Payment Program: AgriInvest Program (Statutory)
Start date: December 19, 2007
Agreements were signed with the provinces to implement the program starting in the 2007 program year.
End date: March 31, 2012
AgriInvest is statutory and ongoing; however, the current policy and program authorities expire on this date.
The AgriInvest program is one of four core pillars of the business risk management suite available to producers under
Growing Forward.
AgriInvest allows producers to self-manage, through producer and government funded savings accounts, the first 15 per cent of their margin losses for a production year and/or make investments to reduce on-farm risks or increase farm revenues (effective July 2010, AgriInvest accounts will be held by participating financial insitutions). Under the program, annual producer deposits of up to 1.5 percent of their allowable net sales are matched by government deposits. Government deposits are cost-shared 60:40 by federal and provincial governments. In combination with the AgriStability program, AgriInvest is the successor to the Canadian Agricultural Income Stabilization (CAIS) program. AgriInvest replaces coverage for smaller income declines where AgriStability assists producers in managing larger losses.
AgriInvest provides producers with a secure, accessible, predictable and bankable source of income assistance to address small drops in farm income and manage on-farm risks.
Federal AgriInvest Website
AgriInvest in Quebec (La Financière agricole du Québec)
Expected results:
Producers have the flexibility in managing small financial risks. Producers use program account balances to address
income declines or to make investments to reduce on-farm risks or increase farm revenues.
Performance Indicators:
1.Percentage of AgriInvest producers receiving AgriStability payments and making withdrawals from their AgriInvest saving
accounts. Target is at least 60% of AgriInvest producers.
2. Percentage of producers indicating that they use their funds to address income declines or make investments to reduce
on-farm risks or increase farm revenues. Target is at least 75% of producers.
The Expected Results, Performance Indicators and Targets listed above are based on those provided for AAFC's 2009-10 Performance Measurement Framework.
($ millions) | Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Program Activity: Business Risk Management | ||||
Total grants | 139.4 | 155.8 | 139.4 | 139.4 |
Total contributions | 20.1 | 19.0 | 20.1 | 19.0 |
Total Transfer Payment Program | 159.5 | 174.8 | 159.5 | 158.4 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan:
As required, the allocations to Grant versus Contribution may be adjusted and these would be reflected in the Supplementary
Estimates, the Departmental Performance Report and Public Accounts.
Planned spending for 2010-11 to 2012-13 reflects only the funding presented in the 2010-11 Annual Reference Level Update (ARLU). It does not include any additional amounts that may be brought into the Department's reference levels.
Strategic Outcome: A competitive agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products sector that proactively manages risk.
Program Activity: Business Risk Management
Name of Transfer Payment Program: AgriStability Program (Statutory)
Start date: December 19, 2007
Agreements were signed with the provinces to implement the program starting in the 2007 program year
End date:March 31, 2012
AgriStability is statutory and ongoing; however, the current policy and program authorities expire on this date.
The AgriStability program is one of four core pillars of the business risk management suite available to producers under
Growing Forward.
AgriStability is a margin-based program that provides support when a producer experiences larger farm income losses, which are drops in their margin (eligible farm income, less eligible farm expenses) for the program year of more than 15 percent of the producer's average margin from previous years (i.e., their reference margin). Thus, a payment is triggered under the program when a producer's program year margin drops below 85 percent of their reference margin. AgriStability also includes coverage for negative margins, as well as mechanisms to advance a participant a portion of their expected payment during the year when a significant decline in income is expected (interim payments and Targeted Advance Payments). In combination with the AgriInvest program, it is the successor to the Canadian Agricultural Income Stabilization (CAIS) program. AgriInvest replaces coverage for smaller income declines where AgriStability assists producers in managing larger losses.
Federal AgriStability Website
AgriStability in Alberta (Agriculture Financial Services Corporation (AFSC))
AgriStability in Ontario (Agricorp)
AgriStability in Quebec (La Financière agricole du Québec)
AgriStability on Prince Edward Island (PEI
Agricultural Insurance Corporation)
Expected results:
The short-term impacts of larger income losses (losses of over 15% relative to their historical reference margin) are
Performance Indicators:
1. Participants' farm market revenues compared to total farm market revenues for the industry. Target - 80% of total
farm market revenues are covered by the program.
2. Participant's production margin with and without payments compared to reference margin. Target - Program payments
bring producer's margin up to 75% of reference margin.
The Expected Results, Performance Indicators and Targets listed above are based on those provided for AAFC's 2009-10 Performance Measurement Framework.
($ millions) | Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Program Activity: Business Risk Management | ||||
Total grants | 115.1 | 95.3 | 95.5 | - |
Total contributions | 557.2 | 500.0 | 501.0 | 188.7 |
Total Transfer Payment Program | 672.3 | 595.3 | 596.4 | 188.7 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan:
As required, the allocations to Grant versus Contribution may be adjusted and these would be reflected in the Supplementary
Estimates, the Departmental Performance Report and Public Accounts.
Planned spending for 2010-11 to 2012-13 reflects only the funding presented in the 2010-11 Annual Reference Level Update (ARLU). It does not include any additional amounts that may be brought into the Department's reference levels.
Strategic Outcome: A competitive agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products sector that proactively manages risk.
Program Activity: Business Risk Management
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Agricultural Disaster Relief Program (ADRP) / AgriRecovery (Statutory)
Start date: December 6, 2007
Program authorities were obtained to implement the ADRP under the AgriRecovery disaster relief framework beginning with
the 2007-08 fiscal year.
End date: March 31, 2011
The AgriRecovery framework is one of four core pillars of the business risk management suite available to producers
under Growing Forward.
AgriRecovery facilitates the process for federal, provincial and territorial governments to provide short-term, timely assistance to help producers quickly re-establish their income stream and contain the long-term impacts after a small to mid-size disaster (disease, pest, weather-related). Programs under AgriRecovery are developed on a case-by-case basis after an assessment is completed and it is determined that there is need for assistance not covered by existing programs, such as AgriInvest, AgriStability and AgriInsurance.
Under AgriRecovery, the ADRP helps focus the coordination effort, providing fast-tracked programs of up to $20.0 million (up to $121.7 million per fiscal year) to quickly fund initiatives under AgriRecovery.
Participating provinces-territories are expected to cost-share these initiatives on a 60:40 federal-provincial/territorial basis. For AgriRecovery programming outside the ADRP, funding options are negociated with the provinces on a case-by-case basis.
Links to the federal AgriRecovery Website
Expected results:
Farm business operations resume operations following a natural disaster. Producers affected by a disaster situation
benefit from financial assistance.
Performance Indicators:
1. Percentage of producers still farming one year after the disaster. Target is 70% of producers still farming one year
2. Percentage of producers who believe that the financial assistance provided under the program played a role in the
recovery. Target is 75% of participants.
The Expected Results, Performance Indicators and Targets listed above are based on those provided for AAFC's 2009-10 Performance Measurement Framework.
($ millions) | Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Program Activity: Business Risk Management | ||||
Total grants | 54.2 | 54.2 | ||
Total contributions | 54.2 | 54.2 | ||
Total Transfer Payment Program | 108.4 | 108.4 | - | - |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan:
As required, the allocations to Grant versus Contribution may be adjusted and these would be reflected in the Supplementary
Estimates, the Departmental Performance Report and Public Accounts.
Planned spending for 2010-11 to 2012-13 reflects only the funding presented in the 2010-11 Annual Reference Level Update (ARLU). It does not include any additional amounts that may be brought into the Department's reference levels.
Strategic Outcome: A competitive agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products sector that proactively manages risk.
Program Activity: Business Risk Management
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Payments in connection with the Agricultural Marketing Programs Act - Advance Payments Program (Statutory)
Start date: 1997
End date: On-going under the AMPA legislation
The Advance Payments Program (APP) is a financial loan guarantee program that guarantees cash advances to producers,
enabling them to produce and market their agricultural products when conditions are most ideal. Producers can receive
cash advances of up to $400,000 per production period, the first $100,000 of which is interest-free. Advances can be
on a variety of crops and/or livestock and producers have up to 18 months (usually from April until September of the
following year) to use their cash advance for whatever purpose they feel necessary. The producer must repay their advance
(as they are selling/delivering their product) in full before the end of the 18 month production period.
Expected results:
- Provide producers with greater access to credit (supplying advances to over 35,000 producers).
- Improved cash flow for producers receiving APP advances (achieving advance amount of approximately $2.5 billion).
- Administer the program in a prudent manner for eligible producers (achieving a default rate of under 2% of total amount
($ millions) | Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Program Activity: Business Risk Management | ||||
Total grants | ||||
Total contributions | 165.0 | 184.0 | 106.0 | 94.0 |
Total Transfer Payment Program | 165.0 | 184.0 | 106.0 | 94.0 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan:
Planned spending for 2010-11 to 2012-13 reflects only the funding presented in the 2010-11 Annual Reference Level Update
(ARLU). It does not include any additional amounts that may be brought into the Department's reference levels.
Strategic Outcome: A competitive agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products sector that proactively manages risk.
Program Activity: Business Risk Management
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Contributions in support of the Assistance to the Pork Industry Initiative (Statutory)
Start date: September 22, 2009
End date: March 31, 2014
The Assistance to the Pork Industry Initiative is composed of two programs:
Hog Industry Loan Loss Reserve Program (HILLRP) - was established to assist viable hog operations with their short term liquidity pressures by having the Government of Canada share the risk with financial institutions by consolidating short term debt into long term loans. It is designed to increase access to credit for eligible producers currently producing hogs in Canada, who can provide a business plan which demonstrates that the business is or can be viable and has a reasonable prospect of repaying the loan.
The terms of the loans will be negotiated between lenders and applicants but shall not exceed 15 years. Where possible,
a maximum 10-year term will be encouraged.
Lenders are responsible for assessing applications, extending and managing loan amounts in accordance with the program's
terms and conditions, managing their Reserve Fund and for any losses beyond those that can be drawn from the Reserve
Fund. As such, lenders continue to bear a proportion of the risk for loans extended under the HILLRP.
Hog Farm Transition Program (HFTP) - Delivered by the Canadian Pork Council, it will help the hog industry to restructure by providing payments to those hog producers who agree to set aside all hog production in their enterprises for a minimum of three years. Hog producers tender bids equal to the amount of funds they would require to shut down their total production for the three-year period.
Expected results:
The HLLRP is designed to increase access to credit for eligible producers currently producing hogs
in Canada. This will:
- Alleviate short term liquidity pressures; and
- Assist the industry to continue operations and respond to long term market signals.
Performance Indicators: Number of agreements signed; Value of reserve-backed loans provided to eligible hog producers; and, percentage of hog producers receiving reserve-backed loans that continue in the first 12 months to repay the loans without defaulting.
The maximum total loan loss reserve that AAFC will provide under HILLRP is $404 million.
The HFTP will lead to the following outcomes:
- Compensation to hog producers that cease production for three years;
- A number of participating hog operations ceasing production for three years; and
- A reduction in the population of hogs in Canada.
Performance indicators include: number of program participants that cease production for 3 years; and reduction in the number of breeding animals and hogs produced in Canada once program is fully subscribed.
HFTP is a $75 million program. Assuming average bids are $500 per sow-equivalent, this would translate into a 3.2 million decline in annual hog production.
($ millions) | Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Program Activity: Business Risk Management | ||||
Total grants | ||||
Total contributions | 443.4 | 39.1 | 0.4 | 0.4 |
Total Transfer Payment Program | 443.4 | 39.1 | 0.4 | 0.4 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan:
Planned spending for 2010-11 to 2012-13 reflects only the funding presented in the 2010-11 Annual Reference Level Update
(ARLU). It does not include any additional amounts that may be brought into the Department's reference levels.
Strategic Outcome: A competitive agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products sector that proactively manages risk.
Program Activity: Food Safety and Biosecurity Risk Management Systems
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Contributions to Enhance the Safety and Security of Canada's Food System (Voted)
Start date: April 1, 2008
End date: March 31, 2013
Programming for the "Contributions to Enhance the Safety and Security of Canada's Food System" is comprised of the following
Food Safety Systems Development
Food Safety Systems Development focuses on the development of voluntary science-based food safety systems by national
organizations to effectively minimize food safety risks. It supports national (or equivalent) organizations in developing
on-farm and/or post-farm Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point based food safety systems. Intended clients are national
or regional non-profit organizations that are not represented by entities at the national level.
Food Safety Systems Implementation
Food Safety Systems Implementation facilitates the early adoption of government-recognized food safety systems by producers
and non-federally registered food-processing enterprises through financial incentives.
Eligible projects could include the implementation of good manufacturing practices towards Hazard Analysis Critical
Control Point (HACCP) or ISO 22000 standards in non-federally registered processing plants and the implementation of
government reviewed HACCP-based food safety systems on farms. Implementation is administered by provinces and territories
under Growing Forward.
Expected results:
Food Safety Systems Development
Increased number of national on-farm and post-farm organizations with food safety systems ready to submit to Canadian
Food Inspection Agency for "recognition". Government-recognized on-farm food safety programs are technically based on
the internationally accepted food safety control system called Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP).
Performance indicator: Number of organizations that submit to Canadian Food Inspection Agency for "recognition".
Targets: On-Farm target is 6 organizations and Post-Farm is 7 organizations. The date to achieve target is March 31,
Food Safety Systems Implementation
Increased number of producers and non-federally registered food processing enterprises engaged in food safety activities.
Performance Indicator: Number of provinces and territories with food safety activities as Growing Forward cost-shared
Target: Specific Targets for Designated Programs covering food safety activities are set out in individual Bilateral
($ millions) | Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Program Activity: Food Safety and Biosecurity Risk Management Systems | ||||
Total grants | ||||
Total contributions | 26.3 | 19.0 | 12.5 | 13.0 |
Total Transfer Payment Program | 26.3 | 19.0 | 12.5 | 13.0 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan:
Planned spending for 2010-11 to 2012-13 reflects only the funding presented in the 2010-11 Annual Reference Level Update
(ARLU). It does not include any additional amounts that may be brought into the Department's reference levels.
Strategic Outcome: A competitive agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products sector that proactively manages risk.
Program Activity: Food Safety and Biosecurity Risk Management Systems
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Contributions to Minimize the Occurrence and Extent of Risk Incidents (Voted)
Start date: April 1, 2008
End date: March 31, 2013
Programming for the "Contributions to Minimize the Occurrence and Extent of Risk Incidents" is comprised of the following
Biosecurity Standards Implementation
The approved national Biosecurity Standards form the basis for implementation of the minimum, biosecurity requirements
for a particular sector at the farm-level. Provinces and territories are responsible for farm-level implementation and
are able to impose additional standards to respond to a particular, unique need of the local industry.
Traceability Industry Infrastructure
Investment in Traceability Industry Infrastructure will enhance the industry's ability to follow the movement of a food
through specific stage(s) of production, processing and distribution. It supports the development and implementation
of industry infrastructure to participate in the National Agriculture and Food Traceability System. This program invests
in the development of industry-led systems that collect and verify identification and movement data, and accelerates
industry capacity.
Traceability Enterprise Infrastructure
The Traceability Enterprise Structure provides funding to individual businesses to assist in the purchase and installation
of traceability infrastructure and the training of staff to implement traceability systems for plants, animals and products.
This could include implementation of animal handling systems, equipment, and data systems necessary to record and report
data to industry databases. These actions will enable recipients to participate fully in the National Agriculture and
Food Traceability System.
Expected results:
Biosecurity Standards Implementation
Increased review and approval of biosecurity systems being implemented.
Performance Indicator: Number of biosecurity systems implemented.
Target: Specific targets for designated programs covering food safety activities are set out in individual Bilateral
Traceability Industry Infrastructure
Increase in the development of industry-led traceability systems.
Performance Indicator: Number of organizations and private entities implementing industry-led traceability systems.
Target: 10 organizations and/or private entities. The date to achieve target is March 31, 2013.
Traceability Enterprise Infrastructure
All provinces and territories implementing traceability activities as Growing Forward cost-shared programs.
Performance Indicator: Number of provinces and territories with traceability activities as Growing Forward cost-shared
Target: Specific targets for designated programs covering food safety activities are set out in individual Bilateral
($ millions) | Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Program Activity: Food Safety and Biosecurity Risk Management Systems | ||||
Total grants | ||||
Total contributions | 29.0 | 32.6 | 29.9 | 24.8 |
Total Transfer Payment Program | 29.0 | 32.6 | 29.9 | 24.8 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan:
Planned spending for 2010-11 to 2012-13 reflects only the funding presented in the 2010-11 Annual Reference Level Update
(ARLU). It does not include any additional amounts that may be brought into the Department's reference levels.
Strategic Outcome: A competitive agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products sector that proactively manages risk.
Program Activity: Food Safety and Biosecurity Risk Management Systems
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Control of diseases in the hog industry - Phase II (Voted)
Start date: September 4, 2008
End date: March 31, 2011
The Initiative for the Control of Diseases in the Hog Industry Phase II is a mid to long-term strategy to establish
the foundation of a risk management framework for the Canadian hog sector.
Expected results:
The foundation for a structured swine health risk management framework is established and contributes to the prosperity
and the stability of the Canadian hog sector through biosecurity best management practices, research and long term risk
management solutions.
Performance Indicators:
A National Biosecurity Best Management Practices Standard is in place;
Percentage of research projects that are progressing on schedule; and
A long term risk management solution is established by the industry.
($ millions) | Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Program Activity: Food Safety and Biosecurity Risk Management Systems | ||||
Total grants | ||||
Total contributions | 14.4 | 37.9 | - | - |
Total Transfer Payment Program | 14.4 | 37.9 | - | - |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan:
Planned spending for 2010-11 to 2012-13 reflects only the funding presented in the 2010-11 Annual Reference Level Update
(ARLU). It does not include any additional amounts that may be brought into the Department's reference levels.
Strategic Outcome: A competitive agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products sector that proactively manages risk.
Program Activity: Food Safety and Biosecurity Risk Management Systems
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Plum Pox Eradication Program (PPEP) (Voted)
Start date: April 19, 2004
End date: March 31, 2011
The Plum Pox Eradication Program (PPEP) provides funding for activities aimed at eradicating the Plum Pox Virus (PPV) from the Niagara region of Canada while ensuring the viability of the tender fruit industry (peaches, plums, apricots, nectarines). The bulk of the funding supports an extensive survey of tender fruit orchards, research and financial assistance for tender fruit producers whose orchards are affected by the PPV. The program also includes an asset loss compensation component. This seven-year program (2004-05 to 2010-11) is a follow-up of the original three-year program (2001-02 to 2003-04).
The program is jointly funded by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC), the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) and the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA).
Website (Canadian Food Inspection Agency)
Expected results:
Eradication of the Plum Pox Virus in Canada while maintaining the viability of the industry.
Performance Indicator: Number of positive trees and orchards identified.
Target: 15% reduction in Plum Pox Virus incidences annually between 2004-2011.
($ millions) | Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Program Activity: Food Safety and Biosecurity Risk Management Systems | ||||
Total grants | ||||
Total contributions | 8.6 | 8.6 | - | - |
Total Transfer Payment Program | 8.6 | 8.6 | - | - |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan:
Planned spending for 2010-11 to 2012-13 reflects only the funding presented in the 2010-11 Annual Reference Level Update
(ARLU). It does not include any additional amounts that may be brought into the Department's reference levels.
Strategic Outcome: A competitive agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products sector that proactively manages risk.
Program Activity: Trade and Market Development
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Canadian Cattlemen's Association Legacy Fund (Statutory)
Start date: June 27, 2005
End date: March 31, 2015
The purpose of the Canadian Cattlemen's Association Legacy Fund is to support to the Canadian beef sector to develop
markets for beef cattle genetics and beef and beef products in a post-BSE environment. Grants totalling $50 million
over 10 years will be provided.
Expected results:
Growth in traditional, existing, new and emerging markets for Canadian beef and genetics products; and to maximize the
total value realized by the Canadian beef and cattle genetics industry through optimization of genetics products values.
Performance Indicators:
- change in consumer recognition and perceptions of Canadian beef and products (measured by consumer surveys, benchmark
- increase in total beef export volumes to key markets; and
- change in international and target country market share.
($ millions) | Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Program Activity: Trade and Market Development | ||||
Total grants | 10.0 | 5.0 | 5.0 | 5.0 |
Total contributions | ||||
Total Transfer Payment Program | 10.0 | 5.0 | 5.0 | 5.0 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan:
Planned spending for 2010-11 to 2012-13 reflects only the funding presented in the 2010-11 Annual Reference Level Update
(ARLU). It does not include any additional amounts that may be brought into the Department's reference levels.
Strategic Outcome: A competitive agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products sector that proactively manages risk.
Program Activity: Trade and Market Development
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Contributions to transform Canada's Strengths into Domestic and Global Success (Voted) (related funding is found under Grant payments for the Organisation for the Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) (Voted))
Start date: April 1, 2008
End date: March 31, 2013
he programming for "Transforming Canada's strengths into Domestic and Global Success" is composed of the following:
The AgriMarketing Program provides a platform to equip industry, including small and medium-sized enterprises, for success in global markets. AgriMarketing cost-shares with industry associations for international market development, export promotion activities and in-depth research to form long-term international strategies that contribute and build on the Canada Brand.
The Enabling Research for Competitive Agriculture (ERCA) Program supports research, complements AAFC policy analysis and development, and contributes to a more informed policy dialogue by engaging the external policy research community on priority issues that can be used by industry groups and producers to assist them in identifying new opportunities, markets and ways to enhance productivity and improve competitiveness to improve their success in global and domestic markets.
A small component of the ERCA initiative provides a grant to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) to enhance research on priority issues for Canada in the global context through collaborative activities, thereby providing a unique, global perspective on Canada's competitiveness.
Expected results:
AgriMarketing Program:
- Contribution Agreements with industry associations, alliances and technical marketing institutions;
- Increased capacity of industry associations to deliver market development and branding projects;
- Increased effectiveness of market development and branding projects undertaken by industry associations; and
- Enhanced market opportunities for Canadian agriculture and food producers in key international markets.
Performance measures and indicators are:
- Number of agreements implemented annually;
- Percentage of market development and branding projects undertaken by industry associations outside Canada with the
program funding as compared to promotional activities undertaken without the program funding; and
- Percentage increase in exports for AgriMarketing Program supported sectors with a long-term international strategy.
ERCA Contribution Program:
- The establishment of "communities of experts" with broad representation from universities and other institutions;
- Broadly disseminated research results that are used by industry and government to enhance competitiveness and prosperity;
- Strengthened policy research capacity addressing priority issues for the sector;
- Participation of industry and representatives from other departmental initiatives such as the Value Chain Roundtables
(VCRT) and Agri-foresighting at ERCA events and workshops;
- Publication of research reports, Policy Briefs, professional journal articles and newspaper articles by ERCA members;
- A large pool of graduate students knowledgeable in agricultural policy from which to recruit at AAFC.
Performance measures and indicators are:
- The number of researchers involved in ERCA;
- The number of meetings/workshops/seminars and Parliamentary Committees where ERCA policy research results are presented
for use by government, industry and other stakeholders;
- The number of graduate students recruited into agriculture programs at universities in Canada through ERCA;
- The number of participants at ERCA events from industry, VCRT or Agriforesighting, government and other organizations;
- The number of research reports/policy briefs/ professional journal articles and newspaper articles published by ERCA
- The number of graduate students who graduate from their programs.
ERCA - Grant to the OECD:
- Broadly disseminated research results that are used by industry and government to enhance competitiveness and prosperity;
- Enhanced economic and policy research capacity addressing priority issues for the Canadian agriculture and agri-food
sector in a global context;
- Increased information for the use of Provinces and Territories on key issues impacting the sector; and
- A further influence on the research agenda of the OECD in order to broaden policy research to include topics of importance
for Canada.
($ millions) | Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Program Activity: Trade and Market Development | ||||
Total grants | 0.1 | 0.1 | 0.1 | 0.1 |
Total contributions | 22.5 | 22.7 | 23.1 | 24.1 |
Total Transfer Payment Program | 22.6 | 22.8 | 23.2 | 24.2 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan:
Planned spending for 2010-11 to 2012-13 reflects only the funding presented in the 2010-11 Annual Reference Level Update
(ARLU). It does not include any additional amounts that may be brought into the Department's reference levels.
Strategic Outcome: An innovative agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products sector.
Program Activity: Science, Innovation and Adoption
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Contributions to support the Canadian Agricultural Adaptation Program (Voted)
Start date: May 28, 2009
End date: On-Going, subject to Evaluation of relevance and effectiveness by March 31, 2014.
The Canadian Agricultural Adaptation Program (CAAP)'s objective is to facilitate the agriculture, agri-food, and agri-based
products sector's ability to seize opportunities, to respond to new and emerging issues, and to pathfind and pilot solutions
to new and ongoing issues in order to help it adapt and remain competitive. Launched as a successor to the Advancing
Canadian Agriculture and Agri-Food (ACAAF) program, CAAP will continue to support industry-led initiatives at the national,
regional and multi-regional levels.
Expected results:
Industry implements strategies to respond to emerging issues and opportunities;
Conversion of applied research into commercial products;
Adoption of innovative,value-added products, processes and technologies by the sector; and Improved competitiveness
of the sector.
Performance Indicators:
Number of strategies to respond to emerging issues developed and implemented by industry;
Number of commercial products created;
Number of innovative, value-added products, processes and technologies adopted by the sector;
Number of projects resulting in: reduction of producing and processing costs; improved product quality; improved market
share or preservation of market share.
($ millions) | Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Program Activity: Science, Innovation and Adoption | ||||
Total grants | ||||
Total contributions | 33.4 | 33.4 | 28.4 | 28.4 |
Total Transfer Payment Program | 33.4 | 33.4 | 28.4 | 28.4 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan:
Planned spending for 2010-11 to 2012-13 reflects only the funding presented in the 2010-11 Annual Reference Level Update
(ARLU). It does not include any additional amounts that may be brought into the Department's reference levels.
Strategic Outcome: An innovative agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products sector.
Program Activity: Science, Innovation and Adoption
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Agricultural Bioproducts Innovation Program (Voted)
Start date: December 14, 2006
End date: March 31, 2011
The Agricultural Bioproducts Innovation Program (ABIP) is an initiative designed to strengthen the capacity of Canadian
science providers and industry through the creation of networks for research, technology development, and commercialization
of agricultural bioproducts and bioprocesses.
Expected results:
Increase in Research and Development network activities for innovative technologies, techniques, processes, tools and
Performance Indicator: Number of technology transfer vehicles (such as licenses, demonstrated applications in industry,
industry attestations, articles in commodity or trade magazines etc.) related to new products, new uses and new markets
for agri-based biomass resulting from the networks that have been established.
Target: 18 technology transfer vehicles
($ millions) | Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Program Activity: Science, Innovation and Adoption | ||||
Total grants | ||||
Total contributions | 20.7 | 15.7 | - | - |
Total Transfer Payment Program | 20.7 | 15.7 | - | - |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan:
Planned spending for 2010-11 to 2012-13 reflects only the funding presented in the 2010-11 Annual Reference Level Update
(ARLU). It does not include any additional amounts that may be brought into the Department's reference levels.
Strategic Outcome: An innovative agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products sector.
Program Activity: Science, Innovation and Adoption
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Agri-Opportunities Program (New Opportunities for Agriculture Initiatives) (Voted)
Start date: December 14, 2006
End date: March 31, 2011
The Agri-Opportunities program is a $134 million program, ending March 2011, that focuses on new innovative value-added
agricultural, agri-food and agri-based products, services or processes that are currently not commercially produced
or available in Canada and that are ready to be introduced into the marketplace. The program provides repayable contributions
for commercialization projects that are expected to increase market opportunities for the Canadian agricultural industry
across the value chain and to increase demand for primary agricultural products.
Expected results:
To promote new opportunities for agriculture by enabling the sector to diversify or move into promising new markets
with prospects for long term sustainability.
Performance Indicators:
- The number of facilities established, modernized or expanded (9-13 facilities);
- The number of new products, processes and services that are brought to market (11-16 products, processes or services);
- Increase in knowledge and skills of recipient organizations
• number of people with increased knowledge and innovative capacity (38-64 people)
• number of enterprises with increased knowledge and capacity (19-25 organizations);
- Increase in demand for primary agricultural products (targets still to be determined);
- The number of funded enterprises with new revenue streams (7-10 organizations);
- Increase in level and quality of employment for recipient organizations
• number of employees hired in funded enterprises (70-95 overall)
• number of indirect jobs supported by activities of funded enterprises
• level of wages paid relative to sector average (5 percent above average)
- The number of funded enterprises participating in value added industries (7-10 enterprises); and
- The number of farmers participating farther up the value-chain (5-7 projects led by farmers).
($ millions) | Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Program Activity: Science, Innovation and Adoption | ||||
Total grants | ||||
Total contributions | 30.1 | 31.1 | - | - |
Total Transfer Payment Program | 30.1 | 31.1 | - | - |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan:
Planned spending for 2010-11 to 2012-13 reflects only the funding presented in the 2010-11 Annual Reference Level Update
(ARLU). It does not include any additional amounts that may be brought into the Department's reference levels.
Strategic Outcome: An innovative agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products sector.
Program Activity: Science, Innovation and Adoption
Name of Transfer Payment Program: EcoAgriculture Biofuels Capital Initiative (Voted)
Start date: March 29, 2007
End date: March 31, 2011
(Proposed extension to March 31, 2013)
The ecoAgriculture Biofuels Capital initiative (ecoABC) is a four-year, $200 million federal initiative that provides
conditionally repayable contributions towards the construction or expansion of biofuel facilities that have equity investments
from farmers and use agricultural feedstock. The initiative, which is part of the federal renewable fuels strategy,
is providing an opportunity for farmers to benefit from the emerging renewable fuels industry while helping the government
to achieve its targets for renewable fuel content in gasoline and diesel fuel.
Expected results:
To provide agricultural producers with an opportunity for equity investment in biofuel production facilities, and to
facilitate achieving the federal government's target of renewable fuel content equal to 5% of the gasoline pool by 2010
and 2% in diesel and heating oil by 2012 through domestic production.
Specific results include:
- new biofuels facilities are built;
- increased (domestic) ethanol production;
- broadened economic base of communities where facilities are built; and
- increased and diversified off-farm revenues for producers.
Performance Indicators:
- Number of new facilites built or expanded for renewable fuels (8-12 facilities);
- Change in annual production of ethanol and biodiesel by funded facilities (overall increase in production of 1-1.5
billion litres of renewable fuel);
- Number of new jobs in funded facilities (200-360 overall);
- Increased spending in communities with funded facilities (specific targets determined later); and
- Change in primary producers' revenue from investment ($6-12 million annually).
($ millions) | Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Program Activity: Science, Innovation and Adoption | ||||
Total grants | ||||
Total contributions | 49.8 | 65.3 | - | - |
Total Transfer Payment Program | 49.8 | 65.3 | - | - |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan:
Planned spending for 2010-11 to 2012-13 reflects only the funding presented in the 2010-11 Annual Reference Level Update
(ARLU). It does not include any additional amounts that may be brought into the Department's reference levels.
Strategic Outcome: An innovative agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products sector.
Program Activity: Science, Innovation and Adoption
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Contributions to accelerate the Pace of Innovation and Facilitate the Adoption of New Technologies (Voted)
Start date: April 1, 2008
End date: March 31, 2013
The program is designed to accelerate industry led innovation activities leading to the development and commercialization
of new products, practices and processes by supporting the required academia, industry and government foresight and
applied science, technology and development activities.
The program initiatives are designed to work systematically along the three phases of the innovation continuum; they
Discovery Phase: the creation of new knowledge and ideas;
Pre-commercialization Phase: the further development of ideas into new technologies to address challenges and opportunities;
Commercialization, Adoption and Marketing Phase: the realization of economic and social benefits from the technologies
that generate new practices, products and processes.
Expected results:
Accelerated pace of innovation and new technologies adopted.
Performance Indicator: Percent increase in number of applied agri-science research and development projects.
Target: 400% increase in number of applied agri-science research and development projects by March 2013.
($ millions) | Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Program Activity: Science, Innovation and Adoption | ||||
Total grants | ||||
Total contributions | 39.8 | 60.6 | 64.5 | 73.8 |
Total Transfer Payment Program | 39.8 | 60.6 | 64.5 | 73.8 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan:
Planned spending for 2010-11 to 2012-13 reflects only the funding presented in the 2010-11 Annual Reference Level Update
(ARLU). It does not include any additional amounts that may be brought into the Department's reference levels.
Strategic Outcome: An innovative agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products sector.
Program Activity: Agri-Business Development
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Contributions to enable Competitive Enterprises and Sectors (Voted)
Start date: April 1, 2008
End date: March 31, 2013
Agri-Business Development provides support for provincial and territorial activities and to national organizations to
increase the use of sound business management practices by producers and agri-businesses to enable businesses to be
Eligible programs and initiatives equip producers and agri-businesses with the skills, knowledge and expertise needed to understand their businesses' financial situation, assess opportunities, respond to change, and realize business goals. It also enables agri-businesses to be profitable and invest where needed to manage the natural resource base sustainably, and produce and market safe food and other products.
Expected results:
Increased understanding of the factors most critical to business success by businesses in the sector.
Performance Indicator: Percentage of participating businesses with an increased understanding of the factors most critical
to the success of their business.
Target: 70% of participants will have an increased understanding of critical success factors for their business. This
target will be met by March 2013.
($ millions) | Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Program Activity: Agri-Business Development | ||||
Total grants | ||||
Total contributions | 18.1 | 23.5 | 27.1 | 26.6 |
Total Transfer Payment Program | 18.1 | 23.5 | 27.1 | 26.6 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan:
Planned spending for 2010-11 to 2012-13 reflects only the funding presented in the 2010-11 Annual Reference Level Update
(ARLU). It does not include any additional amounts that may be brought into the Department's reference levels.
Strategic Outcome: An innovative agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products sector.
Program Activity: Agri-Business Development
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Orchards and Vineyards Transition Program (Voted)
Start date: October 25, 2007
End date: March 31, 2011
This Orchards and Vineyards Transition program (OVTP) funds plant removal which is the very first step towards replanting
orchards and vineyards or planting other crops to help producers compete in the changing global markets. The program
also responds to the market pressure by funding strategic planning activities which will increase the industry's knowledge
and help the industry make decisions. The program operates in British Columbia, Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick and Nova
Expected results:
To ensure acreage is readily available for planting of more marketable crops, and to develop an improved understanding
of the opportunities for the orchards and vineyards sector. It is expected that OVTP will result in fruit trees and
grape vines being removed from 6,500 hectares and this land being made available for the planting of more marketable
varieties of tree fruits, grapes and other crops. This will encourage producers to make the adjustments necessary to
become more competitive.
($ millions) | Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Program Activity: Agri-Business Development | ||||
Total grants | ||||
Total contributions | 11.7 | 9.2 | - | - |
Total Transfer Payment Program | 11.7 | 9.2 | - | - |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan:
Planned spending for 2010-11 to 2012-13 reflects only the funding presented in the 2010-11 Annual Reference Level Update
(ARLU). It does not include any additional amounts that may be brought into the Department's reference levels.
Strategic Outcome: An innovative agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products sector.
Program Activity: Agri-Business Development
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Contributions to strengthen the competitiveness of Canada's red meat packing and processing industry (Voted)
Start date: June 4, 2009
End date: March 31, 2012
The Slaughter Improvement Program (SIP) provides eligible red meat packers with repayable federal contributions to implement
sound business plans aimed at reducing costs, increasing revenues, or otherwise improving the operations of federally-inspected
packing plants. Supporting processing activities will help contribute to the viability of related slaughter capacity.
Recipients must also be involved or present a business plan to be involved in the slaughter of red meat. They must be federally inspected red meat packing and processing plants; provincially inspected plants implementing projects to become federally inspected to market their products beyond provincial boundaries; or legal entities planning to establish a federally inspected plant in a region where a deficit in slaughter capacity is constraining sector growth. The program is applications-based, and functions under a request for applications approach.
The Slaughter Improvement Program is a Canada's Economic Action Plan (CEAP) Initiative.
Expected results:
The SIP will lead to the following outcomes: operational improvements among red meat packers and processors; increased
productivity, revenues and/or innovation, and/or reduced costs among red meat packers and processors; and added slaughter
capacity in deficit regions.
Performance indicators may include but are not limited to the following: amount of program funds invested by red meat packers and processors in operational improvements; percentage of recipients that increase their productivity, revenues and/or innovation, and/or reduce their costs; and number of regions that fill in their capacity deficit.
($ millions) | Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Program Activity: Agri-Business Development | ||||
Total grants | ||||
Total contributions | 18.4 | 19.6 | 14.1 | - |
Total Transfer Payment Program | 18.4 | 19.6 | 14.1 | - |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan:
Planned spending for 2010-11 to 2012-13 reflects only the funding presented in the 2010-11 Annual Reference Level Update
(ARLU). It does not include any additional amounts that may be brought into the Department's reference levels.
Strategic Outcome: An innovative agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products sector.
Program Activity: Rural & Co-operatives Development
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Contributions for Rural and Co-operatives Development (Voted)
Start date: April 1, 2008
End date: March 31, 2013
The programming for Rural and Co-operatives Development covers the following two initiatives:
Rural development programming, whose objective is to support local, regional, and/or national stakeholders to develop collaborative activities that contribute to the engagement, knowledge development, and knowledge transfer activities of the Canadian Rural Partnership (CRP).
Co-operative Development Initiative (CDI) which provides support for the development capacity of the co-op sector and funds innovative co-operative projects in public policy priority areas.
Expected results:
Rural development
New economic activities are being developed in rural communities.
Measured by: The number of communities in 20 selected rural regions where new economic activities are implemented as
a result of CRP collaborative activities.
Target: 30 communities by March 31, 2013
Co-operative Development Initiative
Canadians are better able to utilize the co-operative model to meet their economic and social needs.
Measured by: Number of co-operatives created, which have received CDI support.
Target: 150 co-operatives by March 31, 2013.
($ millions) | Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Program Activity: Rural & Co-operatives Development | ||||
Total grants | ||||
Total contributions | 6.9 | 7.5 | 7.5 | 7.5 |
Total Transfer Payment Program | 6.9 | 7.5 | 7.5 | 7.5 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan:
Planned spending for 2010-11 to 2012-13 reflects only the funding presented in the 2010-11 Annual Reference Level Update
(ARLU). It does not include any additional amounts that may be brought into the Department's reference levels.
Strategic Outcome: A competitive Atlantic Canadian economy
Program Activity: Enterprise Development; Community Development; and Policy, Advocacy and Coordination
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Business Development Program – Voted
Start date: July 25, 1995
End date: March 31, 2010 (Approval for continuation of the program will be sought.)
Description: The Agency plays a prominent role in economic development in Atlantic Canada, and has the broad mandate of increasing employment and earned incomes of Atlantic Canadians. The objectives of the Business Development Program (BDP) are in support of this mandate, and include the following:
The program is designed to help set up, expand or modernize businesses, and focuses on SMEs, offering access to capital in the form of interest-free, unsecured, repayable contributions. In addition to capital investment, funding is also available for business studies, training, marketing and quality assurance, to help in bidding for and acquiring public and private procurement contracts or to develop an innovative product or service. Non-profit organizations providing support to the business community, and not-for-profit activities that support economic development in the region, are eligible for funding under the program.
Eligible commercial recipients include individuals, sole proprietorships, partnerships, co-operatives, a body corporate, or a Crown corporation that carries on, or is about to carry on, legitimate profit-driven business activities in Atlantic Canada. This does not include a government or individual municipality.
Non-commercial eligible recipients include not-for-profit incorporated entities, and may include a Crown corporation, a provincial government, a municipal government, a not-for-profit organization owned or controlled by a provincial or municipal government, local economic development associations, an institute, or a university.
The BDP is one of the transfer payment programs, along with the Innovative Communities Fund (ICF), being used for the delivery of the Community Adjustment Fund (CAF) announced in Budget 2009. CAF is being delivered as a sub-component of the BDP. Objectives for funding under CAF include:
CAF is designed to address the short-term economic impacts of the global economic downturn on communities across the Atlantic region. This funding sunsets on March 31, 2011.
Delivery of the BDP-CAF is guided by the following principles and considerations when assessing eligible projects and activities:
For the purposes of BDP-CAF, a community is eligible under this program if its population is 250,000 or lower and it meets the following criteria:
Priority in the selection of projects in eligible communities is given to rural, single-industry communities.
Expected results: Whereas new employment is the direct result of business growth, particularly among SMEs, the Agency seeks to provide people with encouragement, advice and information, and the capital they need to start and expand their own businesses. Emphasis on improving SME productivity through innovation, skills development and export development is also at the core of ACOA's activities.
The BDP is strongly linked to the Agency, but places its greatest focus on improving the growth and competitiveness of Atlantic SMEs, leading to increased productivity, earned incomes and job creation.
Immediate results (one to three years) expected to be generated by the BDP include, among other things, an increase in the number of SMEs that have modernized or expanded, an increase in the number of SME start-ups, increased adoption of SME business management practices, increased SME investment, and the development of new products, services and processes.
In the longer term (three to five years), it is expected that results tied to transfer payments investments will be in the form of increased employment within the SMEs, increased wages and salaries of their employees, increased domestic and export sales, increased productivity and profitability, increased number of exporters or export markets, increased firm survival rates, and the commercialization of new products, services and processes.
For the BDP-CAF, performance measurement is primarily focused on economic opportunities in the short term, for the duration of the project, and other short-term stimulus measurements.
For the BDP-CAF, the results will be measured by the following indicators:
Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Total grants | 0.6 | 2.0 | 2.0 | 2.0 |
Total contributions | 135.4 | 114.7 | 113.7 | 111.7 |
Total Transfer payments | 136.0 | 116.7 | 115.7 | 113.7 |
Link to Three-Year Plan for Transfer Payment Programs
Strategic Outcome: A competitive Atlantic Canadian economy
Program Activity: Community Development
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Innovative Communities Fund – Voted
Start date: April 1, 2005
End date: March 31, 2010 (Approval for continuation of the program will be sought.)
Description: Working with communities at various stages of economic development, this program supports non-commercial/non-profit strategic initiatives that target the economic development needs of communities and stimulate economic development. Working in collaboration with Atlantic communities and stakeholders, the Innovative Communities Fund (ICF) builds on the strengths of communities and provides the tools needed to identify opportunities available for their sustainable economic growth.
Budget 2009 recognized that communities across Canada were suffering
as a result of an economic downturn, and therefore provided $1 billion
over two years to establish the Community Adjustment Fund (CAF). It
provides economic stimulus mitigating the short-term impacts of the
economic downturn by creating economic opportunities and addressing
transitional and adjustment challenges in restructuring communities. The
ICF is one of two TPPs, along with the BDP, that is being used to
deliver CAF. CAF is being delivered as a sub-element of the ICF.
Expected results: The ICF targets both developmental and
long-term program outcomes.
Short-term outcomes aimed at the economic development needs of rural
communities are:
In the longer term, the expected results are:
Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Total contributions | 86.6 | 87.7 | 40.0 | 40.0 |
Total Transfer payments | 86.6 | 87.7 | 40. | 40.0 |
Link to Three-Year Plan for Transfer Payment Programs
Strategic Outcome: A competitive Atlantic
Canadian economy
Program Activity: Community Development
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Community Futures Program
– Voted
Start date: May 18, 1995
End date: October 2, 2010 (Approval for continuation of the
program will be sought)
Description: The purpose of this national program is to help
communities develop and implement local solutions to local problems. The
program provides financial support to CF organizations (CFOs) that, in
collaboration with other partners and stakeholders, can assess a
community's situation and develop strategies to meet its needs, provide
support to SMEs and social enterprise, and undertake community economic
development initiatives. The objective of the program is to further the
ultimate objective of helping communities to successfully pursue (a)
economic stability, growth and job creation; (b) diversified and
competitive local rural economies; and (c) sustainable communities. In
Atlantic Canada, the program provides funding to 41 CFOs, known in the
region as Community Business Development Corporations (CBDCs), which
provide financial and technical assistance to SMEs in rural areas. More
information on these services provided through the CBDCs can be found on
ACOA's website at:
Expected results: Assisting selected communities in the development of their economies and supporting the growth of small businesses, the Community Futures Program's short-term results are:
In Atlantic Canada, the short-term expected results of the program, based on the role and responsibility of the CBDCs, are to ensure that Atlantic Canadian businesses have access to capital, and business information and counselling.
Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Total contributions | 13.1 | 11.0 | 11.0 | 11.0 |
Total Transfer payments | 13.1 | 11.0 | 11.0 | 11.0 |
Link to Three-Year Plan for Transfer Payment Programs
Strategic Outcome: A competitive Atlantic
Canadian economy
Program Activity: Enterprise Development
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Atlantic
Innovation Fund – Voted
Start date: May 10, 2001
End date: March 31, 2010 (Approval for continuation
of the program will be sought)
The objectives of the program are:
Eligible recipients include commercial and non-commercial entities
such as, but not limited to, universities, colleges, other
post-secondary educational institutions, business associations, research
institutions and private sector firms.
Federal departments, including federal research laboratories and
institutes, and provincial government departments, are not eligible
Expected results:
Immediate results (one to three years) expected to be generated by the
AIF include:
Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Total contributions | 61.4 | 38.1 | 38.1 | 38.1 |
Total Transfer payments | 61.4 | 38.1 | 38.1 | 38.1 |
Link to Three-Year Plan for Transfer Payment Programs Outcome: A competitive Atlantic
Canadian economy
Program Activity: Community Development
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Recreational
Infrastructure Canada – Voted
Start date: April 1, 2009
End date: March 31, 2011
Description: The Recreational Infrastructure
Canada (RInC) program provides $500 million nationally for projects to
rehabilitate recreational facilities across Canada, which must be
completed by March 31, 2011.
Through RInC, the Government of Canada has committed, over two years, to
support upgrades and repairs of existing recreational assets, including
new construction that adds to or replaces existing recreational
infrastructure assets or capacity.
The program is designed to provide a timely, targeted stimulus to the
economy, and to help mitigate the impacts of the current global economic
recession by increasing the total volume of construction activity
related to recreational infrastructure. Through the rehabilitation of
recreational infrastructure, this program also encourages participation
in physical activity and community building.
Expected results: This national initiative is expected to provide a timely, targeted, and temporary stimulus to the Canadian economy, and help mitigate the impacts of the global economic recession, by increasing the total amount of construction activity related to recreational infrastructure.
Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Total contributions | 11.5 | 22.4 | ||
Total Transfer
payments |
11.5 | 22.4 |
Link to Three-Year Plan for Transfer Payment Programs
Strategic Outcome: A competitive Atlantic
Canadian economy
Program Activity: Enterprise Development
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Saint John
Shipyard Adjustment Initiative – Voted
Start date: May 29, 2003
End date: May 31, 2011 (On July 23, 2009,
ministerial approval was obtained to extend the duration of this
initiative by one year to May 31, 2011.)
Description: Aims to address the impact of the lack
of manufacturing activities at the site (the former Saint John
shipbuilding yard) and its economic impact on the province of New
Expected results: The objectives of the program are
to ensure the closure of the shipyard operations located at the site and
the redevelopment of the site for other economic development use. The
program includes all activities related to the development of the site
for other industrial uses, such as an industrial park facility. It also
has supported Irving Shipbuilding Inc. (or its affiliates) in taking
advantage of industrial opportunities by assisting in the financing of
qualified projects within the province of New Brunswick.
Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Total contributions | 0.0 | 10.0 | ||
Total Transfer
payments |
0.0 | 10.0 |
Link to Three-Year Plan for Transfer Payment Programs
Table 2.1: Children's Special Allowance Payments (CSA) |
4. Start Date: August 28, 1995
6. Description: Tax-free monthly payments made to agencies and foster parents who
are licensed by provincial or federal governments to provide for the care and education of children under
the age of 18 who physically reside in Canada and who are not in the care of their parents.
CSA payments are equivalent to Canada Child
Tax Benefit payments. CSA payments are
governed by the Children's Special Allowances Act which provides that this allowance be paid out
of the Consolidated Revenue Fund.
12. Total Other Transfer Payments
Table 2.2: Payments to Provinces under the Softwood Lumber Products Export Charge Act, 2006 |
6. Description: The export charge, to be levied by Canada on exports of softwood
lumber products to the United States, will be collected and administered by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) with support from the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade
(DFAIT) on behalf of the
provinces. Under the Softwood Lumber Products Export Charge Act, 2006 (Act), the
CRA is responsible for making disbursements to the provinces
of a portion of the charge collected over the course of the application of the Softwood Lumber Agreement,
2006 (Agreement). These payments will be reduced by several factors: refunds paid to the industry,
costs for the administration and implementation of the Agreement and the Act as well as the costs incurred
for certain litigation resulting from the Agreement or Act. The Act applies to the following regions:
BC Interior, BC
Coastal, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario and Quebec. Exports from the remaining provinces and territories
are excluded.
12. Total Other Transfer Payments
As per section 6.6.1 of the 2008 Policy on Transfer Payments, a summary of the Canada School of Public Service's three-year plan for Transfer Payment Programs can be found at: The Canada School of Public Service has no transfer payments in excess of $5 million annually.
Strategic Outcome: Canadian artistic expressions and cultural content are created and accessible at home and abroad
Program Activity: Arts
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Canada Arts Presentation Fund
Start date: 2001-2002
End date: 2014-2015
Description: The Canada Arts Presentation Fund (CAPF) aims to give Canadians direct access to a variety diverse of professional artistic experiences in their communities. It provides financial assistance to Canadian not-for-profit organizations that professionally present arts festivals or performing arts series, as well as their support organizations. The CAPF also supports the emergence of presenters and presenter support organizations for under-served communities or artistic practices. The expected result is that more Canadians, from all regions, experience and value professional artistic experiences.
Expected results:
Forecast Spending 2009-10 1 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Total grants | $10,000,000 | $10,500,000 | $10,500,000 | $10,500,000 |
Total contributions | $17,862,112 | $17,378,855 | $18,028,682 | $18,472,742 |
Total Transfer payments | $27,862,112 | $27,878,855 | $28,528,682 | $28,972,742 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan:
Strategic Outcome: Canadian artistic expressions and cultural content are created and accessible at home and abroad
Program Activity: Arts
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Canada Cultural Spaces Fund
Start date: 2001-2002
End date: 2014-2015
Description: The Canada Cultural Spaces Fund (CCSF) seeks to contribute to the improvement of physical conditions for arts and heritage related creation, presentation, preservation and exhibition; and to increase and improve access for Canadians to performing arts, visual arts, media arts, and to museum collections and heritage displays. To achieve these objectives, the CCSF provides financial assistance to Canadian not-for-profit arts and heritage organizations for construction/renovation projects, specialized equipment purchases and/or feasibility studies for cultural infrastructure projects. The expected result is that Canadians in all regions have access to arts and heritage spaces for creation, presentation, preservation and/or exhibition.
Expected results:
Forecast Spending 2009-10 2 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Total grants | $4,000,000 | $4,000,000 | $3,000,000 | $3,000,000 |
Total contributions | $53,159,560 | $22,949,850 | $22,508,613 | $22,458,613 |
Total Transfer payments | $57,159,560 | $26,949,850 | $25,508,613 | $25,458,613 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan:
Strategic Outcome: Canadian artistic expressions and cultural content are created and accessible at home and abroad
Program Activity: Arts
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Canada Cultural Investment Fund
Start date: 2001-2002
End date: 2014-2015
Description: The Canada Cultural Investment Fund (CCIF) aims to help arts and heritage organizations build and diversify their revenue streams, strengthen their organizational capacity, business skills and competencies, and to assist them in being better rooted and recognized in their communities. This will be achieved through four components: Endowment Incentives, Cultural Capitals of Canada, Strategic Initiatives, and Limited Support to Endangered Arts Organizations. The CCIF provides financial assistance to Canadian not-for-profit organizations in the arts and heritage sectors, foundations, Canadian municipalities, as well as First Nations, Métis, and Inuit equivalent governments. The expected result is to contribute to the long-term organizational, administrative and financial health of Canadian arts and heritage organizations.
Expected results:
Forecast Spending 2009-103 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Total grants | $16,884,000 | $19,038,432 | $19,038,432 | $19,038,432 |
Total contributions | $7,038,159 | $6,144,273 | $6,144,273 | $5,997,023 |
Total Transfer payments | $23,922,159 | $25,182,705 | $25,182,705 | $25,035,455 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan:
Strategic Outcome: Canadian artistic expressions and cultural content are created and accessible at home and abroad
Program Activity: Arts
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Canada Arts Training Fund
Start date: 1997-1998
End date: 2012-2013
Description: The Canada Arts Training Fund aims to contribute to the development of Canadian creators and future cultural leaders of the Canadian arts sector by supporting the training of artists with high potential through institutions that offer training of the highest calibre. It provides financial assistance to independent professional Canadian not-for-profit institutions that specialize in providing focused, intensive and practice-based studies. These schools provide professional training at the highest level in disciplines such as ballet, contemporary dance, theatre, circus arts, Aboriginal and culturally diverse art forms, musical performance (opera, orchestral), etc. The expected result is that Canadians and the world benefit from high-quality artistic achievements by Canadian artists trained in Canada.
Expected results:
Forecast Spending 2009-104 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Total grants | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Total contributions | $23,542,250 | $22,742,440 | $22,779,440 | $22,779,440 |
Total Transfer payments | $23,542,250 | $22,742,440 | $22,779,440 | $22,779,440 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan:
Strategic Outcome: Canadian artistic expressions and cultural content are created and accessible at home and abroad
Program Activity: Cultural Industries
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Canadian Television Fund 5
Start date: 1996-1997
End date: 2009-2010
Description: The Canadian Television Fund provides policies and one program that encourage the creation and production of Canadian television programs. The Canadian Television Fund contributes to enhance the creation and broadcast of high-quality Canadian television programs. It is a public-private partnership funded by the Government of Canada, cable companies and direct-to-home satellite service providers. Support is provided to independent television producers to make programs licensed by Canadian broadcasters in English, French and Aboriginal languages in the genres of drama, documentaries, children's and youth and variety and performing arts. Support is provided in the form of a license fee top up and equity investment.
Expected results:
Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-115 |
Planned Spending 2011-125 |
Planned Spending 2012-135 |
Total grants | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Total contributions | $119,950,000 | $119,950,000 | $20,400,000 | $20,400,000 |
Total Transfer payments | $119,950,000 | $119,950,000 | $20,400,000 | $20,400,000 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan:
Strategic Outcome: Canadian artistic expressions and cultural content are created and accessible at home and abroad
Program Activity: Cultural Industries
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Canada Periodical Fund
Start date: 2010-2011
End date: N/A
Description: The objective of the Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) is to ensure that Canadians have access to diverse Canadian magazines and non-daily newspapers. It is delivered through three components:
1) Aid to Publishers provides formula funding to Canadian magazines and non-daily newspapers for publishing activities, such as distribution, content creation, online activities and business development.
2) Business Innovation provides project funding to print and online magazines for business development and innovation.
3) Collective Initiatives provides project funding to Canadian magazine and non-daily newspaper associations for industry-wide projects to increase the overall health of the Canadian magazine and non-daily newspaper industries.
Expected results:
Forecast Spending 2009-106 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Total grants | $0 | $72,775,054 | $44,946,600 | $44,946,600 |
Total contributions | $0 | $1,999,544 | $15,067,998 | $15,067,998 |
Total Transfer payments | $0 | $74,774,598 | $60,014,598 | $60,014,598 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan:
Strategic Outcome: Canadian artistic expressions and cultural content are created and accessible at home and abroad
Program Activity: Cultural Industries
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Publications Assistance Program
Start date: 1996-1997
End date: 2009-2010
Description: The Publications Assistance Program (PAP) decreases the costs of mailing eligible Canadian periodicals to Canadian readers, ensuring they have access to a wide diversity of Canadian periodicals. Assistance is provided to more than 800 publishers of almost 1,200 different Canadian periodicals, supporting the delivery of 210 million eligible copies of periodicals including: general interest magazines, non-daily community newspapers, ethno-cultural, farm, and official language minority periodicals. The Program is delivered in partnership with the Canada Post Corporation. Canadian Heritage receives and assesses applications for financial support, while Canada Post tracks mailings by eligible recipients.
Expected results:
Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-117 |
Planned Spending 2011-127 |
Planned Spending 2012-137 |
Total grants | $60,400,000 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Total contributions | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Total Transfer payments | $60,400,000 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan:
Strategic Outcome: Canadian artistic expressions and cultural content are created and accessible at home and abroad
Program Activity: Cultural Industries
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Canada Magazine Fund
Start date: 1999-2000
End date: 2009-2010
Description: The Canada Magazine Fund (CMF) has four components: 1) Support for Arts and Literary Magazines; 2) Support for Business Development for Magazine Publishers; 3) Support for Industry Development; and 4) Support for Editorial Content. CMF provides support to Canadian magazine publishers and not-for-profit organizations in the publishing sector to: foster the creation of Canadian editorial content in Canadian magazines; increase Canadians' access to Canadian magazines; enhance the range and diversity of Canadian magazines; and strengthen the infrastructure of the Canadian magazine industry. The support is provided through formula funding for magazines, including arts and literary magazines, to support and enhance their editorial content, and through project support for business development for small magazine publishers and for projects that develop the periodical industry as a whole.
Expected results:
Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-118 |
Planned Spending 2011-128 |
Planned Spending 2012-138 |
Total grants | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Total contributions | $14,881,638 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Total Transfer payments | $14,881,638 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan:
Strategic Outcome: Canadian artistic expressions and cultural content are created and accessible at home and abroad
Program Activity: Cultural Industries
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Canada Book Fund
Start date: 2010–2011
End date: 2014-2015
Description: The Canada Book Fund (CBF) supports the activities of Canadian book publishers and other sectors of the book industry to ensure access to a broad range of Canadian-authored books. This support is delivered through two components: 1) Support for Publishers (SFP), which helps to ensure the sustainable production and marketing of Canadian-authored books by offsetting the high costs of publishing in Canada and building the capacity and competitiveness of the sector (the bulk of SFP support is distributed through a sales-based funding formula that rewards publishers' success in delivering content to consumers); and 2) Support for Organizations, which helps to develop the Canadian book industry and the market for its products by assisting industry associations and related organizations to undertake collective projects offering a broad benefit to the industry and, ultimately, to readers everywhere.
Expected results:
Forecast Spending 2009-109 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Total grants | $0 | $5,200,000 | $5,200,000 | $5,200,000 |
Total contributions | $36,637,660 | $31,466,301 | $31,466,301 | $31,466,301 |
Total Transfer payments | $36,637,660 | $36,666,301 | $36,666,301 | $36,666,301 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan:
Strategic Outcome: Canadian artistic expressions and cultural content are created and accessible at home and abroad
Program Activity: Cultural Industries
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Canada Music Fund
Start date: 2001-2002
End date: 2014-2015
Description: : The Canada Music Fund is the principal means for achieving the goals of the Canadian Sound Recording Policy, 'From Creators to Audience', which seeks to: enhance Canadians' access to a diverse range of Canadian music choices through existing and emerging media, increase the opportunities available for Canadian music artists and entrepreneurs to make a significant contribution to Canadian cultural expression, and ensure that Canadian music artists and entrepreneurs have the means to succeed in a global and digital environment.
It achieves these objectives by providing support to music artists and entrepreneurs for the creation, production, marketing, and distribution of Canadian music. Support is also provided to a range of organizations for activities to develop the industry as a whole. Finally, support is provided for the preservation of Canadian musical sound recordings.
The Canada Music Fund consists of five components: 1) Music Entrepreneur; 2) New Musical Works; 3) Collective Initiatives; 4) Creators' Assistance; and 5) Canadian Music Memories.
Expected results:
Forecast Spending 2009-1010 |
Planned Spending 2010-1110 |
Planned Spending 2011-1210 |
Planned Spending 2012-1310 |
Total grants | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Total contributions | $23,364,082 | $25,828,331 | $25,828,331 | $25,828,331 |
Total Transfer payments | $23,364,082 | $25,828,331 | $25,828,331 | $25,828,331 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan:
Strategic Outcome: Canadian artistic expressions and cultural content are created and accessible at home and abroad
Program Activity: Cultural Industries
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Canada New Media Fund 11
Start date: 2000-2001
End date: 2009-2010
Description: The Canada New Media Fund, administered by Telefilm Canada, supports the development, production, marketing and distribution of Canadian cultural interactive products, in both official languages. It also assists the Canadian interactive media industry to become more competitive in domestic and international markets.
Expected results:
Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-1111 |
Planned Spending 2011-1211 |
Planned Spending 2012-1311 |
Total grants | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Total contributions | $14,196,077 | $14,196,077 | $14,196,077 | $14,196,077 |
Total Transfer payments | $14,196,077 | $14,196,077 | $14,196,077 | $14,196,077 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan:
Strategic Outcome: Canadian artistic expressions and cultural content are created and accessible at home and abroad
Program Activity: Cultural Industries
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Canadian Culture Online 12
Start date: 2001-2002
End date: 2009-2010
Description: The Canadian Culture Online program includes the Partnerships Fund and the Gateway Fund. This program is necessary in order to support the creation of digital cultural content, in both official languages, that reflects diversity of cultures and heritage and to help to ensure access to that content as well as to facilitate the sustainability of the new media cultural sector.
Expected results:
Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 12 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 12 |
Total grants | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Total contributions | $4,717,143 | $6,185,130 | $6,370,684 | $6,346,244 |
Total Transfer payments | $4,717,143 | $6,185,130 | $6,370,684 | $6,346,244 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan:
Strategic Outcome: Canadian artistic expressions and cultural content are created and accessible at home and abroad
Program Activity: Heritage
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Museums Assistance Program
Start date: 1972-1973
End date: 2010-2011
Description: The Museums Assistance Program (MAP) supports museums in their effort to reach audiences and care for their collections by providing grants and contributions to Canadian museums and related organizations for eligible projects which aim to develop and circulate travelling exhibitions across different regions of Canada, to preserve and present Aboriginal heritage, and to enhance professional excellence in the management of key museological functions, including projects submitted under the Canada-France Agreement.
MAP also supports the Canadian Museums Association through a single-beneficiary component for activities to enhance professional standards of Canada's museum community. In addition, MAP includes Young Canada Works at Building Careers in Heritage and Young Canada Works in Heritage Organizations, in support of the Youth Employment Strategy (YES), a horizontal initiative coordinated by HRSDC. The objective of these heritage components of YES is to enable heritage institutions to benefit from the assistance of young, qualified workers by providing summer employment and career internship opportunities that help students develop and upgrade their skills in heritage and to encourage them to pursue advanced studies in this field.
Expected results:
Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Total grants | $2,500,000 | $2,500,000 | $2,500,000 | $2,500,000 |
Total contributions | $11,946,000 | $12,076,284 | $12,076,284 | $12,076,284 |
Total Transfer payments | $14,446,000 | $14,576,284 | $14,576,284 | $14,576,284 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan:
Strategic Outcome: Canadians share, express and appreciate their Canadian identity
Program Activity: Engagement and community participation
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Building Communities Through Arts and Heritage Program
Start date: September 1, 2007
End date: March 31, 2012
Description: The Building Communities Through Arts and Heritage Program supports activities that celebrate local historical heritage as well as local artists and artisans. Its objective is to engage citizens in their communities through performing and visual arts as well as through the expression, celebration and preservation of local historical heritage. The program has three components: 1) Local Festivals; 2) Community Anniversaries; and 3) Legacy Fund.
Expected results:
Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Total grants | $14,355,000 | $14,355,000 | $14,355,000 | $14,355,000 |
Total contributions | $3,300,000 | $4,800,000 | $3,300,000 | $3,300,000 |
Total Transfer payments | $17,655,000 | $19,155,000 | $17,655,000 | $17,655,000 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan:
Strategic Outcome: Canadians share, express and appreciate their Canadian identity
Program Activity: Official Languages
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Development of Official-Languages Communities Program
Start date: 2009-2010
End date: 2013-2014
Description: The Development of Official-Languages Communities Program has three components: Community Life, Minority Language Education and Language Right Support. The Program fosters the vitality of Canada's English- and French-speaking minority communities and enables them to participate fully in all aspects of Canadian life. Through partnerships and agreements with community organizations, provinces, territories, municipalities and federal departments and agencies, the Program aims to enhance the capacity of minority official language communities to have greater access to quality education, different programs and services in their language in their communities.
Expected results:
Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Total grants | $36,823,000 | $33,322,973 | $33,322,973 | $33,322,973 |
Total contributions | $204,247,100 | $192,709,011 | $192,711,721 | $192,711,721 |
Total Transfer payments | $241,070,100 | $226,031,984 | $226,034,694 | $226,034,694 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan:
Strategic Outcome: Canadians share, express and appreciate their Canadian identity
Program Activity: Official Languages
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Enhancement of Official Languages Program
Start date: 2009-2010
End date: 2013-2014
Description: The Enhancement of Official Languages Program has two components: Promotion of Linguistic Duality and Second Language Learning. The Program promotes a better understanding and appreciation of the benefits of linguistic duality. Through partnerships and agreements with the provinces and territories and non-governmental organizations in support of second-language learning and initiatives that foster understanding between Anglophone and Francophone Canadians, the Program encourages the public to recognize and support linguistic duality as a fundamental value of Canadian society.
Expected results:
Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Total grants | $5,098,000 | $5,599,842 | $5,599,842 | $5,599,842 |
Total contributions | $106,912,600 | $105,923,289 | $105,923,289 | $105,923,289 |
Total Transfer payments | $112,010,600 | $111,523,131 | $111,523,131 | $111,523,131 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan:
Strategic Outcome: Canadians share, express and appreciate their Canadian identity
Program Activity: Engagement and community participation
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Aboriginal People's Program
Start date: 1971-1972
End date: 2009-2010
Description: The Aboriginal Peoples' Program serves to strengthen Aboriginal cultural, identity and participation in Canadian society and to preserve and promote Aboriginal languages and cultures as living cultures. It is organized around two broad themes:
1) The Aboriginal Communities Component supports the efforts of Aboriginal communities to develop innovative and culturally appropriate solutions to the social, cultural, economic and other obstacles that impede community and personal prospects. It focuses specifically on the unique challenges faced by Aboriginal women, youth and urban communities with the intent of strengthening Aboriginal cultural identity and participation of Aboriginal Peoples in Canadian society.
2) The Aboriginal Living Cultures Component supports the preservation and promotion of Aboriginal languages and cultures. Specifically, this component focuses on access to programs and activities that preserve and promote Aboriginal languages and cultures as well as the production and distribution of Aboriginal radio and television programming.
Expected results:
Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Total grants | $1,340,000 | $1,340,000 | $1,340,000 | $1,340,000 |
Total contributions | $58,172,911 | $54,724,907 | $54,935,541 | $54,935,541 |
Total Transfer payments | $59,512,911 | $56,064,907 | $56,275,541 | $56,275,541 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan:
Strategic Outcome: Canadians share, express and appreciate their Canadian identity
Program Activity: Promotion of and Attachment to Canada
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Exchanges Canada Program
Start date: 2000-2001
End date: March 31, 2010
Description: The Exchanges Canada Program supports youth participation initiatives that allow young Canadians across the country to learn about Canada create linkages with each other and better appreciate the diversity and common aspects of the Canadian reality. The Program has two main components: Youth Exchanges Canada and Youth Forums Canada. The Program works with non-profit delivery organizations to provide young Canadians with a range of exchange and forum activities; experience Canada's cultural, geographical and linguistic diversity; build their knowledge of Canada; and develop their Canadian identity and sense of belonging to Canada.
Expected results:
Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Total grants | $100,000 | $100,000 | $100,000 | $100,000 |
Total contributions | $17,686,359 | $17,686,359 | $17,686,359 | $17,686,359 |
Total Transfer payments | $17,786,359 | $17,786,359 | $17,786,359 | $17,786,359 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan:
Strategic Outcome: Canadians share, express and appreciate their Canadian Identity
Program Activity: Promotion of and Attachment to Canada
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Katimavik Program
Start date: 1997-1998
End date: August 31, 2010
Description: The Katimavik Program provides opportunities for young Canadians to discover their country and create ties with communities and with other Canadians. The objectives of the program are to contribute significantly to the personal, social and professional development of the participants; to promote social engagement and community service; and to offer a diverse experience, fostering a better understanding of the Canadian reality. Through complementary six- and nine-month programs, comprising community service, training and group interaction, participants aged 17 to 21 are enabled to acquire personal, social and professional skills through participation in community projects in diverse regions of Canada, including French-speaking and English-speaking communities.
Expected results:
Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Total grants | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Total contributions | $19,776,000 | $19,776,000 | $19,776,000 | $19,776,000 |
Total Transfer payments | $19,776,000 | $19,776,000 | $19,776,000 | $19,776,000 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan:
Strategic Outcome: Canadians share, express and appreciate their Canadian Identity
Program Activity: Promotion of and Attachment to Canada
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Celebration and Commemoration Program
Start date: 2008-2009
End date: 2011-2012
Description: The Celebration and Commemoration Program aims to support or create opportunities for Canadians to celebrate/commemorate their history, diversity and achievements through a two fold approach that includes the Celebrate Canada 11-day period culminating on July 1st with Canada Day celebrations and a five-year plan which is a theme-based dynamic approach to celebrating and commemorating significant people, places, symbols, anniversaries and events. These activities are delivered in collaboration with other federal departments, agencies, regions, partners and stakeholders. The Program provides opportunities to bring Canadians together in their communities to discover and appreciate the richness and diversity of Canadian society and to show their sense of belonging to Canada and pride in being Canadian.
Expected results:
Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Total grants | $9,784,000 | $5,500,000 | $5,500,000 | $5,500,000 |
Total contributions | $35,873,106 | $6,329,553 | $5,027,018 | $5,027,018 |
Total Transfer payments | $45,657,106 | $11,829,553 | $10,527,018 | $10,527,018 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan:
Strategic Outcome: Canadian artistic expressions are cultural content are created and accessible at home and abroad
Program Activity: Cultural Industries
Name of Transfer Payment Program: TV5
Start date: 1990-1991
End date: 2012-2013
Description: The international French-language TV channel TV5 is a partnership made up of France, Belgium's Francophone community, Switzerland, Canada and Quebec. The department of Canadian Heritage provides annual funding to the channel (single-recipient program) through a contribution agreement to TV5 Québec Canada and a grant to TV5 MONDE. Funding from Canadian Heritage and the province of Quebec enables Canadian productions to be presented in Canada and abroad; and provides Canadians with an additional French-language channel that allows them to become familiar with the many diverse cultures that make up the international Francophonie. TV5 enriches Francophone programming across the country and provides outlets for Francophone productions from every region of Canada. Canada's contribution to TV5 makes it possible to offer all Canadians a window on the Francophonie.
Expected results:
Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Total grants | $8,000,000 | $8,000,000 | $8,000,000 | $8,000,000 |
Total contributions | $4,410,000 | $4,460,900 | $4,460,900 | $4,460,900 |
Total Transfer payments | $12,410,000 | $12,460,900 | $12,460,900 | $12,460,900 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan:
Strategic Outcome: Canadians participate and excel in sport
Program Activity: Sport
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Athlete Assistance Program
Start date: 1971
End date: 2010-2011
Description: The Athlete Assistance Program contributes to the pursuit of excellence through its support for improved Canadian athlete performances at major international sporting events, enabling athletes to combine their sport and academic or working careers while training intensively in pursuit of world-class performances. To this end, the program identifies and supports athletes already at or having the potential to be in the top sixteen in the world in their sport.
Expected results:
Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Total grants | $26,677,000 | $27,000,000 | $27,000,000 | $27,000,000 |
Total contributions | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Total Transfer payments | $26,677,000 | $27,000,000 | $27,000,000 | $27,000,000 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan:
Strategic Outcome: Canadians participate and excel in sport
Program Activity: Sport
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Sport Hosting Program
Start date: 1967
End date: 2010-2011
Description: The Hosting Program is a key instrument in the Government of Canada's overall approach to sport development in Canada and aims to enhance the development of sport excellence and the international profile of sport organizations by assisting sport organizations to host the Canada Games and international sport events in Canada. These events are expected to produce significant sport, economic, social and cultural benefits. The Program has four components: 1) International Major Multisport Games; 2) International Single Sport Events; 3) International Multisport Games for Aboriginal Peoples and Persons with a Disability; and 4) the Canada Games. The Hosting Program offers Canada-at-large a planned and coordinated approach to realizing direct and significant benefits, from bidding and hosting projects, in the areas of sport development, economic, social, cultural and community impacts, across a broad range of government priorities. The Program is characterized by active liaison with collaborators/stakeholders and by a diligent contribution system.
Expected results:
Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Total grants | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Total contributions | $82,084,404 | $16,315,575 | $19,865,000 | $140,965,000 |
Total Transfer payments | $82,084,404 | $16,315,575 | $19,865,000 | $140,965,000 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan:
Strategic Outcome: Canadians participate and excel in sport
Program Activity: Sport
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Sport Support Program
Start date: 1961
End date: 2010-2011
Description: The Sport Support Program is the primary funding vehicle for initiatives associated with the delivery of the Canadian Sport Policy. Sport Support Program funding is aimed at developing athletes and coaches at the highest international levels; providing sound technically-based sport programming for all athletes; increasing the number of Canadians from all segments of society involved in sport, and advancing Canadian interests and values in Canada and abroad. Funding helps to ensure that the essential components of an ethically-based, athlete/participant-centred development system are in place and is provided to eligible organizations for programming that supports the goals of the Canadian Sport Policy.
Expected results:
Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Total grants | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Total contributions | $101,014,876 | $117,000,972 | $116,500,972 | $116,500,972 |
Total Transfer payments | $101,014,876 | $117,000,972 | $116,500,972 | $116,500,972 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan:
1. Spending under the former Arts Presentation Canada
2. Spending under the former Cultural Spaces Canada
3. Spending under the former Canadian Arts and Heritage Sustainability Program
4. Spending under the former National Arts Training Contribution Program
5. Plans are in place to launch the Canada Media Fund, replacing the Canadian Television Fund program and the Canada New Media Fund program
6. Spending under the former Publications Assistance Program and Canada Magazine Fund-see former program tables
7. See Canada Periodical Fund spending
8. See Canada Periodical Fund spending
9. Spending under the former Book Publishing Industry Development Program
10. Columns 8, 9, 10 and 11 include an amount of $999,100 in time-limited funds received from the Roadmap for Canada's Linguistic Duality.
11. Plans are in place to launch the Canada Media Fund, replacing the Canadian Television Fund program and the Canada New Media Fund program.
12. Plans are in place to launch the Canada Interactive Fund, replacing two components of the Canadian Culture Online program, namely the Partnerships and Gateway Funds.
Strategic Outcome: A world-class health-research enterprise that creates disseminates and applies new knowledge across all areas of health research.
Program Activity: 1.1 – Health Knowledge, 1.2 – Health Researchers, 1.3 – Health Research Commercialization, and 1.4 – Health and Health Services Advances
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Grants for research projects and personnel support
Start date: October, 2000
End date: N/A
CIHR provides a wide array of funding programs under this transfer payment program. This includes grant programs which are programs that provide support for the direct costs of research projects, for the training of researchers, or for activities that support the translation of research findings. Other programs provide direct salary and stipend support to individual researchers/scientists and research trainees.
Expected results:
Performance Indicators:
Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Total grants | 844.1 | 842.9 | 813.3 | 809.0 |
Total Transfer payments | 844.1 | 842.9 | 813.3 | 809.0 |
Strategic Outcome: A world-class health-research enterprise that creates disseminates and applies new knowledge across all areas of health research.
Program Activity: 1.2 – Health Researchers
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Tri-Council: Canada Graduate Scholarships
Start date: 2003-04
End date: N/A
Administered by CIHR, the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC). CIHR's portion of the tri-agency class grants Canada Graduate Scholarships (CGS) program provides financial support to develop future health researchers at both the Masters and Doctoral levels in all health related fields in Canada, providing them with an opportunity to gain research experience.
Expected results:
Performance Indicators:
Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Total grants | 35.8 | 36.3 | 28.3 | 21.3 |
Total Transfer payments | 35.8 | 36.3 | 28.3 | 21.3 |
Strategic Outcome: A world-class health-research enterprise that creates disseminates and applies new knowledge across all areas of health research.
Program Activity: 1.3 – Health Research Commercialization
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Tri-Council: Networks of Centres of Excellence
Start date: October, 2000
End date: N/A
The Networks of Centres of Excellence (NCE) Program is a federal class grants program administered jointly by CIHR, with the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), in partnership with Industry Canada. Networks are not-for-profit corporations with an established Board of Directors and are unique partnerships among the academic, private, public and not-for-profit sectors. These nation-wide, multidisciplinary and multi-sectoral partnerships connect excellent research with industrial know-how and strategic investment. Networks put in place well-defined strategies to transfer knowledge to users—ensuring that discoveries and technological advances are turned into social and economic benefits for all Canadians.
Expected results:
Performance Indicators:
Significant demonstration of impacts (i.e. Number of patents, licenses, copyrights, number of new products or processes, policies influenced or created, health delivery influenced stemming from networks and centres).
Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Total grants | 27.5 | 27.5 | 27.5 | 25.0 |
Total Transfer payments | 27.5 | 27.5 | 27.5 | 25.0 |
Strategic Outcome: A world-class health-research enterprise that creates disseminates and applies new knowledge across all areas of health research.
Program Activity: 1.4 – Health and Health Services Advances
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Institute Support Grants
Start date: October, 2000
End date: N/A
The Institute Support Grant program provides funding to select Canadian academic institutions, including universities and teaching hospitals, to assist them in hosting the 13 Institutes of CIHR. The Institutes help CIHR maintain strong ties to Canada's research communities and to understand their needs. Each CIHR-appointed Institute Director is among the top scientists in his/her field. Institutes help CIHR define its strategic health research priorities and develop research partnerships with other interested parties concerned with health research. Institutes also organize conferences, seminars, and workshops, all with the goal of developing and disseminating health-related knowledge and best practices.
Expected results:
Performance Indicators:
Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Total grants | 13.0 | 13.0 | 13.0 | 13.0 |
Total Transfer payments | 13.0 | 13.0 | 13.0 | 13.0 |
Strategic Outcome: A world-class health-research enterprise that creates disseminates and applies new knowledge across all areas of health research.
Program Activity: 1.2 – Health Researchers
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Tri-Council: Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships
Start date: 2008-09
End date: N/A
Administered by CIHR, the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC). The Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships program is designed to attract and retain world-class doctoral students by offering them a significant financial award to assist them during their studies at Canadian universities. Vanier Scholars demonstrate leadership skills and a high standard of scholarly achievement in the social sciences and humanities, natural sciences and engineering, and health-related fields.
Expected results:
Performance Indicators:
Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Total grants | 2.8 | 5.5 | 8.4 | 8.4 |
Total Transfer payments | 2.8 | 5.5 | 8.4 | 8.4 |
CIDA grants, contributions and other transfer payments of $2,994 million account for 92.2% of CIDA's 2010-2011 total planned spending, excluding non-budgetary expenditures. Further information is given below.
Forecast spending 2009-2010 ($ thousands) | Planned spending 2010-2011 ($ thousands) | |
Grants Bilateral - Grants for cooperation with other donor countries for the benefit of developing countries or territories or countries in transition. |
3,300 | 3,200 |
Multilateral - Grants in support of development assistance, humanitarian assistance or disaster preparedness, including peace building, for global operations, programs, projects, activities and appeals; as well as in support of programming against hunger, malnutrition and disease for the benefit of developing countries or territories or countries in transition. | 2,287,800 | 1,658,277 |
Partnership - Grants for development assistance programs, projects and activities intended to support development and public engagement initiatives or to enhance the awareness, understanding, and engagement of Canadians with respect to development and grants for education and training programs, projects and activities for the benefit of developing countries or territories or countries in transition. | 23,900 | 23,900 |
Sub-total grants | 2,315,000 | 1,685,377 |
Contributions Bilateral - Contributions in support of development assistance, including payments for loan agreements issued under the authority of previous Appropriation Acts, contributions for cooperation with countries in transition and contributions in support of regional or country specific development assistance projects, programs and activities for the benefit of developing countries or territories or countries in transition. |
624,646 | 822,469 |
Multilateral - Contributions in support of development assistance, humanitarian assistance or disaster preparedness, including peace building, for global operations, programs, projects, activities and appeals; as well as in support of programming against hunger, malnutrition and disease for the benefit of developing countries or territories or countries in transition. | 5,062 | 6,091 |
Partnership - Contributions for development assistance programs, projects and activities intended to support development and public engagement initiatives or to enhance the awareness, understanding, and engagement of Canadians with respect to development and contributions for education and training programs, projects and activities for the benefit of developing countries or territories or countries in transition. | 120,622 | 249,471 |
Sub-total contributions | 750,330 | 1,078,031 |
Other transfer payments (S) Encashment of notes issued to the development assistance funds of the international financial institutions in accordance with the International Development (Financial Institutions) Assistance Act |
231,336 | 230,691 |
Total | 3,296,667 | 2,994,099 |
Strategic Outcome: Developed and diversified territorial economies that support prosperity for all Northerners
Program Activity: Community Development
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Community Adjustment Fund (voted)
Start date: April 23, 2009
End date: March 31, 2011
Description: The Community Adjustment Fund (CAF) is a two-year national program established under Budget 2009, Canada's Economic Action Plan. Its objectives are to provide economic stimulus to create or maintain jobs in and around communities affected by the global recession, and to promote economic diversification of those communities. CanNor delivers CAF in Yukon, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut.
CAF will support projects in and around communities affected by the economic downturn. Eligible recipients include social enterprises, individuals, other levels of government and other non-federal entities, public or private, that have an interest in economic development in the North.
Expected results: Near-term results during the two-year stimulus period will be measured by the number of projects (funding agreements), CAF funds committed, other funds leveraged, new business start-ups (number of for-profit businesses created, maintained and expanded) and number of jobs created or maintained (person-months employment).
Forecast Spending 2009–2010 |
Planned Spending 2010–2011 |
Planned Spending 2011–2012 |
Planned Spending 2012–2013 |
Total contributions | 15.575 | 15.585 | 0 | 0 |
Total transfer payments | 15.575 | 15.585 | 0 | 0 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan: CanNor's departmental evaluation plan will be developed in 2010-2011. A summative evaluation of CAF is planned for 2011–2012.
Strategic outcome: Developed and diversified territorial economies that support prosperity for all Northerners
Program activity: Business Development and Community Development
Name of transfer payment program: Strategic Investments in Northern Economic Development (voted)
Start date: April 1, 2009
End date: March 31, 2014
Description: Strategic Investments in Northern Economic Development is a project-based suite of programs to strengthen the driver sectors of the territorial economies; diversifying them; and encouraging Northerners' participation in the economy. Eligible recipients include social enterprises, individuals, other levels of government and other non-federal entities, public or private, that have an interest in economic development in the North.
Expected results:
Forecast Spending 2009–2010 |
Planned Spending 2010–2011 |
Planned Spending 2011–2012 |
Planned Spending 2012–2013 |
Total contributions | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Total transfer payments | 8.157 | 18.157 | 18.157 | 18.157 |
Total other types of transfer payments | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Total transfer payments | 8.157 | 18.157 | 18.157 | 18.157 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan: CanNor's departmental evaluation plan will be developed in 2010-2011. A summative evaluation of SINED is expected to be completed by December 2010.
Strategic Outcome: Developed and diversified territorial economies that support prosperity for all Northerners (1.0)
Program activity: Community Development (1.2)
Name of transfer payment program: Aboriginal Economic Development (voted)
Start date: April 1, 2009
End date: On-going
Description: Aboriginal Economic Development funding is designed to increase Aboriginal participation in the Canadian economy. Through community investment, community infrastructure programming, and individual and community business development, CanNor provides funding and other supports to viable and sustainable proposals brought forward by First Nation, Métis and Inuit entrepreneurs in the North, as well as by northern communities, Aboriginal businesses and financial organizations.
Forecast Spending 2009–2010 |
Planned Spending 2010–2011 |
Planned Spending 2011–2012 |
Planned Spending 2012–2013 |
Total contributions | 11.8 | 11.8 | 11.8 | 11.8 |
Total transfer payments | 11.8 | 11.8 | 11.8 | 11.8 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan: CanNor's departmental evaluation plan will be developed in 2010-2011.
Contribution under the Canada/ESA Cooperation Agreement | |
Strategic Outcome: Canada's presence in space meets the needs of Canadians for scientific knowledge, space technology and information. Program Activities: Space Based Earth Observation (EO), Space Science and Exploration (SE), Satellite Communications (SC) and Generic Technological Activities (GTA) in support of EO, SE, and SC. Name of Transfer Payment Program: Contributions under the Canada/European Space Agency (ESA) Cooperation Agreement. Start Date: January 1st, 2000 End Date: December 31, 2010 Description: Enhance Canadian industry's technological base and provide access to European markets for value added products and services in the fields of Earth Observation (EO), Telecommunications, and Generic Technological Activities; foster the participation of Canadian academia and the demonstration of Canadian space technologies in European Science and Exploration missions. This is achieved through a financial contribution by the CSA to ESA optional programs. Expected Results (At Program Activity Level)
Expected Results (Transfer Payment Programs Level) Successful development and demonstration of advanced technologies, systems, components, and studies provided for in the contracts awarded by ESA to Canadian firms under the following ESA EO programs: EOEP (Earth Observation Envelop Program), GMES (Global Monitoring for Environment and Security) Service Element, and GMES Space Component. Successful development and demonstration of advanced technologies, systems, components, or studies provided for in the contracts awarded by ESA to Canadian firms under the following ESA Telecommunications and Navigation programs: ARTES 1, 3-4, 5, 8 and GalileoSat. Successful development and demonstration of advanced technologies, systems, components, or studies provided for in the contracts awarded by ESA to Canadian firms under Europe's space exploration program Aurora, under the European Transportation and Human Exploration Preparatory Activities program and under the European Physical and Life Science program ELIPS. Growing utilization of data obtained from ESA on markets and Earth observation and Telecommunications technologies as strategic information for government departments, agencies and industries in Canada. Because of our participation in Europe's satellite communication, Earth observation and science and space exploration programs, more demonstration of space-qualified technologies and products developed by Canadian firms for the space markets take place. Development of new alliances and/or strengthening of established alliances between Canadian and European companies, to diversify Canada's international space partnerships and complement its long-standing relationship with the U.S. |
Program Activity ($ in millions) |
Forecast Spending 2009-2010 | Planned Spending 2010-2011 | Planned Spending 2011-2012 | Planned Spending 2012-2013 |
Space Based Earth Observation (EO) | 6.0 | 9.3 | 11.3 | 10.5 |
Space Science and Exploration (SE) | 8.8 | 9.9 | 9.7 | 6.4 |
Satellite Communications (SC) | 7.6 | 8.3 | 10.1 | 8.5 |
Generic Technological Activities (GTA) in support of EO, SE, and SC | 8.0 | 10.4 | 10.7 | 11.4 |
Total Contributions | 30.4 | 37.8 | 41.7 | 36.8 |
Total Transfer Payments | 30.4 | 37.8 | 41.7 | 36.8 |
Summary of CSA three-year Plan:
Class Grant and Contribution Program to support Research, Awareness and Learning in Space Science and Technology | |
Strategic Outcome: Canada's presence in space meets the needs of Canadians for scientific knowledge, space technology and information. Program Activities: Space Based Earth Observation (EO), Space Science and Exploration (SE), Generic Technological Activities (GTA) in support of EO, SE and SC, and Space Awareness and Learning (AL). Name of Transfer Payment Program: Class Grant and Contribution Program to support Research, Awareness and Learning in Space Science and Technology. Start Date: October 1st, 2009 End Date: N/A – Ongoing Program Description: This program supports knowledge development and innovation in areas of priorities to the Canadian Space Agency while increasing the awareness and participation of Canadians in space-related disciplines and activities. Expected Results (Program Activity Level)
Expected Results (Transfer Payment Program Level) Immediate Results
Intermediate Results
Program Activity ($ in millions) |
Forecast Spending 2009-2010 | Planned Spending 2010-2011 | Planned Spending 2011-2012 | Planned Spending 2012-2013 |
Space Based Earth Observation (EO) | 0.5 | 0.8 | 2.8 | 3.6 |
Space Science and Exploration (SE) | 3.9 | 4.6 | 4.0 | 3.2 |
Space Awareness and Learning (AL) | 0.9 | 1.3 | 1.3 | 1.3 |
Generic Technological Activities (GTA) in support of EO, SE, and SC | 0.4 | 1.0 | 1.0 | 3.0 |
Total Contributions | 5.8 | 7.7 | 9.2 | 11.2 |
Total Transfer Payments | 5.8 | 7.7 | 9.2 | 11.2 |
Summary of CSA three-year Plan:
Strategic Outcome: Successful integration of newcomers into society and promotion of Canadian citizenship
Program Activity: Integration Program
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Settlement Program
Start date: May 15, 2008
End date: March 31, 2013
Description: The CIC Settlement Program provides services that make a difference in the lives of newcomers. These services include: language training; information and referrals; assistance matching employment with newcomers' skills and education; and help with establishing networks and contacts in their communities.
The terms and conditions for the settlement program describe both eligible recipients of contribution funding and eligible clients. The eligible recipients (often referred to as service providers) for settlement services include the following:
Eligible clients for settlement services are primarily permanent residents. However, they may also include some prospective immigrants and refugees who are highly likely to obtain permanent residency, but have not yet received their permanent resident visa. These include, for example, individuals who have been selected by CIC pending completion of medical, security and criminal verification requirements.
Expected results: The program's ultimate outcomes are that:
Forecast Spending 2009–2010 |
Planned Spending 2010–2011 |
Planned Spending 2011–2012 |
Planned Spending 2012–2013 |
Total Grants | ||||
Total Contributions | 651.7 | 654.8 | 664.8 | 664.8 |
Total Other Types of Transfer Payments | ||||
Total Transfer Payments | 651.7 | 654.8 | 664.8 | 664.8 |
Summary of the Three-year Plan can be found at
Strategic Outcome: Successful integration of newcomers into society and the promotion of Canadian citizenship
Program Activity: Integration Program
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Resettlement Assistance Program (RAP)
Start date: 1970s (under another name; RAP implemented 1998)
End date: September 30, 2011 (CIC will seek renewal of program terms and conditions when they expire)
Description: The RAP for government-assisted refugees provides immediate settlement assistance and orientation to government-assisted refugees who have been resettled in Canada. The program provides income support and immediate essential services to government-assisted refugees who lack the resources to provide for their own basic needs. In addition, it provides referrals to settlement programs for newcomers.
Expected results: Refugees are able to live safely and independently.
NOTE: Citizenship and Immigration Canada is currently developing performance measures and performance indicators for monitoring and reporting.
Forecast Spending 2009–2010 |
Planned Spending 2010–2011 |
Planned Spending 2011–2012 |
Planned Spending 2012–2013 |
Total Grants | ||||
Total Contributions | 48.5 | 44.6 | 44.6 | 44.6 |
Total Other Types of Transfer Payments | ||||
Total Transfer Payments | 48.5 | 44.6 | 44.6 | 44.6 |
Strategic Outcome: Successful integration of newcomers into society and the promotion of Canadian citizenship
Program Activity: Integration Program
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Subvention versée en vertu de l'Accord Canada–Québec/Canada–Quebec Accord Grant
Start date: Financial compensation to the province (in the form of a grant) is based on the Canada–Quebec Accord, which came into force on April 1, 1991.
End date: The Accord does not have an expiry date.
Description: The Canada–Quebec Accord relating to immigration gives Quebec the responsibility for providing settlement and integration services to all immigrants in Quebec, including all refugees. Quebec receives an annual grant from the federal government to support these settlement and integration services. For more information, please see the Canada–Quebec Accord at:
Objective/Anticipated Outcomes: An objective of the Canada–Quebec Accord is, among other things, the preservation of Quebec's demographic importance within Canada and the integration of immigrants to the province in a manner that respects the distinct identity of Quebec.
Activities: Quebec has responsibility for the selection, reception and integration of immigrants to Quebec. In accordance with section 26 of the Canada–Quebec Accord, Canada is required to pay compensation to Quebec, where it is established that:
Expected results: The Government of Quebec is responsible for developing and publishing its own expected results related to immigration.
Forecast Spending 2009–2010 |
Planned Spending 2010–2011 |
Planned Spending 2011–2012 |
Planned Spending 2012–2013 |
Total Grants | 234.2 | 253.7 | 253.7 | 253.7 |
Total Contributions | ||||
Total Other Types of Transfer Payments | ||||
Total Transfer Payments | 234.2 | 253.7 | 253.7 | 253.7 |
Strategic Outcome: Successful integration of newcomers into society and promotion of Canadian citizenship
Program Activity: Citizenship Program
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Community Historical Recognition Program (CHRP)
Start date: 2006–2007
End date: 2011–2012
Description: CHRP provides funding for eligible community-based projects that (i) commemorate and/or recognize the historical experiences of communities affected by federally legislated wartime measures and/or immigration restrictions or prohibitions that were applied in Canada, and (ii) promote their respective contributions. It aims to provide recognition for, and educate Canadians about, the historical experiences of these communities, and highlight their contributions to Canada.
Expected results:
Planned Evaluation: A summative evaluation is planned for 2011–2012.
Forecast Spending 2009–2010 |
Planned Spending 2010–2011 |
Planned Spending 2011–2012 |
Planned Spending 2012–2013 |
Total Grants | 1.1 | 0.3 | 0.2 | 0 |
Total Contributions | 9.9 | 5.9 | 5.1 | 0 |
Total Other Types of Transfer Payments | ||||
Total Transfer Payments | 11.0 | 6.2 | 5.3 | 0 |
Strategic Outcome: Successful integration of newcomers into society and promotion of Canadian citizenship
Program Activity: Citizenship Program
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Multiculturalism Program
Start date: 1982–1983
End date: 2009–2010 (Program terms and conditions to be renewed, starting in 2010–2011)
Description: The multiculturalism program is an important way the Government of Canada supports the Multiculturalism Policy. In 2010–2011, it is planned that funding provided under the terms and conditions of the program will address the following new program objectives: i) building an integrated socially cohesive society; ii) improving the responsiveness of institutions to the needs of a diverse population; and iii) actively engaging in discussions on multiculturalism and diversity at an international level.
The funding priorities for 2010–2011 are: i) supporting economic, social and cultural integration of new Canadians and cultural communities; ii) facilitating programs such as mentorship, volunteerism, leadership and civic education among at-risk youth; and iii) promoting intercultural understanding and Canadian values.
Expected results:
1. Program participants and the targeted public identified by the program gain knowledge, develop strategy, and take action toward increasing awareness of:
2. a) Targeted institutions have external and internal policies and practices that are reflective of a diverse society.
b) Increased reporting, and increased quality of reports, by federal institutions under the Canadian Multiculturalism Act.
3. a) Increased policy awareness in Canada regarding international approaches to diversity through Canada's active participation in international networks and activities on multiculturalism, diversity and integration policy, programming, or initiatives;
b) Increased implementation of international best practices to national multiculturalism policy, programming or initiatives.
Planned Audit: An audit is planned for 2010–2011.
Planned Evaluation: An evaluation is planned for 2011–2012.
Forecast Spending 2009–2010 |
Planned Spending 2010–2011 |
Planned Spending 2011–2012 |
Planned Spending 2012–2013 |
Total Grants | 7.3 | 3.0 | 3.0 | 3.0 |
Total Contributions | 4.5 | 7.9 | 7.9 | 7.9 |
Total Other Types of Transfer Payments | ||||
Total Transfer Payments | 11.8 | 10.9 | 10.9 | 10.9 |
Debt Payments on Behalf of Poor Countries to International Organizations
Toronto Waterfront Revitalization Initiative (TWRI)
Harbourfront Centre Funding Program
Payments to the International Development Association
Fiscal Equalization (Part I—Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act)
Territorial Formula Financing (Part I.1—Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act)
Canada Health Transfer (Part V.1—Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act)
Canada Social Transfer (Part V.1—Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act)
Youth Allowances Recovery (Federal-Provincial Fiscal Revision Act, 1964)
Alternative Payments for Standing Programs (Part VI—Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act)
Wait Times Reduction Transfer (Part V.1—Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act)
Payment to Ontario Related to the Canada Health Transfer (Budget Implementation Act, 2009)
Strategic outcome: A strong and sustainable economy, resulting in increasing standards of living and improved quality of life for Canadians
Program activity: Transfer and Taxation Payment Programs
Start date: 2004
End date: 2054
Description: Payments for Canada's commitment to the G8-led Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative
Expected results: Payments to international organizations consistent with Government of Canada commitments under the Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative
Forecast Spending 2009–10 |
Planned Spending 2010–11 |
Planned Spending 2011–12 |
Planned Spending 2012–13 |
Total grants | 51,200.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Link to transfer payment program plan: A summary of the Department of Finance Canada's Three-Year Plan for Transfer Payment Programs can be found on the department's website.
Strategic outcome: A strong and sustainable economy, resulting in increasing standards of living and improved quality of life for Canadians
Program activity: Transfer and Taxation Payment Programs
Name of transfer payment program: Compensation to Canadian Agencies or Entities Established by an Act of Parliament for Reduction of Debts of Debtor Countries (Vote 5)
Start date: 1991–92
End date: Ongoing
Description: Compensation to Export Development Canada and the Canadian Wheat Board for reduction of debts of debtor countries
Expected results: Payments to Canadian creditors consistent with Government of Canada commitments
Forecast Spending 2009–10 |
Planned Spending 2010–11 |
Planned Spending 2011–12 |
Planned Spending 2012–13 |
Total grants | 178,520.0 | 229,001.0 | 9,000.0 | 9,000.0 |
Link to transfer payment program plan: A summary of the Department of Finance Canada's Three-Year Plan for Transfer Payment Programs can be found on the department's website.
Strategic outcome: A strong and sustainable economy, resulting in increasing standards of living and improved quality of life for Canadians
Program activity: Transfer and Taxation Payment Programs
Name of transfer payment program: Toronto Waterfront Revitalization Initiative (Vote 5)
Start date: April 2001
End date: March 31, 2011
Description: The Toronto Waterfront Revitalization Initiative (TWRI) is both an infrastructure and an urban renewal investment. The goals of the initiative include positioning Canada, Ontario, and Toronto in the new economy, thereby ensuring Canada's continued success in the global economy. This includes increasing economic growth and development opportunities; recognizing the intrinsic links between economic, social, and environmental health; enhancing the quality of life in Toronto; and encouraging sustainable urban development.
Expected results: Sustainable urban development and infrastructure renewal in Toronto's waterfront area, including increased accessibility to and use of the waterfront area and a revitalized urban infrastructure
Forecast Spending 2009–10 |
Planned Spending 2010–11 |
Planned Spending 2011–12 |
Planned Spending 2012–13 |
Total contributions | 127,486.0 | 65,050.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Link to transfer payment program plan: A summary of the Department of Finance Canada's Three-Year Plan for Transfer Payment Programs can be found on the department's website.
Strategic outcome: A strong and sustainable economy, resulting in increasing standards of living and improved quality of life for Canadians
Program activity: Transfer and Taxation Payment Programs
Name of transfer payment program: Harbourfront Centre Funding Program (Vote 5)
Start date: March 2006
End date: March 31, 2011
Description: The primary objective of the Harbourfront Centre Funding Program is to provide operational funding support to the Harbourfront Centre until March 31, 2011. Such support will assist the Harbourfront Centre in covering its fixed operational costs. The funding program will also facilitate the Harbourfront Centre's ability to leverage funding from other levels of government and pursue other revenue-generating strategies that allow the organization to provide the general public with continued access to cultural, recreational, and educational programs and activities held in Toronto's waterfront area.
Expected results: A self-reliant and financially viable organization that supports the economic, social, and cultural development of Toronto's waterfront area
Forecast Spending 2009–10 |
Planned Spending 2010–11 |
Planned Spending 2011–12 |
Planned Spending 2012–13 |
Total contributions | 5,000.0 | 5,000.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Link to transfer payment program plan: A summary of the Department of Finance Canada's Three-Year Plan for Transfer Payment Programs can be found on the department's website.
Strategic outcome: A strong and sustainable economy, resulting in increasing standards of living and improved quality of life for Canadians
Program activity: Transfer and Taxation Payment Programs
Name of transfer payment program: Payments to the International Development Association
Start date: 1960
End date: Ongoing
Description: This program provides encashment of demand notes to allow the International Development Association (IDA) to disburse concessional financing for development projects and programs in the world's poorest countries.
Expected results: Payments to international organizations consistent with Government of Canada commitments
Forecast Spending 2009–10 |
Planned Spending 2010–11 |
Planned Spending 2011–12 |
Planned Spending 2012–13 |
Total other types of transfer payments | 384,280.0 | 384,280.0 | 384,280.0 | 384,280.0 |
Link to transfer payment program plan: A summary of the Department of Finance Canada's Three-Year Plan for Transfer Payment Programs can be found on the department's website.
Strategic outcome: A strong and sustainable economy, resulting in increasing standards of living and improved quality of life for Canadians
Program activity: Transfer and Taxation Payment Programs
Name of transfer payment program: Fiscal Equalization (Part I—Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act)
Start date: 1957
End date: Ongoing
Description: Formula-based Equalization payments are made to eligible provincial governments to enable them to provide reasonably comparable levels of public services at reasonably comparable levels of taxation. Equalization payments are unconditional.
Expected results: Timely and accurate administration of Equalization payments to provinces
Forecast Spending 2009–10 |
Planned Spending 2010–11 |
Planned Spending 2011–12 |
Planned Spending 2012–13 |
Total other types of transfer payments | 14,185,000.0 | 14,372,000.0 | 14,589,000.0 | 15,320,000.0 |
Link to transfer payment program plan: A summary of the Department of Finance Canada's Three-Year Plan for Transfer Payment Programs can be found on the department's website.
Strategic outcome: A strong and sustainable economy, resulting in increasing standards of living and improved quality of life for Canadians
Program activity: Transfer and Taxation Payment Programs
Name of transfer payment program: Territorial Formula Financing (Part I.1—Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act)
Start date: 1985
End date: Ongoing
Description: Territorial Formula Financing payments are made to all territorial governments to provide the resources they need to deliver services that are comparable to those delivered by provincial governments, taking into account the high costs and unique challenges in the North.
Expected results: Timely and accurate administration of payments to territories
Forecast Spending 2009–10 |
Planned Spending 2010–11 |
Planned Spending 2011–12 |
Planned Spending 2012–13 |
Total other types of transfer payments | 2,497,926.0 | 2,663,567.0 | 2,854,249.0 | 3,020,178.0 |
Link to transfer payment program plan: A summary of the Department of Finance Canada's Three-Year Plan for Transfer Payment Programs can be found on the department's website.
Strategic outcome: A strong and sustainable economy, resulting in increasing standards of living and improved quality of life for Canadians
Program activity: Transfer and Taxation Payment Programs
Name of transfer payment program: Canada Health Transfer (Part V.1—Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act)
Start date: 2004
End date: Ongoing
Description: The Canada Health Transfer (CHT) provides equal per-capita support for health care through cash and tax transfers to provincial and territorial governments. The CHT supports the government's commitment to maintain the Canada Health Act'snational criteria (comprehensiveness, universality, portability, accessibility, and public administration), conditions, and prohibitions against user fees and extra-billing.
Expected results: Timely and accurate administration of CHT payments to provinces and territories
Forecast Spending 2009–10 |
Planned Spending 2010–11 |
Planned Spending 2011–12 |
Planned Spending 2012–13 |
Total other types of transfer payments | 23,987,062.0 | 25,426,286.0 | 26,951,863.0 | 28,568,975.0 |
Link to transfer payment program plan: A summary of the Department of Finance Canada's Three-Year Plan for Transfer Payment Programs can be found on the department's website.
Strategic outcome: A strong and sustainable economy, resulting in increasing standards of living and improved quality of life for Canadians
Program activity: Transfer and Taxation Payment Programs
Name of transfer payment program: Canada Social Transfer (Part V.1—Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act)
Start date: 2004
End date: Ongoing
Description: The Canada Social Transfer (CST) provides equal per-capita cash support and tax transfer support to provincial and territorial governments to assist them in financing social programs, post-secondary education, and programs for children. The CST gives provinces and territories the flexibility to allocate payments to those areas according to their own priorities and supports the government's commitment to prohibit minimum residency requirements for social assistance.
Expected results: Timely and accurate administration of CST payments to provinces and territories
Forecast Spending 2009–10 |
Planned Spending 2010–11 |
Planned Spending 2011–12 |
Planned Spending 2012–13 |
Total other types of transfer payments | 10,860,781.0 | 11,178,703.0 | 11,514,064.0 | 11,859,486.0 |
Link to transfer payment program plan: A summary of the Department of Finance Canada's Three-Year Plan for Transfer Payment Programs can be found on the department's website.
Strategic outcome: A strong and sustainable economy, resulting in increasing standards of living and improved quality of life for Canadians
Program activity: Transfer and Taxation Payment Programs
Name of transfer payment program: Statutory Subsidies (Constitution Act,1867; Constitution Act,1982; and other statutory authorities)
Start date: 1867
End date: Ongoing
Description: The statutory subsidies provide a source of funding to provinces in accordance with terms of entry into Confederation.
Expected results: Timely and accurate administration of payments to provinces and territories for targeted support
Forecast Spending 2009–10 |
Planned Spending 2010–11 |
Planned Spending 2011–12 |
Planned Spending 2012–13 |
Total other types of transfer payments | 32,000.0 | 32,000.0 | 32,000.0 | 32,000.0 |
Link to transfer payment program plan: A summary of the Department of Finance Canada's Three-Year Plan for Transfer Payment Programs can be found on the department's website.
Strategic outcome: A strong and sustainable economy, resulting in increasing standards of living and improved quality of life for Canadians
Program activity: Transfer and Taxation Payment Programs
Name of transfer payment program: Youth Allowances Recovery (Federal-Provincial Fiscal Revision Act, 1964)
Start date: 1964
End date: Ongoing
Description: The Youth Allowances Recovery is a recovery from the Province of Quebec for an additional tax point transfer (three points) above and beyond the Canada Health Transfer and Canada Social Transfer tax point transfers. In the 1960s, Quebec chose to use the federal government's contracting-out arrangements for certain federal-provincial programs. Taken together, the Alternative Payments for Standing Programs and the Youth Allowances Recovery are known as the "Quebec Abatement" These arrangements ensure that all provinces and territories are treated the same through cash and tax transfers in support of health and social programs.
Expected results: Timely and accurate administration of payments to provinces and territories for targeted support
Forecast Spending 2009–10 |
Planned Spending 2010–11 |
Planned Spending 2011–12 |
Planned Spending 2012–13 |
Total other types of transfer payments | (622,369.0) | (655,786.0) | (716,485.0) | (761,028.0) |
Link to transfer payment program plan: A summary of the Department of Finance Canada's Three-Year Plan for Transfer Payment Programs can be found on the department's website.
Strategic outcome: A strong and sustainable economy, resulting in increasing standards of living and improved quality of life for Canadians
Program activity: Transfer and Taxation Payment Programs
Name of transfer payment program: Alternative Payments for Standing Programs (Part VI—Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act)
Start date: 1977
End date: Ongoing
Description: The Alternative Payments for Standard Programs is a recovery from the Province of Quebec for an additional tax point transfer (13.5 points) above and beyond the Canada Health Transfer and Canada Social Transfer tax point transfers. In the 1960s, Quebec chose to use the federal government's contracting-out arrangements for certain federal-provincial programs. Taken together, the Alternative Payments for Standing Programs and the Youth Allowances Recovery are known as the "Quebec Abatement." These arrangements ensure that all provinces and territories are treated the same through cash and tax transfers in support of health and social programs.
Expected results: Timely and accurate administration of payments to provinces and territories for targeted support
Forecast Spending 2009–10 |
Planned Spending 2010–11 |
Planned Spending 2011–12 |
Planned Spending 2012–13 |
Total other types of transfer payments | (2,824,162.0) | (2,976,719.0) | (3,255,732.0) | (3,461,878.0) |
Link to transfer payment program plan: A summary of the Department of Finance Canada's Three-Year Plan for Transfer Payment Programs can be found on the department's website.
Strategic outcome: A strong and sustainable economy, resulting in increasing standards of living and improved quality of life for Canadians
Program activity: Transfer and Taxation Payment Programs
Name of transfer payment program: Wait Times Reduction Transfer (Part V.1—Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act)
Start date: 2004–05
End date: 2013–14
Description: As part of the 10-Year Plan to Strengthen Health Care, the Government of Canada committed support to the provinces and territories to help reduce wait times in the health care system—primarily in support of human resources and tools to manage wait times. A total of $4.25 billion was provided through a third-party trust fund in 2004 and was notionally allocated over 5 years, from 2004–05 to 2008–09. This amount has been paid in full. From 2009–10 to 2013–14, annual funding of $250 million will be provided to the provinces and territories through a transfer.
Expected results: Timely and accurate administration of payments to provinces and territories for targeted support
Forecast Spending 2009–10 |
Planned Spending 2010–11 |
Planned Spending 2011–12 |
Planned Spending 2012–13 |
Total other types of transfer payments | 250,000.0 | 250,000.0 | 250,000.0 | 250,000.0 |
Link to transfer payment program plan: A summary of the Department of Finance Canada's Three-Year Plan for Transfer Payment Programs can be found on the department's website.
Strategic outcome: A strong and sustainable economy, resulting in increasing standards of living and improved quality of life for Canadians
Program activity: Transfer and Taxation Payment Programs
Name of transfer payment program: Payment to Ontario Related to the Canada Health Transfer (Budget Implementation Act, 2009)
Start date: 2009–10
End date: 2010–11
Description: Direct payments are made to the Government of Ontario to ensure its per-capita cash entitlements in relation to the Canada Health Transfer are the same as for other Equalization-receiving provinces.
Expected results: Timely and accurate administration of payments to provinces and territories for targeted support
Forecast Spending 2009–10 |
Planned Spending 2010–11 |
Planned Spending 2011–12 |
Planned Spending 2012–13 |
Total other types of transfer payments | 489,058.0 | 213,800.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Link to transfer payment program plan: A summary of the Department of Finance Canada's Three-Year Plan for Transfer Payment Programs can be found on the department's website.
Strategic outcome: A strong and sustainable economy, resulting in increasing standards of living and improved quality of life for Canadians
Program activity: Transfer and Taxation Payment Programs
Name of transfer payment program: Incentive for Provinces to Eliminate Taxes on Capital (Part IV—Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act)
Start date: 2007–08
End date: 2010–11
Description: Financial incentive to encourage provinces to eliminate provincial capital taxes or restructure an existing capital tax on financial institutions into a minimum tax
Expected results: Increase the competitiveness of Canadian businesses by strengthening Canada's business tax advantage
Forecast Spending 2009–10 |
Planned Spending 2010–11 |
Planned Spending 2011–12 |
Planned Spending 2012–13 |
Total other types of transfer payments | 189,000.0 | 170,000.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Link to transfer payment program plan: A summary of the Department of Finance Canada's Three-Year Plan for Transfer Payment Programs can be found on the department's website.
Strategic outcome: A strong and sustainable economy, resulting in increasing standards of living and improved quality of life for Canadians
Program activity: Transfer and Taxation Payment Programs
Name of transfer payment program: Canadian Securities Regulation Regime Transition Office (Canadian Securities Regulation Regime Transition Office Act)
Start date: 2009–10
End date: 2011–12
Description: In Budget 2009, the Government of Canada committed to move forward quickly with willing provinces and territories to establish a Canadian securities regulator that respects regional interest and expertise as well as constitutional jurisdiction. The Transition Office will lead the development of draft legislation and work with willing partners to establish an appropriate framework for moving forward. These funds will be used to finance the Transition Office's operations.
Expected results: Development of the new Federal Securities Act and establishment of a Canadian securities regulator, which will serve to create a more efficient and streamlined regulatory system that reinforces financial stability, strengthens enforcement, protects investors, and is more accountable
Forecast Spending 2009–10 |
Planned Spending 2010–11 |
Planned Spending 2011–12 |
Planned Spending 2012–13 |
Total other types of transfer payments | 11,000.0 | 11,000.0 | 11,000.0 | 0.0 |
Link to transfer payment program plan: A summary of the Department of Finance Canada's Three-Year Plan for Transfer Payment Programs can be found on the department's website.
Strategic outcome: A strong and sustainable economy, resulting in increasing standards of living and improved quality of life for Canadians
Program activity: Transfer and Taxation Payment Programs
Name of transfer payment program: Establishment of a Canadian Securities Regulation Regime and Canadian Regulatory Authority (Budget Implementation Act, 2009)
Start date: 2009–10
End date: 2010–11
Description: In Budget 2009, the Government of Canada committed to move forward quickly with willing provinces and territories to establish a Canadian securities regulator that respects regional interest and expertise as well as constitutional jurisdiction. These funds will be used to compensate participating provinces and territories for matters relating to the transition toward a Canadian securities regulator.
Expected results: Establishment of a Canadian securities regulator, which will serve to create a more efficient and streamlined regulatory system that reinforces financial stability, strengthens enforcement, protects investors, and is more accountable
Forecast Spending 2009–10 |
Planned Spending 2010–11 |
Planned Spending 2011–12 |
Planned Spending 2012–13 |
Total other types of transfer payments | 0.0 | 150,000.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Link to transfer payment program plan: A summary of the Department of Finance Canada's Three-Year Plan for Transfer Payment Programs can be found on the department's website.
Strategic outcome: A strong and sustainable economy, resulting in increasing standards of living and improved quality of life for Canadians
Program activity: Transfer and Taxation Payment Programs
Name of transfer payment program: Debt Payments on Behalf of Poor Countries to International Organizations pursuant to section 18(1) of the Economic Recovery Act
Start date: 2010
End date: 2054
Description: Payments for Canada's commitment to the G8-led Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative
Expected results: Payments to international organizations consistent with Government of Canada commitments
Forecast Spending 2009–10 |
Planned Spending 2010–11 |
Planned Spending 2011–12 |
Planned Spending 2012–13 |
Total other types of transfer payments | 0.0 | 51,200.0 | 51,200.0 | 51,200.0 |
Link to transfer payment program plan: A summary of the Department of Finance Canada's Three-Year Plan for Transfer Payment Programs can be found on the department's website.
Strategic outcome: A strong and sustainable economy, resulting in increasing standards of living and improved quality of life for Canadians
Program activity: Transfer and Taxation Payment Programs
Name of transfer payment program: Transitional Assistance to Provinces Entering into the Harmonized Value-Added Tax Framework (Part III.1—Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act)
Start date: 2010
End date: 2011
Description: The Governments of Canada and Ontario entered into a Comprehensive Integrated Tax Coordination Agreement in respect of Ontario's decision to adopt the harmonized value-added tax framework. The Agreement was entered into under the authority of Part III.1 of the Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act. As part of the Agreement, Canada has committed to providing Ontario with $4.3 billion in transitional assistance, in two payments, to help offset transition costs and to facilitate economic growth and job creation.
Expected results: Introduction of the harmonized value-added tax in Ontario starting July 1, 2010
Forecast Spending 2009–10 |
Planned Spending 2010–11 |
Planned Spending 2011–12 |
Planned Spending 2012–13 |
Total other types of transfer payments | 0.0 | 3,000,000.0 | 1,300,000.0 | 0.0 |
Link to transfer payment program plan: A summary of the Department of Finance Canada's Three-Year Plan for Transfer Payment Programs can be found on the department's website.
1) Strategic Outcome: CANADA'S INTERNATIONAL AGENDA – the international agenda is shaped to Canada's benefit and in accordance with Canadian interests and values.
2) Program Activity: Diplomacy and Advocacy
3) Name of Transfer Payment Program: Anti-Crime Capacity Building Program
4) Start date: December 9, 2009
5) End date: Ongoing
6) Description: Provision of assistance to enhance the capacity of key beneficiary states, government entities, and international organizations to prevent and respond to threats posed by international criminal activity.
7) Expected results:
Increased capacity of beneficiary states and government entities to prevent and respond to criminal activity in the Americas
Increased capacity of international organizations responsible for supporting states' anti-crime efforts
8) Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
9) Planned Spending 2010-11 |
10) Planned Spending 2011-12 |
11) Planned Spending 2012-13 |
12) Total grants | N/A | 7.00 | 7.00 | 7.00 |
Total contributions | 24.49 | 22.00 | 9.45 | 9.65 |
13) Total transfer payments | 24.49 | 29.00 | 16.45 | 16.65 |
14) Three-year Transfer Payment Program Plan |
1) Strategic Outcome: CANADA'S INTERNATIONAL AGENDA—The international agenda is shaped to Canada's benefit and advantage in accordance with Canadian interests and values.
2) Program Activity: Diplomacy and Advocacy
3) Name of Transfer Payment Program: Commonwealth Secretariat
4) Start date: September 28, 1965
5) End date: Ongoing
6) Description: Canada's assessed contribution to the regular budget of the Commonwealth is a legally binding obligation of membership. The purpose of Canada's membership is to further the Government of Canada's foreign policy goals related to international peace, security and development and, to this end, to enhance relationships among the 53 Commonwealth member countries. For further information, see
7) Expected results:
Much of the regular budget is directed to supporting and implementing the decisions of the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meetings and a large web of regular meetings of Commonwealth sectoral ministers including, for example, the Commonwealth Ministerial Action Group and Ministers of Foreign Affairs, Finance, Health and Education
Results include diplomatic interventions in the form of good offices and public pressure by the Secretariat and/or coordinated action by Commonwealth ministers to support democratic institutions and procedures; programs to build capacity in democratic and human rights procedures; and enhanced cooperation among Commonwealth countries related to economic, social and political development
8) Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
9) Planned Spending 2010-11 |
10) Planned Spending 2011-12 |
11) Planned Spending 2012-13 |
12) Total contributions | 5.49 | 5.93 | 5.93 | 5.93 |
13) Three-year Transfer Payment Program Plan |
1) Strategic Outcome: CANADA'S INTERNATIONAL AGENDA—The international agenda is shaped to Canada's benefit and advantage in accordance with Canadian interests and values.
2) Program Activity: Diplomacy and Advocacy
3) Name of Transfer Payment Program: Contributions under the Global Partnership Program for the Destruction, Disposal and Securing of Weapons and Materials of Mass Destruction and Related Expertise
4) Start date: August 12, 2003
5) End date: March 2013
6) Description: To implement Canada's commitment to the G8 Global Partnership Against the Spread of Weapons and Materials of Mass Destruction, launched at the 2002 Kananaskis Summit, through projects for the destruction of chemical weapons, the dismantlement of nuclear submarines, the enhancement of nuclear and radiological security, the employment of former weapons scientists, and the prevention of biological weapons proliferation. Canada committed up to $1 billion over 10 years to implement the goals of the Global Partnership, initially in the former Soviet Union, where the threat was most acute. The justification for the Partnership was based on an assessment of threats to Canadian and international security following the terrorist attacks of September 2001. Evaluations at the G8 level have identified the continuing seriousness of the terrorist and weapons of mass destruction (WMD) threats and the ongoing value of the Global Partnership, an international cooperative threat reduction approach. Twenty-three countries are engaged in projects, and an amount close to US$20 billion has been pledged.
7) Expected results:
A reduction in the threat from WMD for Canadians and a more secure national and international environment, as a result of material safely and securely stored, facilities secured and expertise redirected
A strengthened international non-proliferation, arms control and disarmament regime and achievement of Canada's domestic and international security objectives
8) Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
9) Planned Spending 2010-11 |
10) Planned Spending 2011-12 |
11) Planned Spending 2012-13 |
12) Total contributions | 114.70 | 98.93 | 87.48 | 87.58 |
13) Three-year Transfer Payment Program Plan |
1) Strategic Outcome: CANADA'S INTERNATIONAL AGENDA—The international agenda is shaped to Canada's benefit and advantage in accordance with Canadian interests and values.
2) Program Activity: Diplomacy and Advocacy
3) Name of Transfer Payment Program: Counter-Terrorism Capacity Building Program (CTCBP)
4) Start date: September 26, 2009
5) End date: Ongoing
6) Description: Provision of assistance to enhance the capacity of key beneficiary states, government entities and international organizations to prevent and respond to threats posed by terrorist activity, in a manner consistent with international counterterrorism and human rights obligations, norms and standards.
7) Expected results:
An increased capacity of beneficiary states and government entities to prevent and respond to terrorist activity
An increased capacity of international organizations responsible for supporting states' counterterrorism-related efforts
8) Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
9) Planned Spending 2010-11 |
10) Planned Spending 2011-12 |
11) Planned Spending 2012-13 |
12) Total grants | 4.70 | 5.47 | 5.47 | 5.47 |
Total contributions | 4.84 | 7.40 | 4.90 | 4.90 |
13) Total transfer payments | 9.54 | 12.87 | 10.37 | 10.37 |
14) Three-year Transfer Payment Program Plan |
1) Strategic Outcome: CANADA'S INTERNATIONAL AGENDA—The international agenda is shaped to Canada's benefit and advantage in accordance with Canadian interests and values.
2) Program Activity: Diplomacy and Advocacy
3) Name of Transfer Payment Program: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
4) Start date: July 1982
5) End date: Ongoing
6) Description: Canada's annual assessed contribution to the FAO is a legally binding obligation of membership. The purpose of membership is to further the Government of Canada's foreign policy goals related to agricultural development and provide it with a voice in the international community. For further information, see
7) Expected results: Achieving food security for all is at the heart of FAO efforts:
to make sure people have regular access to enough high-quality food to lead active, healthy lives. FAO's mandate is to raise levels of nutrition, improve agricultural productivity, better the lives of rural populations and contribute to the growth of the world economy
FAO's objectives, as set out in its constitution, are:
to promote the common welfare by furthering action for the purpose of: raising levels of nutrition and standards of living of the peoples within member nations
to secure improvements in the efficiency of the production and distribution of all food and agricultural products, including fisheries, marine products and forestry products
to better the condition of rural populations
Thus contributing toward an expanding world economy and ensuring humanity's freedom from hunger.
8) Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
9) Planned Spending 2010-11 |
10) Planned Spending 2011-12 |
11) Planned Spending 2012-13 |
12) Total contributions | 13.90 | 16.20 | 16.20 | 16.20 |
13) Three-year Transfer Payment Program Plan |
1) Strategic Outcome: CANADA'S INTERNATIONAL AGENDA—The international agenda is shaped to Canada's benefit and advantage in accordance with Canadian interests and values.
2) Program Activity: Diplomacy and Advocacy
3) Name of Transfer Payment Program: Global Commerce Support Program (GCSP)
4) Start date: December 11, 2008
5) End date: Ongoing
6) Description: Approved under the new Transfer Payment Policy, the GCSP is a contribution program that harmonizes three previously existing programs under one umbrella mechanism:
Invest Canada-Community Initiatives (ICCI) (formerly CISP)
Going Global Innovation (GGI) (formerly Going Global Science and Technology Fund)
Global Opportunities for Associations (GOA) (formerly PEMD-A)
The objective of the program is to build a stronger and more competitive Canadian capacity to compete in the global economy.
7) Expected results:
Attract foreign direct investment
Increase Canadian science and technological innovation and commercialization opportunities
Increase Canadian business's involvement in international business development
8) Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
9) Planned Spending 2010-11 |
10) Planned Spending 2011-12 |
11) Planned Spending 2012-13 |
12) Total contributions | 6.04 | 6.04 | 6.04 | 6.04 |
13) Three-year Transfer Payment Program Plan |
1) Strategic Outcome: CANADA'S INTERNATIONAL AGENDA—The international agenda is shaped to Canada's benefit and advantage in accordance with Canadian interests and values.
2) Program Activity: Diplomacy and Advocacy
3) Name of Transfer Payment Program: Global Peace and Security Fund (GPSF) and its component programs: the Global Peace and Security Program, the Global Peace Operations Program, and the Glyn Berry Program for Peace and Security
4) Start date: October 3, 2005; operationalized September 18, 2006
5) End date: March 31, 2013
6) Description: The GPSF is a critical component of the Stabilization and Reconstruction Task Force (START) portfolio. Funded from the Peace and Security Pool of the International Assistance Envelope, the GPSF fills a funding gap by providing dedicated resources for activities that are necessary for a timely response with respect to countries in or at risk of crisis, but that are not properly the responsibility of the Department of National Defence (DND) and are outside Canada's traditional official development assistance program. Examples of these activities are supporting peace operations and peace processes, supporting justice and security system reform, enhancing transitional justice and reconciliation, and improving the peace enforcement and peace operations capacities of military and police forces in Africa and the Americas. Major recipients of funding are Afghanistan, Sudan and Haiti.
The GPSF is both a responsive and a directive program, established to provide timely, focused, effective and accountable international assistance in response to critical peace and security challenges. DFAIT works closely with a range of government departments including the Canadian International Development Agency, Public Safety Canada, the RCMP, DND, the Correctional Service of Canada, the Canada Border Services Agency and Justice Canada. Among other assistance, these partnerships provide critical expertise in the area of justice and security system reform to the civilian components of UN peace operations.
7) Expected results: The long-term expected results are:
Safer and more secure environments conducive to stabilization, recovery and long-term reconstruction
Greater protection of the rights and safety of individuals and populations
Improved global and regional response to crisis situations
The ultimate result of the GPSF and its component programs is an improved Canadian contribution to the peace and security and the safety and well-being of beneficiaries living in targeted areas.
8) Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
9) Planned Spending 2010-11 |
10) Planned Spending 2011-12 |
11) Planned Spending 2012-13 |
12) Total grants | 30.00 | 30.00 | 30.00 | 30.00 |
Total contributions | 70.34 | 89.46 | 67.00 | 65.30 |
13) Total transfer payments | 100.34 | 119.46 | 97.00 | 95.30 |
14) Three-year Transfer Payment Program Plan |
1) Strategic Outcome: CANADA'S INTERNATIONAL AGENDA—The international agenda is shaped to Canada's benefit and advantage in accordance with Canadian interests and values.
2) Program Activity: Diplomacy and Advocacy
3) Name of Transfer Payment Program: Grants in Aid of Academic Relations
4) Start date: January 1, 1989
5) End date: March 31, 2011
6) Description: Grants and contributions in aid of academic relations support the following initiatives:
understanding Canada (formerly Canadian Studies)
international scholarships and fellowships
international education, including provincial and territorial participation in multilateral activities in the area of education
all other international education activities
These programs advance departmental priorities by:
supporting public diplomacy and advocacy through fostering partnerships, cooperation and linkages in the area of education between Canadian and international individuals and institutions; establishing a network of international experts on Canada to advance Canada's interests abroad; and promoting public discussion of key issues through networking, exchanges and conferences
advancing Canada's global citizenship (in support of the International Assistance Envelope) through scholarships and other programs that promote academic cooperation and mobility with developing countries
7) Expected results:
Creating and expanding a network of well-informed foreign professionals and leaders with a sustained interest in Canada
Establishing and strengthening links and exchanges between Canadian and foreign partners (academics, researchers, students, young people)
Providing informed and relevant policy advice on education-related issues
8) Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
9) Planned Spending 2010-11 |
10) Planned Spending 2011-12 |
11) Planned Spending 2012-13 |
12) Total grants | 9.85 | 9.91 | 9.91 | 9.91 |
Total contributions | 5.51 | 8.02 | 8.00 | 8.00 |
13) Total transfer payments | 15.36 | 17.93 | 17.91 | 17.91 |
14) Three-year Transfer Payment Program Plan |
1) Strategic Outcome: CANADA'S INTERNATIONAL AGENDA—The international agenda is shaped to Canada's benefit and advantage in accordance with Canadian interests and values.
2) Program Activity: Diplomacy and Advocacy
3) Name of Transfer Payment Program: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
4) Start date: December 19, 1989
5) End date: Ongoing
6) Description: Canada's annual assessed contribution to the IAEA is a legally binding obligation of membership. Payment is made to ensure that membership is in good standing and to maintain influence and credibility in a key international body, the aims of which Canada supports. The IAEA is the world's centre for nuclear cooperation and it works to further the safe, secure and peaceful use of nuclear technology, in particular by verifying that states adhere to their commitments to use nuclear energy only for peaceful purposes. Canada has significant interests at the IAEA, based on our belief in the importance of the Agency's role in advancing the goals of nuclear non-proliferation, safety and security, our advanced and extensive nuclear energy and radioisotope production industries, and our important uranium sector.
7) Expected results:
Develop nuclear safety standards and, based on these standards, promote the achievement and maintenance of high levels of safety in applications of nuclear energy, as well as the protection of human health and the environment against ionizing radiation
Verify through its inspection system that States comply with their commitments, under the Non-Proliferation Treaty, to use nuclear material and facilities only for peaceful purposes
Assist Member States, in the context of social and economic goals, in planning for and using nuclear science and technology for various peaceful purposes, including the generation of electricity, and facilitates the transfer of such technology and knowledge in a sustainable manner to developing Member States
8) Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
9) Planned Spending 2010-11 |
10) Planned Spending 2011-12 |
11) Planned Spending 2012-13 |
12) Total contributions | 15.34 | 15.66 | 15.66 | 15.66 |
13) Three-year Transfer Payment Program Plan |
1) Strategic Outcome: CANADA'S INTERNATIONAL AGENDA—The international agenda is shaped to Canada's benefit and advantage in accordance with Canadian interests and values.
2) Program Activity: Diplomacy and Advocacy
3) Name of Transfer Payment Program: International Criminal Court (ICC)
4) Start date: April 1, 2005
5) End date: Ongoing
6) Description: This is an assessed contribution transfer payment.
7) Expected results:
Through its support to the ICC, Canada has provided leadership in promoting accountability for the most serious criminal acts known to humankind. Canada was a key player in the creation of the ICC and has been successful in strengthening its role as an instrument in the global fight against impunity. There are currently 110 states parties to the Rome Statute. This is a relatively new international organization; therefore, budget increases are anticipated. In 2009, two trials began and charges in two other cases were confirmed. Eight arrest warrants are outstanding. The prosecutor has seven further situations under analysis
The planned payment for 2010-2011 includes a one-time payment for Canada's share of the cost of the design and construction of the Court's permanent premises. By paying in one instalment, Canada will avoid paying interest charges over the term of repayment of the project
8) Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
9) Planned Spending 2010-11 |
10) Planned Spending 2011-12 |
11) Planned Spending 2012-13 |
12) Total contributions | 8.09 | 18.10 | 7.28 | 7.28 |
13) Three-year Transfer Payment Program Plan |
1) Strategic Outcome: CANADA'S INTERNATIONAL AGENDA—The international agenda is shaped to Canada's benefit and advantage in accordance with Canadian interests and values.
2) Program Activity: Diplomacy and Advocacy
3) Name of Transfer Payment Program: International Labour Organization (ILO)
4) Start date: January 1, 1989
5) End date: Ongoing
6) Description: Canada's annual assessed contribution to the ILO, a UN specialized agency, is a legally binding obligation of membership. The purpose of membership is to further the Government of Canada's foreign policy goals related to international labour and social policy issues and provide it with a voice in the international community.
7) Expected results:
Development and effective supervision of international labour standards and realization of fundamental principles and rights at work
Targeted action against child labour, giving priority to the urgent elimination of its worst forms
Contributions to poverty reduction through promotion of coherent economic and social policies that support employment creation
Assistance to constituents in the development of skills and employability policies and programs for decent work
Better instruments and tools for policy analysis and formulation that support good governance and the extension of social protections to vulnerable workers
Strengthened social dialogue on labour and social policy issues at national and international levels
Improved organizational effectiveness, transparency and accountability
8) Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
9) Planned Spending 2010-11 |
10) Planned Spending 2011-12 |
11) Planned Spending 2012-13 |
12) Total contributions | 12.18 | 12.54 | 12.54 | 12.54 |
13) Three-year Transfer Payment Program Plan |
1) Strategic Outcome: CANADA'S INTERNATIONAL AGENDA—The international agenda is shaped to Canada's benefit and advantage in accordance with Canadian interests and values.
2) Program Activity: Diplomacy and Advocacy
3) Name of Transfer Payment Program: International Organization of the Francophonie (OIF)
4) Start date: March 9, 1972
5) End date: Ongoing
6) Description: As a member of the OIF, Canada is required to contribute to the operational fees of the organization.
7) Expected results:
Continuation of cooperation programs and activities undertaken by the organization
Continued promotion of Canadian interests
Consistency with the political and economic objectives that Canada has set for itself for the Francophonie
8) Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
9) Planned Spending 2010-11 |
10) Planned Spending 2011-12 |
11) Planned Spending 2012-13 |
12) Total contributions | 13.73 | 14.37 | 14.37 | 14.37 |
13) Three-year Transfer Payment Program Plan |
1) Strategic Outcome: International Services for Canadians: Canadians are satisfied with commercial, consular and passport services.
2) Program Activity: International Commerce
3) Name of Transfer Payment Program: Investment Cooperation Program
4) Start date: January 4, 2010
5) End date: Ongoing
6) Description: This program assists private sector firms registered in Canada with the cost of exploring investment opportunities in developing countries in order to reduce poverty and create sustainable employment and economic growth. The program does not finance the actual investment; rather, it provides support for activities surrounding an investment. Specifically, the program contributes up to 75% of the cost of studying the viability of an investment, demonstrating and adapting appropriate technologies, and undertaking activities aimed at making investments, including public investments, more sustainable. The program is part of Canada's official development assistance for developing countries.
7) Expected results: The program promotes:
Sustainable, long-term private sector-led growth and development in the local community, leading to poverty reduction
Implementation of good business practices by recipient firms and local business partners
New and/or upgraded infrastructure in the developing country, leading to enhanced services to local businesses and the general public
Improved capability of recipient firms to connect to global commercial opportunities
Transfer of developmentally beneficial technologies and/or methodologies to developing countries
8) Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
9) Planned Spending 2010-11 |
10) Planned Spending 2011-12 |
11) Planned Spending 2012-13 |
12) Total contributions | 0.8 | 20.0 | 20.0 | 20.0 |
13) Three-year Transfer Payment Program Plan |
* Note: As per Treasury Board instructions, DFAIT will be amending its Program Activity Architecture and associated Performance Measurement Framework to reflect the Investment Cooperation Program's objective of furthering economic growth to reduce poverty in developing countries. The program will be added to DFAIT's three-year Transfer Payment Program Plan as of April 1, 2010.
1) Strategic Outcome: CANADA'S INTERNATIONAL AGENDA—The international agenda is shaped to Canada's benefit and advantage in accordance with Canadian interests and values.
2) Program Activity: Diplomacy and Advocacy
3) Name of Transfer Payment Program: North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Civil Administration
4) Start date: January 1, 1989
5) End date: Ongoing
6) Description: Canada's annual assessed contribution to NATO is a legally binding obligation of membership based on the 1949 North Atlantic Treaty. Canada's contribution furthers its foreign policy goals by funding the administrative budget of NATO, an international organization vital to Canadian defence and security interests. NATO was designed to promote the stability of the North Atlantic area and to safeguard the freedom and security of its people by political and military means, based on the principles of democracy, individual liberty and international law. The NATO civil budget, structured along "output based" lines in response to objectives set annually by the North Atlantic Council, covers the activities of the NATO Secretary General, the NATO headquarters and the NATO international staff. The NATO civil administration supports the process of consensus building and decision making among alliance members and manages NATO's relations with its partners. The NATO civil budget also supports the work of various NATO agencies with specialized responsibilities. An effective and efficient NATO civil administration assists alliance members in promoting security and stability in the North Atlantic area and in responding effectively to current security challenges, particularly in Afghanistan. The NATO accounts are subject to annual audit by the International Board of Auditors for NATO.
7) Expected results: The NATO civil budget enables the operations of the NATO Secretariat and agencies. The results achieved include:
Effective decision making by the alliance in pursuit of the NATO objectives of stability and security in Afghanistan, the North Atlantic region and beyond
Support to NATO operations
Timely implementation of decisions taken by the North Atlantic Council
Appropriate response to current and emerging defence and security challenges
Enhanced relations with NATO partners and cooperation with other international organizations
Proper management of the alliance's resources
8) Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
9) Planned Spending 2010-11 |
10) Planned Spending 2011-12 |
11) Planned Spending 2012-13 |
12) Total contributions | 22.17 | 22.31 | 22.31 | 22.31 |
13) Three-year Transfer Payment Program Plan |
1) Strategic Outcome: CANADA'S INTERNATIONAL AGENDA—The international agenda is shaped to Canada's benefit and advantage in accordance with Canadian interests and values.
2) Program Activity: Diplomacy and Advocacy
3) Name of Transfer Payment Program: Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
4) Start date: March 20, 1975
5) End date: Ongoing
6) Description: To pay the assessed contribution required of Canada for its participation as a member of the OECD. The contribution pays for the Secretariat (professionals and support staff who provide high-quality research and analysis) and maintenance of the headquarters, located in Paris.
7) Expected results:
Implement OECD work programs and policy positions that reflect input from across government and support domestic priorities
Find solutions to common economic problems by working cooperatively with members (soft law, guidelines, agreements)
Influence the policy development of other members and of non-members to improve the functioning of the international economic environment
Analyze new and emerging issues, both domestic and global, that affect our economy and standard of living
Continued sound management of the OECD
Institutional reforms to improve the OECD's ability to cope with new issues and power dynamics
OECD enlargement
Improved engagement with non-members, reflecting Canadian priorities to increase the long-term effectiveness of the organization
8) Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
9) Planned Spending 2010-11 |
10) Planned Spending 2011-12 |
11) Planned Spending 2012-13 |
12) Total contributions | 14.58 | 14.40 | 14.40 | 14.40 |
13) Three-year Transfer Payment Program Plan |
1) Strategic Outcome: CANADA'S INTERNATIONAL AGENDA—The international agenda is shaped to Canada's benefit and advantage in accordance with Canadian interests and values.
2) Program Activity: Diplomacy and Advocacy
3) Name of Transfer Payment Program: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)
4) Start date: January 1, 1993
5) End date: Ongoing
6) Description: Canada's annual assessed contribution to the OSCE is an obligation arising out of Canada's commitments as one of the 56 participating states of the organisation. Canada's contribution furthers its foreign policy goals by funding programs implemented by the OSCE's institutions and field operations in priority foreign policy areas for Canada related to regional and international security.
The OSCE is a focused regional forum with a comprehensive and cooperative approach to security. Canada's contribution to the organisation's unified budget covers the costs associated with the implementation of the organisation's work programs and activities in three dimensions: political and military aspects of security; economic and environmental cooperation; and cooperation in humanitarian and other fields. This integrated approach allows the OSCE to make a significant contribution to furthering European security and transatlantic cooperation through non-coercive measures. Canada's contribution also supports stronger partnership with Canadians in developing and implementing Canada's international security policy, through the involvement of members of Parliament in the work of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, the deployment of Canadians to OSCE field operations, and the contribution of Canadian experts to the organisation.
The OSCE unified budget, based on a programmatic approach, is approved by the OSCE Permanent Council on a yearly basis. The OSCE accounts are subject to an annual report by external auditors as well as an internal oversight annual report, which are made available to participating states.
7) Expected results: The OSCE budget supports the programs of the OSCE Secretariat in Vienna, as well as the OSCE institutions (Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights, Representative on Freedom of the Media, and High Commissioner on National Minorities) and the organization's 18 field missions. The results include:
Effective and timely implementation of the decisions of the OSCE Permanent Council
Continuous monitoring of the security and stability situation in Europe
Concerted programming to actively contribute to conflict prevention, conflict resolution and post-conflict institution building
Proper management of the organization's resources
8) Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
9) Planned Spending 2010-11 |
10) Planned Spending 2011-12 |
11) Planned Spending 2012-13 |
12) Total contributions | 15.04 | 14.08 | 14.08 | 14.08 |
13) Three-year Transfer Payment Program Plan |
1) Strategic Outcome: CANADA'S INTERNATIONAL AGENDA—The international agenda is shaped to Canada's benefit and advantage in accordance with Canadian interests and values.
2) Program Activity: Diplomacy and Advocacy
3) Name of Transfer Payment Program: Organization of American States (OAS)
4) Start date: May 31, 1990
5) End date: Ongoing
6) Description: To pay Canada's annual assessed contribution to the OAS, a charter obligation of membership.
7) Expected results:
Strengthening of the OAS as the key political forum through which Canada promotes its hemispheric interests
Promotion and consolidation of democracy, and strengthening of human rights, governance and the rule of law
Enhanced regional multilateral cooperation on security issues in the Americas
Increased effectiveness of Canada's contribution on integral development and technical cooperation
Increased effectiveness and efficiency of the OAS through improved accountability and transparency
8) Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
9) Planned Spending 2010-11 |
10) Planned Spending 2011-12 |
11) Planned Spending 2012-13 |
12) Total contributions | 11.45 | 12.05 | 12.05 | 12.05 |
13) Three-year Transfer Payment Program Plan |
1) Strategic Outcome: CANADA'S INTERNATIONAL AGENDA—The international agenda is shaped to Canada's benefit and advantage in accordance with Canadian interests and values.
2) Program Activity: Diplomacy and Advocacy
3) Name of Transfer Payment Program: Payments in Lieu of Taxes on Diplomatic, Consular and International Organizations' Property in Canada
4) Start date: January 18, 1979
5) End date: Ongoing
6) Description: The purpose of this memorandum of understanding is to outline the relationship between Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada and Public Works and Government Services Canada, National Capital Area, under the Diplomatic, Consular and International Organizations' Property Grants Order (P.C.1979-59, January 18, 1979), the Municipal Grants Act, and successor Orders and Acts. It establishes responsibilities and procedures governing the provision of services related to the payment of grants in lieu of real property and frontage or area taxes with respect to diplomatic and consular property. These procedures are designed to ensure fiscal and operational accountability, while promoting efficient program delivery and optimal reciprocal conditions for the Government of Canada abroad.
7) Expected results:
Fulfillment of Canada's international obligations with respect to foreign diplomatic missions and consular posts pursuant to the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations and the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations
8) Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
9) Planned Spending 2010-11 |
10) Planned Spending 2011-12 |
11) Planned Spending 2012-13 |
12) Total grants | 13.76 | 13.52 | 13.52 | 13.52 |
13) Three-year Transfer Payment Program Plan |
1) Strategic Outcome: CANADA'S INTERNATIONAL AGENDA—The international agenda is shaped to Canada's benefit and advantage in accordance with Canadian interests and values.
2) Program Activity: Diplomacy and Advocacy
3) Name of Transfer Payment Program: Projects and Development Activities Resulting from Francophonie Summits
4) Start date: March 9, 1979
5) End date: Ongoing
6) Description: This fund provides funding to cooperation programs and activities undertaken by the International Organisation of La Francophonie (OIF). It also provides financial support to the Government of New Brunswick to foster its participation in international Francophonie activities. This fund helps to promote Canadian interests and is consistent with political and economic objectives that Canada has set for itself for the Francophonie. It also promotes active participation by the Government of New Brunswick in summits, ministerial conferences and other related Francophonie activities.
7) Expected results:
The OIF is active in all the areas identified in the contribution agreement, in accordance with the overall guidance provided by member states of the organization
Active participation by the Government of New Brunswick in all significant activities of the OIF
8) Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
9) Planned Spending 2010-11 |
10) Planned Spending 2011-12 |
11) Planned Spending 2012-13 |
12) Total contributions | 8.5 | 7.5 | 7.5 | 7.5 |
13) Three-year Transfer Payment Program Plan |
1) Strategic Outcome: CANADA'S INTERNATIONAL AGENDA—The international agenda is shaped to Canada's benefit and advantage in accordance with Canadian interests and values.
2) Program Activity: Diplomacy and Advocacy
3) Name of Transfer Payment Program: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
4) Start date: January 1, 1988
5) End date: Ongoing
6) Description: Canada's annual assessed contribution to UNESCO is a legally binding obligation of membership. The purpose of membership is to further the Government of Canada's foreign policy goals related to culture, science and education, and provide it with a voice in the international community.
7) Expected results:
Universal primary education in all countries by 2015
Gender disparities in primary and secondary education eliminated or greatly reduced in most member states
Preparation, launch and implementation of a 10-year UN Literacy Decade and Plan of Action in order to reach the target of achieving a 50% improvement in levels of adult literacy by 2015
Comprehensive and broad-based HIV/AIDS education and prevention campaigns conducted, particularly among the 15-24 age group in Africa and South Asia
Impact of HIV/AIDS pandemic on educational capacities assessed
Implementation of the Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions
Implementation of the International Convention Against Doping in Sport
Protection of world cultural and natural heritage through the implementation of the World Heritage Convention
Increased scientific cooperation to improve management of the planet's water resources
Development of free, independent and pluralistic media
8) Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
9) Planned Spending 2010-11 |
10) Planned Spending 2011-12 |
11) Planned Spending 2012-13 |
12) Total contributions | 13.35 | 12.25 | 12.25 | 12.25 |
13) Three-year Transfer Payment Program Plan |
1) Strategic Outcome: CANADA'S INTERNATIONAL AGENDA—The international agenda is shaped to Canada's benefit and advantage in accordance with Canadian interests and values.
2) Program Activity: Diplomacy and Advocacy
3) Name of Transfer Payment Program: United Nations Peacekeeping Operations
4) Start date: October 5, 2000
5) End date: Ongoing
6) Description: Canada's assessed contribution to UN peacekeeping operations is a legally binding obligation of membership. For further information, see
7) Expected results:
Enhanced peace and security for the countries and regions concerned
Increased levels of security, basic services and levels of governance provided in affected areas, promoting advanced prospects for peace as well as enable reconstruction and development activities
8) Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
9) Planned Spending 2010-11 |
10) Planned Spending 2011-12 |
11) Planned Spending 2012-13 |
12) Total contributions | 270.14 | 285.87 | 285.87 | 285.87 |
13) Three-year Transfer Payment Program Plan |
1) Strategic Outcome: CANADA'S INTERNATIONAL AGENDA—The international agenda is shaped to Canada's benefit and advantage in accordance with Canadian interests and values.
2) Program Activity: Diplomacy and Advocacy
3) Name of Transfer Payment Program: United Nations Organization
4) Start date: March 27, 1980
5) End date: Ongoing
6) Description: Canada's assessed contribution to the regular budget of the United Nations is a legally binding obligation of membership. The purpose of membership is to further the Government of Canada's foreign policy goals related to international peace, security and development and provide it with a voice in the international community. Assessed contributions are used to finance the organization's programs toward attainment of the UN's objectives, as set out in its Charter. For further information, see
7) Expected results: Efforts to maintain international peace and security and promote sustained economic growth and sustainable development in accordance with the Millennium Development Goals. In particular:
Progress in the development of Africa
The promotion of human rights
Effective coordination of humanitarian assistance efforts
Promotion of justice and international law
Progress toward disarmament
International cooperation for drug control, crime prevention
The combating of international terrorism in all its forms and manifestations
8) Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
9) Planned Spending 2010-11 |
10) Planned Spending 2011-12 |
11) Planned Spending 2012-13 |
12) Total contributions | 125.93 | 124.31 | 124.31 | 124.31 |
13) Three-year Transfer Payment Program Plan |
1) Strategic Outcome: CANADA'S INTERNATIONAL AGENDA—The international agenda is shaped to Canada's benefit and advantage in accordance with Canadian interests and values.
2) Program Activity: Diplomacy and Advocacy
3) Name of Transfer Payment Program: World Health Organization (WHO)
4) Start date: January 1, 1990
5) End date: Ongoing
6) Description: Canada's annual assessed contribution to the WHO is a legally binding obligation of membership. The purpose of membership is to further the Government of Canada's foreign policy goals related to health and provide it with a voice in the international community.
7) Expected results:
Enhanced global health security (maintaining a comprehensive outbreak alert and response mechanism supported by new international health regulations; responding rapidly and effectively in crisis situations)
Accelerated progress toward achieving the Millennium Development Goals (reducing maternal mortality, improving child survival, addressing the global pandemics of HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria, promoting healthy environments, increasing access to essential medicines)
Promotion of equity in health (strengthening health systems to reach the poor and disadvantaged)
Ensured accountability, by improving organizational effectiveness, transparency and accountability
8) Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
9) Planned Spending 2010-11 |
10) Planned Spending 2011-12 |
11) Planned Spending 2012-13 |
12) Total contributions | 18.16 | 15.29 | 15.29 | 15.29 |
13) Three-year Transfer Payment Program Plan |
1) Strategic Outcome: CANADA'S INTERNATIONAL AGENDA—The international agenda is shaped to Canada's benefit and advantage in accordance with Canadian interests and values.
2) Program Activity: Diplomacy and Advocacy
3) Name of Transfer Payment Program: World Trade Organization (WTO)
4) Start date: January 1, 1995
5) End date: Ongoing
6) Description: The purpose of this program is to pay the assessed contribution for Canada's membership in the WTO.
7) Expected results:
The WTO provides the only multilateral forum for negotiating market access and other trade rules. It also provides the best forum for monitoring the implementation of obligations and commitments under various trade agreements, reviewing members' trade policies and practices, and discussing trade-related issues that inhibit the free, fair and predictable flow of trade. The WTO is the only organization offering a state-to-state dispute settlement system whereby trade disputes are settled based on commonly agreed-on rules, rather than political or economic power. Through these agreements, 153 WTO members operate a non-discriminatory trading system that spells out their rights and obligations. Each country receives guarantees that its exports will be treated fairly and consistently in other countries' markets. Each promises to do the same for imports into its own market. As a trade-dependent country, Canada has been actively involved in all areas of the current round of WTO negotiations, known as the Doha Development Agenda, and continues to work with other WTO members to advance these negotiations. We are seeking an ambitious outcome to the negotiations to provide a more level playing field for Canadian exporters competing in global markets, while increasing Canadian and global economic growth, prosperity and development. Canada is also seeking an outcome to the round that strikes a balance between development objectives, developing countries' concerns and Canadian commercial interests that would lead to better integration of developing countries into the world trading system. Beyond the Doha negotiations, Canada participates in the accession negotiations for all countries seeking to join the WTO, as well as in the reviews of all WTO members, and is itself reviewed every four years (most recently in March 2007). Canada is also one of the most active participants in the WTO dispute settlement system.
8) Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
9) Planned Spending 2010-11 |
10) Planned Spending 2011-12 |
11) Planned Spending 2012-13 |
12) Total contributions | 6.65 | 6.76 | 6.76 | 6.76 |
13) Three-year Transfer Payment Program Plan |
Strategic Outcome: A fair, relevant and accessible justice system that reflects Canadian values
Program Activity: Justice policies, laws and programs
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Access to Justice in Both Official Languages Support Fund (Voted)
Start date: April 1, 2003
End date: Ongoing
Description: The purpose of the Initiative in Support of Access to Justice in Both Official Languages is to improve the capacity of the justice system to serve Canadians in both official languages. The Initiative is part of the Roadmap for Canada's Linguistic Duality 2008-2013: Acting for the Future,announced by the federal government in June 2008. It includes a consulting mechanism, a justice training component, and a grants and contributions funding program titled “Access to Justice in both Official Languages Support Fundâ€. Its objectives are to increase the capacity of the justice system and its stakeholders to offer justice services in both official languages and to increase awareness in the legal community and official language minority and majority communities concerning their rights and issues related to access to justice in both official languages.
Expected results: Continued and improved access to justice services in the minority language.
Forecast Spending 2009–10 |
Planned Spending 2010–11 |
Planned Spending 2011–12 |
Planned Spending 2012–13 |
Total grants | $0.00 | $0.05 | $0.05 | $0.05 |
Total contributions | $3.68 | $7.18 | $7.18 | $6.84 |
Total transfer payments | $3.68 | $7.23 | $7.23 | $6.89 |
"Please refer to the Programs and Initiatives Section of the Department of Justice website for details of
the Department's Three Year Transfer Payment Program Plan."
Strategic Outcome: A fair, relevant and accessible justice system that reflects Canadian values
Program Activity: Justice policies, laws and programs
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Aboriginal Justice Strategy Fund (Voted)
Start date: 1991-1992 as Aboriginal Justice Initiative
End date: March 31, 2012
Description: The Aboriginal Justice Strategy (AJS) enables Aboriginal communities to have increased involvement in the local administration of justice and provides timely and effective alternatives to mainstream justice processes in appropriate circumstances. AJS programs are also aimed at reducing the rates of victimization, crime and incarceration among Aboriginal people in communities operating AJS programs, and helping the mainstream justice system become more responsive and sensitive to the needs and culture of Aboriginal communities.
Expected results: Aboriginal communities continue to have increased involvement in the local administration of justice by providing timely and effective alternatives to mainstream justice processes in appropriate circumstances. Over time, the AJS Fund will contribute to reducing rates of victimization, crime and incarceration among Aboriginal people in communities operating AJS programs and help the mainstream justice system become more responsive and sensitive to the needs and culture of Aboriginal communities.
Forecast Spending 2009–10 |
Planned Spending 2010–11 |
Planned Spending 2011–12 |
Planned Spending 2012–13 |
Total grants | $0.03 | $0.26 | $0.26 | $0.00 |
Total contributions | $11.97 | $12.24 | $12.24 | $2.90 |
Total transfer payments | $12.00 | $12.50 | $12.50 | $2.90 |
"Please refer to the Programs and Initiatives Section of the Department of Justice website for details of
the Department's Three Year Transfer Payment Program Plan."
Strategic Outcome: A fair, relevant and accessible justice system that reflects Canadian values
Program Activity: Justice policies, laws and programs
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Aboriginal Courtwork Program (Voted)
Start date: 1978-1979
End date: Ongoing
Description: The objective of the Aboriginal Courtwork Program is to improve access to justice by helping Aboriginal people involved in the criminal justice system obtain fair, just, equitable and culturally sensitive treatment. It is the only ongoing justice related program available to all Aboriginal people (adult and youth), regardless of status and residency. The Program provides Aboriginal persons charged with an offence with timely and accurate information on their rights, obligations, roles and responsibilities at the earliest possible stage of the criminal justice process. Services also include referring clients to appropriate legal and social resources in their community. Aboriginal Courtworkers serve as a “bridge†between criminal justice officials and Aboriginal people and communities by providing information, cultural context, and liaison, and promoting communications and understanding.
Recipients: Federal contributions will be made to provincial governments to provide Aboriginal Courtwork services to Aboriginal persons (adults and youths) charged with an offence under any federal or provincial statute or municipal by-law. A province may authorize one or more agencies to deliver Aboriginal Courtwork services on its behalf. All designated delivery agencies will be accountable to the funders. In addition, the new Projects in Support of the Aboriginal Courtwork Program component provides modest support for projects that further the mandate of the Program.
Expected results: Contribution agreements with the provinces will support delivery of Aboriginal Courtwork services to ensure access to justice for Aboriginal people within the mainstream Canadian justice system, which will promote fair, equitable and culturally relevant treatment before the courts.
Forecast Spending 2009–10 |
Planned Spending 2010–11 |
Planned Spending 2011–12 |
Planned Spending 2012–13 |
Total grants | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 |
Total contributions | $5.41 | $4.91 | $4.91 | $4.91 |
Total transfer payments | $5.41 | $4.91 | $4.91 | $4.91 |
"Please refer to the Programs and Initiatives Section of the Department of Justice website for details of
the Department's Three Year Transfer Payment Program Plan."
Strategic Outcome: A fair, relevant and accessible justice system that reflects Canadian values
Program Activity: Justice policies, laws and programs
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Legal Aid Systems (Voted)
Start date: August 17, 1971
End date: Ongoing
Description: The objective of the federal Legal Aid Program is to contribute to sustaining a national system of justice that helps to ensure that economically disadvantaged persons have access to the justice system, through contribution funding in support of criminal, youth criminal justice and immigration and refugee legal aid services provided by the provinces (funding for criminal and civil legal aid in the territories is provided through the Access to Justice Services Agreements).
Recipients: Provinces.
Expected results: Provinces are enabled to provide legal aid services to eligible persons involved in serious criminal, youth criminal justice, and immigration and refugee matters.
Forecast Spending 2009–10 |
Planned Spending 2010–11 |
Planned Spending 2011–12 |
Planned Spending 2012–13 |
Total grants | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 |
Total contributions | $122.83 | $119.83 | $119.83 | $108.33 |
Total transfer payments | $122.83 | $119.83 | $119.83 | $108.33 |
"Please refer to the Programs and Initiatives Section of the Department of Justice website for details of
the Department's Three Year Transfer Payment Program Plan."
Strategic Outcome: A fair, relevant and accessible justice system that reflects Canadian values
Program Activity: Justice policies, laws and programs
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Youth Justice Services Funding Program (Voted)
Start date: April 2, 1984
End date: Ongoing
Description: The overall objective of this Program is to support the policy directions of the Youth Justice Initiative. The specific objectives of the individual agreements are to support and promote an appropriate range of programs and services that encourage accountability measures for unlawful behavior that are proportionate and timely; encourage the effective rehabilitation and reintegration of young persons into their communities; target the formal court process to the most serious offences; and target detention and custody to the most serious offences.
Recipients: Provinces and territories.
Expected results: The contribution agreements will support a sustainable youth justice system that is capable of innovation and supports federal youth justice priorities
Forecast Spending 2009–10 |
Planned Spending 2010–11 |
Planned Spending 2011–12 |
Planned Spending 2012–13 |
Total grants | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 |
Total contributions | $177.30 | $177.30 | $177.30 | $177.30 |
Total transfer payments | $177.30 | $177.30 | $177.30 | $177.30 |
"Please refer to the Programs and Initiatives Section of the Department of Justice website for details of
the Department's Three Year Transfer Payment Program Plan."
Strategic Outcome: A fair, relevant and accessible justice system that reflects Canadian values
Program Activity: Justice policies, laws and programs
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Supporting Families Fund (Voted)
Start date: April 1, 2009
End date: March 31, 2014
Description: The SF Fund is a key component of the Supporting Families Experiencing Separation and Divorce Initiative (SFI) which was announced by the Minister of Justice in September, 2008. The fund is aimed at facilitating access to the family justice system for families experiencing separation and divorce, through various services, programs, and information resources, particularly those that promote compliance with financial support and custody/access obligations. The Fund also supports projects that promote public awareness about parental obligations, compliance, and the family justice system.
Recipients: Provincial and territorial departments, agencies, or other organizations designated by provincial and territorial governments as responsible for child support, the enforcement of support orders and agreements and parenting arrangement programs and services, are eligible to apply for contribution funding under the Family Justice Initiatives and the Pilot Projects components of the Fund.
Any of the following may apply for contribution or class grant funding under the Fund's Public Legal Education and Information and Professional Training component:
Expected results: Expanded accessibility of custody/access, support and enforcement services. Enhanced awareness and understanding of parental obligations, compliance, and the family justice system
Forecast Spending 2009–10 |
Planned Spending 2010–11 |
Planned Spending 2011–12 |
Planned Spending 2012–13 |
Total grants | $0.05 | $0.05 | $0.05 | $0.05 |
Total contributions | $15.95 | $15.95 | $15.95 | $15.95 |
Total transfer payments | $16.00 | $16.00 | $16.00 | $16.00 |
"Please refer to the Programs and Initiatives Section of the Department of Justice website for details of
the Department's Three Year Transfer Payment Program Plan."
Strategic Outcome: A fair, relevant and accessible justice system that reflects Canadian values
Program Activity: Justice policies, laws and programs
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Victims of Crime Initiative
Start date: Victims of Crime Initiative (VCI) April 1, 2005, and Federal Victims Strategy (FVS) April 1, 2007
End date: VCI ongoing and FVS March 31, 2011
Description: The Victims Fund is a grants and contributions fund with broad terms and conditions designed to raise awareness and enhance services and assistance to victims of crime. The Victims Fund is administered by the Policy Centre for Victim Issues and provides support to victims of crime as well as to governmental and non-governmental organizations to implement a wide range of victim-focused projects and activities.
Expected results:
Forecast Spending 2009–10 |
Planned Spending 2010–11 |
Planned Spending 2011–12 |
Planned Spending 2012–13 |
Total grants | $0.85 | $0.85 | $0.35 | $0.35 |
Total contributions | $4.71 | $6.90 | $1.65 | $1.65 |
Total transfer payments | $5.56 | $7.75 | $2.00 | $2.00 |
"Please refer to the Programs and Initiatives Section of the Department of Justice website for details of
the Department's Three Year Transfer Payment Program Plan."
Strategic Outcome: A fair, relevant and accessible justice system that reflects Canadian values
Program Activity: Justice policies, laws and programs
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Youth Justice Services - Intensive Rehabilitative Custody and Supervision Program (voted)
Start date: April 1, 2002
End date: Ongoing
Description: The overall objective of this Program is to financially assist the provinces and territories in providing the specialized services required for the implementation of the Intensive Rehabilitative Custody and Supervision sentence (paragraph 42(2)(r) and subsection 42(7) of the Youth Criminal Justice Act) and other sentencing options applicable under the Act to serious violent youth offenders with mental health problems. It is expected that these services might reduce the likelihood of further violence in those convicted of the most serious violent offences.
Recipients: Provinces and territories.
Expected results: Through the contributions signed under this Program, provinces and territories will have the financial capacity to implement sentencing options that involve specialized treatment programs to address the mental issues of serious violent youth offenders.
Forecast Spending 2009–10 |
Planned Spending 2010–11 |
Planned Spending 2011–12 |
Planned Spending 2012–13 |
Total grants | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 |
Total contributions | $10.66 | $11.05 | $11.05 | $11.05 |
Total transfer payments | $10.66 | $11.05 | $11.05 | $11.05 |
"Please refer to the Programs and Initiatives Section of the Department of Justice website for details of
the Department's Three Year Transfer Payment Program Plan."
Strategic Outcome: A fair, relevant and accessible justice system that reflects Canadian values
Program Activity: Justice policies, laws and programs
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Implementation of Official languages Requirements under the Contraventions Act (Voted)
Start date: April 1, 2008
End date: Ongoing
Description: The Contraventions Act provides an alternative to the summary conviction procedure of the Criminal Code for the prosecution of certain offences under federal statutes and regulations. It allows certain federal offences to be prosecuted, using provincial court processes, by means of a ticketing scheme. Following a 2001 Federal Court decision concerning the implementation of the Act, the Department of Justice initiated the process of modifying existing Contraventions Act implementation agreements to address the language rights requirements identified by the Court. To support this process, the Department of Justice received funding to establish the Contraventions Act Fund. The overall program has three main areas of activities:
Recipients: Provincial and territorial departments and agencies and municipalities designated by provincial and territorial governments as being responsible for judicial activities and for providing extra-judicial services in both official languages.
Expected results:
Forecast Spending 2009–10 |
Planned Spending 2010–11 |
Planned Spending 2011–12 |
Planned Spending 2012–13 |
Total grants | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 |
Total contributions | $4.70 | $9.09 | $9.09 | $9.09 |
Total transfer payments | $4.70 | $9.09 | $9.09 | $9.09 |
"Please refer to the Programs and Initiatives Section of the Department of Justice website for details of
the Department's Three Year Transfer Payment Program Plan."
Strategic Outcome: A fair, relevant and accessible justice system that reflects Canadian values
Program Activity: Justice policies, laws and programs
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Youth Justice Fund (Voted)
Start date: 1999-2000
End date: Ongoing
Description: The overall objective of funding under the Youth Justice Fund is to encourage a fairer and more effective youth justice system. Funding is available for non-governmental organizations, youth justice stakeholders, Aboriginal organizations, and provinces/territories to help promote and implement alternative approaches to youth justice practices. Priorities are set annually based on identified gaps and emerging federal youth justice policies and priorities. The Youth Justice Fund has three ongoing funding areas – Youth Justice, Youth Crime Prevention (Guns, Gangs and Drugs), and the Youth Justice Anti-Drug Treatment Component (of the National Anti-Drug Strategy).
A variety of activities are eligible for funding support under the different components of the Youth Justice Fund. For example:
Recipients: Non-governmental organizations, youth justice stakeholders, Aboriginal organizations and provinces/territories.
Expected results: The overall expected result is a fairer, more effective youth justice system.
Short-Term and Intermediate Outcomes:
Within the Youth Justice Fund framework, the Guns, Gangs and Drugs and Anti-Drug Component (NADS) have the following expected results:
Guns, Gangs and Drugs
Anti-Drug Component
Forecast Spending 2009–10 |
Planned Spending 2010–11 |
Planned Spending 2011–12 |
Planned Spending 2012–13 |
Total grants | $0.22 | $0.73 | $0.73 | $0.73 |
Total contributions | $2.87 | $4.28 | $4.28 | $4.28 |
Total transfer payments | $3.09 | $5.01 | $5.01 | $5.01 |
"Please refer to the Programs and Initiatives Section of the Department of Justice website for details of
the Department's Three Year Transfer Payment Program Plan."
Strategic Outcome: A fair, relevant and accessible justice system that reflects Canadian values
Program Activity: Justice policies, laws and programs
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Access to Justice Services Agreements in the Territories (in the areas of Legal Aid, Aboriginal Courtwork and Public Legal education and Information Services) (Voted)
Start date: 1996
End date: Ongoing
Description: The goal of the Access to Justice Services Agreements is to integrate federal government funding support to Canada's three territories for access to justice services (including criminal and civil legal aid, Aboriginal Courtwork, and Public Legal Education and Information) through ongoing contribution agreements that allow the territories the flexibility needed to provide these services in a challenging environment (vast distances, harsh climate, cultural/linguistic differences). The overarching goal of federal support for Aboriginal Courtwork services is to facilitate and enhance access to justice by assisting Aboriginal people involved in the criminal justice system to obtain fair, just, equitable and culturally sensitive treatment. With regard to legal aid services in the territories, the federal goal is to enable the territories to provide legal aid services to economically disadvantaged persons involved in serious criminal, youth criminal justice and civil matters. And, with respect to public legal education and information, the goal is to assist the territories in providing members of the public with the legal information they need to make informed decisions and participate effectively in the justice system.
Recipients: Territorial governments that undertake to provide services to eligible persons and eligible young persons in matters relating to the overall objectives of the Access to Justice Services Agreements. The territories may authorize entities ("territorial access to justice services delivery entities") to provide services in these matters. In instances of court-ordered counsel in federal prosecutions, the recipient may also be a territorial access to justice services delivery entity.
Expected results: Contribution agreements signed with the territories will allow greater flexibility to allocate resources which will enable the territories to deliver access to justice services in the areas of Legal Aid (criminal and civil), Aboriginal Courtwork and Public Legal Education and Information.
Forecast Spending 2009–10 |
Planned Spending 2010–11 |
Planned Spending 2011–12 |
Planned Spending 2012–13 |
Total grants | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 |
Total contributions | $5.16 | $4.86 | $4.86 | $4.86 |
Total transfer payments | $5.16 | $4.86 | $4.86 | $4.86 |
"Please refer to the Programs and Initiatives Section of the Department of Justice website for details of
the Department's Three Year Transfer Payment Program Plan."
Community Diversification program | |
Strategic outcome: A competitive and diversified economy for the regions of Quebec | |
Program activities: Community Development Special intervention measures |
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Community Diversification program. This program represents a voted item, except for 2009-2010, for which the funding portion dedicated to Canada's Economic Action Plan (CEAP) corresponds to a statutory appropriation. | |
Start date: April 1, 2007 | End date: March 31, 2012 |
Description: The Community Diversification program helps Quebec regions maintain and develop their economic activity base. A community's vitality depends on its ability to develop, grow and thrive by building on its own assets. The program has the following three objectives: to foster communities' development and increase their mobilization by drawing up visions and projects of local and regional scope; assist communities through support for entrepreneurship and through creation or maintenance of viable enterprises; and increase communities' capability to attract tourists and skilled individuals.
This program also leads to intervention for implementation of the Community Adjustment Fund (CAF), a temporary CEAP initiative.
Funding recipients: Includes in particular small and medium-sized enterprises and non-profit organizations.
Expected results:(in thousands of dollars) | Forecast spending 2009-2010 |
Planned spending 2010-2011 |
Planned spending 2011-2012 |
Planned spending 2012-2013 |
Grants | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
Contributions | 157,300 | 174,743 | 89,946 | 78,287 |
Other types of transfer payments | — | — | — | — |
Total transfer payments | 157,400 | 174,843 | 90,046 | 78,387 |
Hyperlink to the Departmental Three-Year Plan for Transfer Payment Programs:
Business and Regional Growth program | |
Strategic outcome: A competitive and diversified economy for the regions of Quebec | |
Program activities: Enterprise Competitiveness Competitive positioning of sectors and regions Special intervention measures |
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Business and Regional Growth program. This program represents a voted item, except for 2009-2010, for which the funding portion dedicated to Canada's Economic Action Plan (CEAP) corresponds to a statutory appropriation. | |
Start date: April 1, 2007 | End date: March 31, 2012 |
Description: The Business and Regional Growth program reinforces conditions conducive to the sustainable growth of regions and SMEs. It aims to help enterprises improve their performance, become more competitive and engage in more innovation to facilitate their sustainable development; support the transfer of technology and research outputs to enterprises; and create the right conditions to attract foreign investment and international organizations.
This program also leads to intervention for implementation of the Community Adjustment Fund (CAF), a temporary CEAP initiative.
Funding recipients: Includes in particular small and medium-sized enterprises and non-profit organizations.
Expected results:(in thousands of dollars) | Forecast spending 2009-2010 |
Planned spending 2010-2011 |
Planned spending 2011-2012 |
Planned spending 2012-2013 |
Grants | 100 | — | — | — |
Contributions | 121,611 | 122,566 | 81,497 | 73,725 |
Other types of transfer payments | — | — | — | — |
Total transfer payments | 121,711 | 122,566 | 81,497 | 73,725 |
Hyperlink to the Departmental Three-Year Plan for Transfer Payment Programs:
Community Futures Program | |
Strategic outcome: A competitive and diversified economy for the regions of Quebec | |
Program activity: Community Development | |
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Community Futures Program (CFP) (voted item) | |
Start date: May 18, 1995 | End date: October 2, 2010 |
Description: This Canada-wide program provides support for communities in all parts of the country to help them take charge of their own local economic development.
Funding recipients: In Quebec, the CFP financially supports 57 Community Futures Development Corporations, as well as 14 Community Economic Development Corporations and 10 Business Development Centres.
Expected results:(in thousands of dollars) | Forecast spending 2009-2010 |
Planned spending 2010-2011 |
Planned spending 2011-2012 |
Planned spending 2012-2013 |
Grants | — | — | — | — |
Contributions | 43,965 | 32,300 | 32,300 | 32,300 |
Other types of transfer payments | — | — | — | — |
Total transfer payments | 43,965 | 32,300 | 32,300 | 32,300 |
Hyperlink to the Departmental Three-Year Plan for Transfer Payment Programs:
Infrastructure Canada Program | |
Strategic outcome: A competitive and diversified economy for the regions of Quebec | |
Program activity: Infrastructure | |
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Infrastructure Canada Program (ICP) (voted item) | |
Start date: August 22, 2000 | End date: March 31, 2011 |
Description: Within the framework of the pan-Canadian Infrastructure Program under Treasury Board Secretariat responsibility, a Canada-Quebec Agreement was signed in October 2000. The objective of this agreement was to upgrade urban and rural municipal infrastructure in the province and improve Quebecers' quality of life. The Agency acts on behalf of the Government of Canada as the federal department responsible for implementation in Quebec. This agreement was amended in April 2008 to postpone to March 31, 2011 the deadline for disbursements under the ICP. Since December 2005, under the terms of the agreement, no more new projects may be approved under the program.
Funding recipients: Primarily municipalities
Expected results:
(in thousands of dollars) | Forecast spending 2009-2010 |
Planned spending 2010-2011 |
Planned spending 2011-2012 |
Planned spending 2012-2013 |
Grants | — | — | — | — |
Contributions | 31,854 | — | — | — |
Other types of transfer payments | — | — | — | — |
Total transfer payments | 31,854 | — | — | — |
Hyperlink to the Departmental Three-Year Plan for Transfer Payment Programs:
Contribution program to supply the Municipality of Shannon with drinking water | |
Strategic outcome: A competitive and diversified economy for the regions of Quebec | |
Program activity: Infrastructure | |
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Program to supply the Municipality of Shannon with drinking water (voted item) | |
Start date: May 14, 2009 | End date: March 31, 2011 |
Description: The program is intended to supply residents of the Municipality of Shannon with drinking water through the establishment of a water system supplied from a groundwater source, and construction of a reservoir and a pumping station.
Funding recipient: Municipality of Shannon
Expected results:
(in thousands of dollars) | Forecast spending 2009-2010 |
Planned spending 2010-2011 |
Planned spending 2011-2012 |
Planned spending 2012-2013 |
Grants | — | — | — | — |
Contributions | 6,000 | 7,345 | — | — |
Other types of transfer payments | — | — | — | — |
Total transfer payments | 6,000 | 7,345 | — | — |
Hyperlink to the Departmental Three-Year Plan for Transfer Payment Programs:
Recreational Infrastructure Canada program | |
Strategic outcome: A competitive and diversified economy for the regions of Quebec | |
Program activity: Infrastructure | |
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Recreational Infrastructure Canada (RInC) program (voted item) | |
Start date: April 23, 2009 | End date: March 31, 2011 |
Description: This Canada-wide initiative is intended to be a timely, targeted, short-term measure to stimulate the Canadian economy. It should contribute to reducing the impact of the global recession by increasing the overall value of construction activities associated with recreational infrastructure. RInC-funded projects will primarily involve modernization and repair of facilities, including new construction that adds to or replaces existing recreational infrastructure capacity.
Funding recipients: May include, under certain conditions, a local or regional government, public sector body, private, not-for-profit entity, provincial or territorial entity that provides municipal-type services to communities, or First Nation government.
Expected results:
(in thousands of dollars) | Forecast spending 2009-2010 |
Planned spending 2010-2011 |
Planned spending 2011-2012 |
Planned spending 2012-2013 |
Grants | — | — | — | — |
Contributions | 5,000 | 73,077 | — | — |
Other types of transfer payments | — | — | — | — |
Total transfer payments | 5,000 | 73,077 | — | — |
Hyperlink to the Departmental Three-Year Plan for Transfer Payment Programs:
1For the full list of funding recipients and their eligibility conditions, please consult the Agency site at under the appropriate program. All information on performance measurements and related indicators is to be found in the Report on Plans and Priorities 2010-2011.
1. Strategic Outcome: Not applicable*
2. Program Activity: Not applicable*
3. Name of Transfer Payment Program: Contributions to support Environment Research & Development*
4. Start date: June 1999
5. End date: March 31, 2010*
6. Description: The purpose of this class is to stimulate, increase or improve scientific knowledge and information, to support the promotion and coordination of research and development in areas that support Environment Canada's objectives, such as wildlife, toxicology, climate change and atmospheric studies.
7. Expected results:
12. |
8. Forecast Spending |
9. Planned Spending |
10. Planned Spending |
11. Planned Spending |
Total grants |
0.0 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
Total contributions |
7.2 |
10.6 |
9.0 |
7.5 |
Total other types of transfer payments |
0.0 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
13. Total Transfer payments |
7.2 |
10.6 |
9.0 |
7.5 |
14. Link to 3 year Transfer Payment Program Plan:
* Note: Environment Canada is seeking approval from Treasury Board to redesign the existing class transfer payment programs (i.e. Contributions to support Environmental Research and Development, Contributions to support Environmental and Sustainable Development Initiatives, and Contributions to support Canada's international commitments) so that they align to the department's revised 2010-2011 Program Activity Architecture (PAA). The redesign and alignment to the PAA will improve performance measurement and reporting and clarify accountability arrangements.
1. Strategic Outcome: Not applicable*
2. Program Activity: Not applicable*
3. Name of Transfer Payment Program: Contributions to support environmental and sustainable development initiatives*
4. Start date: June 1999
5. End date: March 31, 2010*
6. Description: The objective of this class contribution is to enable Canadian groups, associations and organizations to become actively involved in environmental and sustainable development initiatives while accommodating regional ecosystem and socio-economic considerations. Contributions enable recipients to plan, manage and complete environmental and sustainable development initiatives at the regional or ecosystem level. This funding also serves to increase awareness and understanding of environmental and sustainable development issues and to encourage environmentally responsible action.
7. Expected results:
12. |
8. Forecast Spending |
9. Planned Spending |
10. Planned Spending |
11. Planned Spending |
Total grants |
0.0 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
Total contributions |
21.1 |
22.8 |
18.6 |
20.4 |
Total other types of transfer payments |
0.0 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
13. Total Transfer payments |
21.1 |
22.8 |
18.6 |
20.4 |
14. Link to 3 year Transfer Payment Program Plan:
*Note: Environment Canada is seeking approval from Treasury Board to redesign the existing class transfer payment programs (i.e. Contributions to support Environmental Research and Development, Contributions to support Environmental and Sustainable Development Initiatives, and Contributions to support Canada's international commitments) so that they align to the department's revised 2010-2011 Program Activity Architecture (PAA). The redesign and alignment to the PAA will improve performance measurement and reporting and clarify accountability arrangements.
1. Strategic Outcome: Not applicable*
2. Program Activity: Not applicable*
3. Name of Transfer Payment Program: Contributions to support Canada's international commitments*
4. Start date: June 1999
5. End date: March 31, 2010*
6. Description: The objectives of this class contribution are to ensure that Canadian interests are represented in international environmental fora; to sustain and enhance Canada's participation in international multilateral and bilateral environmental organizations, agreements and protocols; to facilitate developing countries' participation in global environmental and sustainable development issues; and to build, strengthen and maintain Canada's linkages with the international community on global environmental and sustainable development issues.
7. Expected results:
12. |
8. Forecast Spending |
9. Planned Spending |
10. Planned Spending |
11. Planned Spending |
Total grants |
0.0 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
Total contributions |
8.9 |
8.9 |
3.6 |
3.6 |
Total other types of transfer payments |
0.0 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
13. Total Transfer payments |
8.9 |
8.9 |
3.6 |
3.6 |
14. Link to 3 year Transfer Payment Program Plan:
*Note: Environment Canada is seeking approval from Treasury Board to redesign the existing class transfer payment programs (i.e. Contributions to support Environmental Research and Development, Contributions to support Environmental and Sustainable Development Initiatives, and Contributions to support Canada's international commitments) so that they align to the department's revised 2010-2011 Program Activity Architecture (PAA). The redesign and alignment to the PAA will improve performance measurement and reporting and clarify accountability arrangements.
1. Strategic Outcome: 1. Canada's natural environment is conserved and restored for present and future generations
2. Program Activity: 1.1 Biodiversity - Wildlife and Habitat
3. Name of Transfer Payment Program: Habitat Stewardship Program for Species at Risk (HSP)
4. Start date: August 20, 2000
5. End date: Ongoing (Terms and Conditions have been continued indefinitely under the new Transfer Payment Policy of TBS; Current approval of sunsetting resources portion ends in 2011-2012)
6. Description:
7. Expected results:
In support of these main objectives, the expected results of approved HSP projects are:
The activities undertaken to achieve these results are largely driven by species at risk recovery strategies and action plans, or through consultation with recovery experts where these are not yet in place.
12. |
8. Forecast Spending |
9. Planned Spending |
10. Planned Spending |
11. Planned Spending |
Total grants |
0.0 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
Total contributions |
13.0 |
13.0 |
13.0 |
9.0 |
Total other types of transfer payments |
0.0 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
13. Total Transfer payments |
13.0 |
13.0 |
13.0 |
9.0 |
14. Link to 3 year Transfer Payment Program Plan:
1. Strategic Outcome: 1. Canada's natural environment is conserved and restored for present and future generations
2. Program Activity: 1.3 Sustainable Ecosystems
3. Name of Transfer Payment Program: Contribution to EcoAction 2000 Community Funding Initiative (voted)
4. Start date: 1998
5. End date: March 31, 2009, Minister of Environment approved extension for one year to March 31, 2010. The Minister of Environment has approved renewal of the program's terms and conditions with minor modifications, as per authorities granted under the new Transfer Payment Policy (2008).
6. Description: Provide financial support to non-profit organizations to undertake environmental projects that yield positive, measurable results and increase capacity to take action and environmental awareness at the community level.
7. Expected results:
12. |
8. Forecast Spending |
9. Planned Spending |
10. Planned Spending |
11. Planned Spending |
Total grants |
0.0 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
Total contributions |
4.5 |
5.1 |
5.1 |
5.1 |
Total other types of transfer payments |
0.0 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
13. Total Transfer payments |
4.5 |
5.1 |
5.1 |
5.1 |
14. Link to 3 year Transfer Payment Program Plan:
Approved decision following the last evaluation: Continuation of the program.
1. Strategic Outcome: 3. Threats to Canadians and their environment from pollution are minimized.
2. Program Activity: 3.2 Climate Change and Clean Air
3. Name of Transfer Payment Program: Grant to the Foundation for Sustainable Development Technology of Canada (SDTC) -- NextGen Biofuels Fund (NGBF)
4. Start date: March 2001
5. End date: September 2027
6. Description: Environment Canada and Natural Resources Canada provide oversight of Sustainable Development Technology Canada, also referred to as the Foundation, which administers the NGBF on behalf of the Government of Canada.
Under the NGBF, the Foundation provides grants with conditional repayment terms to eligible recipients for the establishment of first-of-kind large demonstration-scale facilities producing next-generation renewable fuels. These facilities must involve both non-conventional technologies and non-traditional feedstocks and be built in Canada, using representative Canadian feedstock. Selection is based on the technology's (rather than the plant's) potential for environmental and other (socio-economic) benefits. While the spending listed below captures the funds transferred from Environment Canada to the Foundation, the actual planned disbursements to NGBF projects in 2010-11 total $87.1 million.
7. Expected results: Net economic benefits from reduced consumption of hydrocarbon-based fuels and products, cleaner production processes, private returns to investors and owners.
12. |
8. Forecast Spending |
9. Planned Spending |
10. Planned Spending |
11. Planned Spending |
Notes: * $12.5 million was reprofiled from 2009-10 to 2010-11 ** Please see also Up-Front Multi-Year Funding for Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC) *** This represents EC's share of half of the amount to be transferred to SDTC's NGBF, with the other half coming from Natural Resources Canada |
Total grants** |
0.0* |
37.5* |
25.0 |
25.0 |
Total contributions |
0.0 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
Total other types of transfer payments |
0.0 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
13. Total Transfer payments*** |
0.0* |
37.5* |
25.0 |
25.0 |
14. Link to 3 year Transfer Payment Program Plan:
1. Strategic Outcome: 1. Canada's natural environment is conserved and restored for present and future generations
2. Program Activity: 1.3 Sustainable Ecosystems
3. Name of Transfer Payment Program: Freshwater Program
4. Start date: April 1, 2008
5. End date: March 31, 2013
6. Description: The objective of this class contribution is to enable the clean-up of contaminated sediment in targeted areas of concern in the Great Lakes, and advance clean-up efforts to restore Lake Winnipeg and Lake Simcoe.
Transfer payments made under the Program will be in the form of contributions to a broad range of entities to support the remediation of contaminated sediment in Great Lakes Areas of Concern and/or rehabilitation measures that reduce nutrient loads to Lakes Winnipeg and Simcoe and their tributaries including: domestic or international non-profit organizations, Provincial and Municipal Governments, regional conservation authorities, Canadian individuals, businesses, post-secondary institutions, Indian Bands, and Aboriginal peoples' organizations and associations.
7. Expected results: Contribution funding under the Program will target the following results:
Planned evaluations: A third-party program evaluation will be conducted for the Lake Winnipeg and Lake Simcoe initiatives (2010-2011) and for the Great Lakes initiative (2013-2014).
12. |
8. Forecast Spending |
9. Planned Spending |
10. Planned Spending |
11. Planned Spending |
Total grants |
0.0 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
Total contributions |
7.1 |
8.4 |
7.1 |
1.8 |
Total other types of transfer payments |
0.0 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
13. Total Transfer payments |
7.1 |
8.4 |
7.1 |
1.8 |
14. Link to 3 year Transfer Payment Program Plan:
12. | 8. Forecast Spending 2009–10 | 9. Planned Spending 2010–11 | 10. Planned Spending 2011–12 | 11. Planned Spending 2012–13 |
Total grants | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Total contributions | 27.9 | 41.2 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Total other types of transfer payments | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
13. Total Transfer payments | 27.9 | 41.2 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
14. Link to 3 year Transfer Payment Program Plan:
Program Activity: Community and Business Development
Start date: August 13, 2009
End date: March 31, 2014
Description: The Southern Ontario Development Program supports the economic development and diversification of Southern Ontario communities. The program provides funding through contribution agreements to not-for-profit organizations and small and medium-sized enterprises in six priority areas: community economic development, information and communications technology, innovation, trade and tourism, human capital, and business financing support.
Expected results: Communities in Southern Ontario are viable and businesses in this region are competitive.
The data presented in this table are shown in millions of dollars.
Forecast Spending 2009–10 |
Planned Spending 2010–11 |
Planned Spending 2011–12 |
Planned Spending 2012–13 |
Total contributions | 100.0 | 176.2 | 176.1 | 176.1 |
Total Program Activity | 100.0 | 176.2 | 176.1 | 176.1 |
Planned Evaluations and Audits:
There are no planned evaluations or audits for this program in the 2009–2013 period.
Program activity: Community and Business Development
Start date: October 12, 2004
End date: March 31, 2011
Description: The Eastern Ontario Development Program (EODP) supports the economic development and diversification of rural Eastern Ontario communities. The program makes funding available through repayable and non-repayable contribution agreements to businesses and not-for-profit organizations (including Community Futures Development Corporations (CFDCs) and the Eastern Ontario CFDC Network) for activities in five priority areas: business and community development, access to capital, skills development, retention and attraction of youth, and technological enhancement. Applicant projects are assessed against program criteria decisions are made by EODP staff, the CFDCs, and the Eastern Ontario CFDC network based on local and/or regional needs, priorities and opportunities.
Expected Results: Communities in rural Ontario are viable and businesses in the region are competitive.
The data presented in this table are shown in millions of dollars.
Forecast Spending 2009–2010 | Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Total Contributions | 9.6 | 9.6 | 0 | 0 |
Total Program Activity: | 9.6 | 9.6 | 0 | 0 |
Planned Evaluations and Audits:
An evaluation will be conducted after the program terminates.
Program activity: Community and Business Development
Start date: 1986
End date: n/a (ongoing program)
Description: The Community Futures Program supports community economic development and builds the capacity of non-metropolitan communities in Ontario. FedDev Ontario administers and delivers the program within its geographic mandate. The program makes funding available through contribution agreements to Community Futures Development Corporations (CFDCs) in Ontario, who provide services relating to strategic community planning, socio-economic development, business services, repayable business financing through local investment funds, and community-based projects and special initiatives. CFDCs annual workplans align with the Community Futures Program's expected results. CFDCs make funding decisions based on the economic, social, cultural, environmental and other factors important to the community.
Expected Results: Communities in rural Ontario are viable and businesses in the region are competitive.
The data presented in this table are shown in millions of dollars.
Forecast Spending 2009–2010 | Planned Spending 2010–11 |
Planned Spending 2011–12 |
Planned Spending 2012–13 |
Total Contributions | 11.5 | 9.6 | 9.6 | 9.6 |
Total Program Activity: | 11.5 | 9.6 | 9.6 | 9.6 |
Planned Evaluations and Audits:
Summative evaluation completed in 2008; audit completed in 2009.
Program activity: Community and Business Development
Start date: June 2009
End date: March 31, 2013
Description: The Official Language Minority Communities (OLMC) Development program is delivered through the Economic Development Initiative of the Government of Canada's Roadmap for Linguistic Duality 2008–2013: Acting for the Future. This program is delivered by FedDev Ontario in Southern and Eastern Ontario and supports the economic development of the region's OLMCs and promotes the economic benefits of Canada's linguistic duality. Contribution agreements with businesses and organizations encourage sustainable growth in OLMCs by focussing on community strategic planning initiatives, incremental project based activities, and business and economic development initiatives that foster economic growth in sectors such as Francophone tourism, cultural, knowledge-based and manufacturing industries.
Expected Results: Small and medium-sized businesses in official language minority communities have improved access to economic development projects.
The data presented in this table are shown in millions of dollars.
Forecast Spending 2009–2010 | Planned Spending 2010–11 |
Planned Spending 2011–12 |
Planned Spending 2012–13 |
Total Contributions | 1.1 | 1.9 | 0.9 | 0.3 |
Total Program Activity: | 1.1 | 1.9 | 0.9 | 0.3 |
Planned Evaluations and Audits:
An evaluation will be conducted after the program terminates.
Program activity: Community and Business Development
Start date: December 13, 2007
End date: March 31, 2011
Description: The Ontario Potable Water Program (OPWP) provides financial assistance in the form of grants to specific small and rural Ontario municipalities that incurred increased costs in order to meet Ontario drinking water regulations. These costs were incurred as a result of drinking water projects that were developed under the Canada-Ontario Infrastructure Program (COIP).
Expected Results: Increased community capacity to respond to economic development opportunities and challenges in recipient communities.
The data presented in this table are shown in millions of dollars.
Forecast Spending 2009–2010 | Planned Spending 2010–11 |
Planned Spending 2011–12 |
Planned Spending 2012–13 |
Total Grants | 34.5 | 22.5 | 0.0 | 0 |
Total Program Activity: | 34.5 | 22.5 | 0.0 | 0 |
Planned Evaluations and Audits:
There are no planned evaluations or audits for this program.
Program activity: Community and Business Development
Start date: May 8, 2008
End date: March 31, 2013
Description: The project provides a federal contribution to the remediation of 50 acres of land spread over three sites in Brantford, Ontario. Once remediated, the land will be redeveloped according to a community design plan that has been developed in consultation with the residents of Brantford. The plan includes residential development and some light commercial development with a heritage/cultural component. The project plan has several milestones spread over the 2008–2011 period.
Expected Results: Fifty acres of remediated land in Brantford, Ontario suitable for residential development, some light commercial development and a cultural/heritage component.
The data presented in this table are shown in millions of dollars.
Forecast Spending 2009–2010 | Planned Spending 2010–11 |
Planned Spending 2011–12 |
Planned Spending 2012–13 |
Total Grants | 8.1 | 2.3 | 1.2 | 0 |
Total Program Activity: | 8.1 | 2.3 | 1.2 | 0 |
Planned Evaluations and Audits:
A Results-based Management and Accountability Framework (RMAF) and Risk-based Audit Framework (RBAF) are not necessary for
this grant.
Program activity: Community and Business Development
Start date: June 11, 2009
End date: March 31, 2011
Description: These projects aim to improve the quality of life in Southern Ontario, for example by providing funding for small and medium-sized businesses and social enterprises. The Development Projects for Businesses and Communities program delivers short-term, targeted community and business development projects, primarily through the delivery and administration of contribution agreements to communities, not-for-profit organizations and businesses from the private sector. These projects are typically of limited scope and are typically put in place with specific targets, either in recipient or type of business or community support.
Expected Results: Development projects enhance or accelerate community and business development in Ontario.
The data presented in this table are shown in millions of dollars.
Forecast Spending 2009–2010 | Planned Spending 2010–11 |
Planned Spending 2011–12 |
Planned Spending 2012–13 |
Total Contributions | 149.7 | 152.8 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Total Program Activity: | 149.7 | 152.8 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Planned Evaluations and Audits:
An evaluation of this program is planned in the fourth fiscal quarter of 2010–2011 period.
Program activity: Community and Business Development
Start date: October 25, 2000
End date: March 31, 2011
Description: COIP uses a competitive process to provide funding assistance to municipalities for the construction, renewal, expansion or material enhancement of infrastructure that will contribute to improving the quality of life for Ontarians and to building the foundation for sustained, long-term economic growth in the 21st century.
Expected Results: Promotion of regional economic development in specific small and rural Ontario municipalities.
The data presented in this table are shown in millions of dollars.
Forecast Spending 2009–2010 | Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Total Transfer Payments | 11.7 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Total Program Activity: | 11.7 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Planned Evaluations and Audits:
Approximately 50 project audits will be conducted for COIP
after the program terminates.
Program activity: Infrastructure
Start date: May, 2009
End date: March 31, 2011
Description: RInC is a two year economic stimulus program. The program is designed to provide timely, targeted stimulus to communities through investments that will spur construction activity related to existing recreational infrastructure.
Expected Results: Economic stimulus and job creation as well as renewal, rehabilitation and modernization of Canada's recreational infrastructure.
The data presented in this table are shown in millions of dollars.
Forecast Spending 2009–2010 | Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Total Contributions | 95.5 | 94.6 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Total Program Activity: | 95.5 | 94.6 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Planned Evaluations and Audits:
There are no planned evaluations or audits for this program.
Strategic Outcome: Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture
Program Activity: Fisheries and Aquaculture Management
Start date: 1992
End date: Ongoing
Description: Launched in 1992, the Aboriginal Fisheries Strategy (AFS) provides for negotiated arrangements with Aboriginal groups around the harvesting, use and management of Aboriginal food, social and ceremonial fisheries and, where applicable, communal commercial fisheries.
In 1994, DFO introduced a commercial access component to the AFS, the Allocation Transfer Program (ATP). The ATP facilitates the voluntary retirement of commercial fishing licences and the issuance of communal licences to eligible Aboriginal groups in a manner that does not add to the existing effort on the resource.
Provisions of negotiated fisheries agreements under the AFS may include:
Where Agreements pertaining to the FSC Fisheries cannot be concluded between DFO and an Aboriginal group, DFO will issue to the group a communal fishing licence that establishes the terms and conditions of its FSC fishery.
The AFS is applicable where DFO manages the fishery and where a fisheries management regime has not already been established under a land claims settlement.
Expected results:
Link to 3-year Transfer Payment Program Plan:
($ millions) | Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Total grants | — | — | — | — |
Total contributions | 31.9 | 32.3 | 32.2 | 31.4 |
Total other types of transfer payments | — | — | — | — |
Total Transfer payments | 31.9 | 32.3 | 32.2 | 31.4 |
Strategic Outcome: Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture
Program Activity: Fisheries and Aquaculture Management
Start date: 2005-06
End date: Ongoing
Description: Launched in October 2004, the Aboriginal Aquatic Resource and Oceans Management (AAROM) Program provides for Capacity Building and Collaborative Management initiatives that supports the involvement of Aboriginal groups, working together, to obtain access to technical, scientific and administrative expertise in order to facilitate their participation in multi-stakeholder and other decision-making processes used to manage aquatic resources and ocean spaces.
Aboriginal groups transition from Capacity Building into Collaborative Management.
Provisions of Contribution Agreements under AAROM may include:
AAROM is applicable in areas where DFO manages the fishery, and where land claim agreements addressing those matters covered under AAROM are not in place. Where the Aboriginal group has signed a comprehensive land claims agreement, and one or more of the matters covered by the AAROM Program are not dealt with in the agreement, the group would be eligible to apply for support in those matters not covered.
Expected results: 34 AAROM Agreements (23 Collaborative Management and 11 Capacity Building) with Aboriginal organizations involving approximately 330 member communities. These agreements allow Aboriginal groups to:
Link to 3-year Transfer Payment Program Plan:
($ millions) | Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Total grants | — | — | — | — |
Total contributions | 14.0 | 13.9 | 13.9 | 13.1 |
Total other types of transfer payments | — | — | — | — |
Total Transfer payments | 14.0 | 13.9 | 13.9 | 13.1 |
Strategic Outcome: Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture
Program Activity: Fisheries and Aquaculture Management
Start date: 2007-08
End date: 2011-12
Description: The long-term goal of the Atlantic Integrated Commercial Fisheries Initiative (AICFI) is to continue to create positive conditions towards concluding longer-term DIAND-led arrangements for MMFNs. The immediate goals are to assist MMFNs to:
AICFI has been developed to proceed along two separate paths of deployment. The first is through individual MMFNs where the individual First Nations can apply for funding for components of the initiative provided they have completed the prerequisite planning as per component requirements. This will allow First Nations the ability to personalize their development to their own needs and development schedule.
The second path of deployment is through associated aggregate bodies which may apply for funding to proceed with the development of the Commercial Fishing Enterprise (CFE) Business Development Unit as well as co-management and various training and mentoring projects. Aggregate bodies will develop expertise that can be shared with individual First Nations which will provide smaller First Nations a larger voice within the commercial fishery as well as provide a higher value for dollar on mentoring and training sessions.
Expected results: AICFI has developed an RMAF/RBAF which sets the performance measurement and risk management strategy to assist DFO management in the delivery of the program. The following results are expected for the participating MMFNs:
Link to 3-year Transfer Payment Program Plan:
($ millions) | Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Total grants | — | — | — | — |
Total contributions | 9.6 | 11.6 | 11.3 | — |
Total other types of transfer payments | — | — | — | — |
Total Transfer payments | 9.6 | 11.6 | 11.3 | — |
Strategic Outcome: Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture
Program Activity: Fisheries and Aquaculture Management
Start date: July 2007
End date: March 31, 2012
Description: On July 16, 2007, the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans announced the Pacific Integrated Commercial Fisheries Initiative (PICFI), which is designed to support increased First Nations participation in integrated commercial fisheries, where all commercial harvesters fish under common and transparent rules, a higher standard of accountability for all resource users, and strengthened collaboration and cooperation amongst all fishery interests.
PICFI is a $175 million, 5-year initiative, developed to support the implementation of much needed reforms which includes the following four distinct yet integrated elements:
Expected results:
Link to 3-year Transfer Payment Program Plan:
($ millions) | Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Total grants | — | — | — | — |
Total contributions | 29.4 | 35.5 | 33.0 | — |
Total other types of transfer payments | — | — | — | — |
Total Transfer payments | 29.4 | 35.5 | 33.0 | — |
Strategic Outcome: Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture
Program Activity: Fisheries and Aquaculture Management
Start date: September 2009
End date: March 31, 2014
Description: This is one of two programs to support restructuring of Canada's Atlantic Lobster Fishery. The Atlantic Lobster Sustainability Measures (ALSM) will provide support for the development and implementation of lobster sustainability plans which will help the fishery to make changes that will enhance its economic prosperity (through self-rationalization) and long-term sustainability (through mandatory and possible, additional conservation measures).
ALSM is a five-year, $50M initiative with an overall goal to support the implementation of sustainability plans within Lobster Fishing Areas by providing funding to supplement and help leverage other sources of funds obtained by harvesters, such as provincial programs, financial institutions, etc. The outcomes of sustainability plans will help achieve the conservation measures necessary for a sustainable future and enable and provide incentive for the long-term structural change needed within the lobster fishery. This structural change, through rationalization, is necessary to improve the economic viability across the sector and help ensure long term sustainability. An economically viable sector will, in turn, be more willing to invest in strengthened conservation measures. In addition, when self-rationalization is on a significant scale, it may provide conservation benefits as well as economic benefits.
Expected results:
Link to 3-year Transfer Payment Program Plan:
($ millions) | Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Total grants | 14.0 | — | — | — |
Total contributions | 3.9 | 14.3 | 17.2 | 7.8 |
Total other types of transfer payments | — | — | — | — |
Total Transfer payments | 17.9 | 14.3 | 17.2 | 7.8 |
Strategic Outcome: Better health outcomes and reduction of health inequalities between First Nations and Inuit and other Canadians
Program Activity: First Nations and Inuit Health Programming and Services
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Contributions for Bigstone Non-Insured Health Benefits Pilot Project (Voted)
Start Date: April, 2005
End Date: March 2011
Description: Administration and delivery of benefits with Bigstone Health Commission to registered Indians and recognized Inuit.
Expected Results: Improved access to quality well-coordinated culturally appropriate primary health care programs and services for First Nations and Inuit individuals, families and communities.
Program Activity (millions of dollars) |
Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Total Grants: | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Total Contributions: | 8.8 | 9.1 | 9.4 | 9.7 |
Total other types of transfer payments: | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Total Transfer Payments: | 8.8 | 9.1 | 9.4 | 9.7 |
Strategic Outcome: Better health outcomes and reduction of health inequalities between First Nations and Inuit and other Canadians
Program Activity: First Nations and Inuit Health Programming and Services
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Contributions for First Nations and Inuit Community Programs (Voted)
Start Date: April 1, 2005
End Date: March 2011
Description: Community programs support child and maternal-child health; mental health promotion; addictions prevention and treatment; chronic disease prevention and health promotion services
Expected Results: Increased participation of First Nations and Inuit individuals, families, and communities in programs and supports and improved continuum of programs and services in First Nation and Inuit communities
Program Activity (millions of dollars) |
Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Total Grants: | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Total Contributions: | 242.3 | 170.0 | 172.9 | 175.6 |
Total other types of transfer payments: | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Total Transfer Payments: | 242.3 | 170.0 | 172.9 | 175.6 |
Strategic Outcome: Better health outcomes and reduction of health inequalities between First Nations and Inuit and other Canadians
Program Activity: First Nations and Inuit Health Programming and Services
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Contributions for First Nations and Inuit Health Benefits (Voted)
Start Date: April, 2005
End Date: March 2011
Description: A limited range of medically necessary health-related goods and services which supplement those provided through other private or provincial/territorial health insurance plans is provided to registered Indians and recognized Inuit. Benefits include drugs, dental care, vision care, medical supplies and equipment, short-term crisis intervention mental health services, and transportation to access medical services not available on reserve or in the community of residence
Expected Results: Access by eligible clients to Non-Insured Health benefits
Program Activity (millions of dollars) |
Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Total Grants: | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Total Contributions: | 157.7 | 168.7 | 150.0 | 154.6 |
Total other types of transfer payments: | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Total Transfer Payments: | 157.7 | 168.7 | 150.0 | 154.6 |
Strategic Outcome: Better health outcomes and reduction of health inequalities between First Nations and Inuit and other Canadians
Program Activity: First Nations and Inuit Health Programming and Services
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Contributions for First Nations and Inuit Health Facilities and Capital Program (Voted)
Start Date: April 2005
End Date: March 2011
Description: Provides funding to eligible recipients for the construction acquisition, leasing, operation and maintenance of nursing stations, health centres, health stations, health offices, treatment centres, staff residences, and operational support buildings
Expected Results: Increase availability of health facilities, equipment and other moveable assets in First Nations and Inuit communities that support the provision of health services
Program Activity (millions of dollars) |
Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Total Grants: | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Total Contributions: | 112.6 | 112.9 | 48.6 | 48.8 |
Total other types of transfer payments: | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Total Transfer Payments: | 112.6 | 112.9 | 48.6 | 48.8 |
Strategic Outcome: Better health outcomes and reduction of health inequalities between First Nations and Inuit and other Canadians
Program Activity: First Nations and Inuit Health Programming and Services
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Contributions for First Nations and Inuit Health Governance and Infrastructure Support (Voted)
Start Date: April 2005
End Date: March 2011
Description: Health Governance and infrastructure support aims to increase First nations and Inuit control over health programs and services. Activities include health planning and management; health research, knowledge and information management; health consultation and liaison; health delivery and infrastructure; integration and adaptation of health services; and health human resources
Expected Results: Improved health status of First Nations and Inuit through strengthened governance and infrastructure
Program Activity (millions of dollars) |
Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Total Grants: | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Total Contributions: | 216.1 | 166.8 | 152.1 | 159.3 |
Total other types of transfer payments: | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Total Transfer Payments: | 216.1 | 166.8 | 152.1 | 159.3 |
Strategic Outcome: Better health outcomes and reduction of health inequalities between First Nations and Inuit and other Canadians
Program Activity: First Nations and Inuit Health Programming and Services
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Contributions for First Nations and Inuit Health Protection (Voted)
Start Date: April 2005
End Date: March 2011
Description: Communicable Disease and Environmental Health and Research programs facilitate preparedness to implement measures in the control, management and containment of outbreaks of preventable diseases and improve management and control of environmental hazards
Expected Results: Environmental health risk management contributes to improve the health status of First Nations and Inuit individuals, families and communities, as well as, improve access to quality, well-coordinated communicable disease prevention and control programs for First Nations and Inuit individuals, families, and communities
Program Activity (millions of dollars) |
Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Total Grants: | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Total Contributions: | 24.1 | 12.8 | 11.5 | 10.5 |
Total other types of transfer payments: | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Total Transfer Payments: | 24.1 | 12.8 | 11.5 | 10.5 |
Strategic Outcome: Better health outcomes and reduction of health inequalities between First Nations and Inuit and other Canadians
Program Activity: First Nations and Inuit Health Programming and Services
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Contributions for First Nations and Inuit Primary Health Care (Voted)
Start Date: April 2005
End Date: March 2011
Description: Primary Health Care services include emergency and acute care health services, and community primary health care services which include illness and injury prevention and health promotion activities. These programs also include: the First Nations and Inuit Home and Community Care; and the Oral Health Strategy
Expected Results: Improved access to quality well-coordinated culturally appropriate primary health care programs and services for First Nations and Inuit individuals, families and communities
Program Activity (millions of dollars) |
Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Total Grants: | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Total Contributions: | 128.9 | 129.5 | 124.5 | 125.6 |
Total other types of transfer payments: | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Total Transfer Payments: | 128.9 | 129.5 | 124.5 | 125.6 |
Strategic Outcome: Better health outcomes and reduction of health inequalities between First Nations and Inuit and other Canadians
Program Activity: First Nations and Inuit Health Programming and Services
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Contributions to the Organization for the Advancement of Aboriginal People's Health (Voted)
Start Date: April 2005
End Date: March 2011
Description: To support the Organization for the Advancement of Aboriginal People's Health
Expected Results: Continued empowerment of Aboriginal peoples through advancements in knowledge and sharing of knowledge on Aboriginal health
Program Activity (millions of dollars) |
Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Total Grants: | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Total Contributions: | 5.0 | 5.0 | 5.0 | 5.2 |
Total other types of transfer payments: | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Total Transfer Payments: | 5.0 | 5.0 | 5.0 | 5.2 |
Strategic Outcome: Better health outcomes and reduction of health inequalities between First Nations and Inuit and other Canadians
Program Activity: First Nations and Inuit Health Programming and Services
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Grant for the Territorial Health Access Fund and Operational Secretariat (Voted)
Start Date: September 2005
End Date: March 2011
Description: Grant for the territorial Health Access Fund and Operational Secretariat
Expected Results: Strengthened, integrated sustainable health promotion and illness prevention strategies; enhanced alcohol and drug services, programs, and treatment options; improved public health services and emergency preparedness and response measures and oral health; reduced frequency of acute care facilities utilization; enhanced application of e-health and tele-health solutions; increased out-reach services to outlying communities; improved health professional recruitment and retention strategies; improved access to specialized physician and diagnostic services; supported territorial-based education and training for health professionals and para-professionals; improved in-territory services to population groups with special needs; and enhanced medical travel information collection and collation capacity
Program Activity (millions of dollars) |
Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Total Grants: | 15.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Total Contributions: | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Total other types of transfer payments: | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Total Transfer Payments: | 15.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Strategic Outcome: Better health outcomes and reduction of health inequalities between First Nations and Inuit and other Canadians
Program Activity: First Nations and Inuit Health Programming and Services
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Grant for the Territorial Medical Travel Fund (Voted)
Start Date: April 2005
End Date: March 2011
Description: To support the medical travel fund
Expected Results: Address the significant and immediate pressures facing the Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut (the territories) in the area of medical travel expenditures offset a portion of the territories' medical travel costs; and enable the territories to redirect resources to alternative sustainable health reform initiatives
Program Activity (millions of dollars) |
Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Total Grants: | 15.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Total Contributions: | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Total other types of transfer payments: | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Total Transfer Payments: | 15.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Strategic Outcome: Better health outcomes and reduction of health inequalities between First Nations and Inuit and other Canadians
Program Activity: First Nations and Inuit Health Programming and Services
Name of Transfer Payment Program: First Nations and Inuit Health Services Transfer (Voted)
Start Date: April 2007
End Date: March 2012
Description: To increase responsibility and control by First Nation and Inuit of their own health programs and services and to effect improvement in the health conditions of First Nations and Inuit
Expected Results: Increased control or accountability by First Nations and Inuit communities of health care services
Program Activity (millions of dollars) |
Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Total Grants: | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Total Contributions: | 248.5 | 256.1 | 257.8 | 264.8 |
Total other types of transfer payments: | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Total Transfer Payments: | 248.5 | 256.1 | 257.8 | 264.8 |
Strategic Outcome: Better health outcomes and reduction of health inequalities between First Nations and Inuit and other Canadians.
Program Activity: First Nations and Inuit Health Programming and Services
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Contribution for the Indian Residential Schools Resolution Health Program
Start Date: November 2006
End Date: March 2013
Description: to support the mental wellness of former IRS students, their families and communities, by providing: resolution health support services, delivered by Resolution Health Support Workers; Elder support; support during truth and reconciliation and commemoration events; research and communication activities in support of the mental wellness of former IRS students, and an overall increased awareness of and demand for mental health services available to former IRS students and their families during the resolution process
Expected Results: providing services which are sensitive to cultural and traditional Aboriginal practices, ultimately improving emotional and mental wellness of former IRS students as well as reducing the risk of crises and preventable death
Program Activity (millions of dollars) |
Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Total Grants: | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Total Contributions: | 7.2 | 5.4 | 5.4 | 3.8 |
Total other types of transfer payments: | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Total Transfer Payments: | 7.2 | 5.4 | 5.4 | 3.8 |
Strategic Outcome: Reduced health and environmental risks from products and substances, and safer living and working environments
Program Activity: Substance Use and Abuse
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Grant/Contribution in Support of the Federal Tobacco Control Strategy (Voted)
Start Date: April 1, 2001
End Date: March 31, 2012
Description: A transfer payment program in support of the Federal Tobacco Control Strategy designed to develop and test tobacco cessation and prevention techniques and approaches and to transfer this knowledge to stakeholders with the intention of changing behaviour. Contributions are provided to support the provinces and territories as well as key national and regional non-governmental organizations and others in order to help build a strong knowledge base and ongoing capacity for developing effective tobacco prevention and cessation interventions. The grant portion of the program is designed to support international tobacco control efforts.
Expected Results: Supporting the attainment of a smoking prevalence rate in Canada of 12% by 2011 by: contributing to a reduction in smoking uptake among Canadian youth; contributing to the number of Canadians who quit smoking; contributing to the reduction in the number of Canadians exposed to second-hand smoke; increasing capacity in research and regulations; and contributing to the global implementation of the World Health Organization's Framework Convention on Tobacco Control
Program Activity (millions of dollars) |
Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Total Grants: | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Total Contributions: | 9.6 | 15.8 | 15.8 | 15.8 |
Total other types of transfer payments: | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Total Transfer Payments: | 9.6 | 15.8 | 15.8 | 15.8 |
Strategic Outcome (NADS): Reduced demand for illicit drugs in targeted populations and areas and reduced impacts of illicit drug use through prevention and treatment efforts.
Program Activity: Substance use and abuse
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Contribution to the Drug Treatment Funding Program (Voted)
Start Date: October 2007 - Services component; April 2008 - Systems component
End Date: 2011-2012 (services component); 2012-2013 (systems component)
Description: The aim of the Drug Treatment Funding Program (DTFP) will be to provide the incentive (seed funding) for provinces, territories and key stakeholders to initiate projects that will lay the foundation for systemic change (reoriented ADTR funds) leading to sustainable improvement in the quality and organization of substance abuse treatment systems. At the same time that provincial and territorial governments are working to achieve these system-level efficiencies, five-year time limited funding (new funds) will be available for the delivery of treatment services to meet the critical illicit drug treatment needs of at-risk youth in high needs areas.
Expected Results: DTFP plans to increase availability of and access to effective
treatment services and programs for at-risk youth in areas of need. The Program's success and progress will be measured
by the type/nature of treatment services and supports that have been made available by end of FY
and will be measured by the program/service utilization trends associated with their populations and areas of need.
DTFP will also seek to improve treatment systems, programs and services to address illicit drug dependency
of affected Canadians. The Program's success and progress in this plan will be measured by the extent to which treatment
system improvements have been made; perceptions of stakeholders; and, the extent to which uptake/integration of evidence-informed
practices has occurred.
Program Activity (millions of dollars) |
Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Total Grants: | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Total Contributions: | 23.5 | 28.0 | 29.9 | 25.7 |
Total other types of transfer payments: | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Total Transfer Payments: | 23.5 | 28.0 | 29.9 | 25.7 |
Strategic Outcome (NADS): Reduced demand for illicit drugs in targeted populations and areas and reduced impacts of illicit drug use through prevention and treatment efforts.
Program Activity: Substance use and abuse
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Contributions for the Drug Strategy Community Initiatives Fund (Voted)
Start Date: April, 2004
End Date: ongoing
Description: The Drug Strategy Community Initiatives Fund will contribute to reducing drug use among Canadians, particularly among vulnerable populations such as youth, by focussing on health promotion and prevention approaches to address drug abuse before it happens. The objectives of the Fund are to facilitate the development of local, provincial, territorial, national and community-based solutions to drug use among youth and to promote public awareness of illicit drug use among youth. The Program is delivered through Health Canada's regional and national offices and the Northern region.
Expected Results: DSCIF plans to enhance the capacity of targeted populations to make informed decisions about illicit drug use. The program's success and progress will be measured by the level/nature of acquired or improved knowledge/skills to avoid illicit drug use within the targeted population, and will be measured by evidence that capacity changes are influencing decision-making and behaviours around illicit drug use and associated consequences in targeted populations.
DSCIF also plans to strengthen community responses to illicit drug issues in targeted areas, and will measure their progress based on the type/nature of ways that community responses have been strengthened in targeted areas. For example, the adoption/integration evidence-informed/best practices within the targeted areas will indicate the program's contribution to this outcome.
Program Activity (millions of dollars) |
Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Total Grants: | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Total Contributions: | 11.5 | 14.5 | 11.5 | 11.5 |
Total other types of transfer payments: | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Total Transfer Payments: | 11.5 | 14.5 | 11.5 | 11.5 |
Strategic Outcome: Accessible and sustainable health system responsive to the health needs of Canadians
Program Activity: Canadian Health System
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Contribution Program to Improve Access to Health Services for Official Language Minority Communities (Voted)
Start Date: April 2009
End Date: March 2013
Description: The Official Languages Health Contribution Program builds on initiatives established under the previous Contribution Program to Improve Access to Health Services for Official Language Minority Communities (2003-2004 to 2008-2009). The Program is managed by the Official Language Community Development Bureau.
The Program was approved for a five year period (2008-2009 to 2012-2013) with a total budget of $174.3 million, to support three mutually reinforcing components: 1) Health Networking ($22M); 2) Training and Retention of Health Professionals ($114.5M); and 3) Official Language Minority Community Health Projects ($33.5M); and to strengthen Health Canada's capacity to administer the Program ($4.3M).
The Health Networking component aims to: (i) maintain and enhance official language minority community health networks in line with provincial/territorial priorities; (ii) develop strategies to increase and improve OLMC health services; and (iii) provide leadership and coordination of activities that span all three components of the Official Languages Health Contribution Program.
The Training and Retention component is designed to: (i) provide post-secondary training of francophone health professionals in official language minority communities located outside Quebec to respond to the health care provider needs of those communities; (ii) promote the recruitment of qualified students into francophone post-secondary health training programs and their re-integration into official language minority communities upon graduation; (iii) provide training and retention initiatives in Quebec to ensure that health professionals have opportunities to improve their ability to work in both official languages, and to practice where they can meet the needs of official language minority communities; (iv) in communities outside Quebec, provide cultural and French-language training to bilingual health professionals to improve their ability to provide health services to Francophone minority language communities; and (v) promote research and information-sharing on approaches to reducing barriers to health care access for official language minority communities.
The Official Language Minority Community Health Projects component of the Program provides short and medium term support for projects in six activity areas in response to community and provincial, territorial, or regional health priorities: (i) strategies to develop, retain and mobilize health human resources within French official language minority communities; (ii) development of sustained health information products and tools to facilitate access to health services within networks; (iii) provision of improved front-line health service expertise in the minority official language; (iv) support to regional and local health and social service agencies and community organizations in implementing new programs and best practices for access to health services in the minority official language; (v) development of volunteer health and social support services for official language minority communities within local networks, institutions and health organizations; and (vi) evidence-based assessment and dissemination of the effectiveness of initiatives to improve access to health services in the minority language.
Expected Results: The two main objectives of the Program are to improve access to health services in the minority official language and to increase the use of both official languages in the provision of health services. To achieve these objectives the Program has identified five expected outcomes:
Program Activity (millions of dollars) |
Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Total Grants: | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Total Contributions: | 34.0 | 36.7 | 38.0 | 38.3 |
Total other types of transfer payments: | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Total Transfer Payments: | 34.0 | 36.7 | 38.0 | 38.3 |
Strategic Outcome: Accessible and Sustainable Health Systems Responsive to the Health Needs of the Canadian Population
Program Activity: International Health Affairs
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Assessed Contribution to the Pan American Health Organization
Start Date: July 2008
End Date: March 2013
Description: Payment of Canada's annual membership fees to the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO).
Expected Results: Canada's participation in PAHO promotes results aimed at improving and protecting the health of Canadians, enhancing global health security, and supporting global health efforts through the exchange of best practices, lessons learned and the provision of technical expertise in strengthening health systems and in building capacity. PAHO has an effective disease surveillance system at the country level which is used extensively to provide an early warning system for Canadian tourists and businesses in Latin America and the Caribbean. This infrastructure is essential to Canada's interests in being better prepared to respond to emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases.
Canada's influence and interests in the Americas region with respect to good governance, transparency and accountability are also advanced through our membership in PAHO, which provides a forum for the wider dissemination of Canadian-based values related to health and the provision of health-care, amongst others. Canada's membership in this multilateral organization also aligns with the Government of Canada's foreign policy objectives for the Americas which seek to strengthen our bilateral and multilateral relations in the region.
Program Activity (millions of dollars) |
Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Total Grants: | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Total Contributions: | 12.5 | 12.5 | 12.5 | 12.5 |
Total other types of transfer payments: | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Total Transfer Payments: | 12.5 | 12.5 | 12.5 | 12.5 |
Strategic Outcome: Access to Safe and Effective Health Products and Food and Information for Healthy Choices
Program Activity: Health Products
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Grant to the Canadian Blood Services (Voted)
Start Date: April 2000
End Date: Ongoing
Description: To support basic, applied and clinical research on blood safety and effectiveness issues through the auspices of Canadian Blood Services
Expected Results: Improved blood safety and blood system governance
Program Activity (millions of dollars) |
Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Total Grants: | 5.0 | 5.0 | 5.0 | 5.0 |
Total Contributions: | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Total other types of transfer payments: | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Total Transfer Payments: | 5.0 | 5.0 | 5.0 | 5.0 |
Strategic Outcome: Accessible and sustainable health system responsive to the health needs of Canadians.
Program Activity: Canadian Health System
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Grant to the Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technology in Health (Voted)
Start Date: April 1, 2008
End Date: March 31, 2013
Description: The Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health (CADTH) is an independent, not-for-profit agency funded by Canadian federal, provincial, and territorial governments to provide credible, impartial advice and evidence-based information about the effectiveness of drugs and other health technologies to Canadian health care decision makers.
Expected Results: The purpose of the Named Grant is to provide financial assistance to support CADTH's core business activities, namely, the Common Drug Review (CDR), Health Technology Assessment (HTA), and the Canadian Optimal Medication Prescribing and Utilization Service (COMPUS). Expected results are: creation and dissemination of evidence-based information that supports informed decisions on the adoption and appropriate utilization of drugs and non-drug technologies, in terms of both effectiveness and cost.
Program Activity (millions of dollars) |
Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Total Grants: | 16.9 | 16.9 | 16.9 | 16.9 |
Total Contributions: | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Total other types of transfer payments: | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Total Transfer Payments: | 16.9 | 16.9 | 16.9 | 16.9 |
Strategic Outcome: Accessible and sustainable health system responsive to the health needs of Canadians
Program Activity: Canadian Health System
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Health Care Policy Contribution Program (Voted)
Start Date: September 2002
End Date: March 31, 2013
Description: To support the federal government's interests in achieving an accessible, high quality, sustainable and accountable health system adaptable to the needs of Canadians. The contribution program will support efforts to stimulate and facilitate health care policy analysis and development to advance strategic thinking and policy options in priority areas. Current priorities include, but are not limited to: health human resources, integration of internationally educated health professionals and patient safety. A summative evaluation will be completed no later than March 2012 to assess the success of and continuing need for the Program.
Expected Results: reports, consultations, research and evaluation; educational models/tools and resources for health providers, health system managers and decision makers; innovative models for funding and delivery; innovative collaborations and/or coalitions; case studies and best practices; policy research documents; environmental scans, system and technology assessments; and increased evidence and knowledge base for decision-making in health care
Program Activity (millions of dollars) |
Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Total Grants: | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Total Contributions: | 46.0 | 32.7 | 32.7 | 32.7 |
Total other types of transfer payments: | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Total Transfer Payments: | 46.0 | 32.7 | 32.7 | 32.7 |
Strategic Outcome: Accessible and sustainable health system responsive to the health needs of Canadians
Program Activity: Canadian Health System
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Grant to the Canadian Partnership Against Cancer Corporation (Voted)
Start Date: April 1, 2007
End Date: March 31, 2012
Description: The Canadian Strategy for Cancer Control (CSCC) is a five-year plan with the following objectives: (1) to reduce the expected number of new cases of cancer among Canadians; (2) to enhance the quality of life of those living with cancer; and (3) to lessen the likelihood of Canadians dying from cancer. Health Canada is the federal liaison with the Canadian Partnership against Cancer, the not-for-profit organization responsible for the implementation of the CSCC, and is responsible for managing the five-year $250 million grant agreement with the corporation.
Expected Results: the Partnership will become a leader in cancer control through knowledge management and the coordination of efforts among the provinces and territories, cancer experts, stakeholder groups, and Aboriginal organizations to champion change, improve health outcomes related to cancer, and leverage existing investments. A coordinated, knowledge-centered approach to cancer control is expected to significantly reduce the economic burden of cancer, alleviate current pressures on the health care system, and bring together information for all Canadians, no matter where they live.
Program Activity (millions of dollars) |
Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Total Grants: | 57.5 | 55.0 | 50.0 | 50.0 |
Total Contributions: | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Total other types of transfer payments: | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Total Transfer Payments: | 57.5 | 55.0 | 50.0 | 50.0 |
Strategic Outcome: Accessible and sustainable health system responsive to the health needs of Canadians
Program Activity: Canadian Health System
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Named Grant to the Canadian Patient Safety Institute (Voted)
Start Date: September 2002
End Date: March 31, 2013
Description: The Named Grant to the Canadian Patient Safety Institute (CPSI) supports the federal government's interest (in an F/P/T partnership context) in achieving an accessible, high quality, sustainable and accountable health system adaptable to the needs of Canadians. It is designed to improve the quality of health care services by providing a leadership role in building a culture of patient safety and quality improvement in the Canadian health care system through coordination across sectors, promotion of best practices, and advice on effective strategies to improve patient safety The first five-year Funding Agreement with CPSI ended on March 31, 2008, and was renewed for an additional five years, starting April 1, 2008 and ending March 31, 2013. Health Canada has ongoing funding authority of up to $8 million per year for the CPSI Named Grant
Expected Results: CPSI will provide leadership and coordination of efforts to prevent and reduce harm to patients, with an emphasis on four key areas: education, with a focus on developing curriculum and training programs; interventions and programs, with a focus on coordinating and supporting evidence-informed clinical interventions and programs; research, to increase the scope and scale of patient safety research; and tools and resources, with a focus on creating tools and resources that can be applied by healthcare organizations.
Program Activity (millions of dollars) |
Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Total Grants: | 8.0 | 8.0 | 8.0 | 8.0 |
Total Contributions: | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Total other types of transfer payments: | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Total Transfer Payments: | 8.0 | 8.0 | 8.0 | 8.0 |
Strategic Outcome: Accessible and sustainable health system responsive to the health needs of Canadians
Program Activity: Canadian Health System
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Named Grant to the Health Council of Canada (Voted)
Start Date: April 1, 2004
End Date: ongoing
Description: The Health Council of Canada (the Council) was established out of the 2003 First Ministers' Accord on Health Care Renewal to monitor and report on progress against commitments in the 2003 Accord. In the 2004 10-Year Plan to Strengthen Health Care, First Ministers expanded the mandate of the Council to include reporting on the health status of Canadians and health outcomes. The Health Council is governed by its Corporate Members, who are participating F/P/T Ministers of Health (excluding Québec and Alberta).
Expected Results: Through monitoring and annual public reporting on the progress achieved in implementing commitments in the 2003 First Ministers' Accord and the 2004 Health Accord, the Council contributes to enhancing accountability and transparency in health system care reform
Program Activity (millions of dollars) |
Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Total Grants: | 10.0 | 10.0 | 10.0 | 10.0 |
Total Contributions: | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Total other types of transfer payments: | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Total Transfer Payments: | 10.0 | 10.0 | 10.0 | 10.0 |
Strategic Outcome: Accessible and sustainable health system responsive to the health needs of Canadians
Program Activity: Canadian Health System
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Grant to support the Mental Health Commission of Canada (Voted)
Start Date: April 1, 2007
End Date: March 31, 2017
Description: In Budget 2007, the federal government committed $130M over 10 years to establish the national Mental Health Commission of Canada, an arm's length, not-for profit organization designed to improve health and social outcomes for people and their families living with mental illness.
Expected Results: Over the course of this grant, the Commission is expected to develop a national mental health strategy, a knowledge exchange centre, and undertake anti-stigma public awareness and educational initiatives.
Program Activity (millions of dollars) |
Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Total Grants: | 12.0 | 15.0 | 15.0 | 15.0 |
Total Contributions: | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Total other types of transfer payments: | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Total Transfer Payments: | 12.0 | 15.0 | 15.0 | 15.0 |
Strategic Outcome: Accessible and sustainable health system responsive to the health needs of Canadians
Program Activity: Canadian Health System
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Grant to the Canadian Institute for Health Information (Voted)
Start date: April 1, 2007
End date: March 31, 2012
CIHI is an independent, not-for-profit organization supported by federal, provincial and territorial (F/P/T) governments that provides essential data and analysis on Canada's health system and the health of Canadians. CIHI was created in 1991 by the F/P/T Ministers of Health to address significant gaps in health information. CIHI's data and its reports inform health policies, support the effective delivery of health services and raise awareness among Canadians about the factors that contribute to good health.
Since 1999, the federal government has provided funding to CIHI through a series of grants and conditional grants, known as the Roadmap Initiative. A total of approximately $313 million was provided to CIHI over 1999 to 2007 under Roadmap funding. This allowed CIHI to provide quality and timely health information. More recently CIHI's funding has been consolidated through the Health Information Initiative.
Beginning as of 2007-08, the Health Information Initiative provides conditional grant funding to CIHI. This funding will allow CIHI to continue important work initiated under the Roadmap Initiative and to further enhance the coverage of health data systems so Canadians get information on their health care system, including information on wait times, and continued development of comparable health indicators. The funding will also enable CIHI to respond effectively to emerging priorities. Under this initiative, up to $406.49 million will be delivered to CIHI over five years (2007-08 to 2011-12).
Expected Results: As per CIHI's funding agreement with Health Canada, CIHI's draft 2010-11 Operational Plan and Budget is to be provided to Health Canada by the end of January 2010. At the March 2010 CIHI Board Meeting, the document will be brought forward for review and approval and then subsequently submitted to the Minister of Health. As of November 2009, the following are CIHI's Management's proposed key priorities for the upcoming 2010-2011 fiscal year:
More and Better Data
More Relevant and Actionable Analysis
Improved Understanding and Use
In order to support priority initiatives along our three strategic themes, a sound corporate infrastructure is required. As a result, ClHl will continue to focus on enhancing its corporate processes, IT systems applications and electronic tools.
URL of recipient site :
Program Activity (millions of dollars) |
Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Total Grants: | 81.7 | 81.7 | 81.7 | 81.7 |
Total Contributions: | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Total other types of transfer payments: | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Total Transfer Payments: | 81.7 | 81.7 | 81.7 | 81.7 |
Strategic Outcome: A skilled, adaptable and inclusive labour force and an efficient labour market
Program Activity: Skills and Employment
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Aboriginal Skills and Employment Training Strategy
Start date: April 1, 2010
End date: March 31, 2015
The objective of the ASETS is to increase Aboriginal participation in the Canadian labour market, ensuring that First Nations, Inuit, and Métis people are engaged in sustainable, meaningful employment.
The ASETS builds on three strategic priorities: demand-driven skills development; partnerships with the private sector, provinces and territories, and across whole-of-government; and accountability for improved results. Programs will be designed and delivered by Aboriginal organizations to help Aboriginal people to prepare for, obtain and maintain meaningful and sustainable employment, assist Aboriginal youth to make successful transitions from school to work or to support their return to school, and support child care programs.
Expected results:
The expected result is that Aboriginal people are employed and integrated into the labour market. The key results for the ASETS are:
The predecessor strategy, AHRDS, resulted in an average of 13,500-15,000 jobs filled per year. Using these results as a baseline, it is expected that the focus on demand-driven skills development and partnerships in the ASETS will result in approximately 18,500 jobs filled per year.
Forecast Spending 2009-2010 |
Planned Spending 2010-2011* |
Planned Spending 2011-2012* |
Planned Spending 2012-2013* |
Total grants | ||||
Total contributions | 249.0 | 245.6 | 245.6 | 245.6 |
Total other types of transfer payments | ||||
Total Transfer payments | 249.0 | 245.6 | 245.6 | 245.6 |
* Planned spending for 2010-11 to 2012-13 includes $22.5M for the new Aboriginal Skills and Employment Training Strategy. |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan:
Strategic Outcome: A skilled, adaptable and inclusive labour force and an efficient labour market
Program Activity: Skills and Employment
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Aboriginal Skills and Employment Partnership (voted)
Start date: June 7, 2007
End date: March 31, 2012
The Aboriginal Skills and Employment Partnership initiative is a targeted Aboriginal skills development program designed to promote maximum employment for Aboriginal people on major economic developments through a collaborative partnership approach. It is designed to address a broad spectrum of skills and learning needs and provide access to jobs.
Expected results:
Through the Aboriginal Skills and Employment Partnership initiative, programs respond to the needs of Aboriginal workers, employers and other stakeholders
The overall objectives of the Aboriginal Skills and Employment Partnership initiative:
Forecast Spending 2009-2010 |
Planned Spending 2010-2011 |
Planned Spending 2011-2012 |
Planned Spending 2012-2013 |
Total grants | ||||
Total contributions | 35.8 | 96.0 | 42.2 | 0.0 |
Total other types of transfer payments | ||||
Total Transfer payments | 35.8 | 96.0 | 42.2 | 0.0 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan:
Strategic Outcome: A skilled, adaptable and inclusive labour force and an efficient labour market
Program Activity: Skills and Employment
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Aboriginal Skills and Training Strategic Investment Fund
Start date: April 1, 2009
End date: March 31, 2011
The Aboriginal Skills and Training Strategic Investment Fund is an initiative under Canada'a Economic Action Plan that will support short-term, focused initiatives designed to help Aboriginal people get the specific skills they require to benefit from economic opportunities, including those generated by other Economic Action Plan initiatives.
The Aboriginal Skills and Training Strategic Investment Fund will support short-term, focused initiatives designed to help Aboriginal people get the specific skills they require to benefit from economic opportunities, including those generated by the Economic Action Plan announced in Budget 2009.
The Fund will strengthen partnerships between Aboriginal employment service organizations and employers through training-to-employment programs related to concrete job opportunities. It will also support greater investments in training for individuals facing barriers to employment such as low literacy and essential skills.
The ASTSIF will also focus on three main objectives:
There are both regional and national components to the ASTSIF. The regional component supports training-to-employment projects, skills development projects and service improvement projects on a regional basis, while the national component supports initiatives that are national in scope, partnership-based and will result in the development of tools, services or promising practices that will enhance the range of client and business services that will be provided under the new Aboriginal Skills and Employment Training Strategy.
Expected results:
The ASTSIF is a 2-year initiative that supports the development and strengthening of opportunities-based partnerships and the delivery of targeted training, leading to concrete employment outcomes for Aboriginal people. It is expected that approximately 8,200 Aboriginal clients will be served through ASTSIF funding, of which 2,800 are expected to secure employment.
Outcome Indicators:
For ASTSIF regional projects, indicators include but are not limited to information on the following areas:
Monitoring and Reporting:
Forecast Spending 2009-2010 |
Planned Spending 2010-2011 |
Planned Spending 2011-2012 |
Planned Spending 2012-2013 |
Total grants | - | - | - | - |
Total contributions | 21.3 | 45.1 | - | - |
Total other types of transfer payments | - | - | - | - |
Total Transfer payments | 21.3 | 45.1 | - | - |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan:
Strategic Outcome: A skilled, adaptable and inclusive labour force and an efficient labour market
Program Activity: Skills and Employment
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Youth Employment Strategy (voted)
Start date: April 1, 2003
End date: Ongoing
Through the Youth Employment Strategy, the Government of Canada is working to provide young Canadians with both valuable work experience and earnings to help support their further education. Transfer payments made under the Youth Employment Strategy (YES) are predominantly in the form of contributions from participating departments for wage subsidies for participant youth; or for the development and delivery of youth support services. Such support services include client assessment, case management services and the provision of employability tools, which intend to help participants acquire needed skills. Transfer payments contribute directly to the program objectives by encouraging organizations to create meaningful, skill-enhancing, opportunities for youth.
Canada's Economic Action Plan increased funding by $10 million in 2009 and is again providing an additional $10 million in 2010 for Canada Summer Jobs. This is part of the overall Government of Canada strategy to create the best educated, most skilled and most flexible workforce in the world.
Expected results:
Programs respond to the needs of young workers, employers and other stakeholders.
The common key results commitments for all initiatives receiving funding under the Youth Employment Strategy are:
Forecast Spending 2009-2010 |
Planned Spending 2010-2011 |
Planned Spending 2011-2012 |
Planned Spending 2012-2013 |
Total grants | 0.1 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Total contributions | 236.7 | 249.6 | 239.6 | 239.6 |
Total other types of transfer payments | ||||
Total Transfer payments | 236.8 | 249.6 | 239.6 | 239.6 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan:
Strategic Outcome: A skilled, adaptable and inclusive labour force and an efficient labour market
Program Activity: Skills and Employment
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Targeted Initiative for Older Workers (voted)
Start date: October 17, 2006
End date: March 31, 2012
The Targeted Initiative for Older Workers is a federal-provincial/territorial cost-shared initiative providing support to unemployed older workers in communities affected by significant downsizing or closures, and/or ongoing high unemployment, through programming aimed at reintegrating them into employment. In situations where there is little likelihood of immediate employment, programming may be aimed at increasing the employability of older workers and ensuring they remain active and productive labour market participants while their communities undergo adjustment.
Provinces and territories are responsible for identifying affected communities to target for activities, design and delivery of projects, and monitoring and reporting on projects.
To be eligible to participate in the Initiative, older workers must be unemployed, legally entitled to work in Canada, lack skills needed for successful integration into new employment, live in an eligible community, and normally be aged 55-64. Projects must include employment assistance activities, such as résumé writing, interview techniques, counselling and job finding clubs, and at least two other employability improvement activities such as prior learning assessment, skills training, work experience, or assistance to start a small business. As well, they must offer income support to participants in the form of allowances, wages or wage subsidies, and involve at least 25 hours per week of activity for participants. Where possible and appropriate, activities will support community economic development strategies and activities. As an example, skills development activities may prepare participants for emerging employment opportunities.
Canada's Economic Action Plan enhanced the existing Initiative by increasing funding by $60 million over 3 years and by expanding the program's reach to more communities (now over 250). As a result of this extra funding, more older workers, in more communities, will be able to benefit.
Expected results:
Programs respond to the needs of older workers, employers and other stakeholders.
The shared outcomes of partners are to help unemployed older workers reintegrate into employment. Where there is little likelihood of immediate employment, outcomes would be to increase their employability, and assist them to remain active and productive in the labour market while their communities undergo adjustment.
Forecast Spending 2009-2010 |
Planned Spending 2010-2011 |
Planned Spending 2011-2012 |
Planned Spending 2012-2013 |
Total grants | ||||
Total contributions | 33.3 | 71.7 | 48.8 | 0.0 |
Total other types of transfer payments | ||||
Total Transfer payments | 33.3 | 71.7 | 48.8 | 0.0 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan:
Strategic Outcome: A skilled, adaptable and inclusive labour force and an efficient labour market
Program Activity: Skills and Employment
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Enabling Fund for Official Language Minority Communities
Start date: April 1, 2005
End date: March 31, 2013*
The objective of the Enabling Fund is to enhance the development and vitality of the official language minority communities by strengthening capacity in the areas of community economic and human resource development and by promoting partnerships at all levels. The Enabling Fund provides funding to Official Language Minority Communities designated organizations, the Réseaux de développement économique et d'employabilité and Community Economic Development and Employability Committees through contribution agreements, so that these organizations can plan, develop and manage community projects and access additional funding for these projects.
Contributions can be made under the Enabling Fund for the Official Language Minority Communities to support activities such as:
*Program was renewed through the Roadmap for Canada's Linguistic Duality in 2008 and by Treasury Board in 2009. Final approval of Terms and Conditions is pending.
Expected results:
Programs respond to the needs of Official Language Minority Community workers, employers and other stakeholders
Forecast Spending 2009-2010 |
Planned Spending 2010-2011 |
Planned Spending 2011-2012 |
Planned Spending 2012-2013 |
Total grants | ||||
Total contributions | 12.0 | 12.0 | 12.0 | 12.0 |
Total other types of transfer payments | ||||
Total Transfer payments | 12.0 | 12.0 | 12.0 | 12.0 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan:
Strategic Outcome: A skilled, adaptable and inclusive labour force and an efficient labour market
Program Activity: Skills and Employment
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Labour Market Agreements for Persons with Disabilities
Start date: April 1, 2004
End date: Ongoing
The goal of the Labour Market Agreements for Persons with Disabilities is to improve the employment situation of Canadians
with disabilities, by enhancing their employability, increasing the employment opportunities available to them, and
building on their existing knowledge base.
Under the Multilateral Framework for Labour Market Agreements for Persons with Disabilities, transfers to provinces are made as 'other transfer payments'. The Government of Canada contributes 50 percent of the costs incurred by provinces for funded programs and services up to the amount of the federal allocation identified in each bilateral agreement.
Expected results:
The goal of the Labour Market Agreements for Persons with Disabilities is to improve the employment situation of Canadians
with disabilities, by enhancing their employability, increasing the employment opportunities available to them, and
building on their existing knowledge base. Reporting under the Agreements will include selected societal indicators
(employment income, educational attainment and employment rate of working age people with disabilities) and the following
program indicators:
Provinces are not required to report outcomes or results to HRSDC; rather, agreement holders use public reporting.
Forecast Spending 2009-2010 |
Planned Spending 2010-2011 |
Planned Spending 2011-2012 |
Planned Spending 2012-2013 |
Total grants | ||||
Total contributions | ||||
Total other types of transfer payments | 217.1 | 222.0 | 222.0 | 222.0 |
Total Transfer payments | 217.1 | 222.0 | 222.0 | 222.0 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan:
Strategic Outcome: A skilled, adaptable and inclusive labour force and an efficient labour market
Program Activity: Skills and Employment
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Opportunities Fund for Persons with Disabilities
Start date: April 1, 2007
End date: Ongoing
Transfer payments made under the Opportunities Fund are in the form of contribution agreements to individuals, businesses, not-for-profit organizations and municipal governments.
Transfer payments contribute directly to the program objectives by assisting unemployed persons with disabilities who are not normally eligible for Employment Insurance Part II Employment Programs to find, prepare for and maintain employment or become self-employed. Effective and innovative activities are supported, but not limited to, the following:
For more information about this program, please visit
Expected results:
People with disabilities enhanced their employability by completing an Opportunities Fund intervention;
People with disabilities obtained employment or self-employment or sought further skills upgrading following Opportunities Fund programming; and
People with disabilities have increased earned income levels and reduced their dependence on passive income support.
Forecast Spending 2009-2010 |
Planned Spending 2010-2011 |
Planned Spending 2011-2012 |
Planned Spending 2012-2013 |
Total grants | ||||
Total contributions | 26.7 | 26.8 | 26.8 | 26.8 |
Total other types of transfer payments | ||||
Total Transfer payments | 26.7 | 26.8 | 26.8 | 26.8 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan:
Strategic Outcome: A skilled, adaptable and inclusive labour force and an efficient labour market
Program Activity: Skills and Employment
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Labour Market Agreements
Start date: April 1, 2008
End date: March 31, 2014
In Advantage Canada, the Government of Canada set out the goal to create "the best educated, most skilled and most flexible workforce in the world." In Budget 2007, the Government of Canada delivered on this commitment through a New Labour Market Architecture, which included new, six-year bilateral Labour Market Agreements with the provinces and territories supported by $500M / year of new federal investments. Through these agreements, the Government of Canada provides funds for provincial and territorial skills and employment programming and training to non-EI eligible unemployed Canadians and to workers with low skills.
The Labour Market Agreements are intended to increase labour force participation of under-represented groups," providing Canadians with the skills to succeed in the labour market " , and encourage employers to provide more training to their workers.
Labour Market Agreements have been signed with all 10 Provinces and 3 Territories.
Expected results:
Labour Market Agreements were designed to allow P/Ts to develop and deliver labour market programming based on their specific priorities and objectives. Nevertheless, LMAs have broad objectives:
The Labour Market Agreements include a robust accountability framework to allow the Government of Canada to measure results against policy objectives and demonstrate value for money to Canadians. Reporting under the Agreements will include the following indicators:
Eligible Client indicators:
Service Delivery Indicators:
Eligible Client Outcome and Impact Indicators:
Forecast Spending 2009-2010 |
Planned Spending 2010-2011 |
Planned Spending 2011-2012 |
Planned Spending 2012-2013 |
Total grants | ||||
Total contributions | ||||
Total other types of transfer payments | 504.3 | 520.5 | 508.2 | 502.1 |
Total Transfer payments | 504.3 | 520.5 | 508.2 | 502.1 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan:
Strategic Outcome: A skilled, adaptable and inclusive labour force and an efficient labour market
Program Activity: Skills and Employment
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Sector Council Program
Start date: April 1, 2002
End date: Ongoing
The Sector Council Program supports a network of industry-based, national groups that operate in key sectors to address priority human resources and skills challenges. This program enables demand-driven partnerships that address critical skills and human resources challenges from a sectoral perspective. Contribution payments under the Sector Council Program support infrastructure, as well as research and project based activities proposed by Sector Councils and other national organizations (sector-like) working on skills, training and learning issues.
The Sector Council Program supports sector council activities that include:
Expected results:
The capacity exists for employers to deliver employment, training and assessment services to Canadians.
In the short-term, the Sector Council Program and Sector Councils will continue to work in partnership with labour market stakeholders in order to arrive at:
In addition to a short-term emphasis on the objectives outlined above, the Sector Council Program will maintain its focus on activities that result in:
Forecast Spending 2009-2010 |
Planned Spending 2010-2011 |
Planned Spending 2011-2012 |
Planned Spending 2012-2013 |
Total grants | ||||
Total contributions | 27.0 | 28.7 | 27.4 | 26.5 |
Total other types of transfer payments | ||||
Total Transfer payments | 27.0 | 28.7 | 27.4 | 26.5 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan:
Strategic Outcome: A skilled, adaptable and inclusive labour force and an efficient labour market
Program Activity: Skills and Employment
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Apprenticeship Incentive Grant
Start date: January 1, 2007
End date: Ongoing
The Apprenticeship Incentive Grant aims to promote access to apprenticeships and improve labour mobility by providing a $1,000 grant to registered apprentices in the designated Red Seal trades during the first two years of their apprenticeship program, up to a maximum of $2,000. This taxable cash grant is designed to reward advancement in the first two years of an apprenticeship program in one of the Red Seal trades, building momentum for apprentices to complete their apprenticeship programs and receive journeyperson certification. Registered apprentices who completed their first or second year of their apprenticeship program in a Red Seal trade designated in the province/territory where they are registered as an apprentice, on or after January 1, 2007, are eligible to apply.
The Apprenticeship Incentive Grant provides an incentive for more Canadians to pursue apprenticeships and, taken together with the Apprenticeship Completion Grant, Apprenticeship Job Creation Tax Credit for employers and the Tradesperson's Tool Deduction, is intended to meet the future need for skilled trades people that is crucial to the sustained growth of the economy. By focusing on the Red Seal trades, for which there are national occupational standards, the Apprenticeship Incentive Grant also supports inter-provincial mobility.
Expected results:
The Grant has been designed to meet the following objectives:
Forecast Spending 2009-2010 |
Planned Spending 2010-2011 |
Planned Spending 2011-2012 |
Planned Spending 2012-2013 |
Total grants | 62.4 | 113.0 | 113.0 | 113.0 |
Total contributions | ||||
Total other types of transfer payments | ||||
Total Transfer payments | 62.4 | 113.0 | 113.0 | 113.0 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan:
Strategic Outcome: A skilled, adaptable and inclusive labour force and an efficient labour market
Program Activity: Skills and Employment
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Adult Learning, Literacy and Essential Skills Program
Start date: April 1, 2006
End date: March 31, 2011
The Office of Literacy and Essential Skills (OLES) works to improve the literacy and essential skills of adult Canadians. The OLES has a particular focus on the workplace since research has shown that the majority of Canadians with low literacy and essential skills are already in the labour market. The Office of Literacy and Essential Skills also recognizes that workplaces, communities and families are interconnected and that strengthening literacy and essential skills in one area of an individual's life will have an effect in all areas.
The OLES delivers the Adult Learning, Literacy and Essential Skills Program, a non-statutory Grants and Contributions program funded through the Consolidated Revenue Fund, which promotes lifelong learning by facilitating the creation of opportunities for Canadians to acquire the learning, literacy and essential skills they need to participate in a knowledge-based economy and society.
The Office of Literacy and Essential Skills' goal is to become an acknowledged centre of expertise on "what works" in increasing the literacy and essential skills of adult Canadians. Using this expertise, OLES will play an indirect role by influencing the policies and activities of others and leveraging funding to improve opportunities for adults to increase their literacy and essential skills (LES).
More specifically, OLES builds knowledge and expertise about what works in upgrading adults' literacy and essential skills, supports the development, testing and dissemination of literacy and essential skills tools and supports and works to develop and maintain effective partnerships and networks. OLES' mandate complements provincial and territorial responsibilities for education and delivery of training and the work of service providers of this training.
Expected results:
Through Literacy and Essential Skills programming, the capacity exists to deliver employment, training and assessment services to Canadians.
The expected ultimate outcomes of the Office of Literacy and Essential Skills are that adult Canadians have the literacy and essential skills they need to :
The expected intermediate outcomes are:
The expected direct outcomes are:
Forecast Spending 2009-2010 |
Planned Spending 2010-2011 |
Planned Spending 2011-2012 |
Planned Spending 2012-2013 |
Total grants | 20.7 | 21.8 | 18.3 | 18.3 |
Total contributions | 5.6 | 3.2 | 3.2 | 3.2 |
Total other types of transfer payments | ||||
Total Transfer payments | 26.3 | 25.0 | 21.5 | 21.5 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan:
Strategic Outcome: A skilled, adaptable and inclusive labour force and an efficient labour market
Program Activity: Skills and Employment
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Foreign Credential Recognition Program
Start date: January 02, 2003
End date: May 25, 2010
The objective of the Foreign Credential Recognition (FCR) Program is to ensure that the qualification assessment and recognition processes available to skilled immigrants and other internationally trained workers in Canada are fair, transparent, consistent, and timely. Through the FCRP, the government works with its partners and key stakeholders to break down the barriers to the recognition of foreign qualifications and enhance labour market outcomes of internationally-trained workers.
The Foreign Credential Recognition Program provides strategic financial support to provincial and territorial partners and stakeholders, including Sector Councils, regulatory bodies, immigrant serving organizations and post-secondary educational institutions, to develop systems and process for assessing and recognizing foreign qualifications in targeted occupations and sectors.
The Foreign Credential Recognition Program supports the research and project-based activities of partners and stakeholders to develop structural changes in the tools and processes institutions and/or organizations use to evaluate and recognize foreign qualifications. The Program's work to date forms the cornerstone of the federal government's contribution towards the First Ministers'2008 commitment to develop a Pan-Canadian Framework for timely assessment and recognition of foreign qualifications recognition across Canada.
Internationally-trained workers and Canadians face obstacles to working in various provinces because of differing provincial policies respecting licensure. Reducing internal barriers to labour mobility continues to be seen as a key to addressing FCR issues. The Government of Canada supports an array of measures aimed at facilitating freer movement of skilled individuals within Canada. Under the newly ratified amendments to Chapter 7 of the Agreement on Internal Trade (AIT), all governments committed to ensuring that workers in regulated occupations can apply to be certified in another province or territory without having to undergo significant additional training, examination or assessment. By strengthening institutional capacity, applying tools and processes, the FCRP helps facilitate immigrants' entry into, and mobility within, the Canadian labour market.
" Canada's Economic Action Plan invested $50 million over two years to work with partners to develop a common approach to foreign qualification recognition, with the ultimate objective of improving the process of assessing and recognizing foreign qualifications. Federal, provincial and territorial governments have agreed to the new Pan-Canadian Framework for the Assessment and Recognition of Foreign Qualifications that was announced last November. The Framework will enhance foreign qualification recognition to help immigrants put their training and knowledge to work sooner. "
The FCR Program contributes to the competitiveness of Canada's economy by improving immigrants' labour market integration.
Expected results:
Through the Foreign Credential Recognition Program, the Government of Canada responds to the needs of internationally-trained workers, provincial-territorial partners, employers, and other key stakeholders.
The Foreign Credential Recognition program supports the development of consistent, transparent, fair and timely foreign qualification assessment and recognition processes to enhance labour market outcomes of internationally-trained workers in targeted occupations and sectors.
In the short-term, the Program will work in partnership to:
In the medium and long-term, the program will work in partnership to
The program will work with partners and stakeholders to achieve these short, medium and long-term outcomes in order to meet its ultimate objective of enhancing labour market outcomes of internationally trained workers in targeted occupations and sectors.
Forecast Spending 2009-2010 |
Planned Spending 2010-2011 |
Planned Spending 2011-2012 |
Planned Spending 2012-2013 |
Total grants | ||||
Total contributions | 21.1 | 30.3 | 25.9 | 25.9 |
Total other types of transfer payments | ||||
Total Transfer payments | 21.1 | 30.3 | 25.9 | 25.9 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan:
Strategic Outcome: A skilled, adaptable and inclusive labour force and an efficient labour market
Program Activity: Skills and Employment
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Workplace Skills Initiative
Start date: May 1, 2005
End date: March 31, 2011
The Workplace Skills Initiative will fund projects that test and evaluate promising, partnership-based, outcomes-focused approaches to skills development and improved human resource practices and tools for employers and employed Canadians:
Expected results:
The Workplace Skills Initiative is expected to contribute towards:
Forecast Spending 2009-2010 |
Planned Spending 2010-2011 |
Planned Spending 2011-2012 |
Planned Spending 2012-2013 |
Total grants | ||||
Total contributions | 12.6 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Total other types of transfer payments | ||||
Total Transfer payments | 12.6 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan:
Strategic Outcome: A skilled, adaptable and inclusive labour force and an efficient labour market
Program Activity: Skills and Employment
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Apprenticeship Completion Grant
Start date: February 7, 2009
(retroactive to January 1, 2009)
End date: December 31, 2012
Introduced as part of Canada's Economic Action Plan,the Apprenticeship Completion Grant provides a taxable grant of $2,000 to those registered apprentices who successfully complete their apprenticeship program and obtain journeyperson certification in one of the designated Red Seal trades on or after January 1, 2009. The ACG builds on, and enhances the Apprenticeship Incentive Grant (AIG) by providing additional incentive for Canadians to finish their apprenticeship training and launch rewarding careers in the skilled trades.
Expected results:
The Apprenticeship Completion Grant is intended to increase the number of apprentices completing an apprenticeship program and obtaining journeyperson certification in a designated Red Seal trade. It is expected that approximately 20,000 individuals will benefit from the ACG each year.
Forecast Spending 2009-2010 |
Planned Spending 2010-2011 |
Planned Spending 2011-2012 |
Planned Spending 2012-2013 |
Total grants | 38.3 | 39.3 | 39.5 | 39.5 |
Total contributions | ||||
Total other types of transfer payments | ||||
Total Transfer payments | 38.3 | 39.3 | 39.5 | 39.5 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan:
Strategic Outcome: A skilled, adaptable and inclusive labour force and an efficient labour market
Program Activity: Skills and Employment
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Strategic Training and Transition Fund
Start date: 2009-10 (varies by P/T)
End date: March 31, 2011
The Strategic Training and Transition Fund provides time-limited incremental funding for provinces and territories that signed a Labour Market Agreement, to support the needs of workers affected by the economic downturn, whether or not they qualify for Employment Insurance.
The Fund supports provincial and territorial initiatives that help meet the training needs of workers in affected communities and sectors so that they can stay in their jobs or move to new jobs, while offering provinces and territories the flexibility to design programming that best meets their needs. The Fund ensures that these Canadians, whether or not they qualify for Employment Insurance benefits, are eligible to participate in the training or other employment initiatives that they need during difficult times.
Included as part of Canada's Economic Action Plan the Strategic Training and Transition Fund will provide $500M over two years (beginning in 2009-10).
Expected results:
Performance will be measured using the same indicators as Labour Market Agreements. Following the conclusion of the initiative in 2011, it is projected that approximately 50,000 Canadians will have benefited from the Strategic Training and Transition Fund initiative.
Forecast Spending 2009-2010 |
Planned Spending 2010-2011 |
Planned Spending 2011-2012 |
Planned Spending 2012-2013 |
Total grants | ||||
Total contributions | - | - | - | - |
Total other types of transfer payments | 250.0 | 250.0 | - | - |
Total Transfer payments | 250.0 | 250.0 | - | - |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan:
Strategic Outcome: A skilled, adaptable and inclusive labour force and an efficient labour market
Program Activity: Skills and Employment
Name of Transfer Payment Program: YMCA and YWCA Grant(s) for Youth Internships
Start date: April 1, 2009
End date: March 31, 2010
As part of Canada's Economic Action Plan, the Government of Canada introduced the YMCA and YWCA Grant(s) for Youth Internships, a one-time grant of $15 million to place unemployed youth (aged 15 to 30 years) in internships with not-for-profit and community services organizations with a focus on environmental projects. These internships will help young Canadians develop their skills and gain the work experience needed to open the door to future employment.
While the funding period is until March 31, 2010, activities will proceed until March 31, 2011.
Expected results:
The YMCA and YWCA Grant(s) for Youth Internships will help young Canadians develop their skills and gain the work experience needed to secure future employment.
As a result of this program, approximately 1,000 internships are expected over the duration of the initiative.
Forecast Spending 2009-2010 |
Planned Spending 2010-2011 |
Planned Spending 2011-2012 |
Planned Spending 2012-2013 |
Total grants | 15.0 | - | - | - |
Total contributions | ||||
Total other types of transfer payments | ||||
Total Transfer payments | 15.0 | - | - | - |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan:
Strategic Outcome: A skilled, adaptable and inclusive labour force and an efficient labour market
Program Activity: Learning
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Canada Student Loans Program - Liabilities
Start date: September, 1964
End date: Ongoing
From September 1964 to August 1, 1995, the Canada Student Loan Program operated a Guaranteed Loan regime with Canadian financial institutions, where financial assistance was provided to students through financial institutions in the form of 100 percent government guaranteed loans.
This transfer payment tracks claims submitted by financial institutions related to the remaining Guaranteed Loan Portfolio.
Expected results:
Forecast Spending 2009-2010 |
Planned Spending 2010-2011 |
Planned Spending 2011-2012 |
Planned Spending 2012-2013 |
Total grants | ||||
Total contributions | 6.0 | 4.2 | 3.1 | 2.4 |
Total other types of transfer payments | ||||
Total Transfer payments | 6.0 | 4.2 | 3.1 | 2.4 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan:
Strategic Outcome: A skilled, adaptable and inclusive labour force and an efficient labour market
Program Activity: Learning
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Canada Student Loans Program - Interest Payments and Liabilities
Start date: August 1, 1995
End date: Ongoing
Consolidated Cost of the Risk Shared Loans. This transfer payment represents interest subsidy, repayment assistance benefits, the amount of loans forgiven, risk premium and put-backs and administrative costs related to students who borrowed under the risk-shared regime which existed from August 1, 1995 to July 31, 2000. At that time, the Canada Student Loans Program operated on a shared risk model with Canadian financial institutions.
Expected results:
Forecast Spending 2009-2010 |
Planned Spending 2010-2011 |
Planned Spending 2011-2012 |
Planned Spending 2012-2013 |
Total grants | ||||
Total contributions | 20.8 | 15.5 | 10.4 | 7.3 |
Total other types of transfer payments | ||||
Total Transfer payments | 20.8 | 15.5 | 10.4 | 7.3 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan:
Strategic Outcome: A skilled, adaptable and inclusive labour force and an efficient labour market
Program Activity: Learning
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Canada Student Loans Program - Direct Financing Arrangement
Start date: August 1, 2000
End date: Ongoing
This transfer payment provides alternative payments to non-participating jurisdiction. Provinces and territories may choose not to participate in the Canada Student Loans Program. These provinces and territories receive an alternative payment to assist in the cost of delivering a similar student financial assistance program.
The transfer payment also provides repayment assistance benefits to borrowers, and the value of loans forgiven according to prescribed criteria.
Beginning August 1st, 2009, individual debt measures including interest relief and debt reduction in repayment have been replaced by the Repayment Assistance Program. The Repayment Assistance Plan is an optional program for students facing difficulty in meeting their student loan payments.
Full time student Reservists who interrupt their studies for a deployment on designated operations will not be charged interest or have to start paying back their student loan while they are away from their studies.
Expected results:
Forecast Spending 2009-2010 |
Planned Spending 2010-2011 |
Planned Spending 2011-2012 |
Planned Spending 2012-2013 |
Total grants | ||||
Total contributions | 229.0 | 355.2 | 371.9 | 385.1 |
Total other types of transfer payments | ||||
Total Transfer payments | 229.0 | 355.2 | 371.9 | 385.1 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan:
Strategic Outcome: A skilled, adaptable and inclusive labour force and an efficient labour market
Program Activity: Learning
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Canada Study Grant / Canada Access Grant / Canada Student Grant Program
Start date: August 1, 1995 (for most Canada Study Grants);
August 1, 2005 (for both Canada Access Grants)
August 1, 2009 (for Canada Student Grant Program)
End date: Ongoing
Beginning in August 1, 2009 Canada Study Grants and Canada Access Grants have been replaced by the new consolidated Canada Student Grant Program (CSGP). The new Canada Student Grant Program provides up-front grants to students from low and middle income families. The new Canada Student Grant Program is simple, transparent, predictable and broad-based, providing certainty and predictability for Canadian families.
The new Canada Student Grant Program provides students from low and middle-income families with a grant equal to $250 and $100 per month, respectively. Students with permanent disabilities are eligible for a grant of $2,000 per year and up to $8,000 per year for those with exceptional education-related costs associated with their disability. Full-time students from low income families with children are eligible for a grant of $200 per month for each child under the age of 12. Students receiving the Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation general bursaries in 2008-2009 will receive transitional grants until they complete or withdraw from their current program of study. Current Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation general bursary recipients who are eligible for the new low and middle-income grants will have the difference between the amount of the Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation general bursary and the amount of the new grant made up with a transition grant.
The new Canada Student Grant offers the following major advantages to students and their families:
Expected results:
Forecast Spending 2009-2010 |
Planned Spending 2010-2011 |
Planned Spending 2011-2012 |
Planned Spending 2012-2013 |
Total grants | 512.4 | 557.2 | 557.2 | 567.3 |
Total contributions | ||||
Total other types of transfer payments | ||||
Total Transfer payments | 512.4 | 557.2 | 557.2 | 567.3 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan:
Strategic Outcome: A skilled, adaptable and inclusive labour force and an efficient labour market
Program Activity: Learning
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Canada Education Savings Program
Start date: January 1, 1998 (Canada Education Savings Grant
January 1, 2005 (Canada Learning Bond)
End date: Ongoing
The Canada Education Savings Program encourages the financing of children's post-secondary education through savings, from early childhood, in Registered Education Savings Plans. It is comprised of the following statutory initiatives: the Canada Education Savings Grant, which includes a regular matching grant available to all Canadian children, and enhanced grant portions for low- and middle-income families; and the Canada Learning Bond, which is a grant intended for low-income families. The Canada Education Savings Program delivers the Canada Education Savings Grant and the Canada Learning Bond in close collaboration with 79 Registered Education Savings Plan providers including banks, trust companies, credit unions and scholarship foundations across Canada. Program clients may include parents, grandparents, other relatives or friends, and children in-care agencies saving for the post-secondary education of a child.
The Canada Education Savings Program also administers the Education Savings Community Outreach initiative, a non-statutory program aimed at increasing awareness of the importance of saving for post-secondary education. Its target audience is low income families.
The program's infrastructure is also used to administer the Alberta Centennial Education Savings Grant on behalf of the Province of Alberta, on a cost recovery basis.
Further information regarding the Canada Education Savings Grant can be found at:
Further information regarding the Canada Learning Bond can be found at:
Expected results:
The expected results and performance indicators of the Canada Education Savings Program are:
Expected Result 1:
Canadians with children under 18 years have savings with the Registered Education Savings Plan.
Performance Indicators:
Expected Result 2:
Canadians are able to finance their post-secondary education using their savings from the Registered Education Savings Plan
Performance Indicator:
Forecast Spending 2009-2010 |
Planned Spending 2010-2011 |
Planned Spending 2011-2012 |
Planned Spending 2012-2013 |
Total grants | 640.0 | 651.0 | 670.0 | 683.0 |
Total contributions | 3.1 | 3.9 | 2.4 | 2.4 |
Total other types of transfer payments | ||||
Total Transfer payments | 643.1 | 654.9 | 672.4 | 685.4 |
Planned evaluation:
Strategic Outcome: Safe, fair, and productive workplaces and cooperative workplace relations
Program Activity: Labour
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Wage Earner Protection Program (WEPP)
Start date: July, 2008
End date: Ongoing
The Wage Earner Protection Program Act was part of Bill C-55, which set out a comprehensive reform of Canada's insolvency laws, including the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act and the Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act. Passage of Bill C-55 was expedited with unanimous, all party consent in both Houses of Parliament. The Bill received Royal Assent on November 25, 2005, and became Chapter 47 of the Statutes of Canada, 2005. The Act was subject to technical amendments, which were contained in Bill C-12 and received Royal Assent on December 13, 2007. The Act and its Regulations came into force on July 7, 2008. Recent amendments to the Program to include coverage for termination and severance pay were included in Bill C-10, an Act to implement certain provisions of the Budget tabled in Parliament on January 27, 2009, and related fiscal measures.
The Wage Earner Protection Program (WEPP) is a targeted federal Program providing financial support to workers who lose their job and are owed money when their employer goes bankrupt or becomes subject to receivership under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act. Specifically, the Program reimburses eligible workers for unpaid wages, vacation, severance, and termination pay up to a current maximum of $3,253 (the equivalent of four weeks' maximum insurable earnings under the Employment Insurance Act). The Wage Earner Protection Program is administered by the Labour Program and is delivered by Service Canada.
Expected results:
The expected result for this Program is a reduction in economic insecurity of Canadian workers with unpaid wages in insolvent workplaces.
Forecast Spending 2009-2010 |
Planned Spending 2010-2011 |
Planned Spending 2011-2012 |
Planned Spending 2012-2013 |
Total grants | 56.2* | 56.2* | 56.2* | 56.2* |
Total contributions | ||||
Total other types of transfer payments | ||||
Total Transfer payments | 56.2* | 56.2* | 56.2* | 56.2* |
* The $56.2 million amount includes $28.7 million for the core WEPP, $25 million for the Economic Action Plan expanded Program, and $2.5 million for trustee/receiver payments. |
Planned Evaluations:
Strategic Outcome: Income security, access to opportunities and well-being for individuals, families and communities
Program Activity: Income Security
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Old Age Security Pension
Start date: 1952
End date: Ongoing
The Old Age Security (OAS) pension is a monthly benefit available to all persons 65 years of age or over who meet the residence requirements.
Expected results:
Eligible seniors receive a basic pension to which they are entitled
Forecast Spending 2009-2010 |
Planned Spending 2010-2011 |
Planned Spending 2011-2012 |
Planned Spending 2012-2013 |
Total grants | 26,741.0 | 28,048.0 | 29,671.0 | 31,216.0 |
Total contributions | ||||
Total other types of transfer payments | ||||
Total Transfer payments | 26,741.0 | 28,048.0 | 29,671.0 | 31,216.0 |
Planned evaluation:
Strategic Outcome: Income security, access to opportunities and well-being for individuals, families and communities
Program Activity: Income Security
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Guaranteed Income Supplement (statutory payment)
Start date: 1967
End date: Ongoing
The Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) is a monthly income-tested benefit paid to residents of Canada who receive a full or partial Old Age Security (OAS) pension and who have little or no other income.
Expected results:
Canada's low-income seniors have a minimum guaranteed income and receive the benefits to which they are entitled
Forecast Spending 2009-2010 |
Planned Spending 2010-2011 |
Planned Spending 2011-2012 |
Planned Spending 2012-2013 |
Total grants | 7,863.0 | 8,257.0 | 8,735.0 | 9,311.0 |
Total contributions | ||||
Total other types of transfer payments | ||||
Total Transfer payments | 7,863.0 | 8,257.0 | 8,735.0 | 9,311.0 |
Planned evaluation:
Strategic Outcome: Income security, access to opportunities and well-being for individuals, families and communities
Program Activity: Income Security
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Allowance (statutory payments)
Start date: 1975 - Allowance
1985 - Allowance for the Survivor
End date: Ongoing
The Allowance is paid to low-income individuals aged 60 to 64 who are the spouse or common-law partner of a Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) recipient. The Allowance for the Survivor is paid to low-income widows/widowers, aged 60 to 64.
Expected results:
Low-income Canadians aged 60 to 64, who are the spouses/common-law partners of GIS recipients or survivors, have a minimum guaranteed income and receive the benefits to which they are entitled.
Forecast Spending 2009-2010 |
Planned Spending 2010-2011 |
Planned Spending 2011-2012 |
Planned Spending 2012-2013 |
Total grants | 550.0 | 560.0 | 568.0 | 562.0 |
Total contributions | ||||
Total other types of transfer payments | ||||
Total Transfer payments | 550.0 | 560.0 | 568.0 | 562.0 |
Planned evaluation:
Strategic Outcome: Income security, access to opportunities and well-being for individuals, families and communities
Program Activity: Income Security
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Canada Disability Savings Program - Grants and Bond (statutory payment)
Start date: November 2008
End date: Ongoing
Through the Canada Disability Savings Program, the Government of Canada will make two types of contributions to the Registered Disability Saving Plans, the Canada Disability Saving Grant and the Canada Disability Saving Bond. The Registered Disability Savings Plan is a long term savings vehicle to help parents and others save for the long-term financial security of a person with a severe disability. The Government will pay matching Grants of 300, 200, or 100 percent depending on the beneficiary's family income and the amount contributed. The Government will also pay income-tested Bonds to the Registered Disability Savings Plan of low-income Canadians with disabilities, regardless of the amount contributed.
Expected results:
People with severe and prolonged disabilities have a measure of long-term financial security
Eligible beneficiaries receive Canada Disability Savings Bonds
Eligible beneficiaries receive Canada Disability Savings Grants
Forecast Spending 2009-2010 |
Planned Spending 2010-2011 |
Planned Spending 2011-2012 |
Planned Spending 2012-2013 |
Total grants | 5.2 | 15.9 | 26.5 | 26.5 |
Total contributions | ||||
Total other types of transfer payments | ||||
Total Transfer payments | 5.2 | 15.9 | 26.5 | 26.5 |
Planned evaluation:
Strategic Outcome: Income security, access to opportunities and well-being for individuals, families and communities
Program Activity: Social Development
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Homelessness Partnering Strategy
Start date: April 1, 2009
End date: March 31, 2011
Provides grants and contributions to not-for-profit organizations, individuals, municipal governments, Band and tribal councils and other Aboriginal organizations, public health and educational institutions, Régies régionales, for-profit enterprises, research organizations and research institutes to carry out research on homelessness to help communities better understand and more effectively prevent and reduce homelessness.
Expected results:
Homelessness is prevented and reduced
A comprehensive continuum of supports to help homeless people and those at risk of homelessness move towards self-sufficiency.
Longer-term housing solutions for homeless people and those at risk of homelessness through HPS investments.
Strategic engagement and investments of partners and coordination and delivery of services.
Knowledge to support informed policies, investment decision making and provision of services.
Forecast Spending 2009-2010 |
Planned Spending 2010-2011 |
Planned Spending 2011-2012 |
Planned Spending 2012-2013 |
Total grants | 0.9 | 2.5 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Total contributions | 117.6 | 124.1 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Total other types of transfer payments | ||||
Total Transfer payments | 118.5 | 126.6 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Planned evaluation:
Strategic Outcome: Income security, access to opportunities and well-being for individuals, families and communities
Program Activity: Social Development
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Social Development Partnerships Program (voted payments)
Start date: April 1, 2009
End date: March 31, 2012
The Social Development Partnerships Program (SDPP) is a broad-based umbrella Grants and Contributions program. The SDPP makes investments in non-profit organizations to help improve life outcomes of children, families, people with disabilities, and other vulnerable or excluded populations. By providing funding to not-for-profit organizations, SDPP invests in organizations that support the well-being of Canadians - from developing a better understanding of the issues Canadians face, to providing greater access to information, programs and services.
Expected results:
Not-for-profit sector and partners have capacity to respond to existing and emerging social issues for target populations
Forecast Spending 2009-2010 |
Planned Spending 2010-2011 |
Planned Spending 2011-2012 |
Planned Spending 2012-2013 |
Total grants | 14.3 | 14.3 | 14.3 | 14.3 |
Total contributions | 6.8 | 6.3 | 6.1 | 6.1 |
Total other types of transfer payments | ||||
Total Transfer payments | 21.1 | 20.6 | 20.4 | 20.4 |
Planned evaluation:
Strategic Outcome: Income security, access to opportunities and well-being for individuals, families and communities
Program Activity: Social Development
Name of Transfer Payment Program: New Horizons for Seniors Program (voted payments)
Start date: Original program: October 1, 2004;
Expanded Program: September 27, 2007
End date: September 30, 2010
The New Horizons for Seniors Program (NHSP) supports local projects across Canada that help ensure seniors are able to benefit from, and contribute to, the quality of life in their community through their social participation and active living. The NHSP accomplishes its' objectives through three separate funding streams, namely:
Expected results:
Forecast Spending 2009-2010 |
Planned Spending 2010-2011 |
Planned Spending 2011-2012 |
Planned Spending 2012-2013 |
Total grants | 24.4 | 26.3 | 26.3 | 26.3 |
Total contributions | 1.8 | 1.8 | 1.8 | 1.8 |
Total other types of transfer payments | ||||
Total Transfer payments | 26.2 | 28.1 | 28.1 | 28.1 |
Planned evaluation:
Strategic Outcome: Income security, access to opportunities and well-being for individuals, families and communities
Program Activity: Social Development
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Universal Child Care Benefit
Start date: July 1, 2006
End date: Ongoing
Effective July 2006 families receive $100 per month (up to $1,200 per year) for each child under six. Payments are made directly to families so that they can choose the child care that best meets the family's needs. The Universal Child Care Benefit is provided in addition to existing federal programs such as the Canada Child Tax Benefit, which includes the National Child Benefit Supplement, the new Child Tax Credit and the Child Care Expense Deduction. The Universal Child Care Benefit does not affect the benefits families receive under these programs. Further information can be found at
Expected results:
100 percent of eligible families with children under six years of age receiving the Universal Child Care Benefit.
Forecast Spending 2009-2010 |
Planned Spending 2010-2011 |
Planned Spending 2011-2012 |
Planned Spending 2012-2013 |
Total grants | 2,558.0 | 2,594.0 | 2,633.0 | 2,670.0 |
Total contributions | ||||
Total other types of transfer payments | ||||
Total Transfer payments | 2,558.0 | 2,594.0 | 2,633.0 | 2,670.0 |
Planned evaluation:
Strategic Outcome: Income security, access to opportunities and well-being for individuals, families and communities
Program Activity: Social Development
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Enabling Accessibility Fund
Start date: December 6, 2007
End date: March 31, 2013
The Enabling Accessibility Fund contributes to the capital costs of construction for the participatory abilities centres and renovations to buildings, modifications to vehicles, information and communications related to improving accessibility for people with disabilities.
The Enabling Accessibility Fund was extended to March 2013 to support the completion of the Major Projects.
The Enabling Accessibility Fund call for proposals is now closed and no future calls are anticipated.
Expected results:
Removing barriers to help people with varying abilities have access to opportunities to participate in their communities
Forecast Spending 2009-2010 |
Planned Spending 2010-2011 |
Planned Spending 2011-2012 |
Planned Spending 2012-2013 |
Total grants | 7.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Total contributions | 12.9 | 15.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Total other types of transfer payments | ||||
Total Transfer payments | 19.9 | 15.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Planned evaluation:
Strategic Outcome: The Government
Program Activity: Governance and Institutions of Government
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Transfer payments for Governance and Institutions of Government
Start date: N/A
End date: ongoing
Description: The efforts related to this program activity assist in achieving social and economic vibrancy in First Nation and Inuit communities. It supports individual community and aggregate based governments and governance systems by assisting them establishing effective governance and associated capacities, processes and mechanisms (such as by-law making authority, election processes). Particularly, support is provided to First Nation and Inuit governments as well as their respective institutions of government. These institutions include but are not limited to those that provide services in the areas of governance, land claim organizations and professional associations.
Expected results:
Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Total grants | 319.7 | 407.5 | 437.2 | 438.7 |
Total contributions | 319.1 | 239.1 | 236.0 | 236.0 |
Total Transfer payments | 638.8 | 646.7 | 673.1 | 674.7 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan: INAC's Departmental Plan for Transfer Payment Programs
Strategic Outcome: The Government
Program Activity: Co-operative Relationships
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Transfer payments for Co-operative Relationships
Start date: N/A
End date: ongoing
Description: This program activity addresses constitutional and historic obligations, reduce conflict through negotiation and enable all parties to work together toward reconciliation. Co-operative Relationships are about mutual respect. They establish an atmosphere of trust, accountability and respectful partnerships among governments, First Nations and Inuit. This atmosphere, in turn, supports social, economic and cultural growth in First Nation and Inuit communities and increases their self-reliance. Co-operative Relationships are the basis for mutually reached resolution of claims and other rights issues. Through Co-operative Relationships, land claims and self-government agreements are negotiated and implemented, treaty relations between the Crown and First Nations are clarified and supported, certainty is obtained over the ownership, use, and management of land and resources, and Inuit are effectively represented in federal policy decisions.
Expected results:
Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Total grants | — | — | — | — |
Total contributions | 95.2 | 83.0 | 82.8 | 81.7 |
Total Transfer payments | 95.2 | 83.0 | 82.8 | 81.7 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan: INAC's Departmental Plan for Transfer Payment Programs
Strategic Outcome: The Government
Program Activity: Claims Settlements
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Transfer payments for Claims Settlements
Start date: N/A
End date: ongoing
Description: This program activity consists in providing approved payments to First Nations for the settlement of special, specific and comprehensive claims which were successfully concluded through a negotiation process.
Expected results:
Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Total grants | 640.4 | 464.1 | 471.1 | 448.3 |
Total contributions | 12.6 | — | — | — |
Total Transfer payments | 653.0 | 464.1 | 471.1 | 448.3 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan: INAC's Departmental Plan for Transfer Payment Programs
Strategic Outcome: The People
Program Activity: Education
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Transfer payments for Education
Start date: N/A
End date: ongoing
Description: This program activity provides First Nations and Inuit communities with tools to achieve educational outcomes comparable to those of other Canadians. INAC has primary responsibility under the Indian Act for the elementary and secondary education of status-Indians living on reserve. As a matter of social policy, INAC also supports on-reserve status-Indians and Inuit students in the pursuit of post-secondary education. Support provided through the Education programs includes provisions for instructional services, special education services as well as targeted initiatives which aim to enhance First Nation education management, improve teacher recruitment and retention, and encourage parental and community engagement. New targeted funds have been recently included to improve the provision of elementary and secondary education services through both a partnership and a student success program.
Expected results:
Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Total grants | 36.8 | 39.5 | 41.3 | 42.9 |
Total contributions | 1,712.4 | 1,699.3 | 1,739.9 | 1,777.9 |
Total Transfer payments | 1,749.2 | 1,738.8 | 1,781.1 | 1,820.7 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan: INAC's Departmental Plan for Transfer Payment Programs
Strategic Outcome: The People
Program Activity: Social Development
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Transfer payments for Social Development
Start date: N/A
End date: ongoing
Description: Supports the provision of: income assistance to meet basic needs for food, clothing and shelter to ensure the safety and well-being of individuals and families consistent with provincial programs and standards; First Nations child and family services to improve their well-being and security; assisted living for social support services of a non-medical nature such as in-home care, short term respite care, foster care and institutional care to improve their well-being and security; Family Violence Program to improve safety and security, particularly of women and children at-risk; National Child Benefit Re-investment to support low-income families with children to help prevent or reduce the depth of child poverty; and other social services to build self-reliant, sustainable, healthy and stable First Nation communities.
Expected results:
Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Total grants | 4.7 | 10.0 | 10.0 | 10.0 |
Total contributions | 1,582.4 | 1,475.2 | 1,505.9 | 1,538.4 |
Total Transfer payments | 1,587.1 | 1,485.2 | 1,515.9 | 1,548.4 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan: INAC's Departmental Plan for Transfer Payment Programs
Strategic Outcome: The People
Program Activity: Managing Individual Affairs
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Transfer payments for Managing Individual Affairs
Start date: N/A
End date: ongoing
Description: The Managing Individual Affairs Program Activity ensures responsible Federal stewardship of the provisions of the Indian Act that pertain to Estates, Band moneys, registration and Band membership through direct client-services as well as partnerships with First Nations to deliver select services including the administration of Estates and the Indian Registration Program. The Program Activity is also responsible for administering the portions of the First Nations Oil and Gas and Moneys Management Act (FNOGMMA) that pertain to Indian Moneys as well as the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement, implemented on September 19, 2007, which oversees the federal obligations outlined within the Agreement and other federal initiatives related to the impact of Residential schools on Aboriginal people in Canada.
Expected results:
Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Total grants | 1.4 | 1.4 | 1.4 | 1.4 |
Total contributions | 10.5 | 18.3 | 17.6 | 13.0 |
Total Transfer payments | 11.9 | 19.7 | 19.0 | 14.4 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan: INAC's Departmental Plan for Transfer Payment Programs
Strategic Outcome: The Land
Program Activity: Responsible Federal Stewardship
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Transfer payments for Responsible Federal Stewardship
Start date: N/A
End date: ongoing
Description: This program activity contributes to the objective established by the Priorities and Planning Committee of Cabinet in September 2007 to promote economic development and good governance on reserve. It establishes the conditions for First Nations under the Indian Act to accelerate the pace at which they are able to exercise greater control over the management of their reserve land, resources and environment and effectively implementing and expanding the First Nations Land Management (FNLM) regime to facilitate the movement of more First Nations beyond the Indian Act. It involves a close collaboration with First Nations, Aboriginal associations and organizations, other government departments and private stakeholders such as oil and gas companies.
Expected results:
Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Total grants | — | — | — | — |
Total contributions | 104.4 | 81.1 | 32.4 | 32.4 |
Total Transfer payments | 104.4 | 81.1 | 32.4 | 32.4 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan: INAC's Departmental Plan for Transfer Payment Programs
Strategic Outcome: The Land
Program Activity: First Nations Governance over Land, Resources and the Environment
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Transfer payments for First Nations Governance over Land, Resources and the Environment
Start date: N/A
End date: ongoing
Description: The overall program framework for the assumption of governance responsibility of First Nations is composed of several programs which may act either as an incremental process toward Self government or as individual, discrete, optional programs which First Nations may select and opt into. The Reserve Land and Environmental Management Program (RLEMP) program builds First Nations Capacity through training and participation in land management in conjunction with INAC officers. The Regional Land Administration Programs (RLAPs) involve delegation of some Ministerial authorities that allow First Nations to act on their own behalf. First Nation Land Management (FNLM) offers First Nations the opportunity to assume full control over their land, transferring from the Indian Act to an individual land code.
Expected results:
Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Total grants | — | — | — | — |
Total contributions | 14.4 | 12.3 | 12.3 | 12.3 |
Total Transfer payments | 14.4 | 12.3 | 12.3 | 12.3 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan: INAC's Departmental Plan for Transfer Payment Programs
Strategic Outcome: The Land
Program Activity: Clarity of Title to Land and Resources
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Transfer payments for Clarity of Title to Land and Resources
Start date: N/A
End date: ongoing
Description: This program activity aims to provide legal certainty on ownership over on-reserve land and resources. It enables financial institutions and other investors to partner with First Nations in economic development opportunities on reserve. This includes adding land to reserve, providing clarity of title to reserve lands and resources through surveys, ensuring that the government's fiduciary obligations are met, implementing land transfers under specific and comprehensive claims, and negotiating restoration of mineral title to INAC for the benefit of First Nation communities.
Expected results:
Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Total grants | 1.2 | 5.8 | 2.0 | 2.0 |
Total contributions | 0.8 | — | — | — |
Total Transfer payments | 2.0 | 5.8 | 2.0 | 2.0 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan: INAC's Departmental Plan for Transfer Payment Programs
Strategic Outcome: The Economy
Program Activity: Individual and Community Business Development
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Transfer payments for Individual and Community Business Development
Start date: N/A
End date: ongoing
Description: Activities under the Aboriginal Business Development Program aim to create a modern business climate for Aboriginal individuals and communities to participate in Canada's economy and further share in its economic prosperity by addressing the limited range of financing provided by commercial lenders. To support sustainable business development, the program enables access to private sector business financing at competitive rates, as well as essential business information/advice. It also facilitates private sector partnerships in major resource and energy business projects and strengthens Aboriginal-owned or controlled financing institutions to provide developmental lending and advisory services to Aboriginal businesses.
Expected results:
Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Total grants | — | — | — | — |
Total contributions | 48.8 | 45.7 | 45.0 | 44.8 |
Total Transfer payments | 48.8 | 45.7 | 45.0 | 44.8 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan: INAC's Departmental Plan for Transfer Payment Programs
Strategic Outcome: The Economy
Program Activity: Community Investment
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Transfer payments for Community Investment
Start date: N/A
End date: ongoing
Description: For most First Nation and Inuit communities, economic development progress has been slow. The Community Investment program activity provides project-based and core funding to support communities and individuals in their efforts to effectively identify, assess, organize and plan economic development pursuits. This program activity is intended to enhance the ability of communities and individuals to participate in the economy and benefit from economic development opportunities. The activity is expected to yield increased employment and income levels, leading to improvements in the overall economic well-being and prosperity of First Nations, Inuit and Métis people.
Expected results:
Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Total grants | — | — | — | — |
Total contributions | 88.1 | 114.5 | 115.3 | 115.3 |
Total Transfer payments | 88.1 | 114.5 | 115.3 | 115.3 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan: INAC's Departmental Plan for Transfer Payment Programs
Strategic Outcome: The Economy
Program Activity: Community Infrastructure
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Transfer payments for Community Infrastructure
Start date: N/A
End date: ongoing
Description: This program activity supports the provision of funding for the acquisition, construction, operation and maintenance of: community facilities such as roads, bridges, water and sewer, and administration offices; education facilities, such as schools and teacherages and on-reserve housing.
Expected results:
Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Total grants | 0.1 | 0.1 | 0.1 | 0.1 |
Total contributions | 1,164.5 | 1,268.0 | 1,022.9 | 998.6 |
Total Transfer payments | 1,164.6 | 1,268.1 | 1,023.0 | 998.7 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan: INAC's Departmental Plan for Transfer Payment Programs
Strategic Outcome: The North
Program Activity: Northern Governance
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Transfer payments for Northern Governance
Start date: N/A
End date: ongoing
Description: This program activity strengthens northern governments by devolving province-like responsibilities for the land and natural resources, adopting effective intergovernmental mechanisms, managing strategic issues, and strengthening domestic and international inter-governmental co-operation on circumpolar issues.
Expected results:
Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Total grants | — | — | — | — |
Total contributions | 12.6 | 7.4 | 4.4 | 2.7 |
Total Transfer payments | 12.6 | 7.4 | 4.4 | 2.7 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan: INAC's Departmental Plan for Transfer Payment Programs
Strategic Outcome: The North
Program Activity: Healthy Northern Communities
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Transfer payments for Healthy Northern Communities
Start date: N/A
End date: ongoing
Description: This program activity benefits all Northerners by reducing the costs of transporting nutritious, perishable foods and other essential items to isolated northern communities and by researching the sources and effects of contaminants on the Arctic food chain. Through grants for hospital and physician services, the program activity also supports improvements to the health and well-being of members of First Nations communities and Inuit who live in the Northwest Territories and Nunavut.
Expected results:
Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Total grants | 47.3 | 48.3 | 49.2 | 50.2 |
Total contributions | 12.1 | 4.8 | 4.8 | 4.8 |
Total Transfer payments | 59.4 | 53.1 | 54.0 | 55.0 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan: INAC's Departmental Plan for Transfer Payment Programs
Strategic Outcome: The North
Program Activity: Northern Land and Resources
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Transfer payments for Northern Land and Resources
Start date: N/A
End date: ongoing
Description: This program activity supports the sustainable development and regulatory oversight of the land and natural resources of the North. Oil and gas development, including offshore projects, as well as the management of mines and mineral activity are facilitated. Improved environmental management and stewardship is promoted through the continued development of the northern regulatory regime. The identification and clean-up of contaminated sites improves environmental conditions, while the development of arctic science and the increase to the knowledge base through, among others, the activities of the International Polar Year, helps in the development of strategies in response to the challenges of climate change and adaptation. The concerns and issues of climate change are addressed in the interests of maintaining sustainable Aboriginal and northern communities.
Expected results:
Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Total grants | 1.1 | 1.1 | 1.1 | 1.1 |
Total contributions | 71.2 | 78.5 | 15.9 | 14.5 |
Total Transfer payments | 72.4 | 79.6 | 16.9 | 15.6 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan: INAC's Departmental Plan for Transfer Payment Programs
Strategic Outcome: The Office of the Federal Interlocutor
Program Activity: Urban Aboriginal Strategy
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Transfer payments for Urban Aboriginal Strategy
Start date: N/A
End date: ongoing
Description: This program activity helps respond to the needs of Aboriginal people living in urban centres. It promotes the self-reliance and economic participation of urban Aboriginal people and expands their life choices. Through the Urban Aboriginal Strategy (UAS), the federal government partners with other governments, community organizations and Aboriginal people to support (financially and through other means) projects that respond to local priorities. The Strategy enhances the federal government's ability to align expenditures directed toward urban Aboriginal people in key centres with provincial and municipal programming in a way that both advances federal objectives and responds effectively to local challenges and opportunities.
Expected results:
Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Total grants | — | — | — | — |
Total contributions | 12.1 | 9.9 | 9.9 | — |
Total Transfer payments | 12.1 | 9.9 | 9.9 | — |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan: INAC's Departmental Plan for Transfer Payment Programs
Strategic Outcome: The Office of the Federal Interlocutor
Program Activity: Métis and Non-Status Indian Organizational Capacity Development
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Transfer payments for Métis and Non-Status Indian Organizational Capacity Development
Start date: N/A
End date: ongoing
Description: This program activity is carried out by the Office of the Federal Interlocutor, the Government of Canada's principal point of contact for Métis and Non-Status Indian organizations, and an advocate within government on their key issues. The main mandate of the Office is to support (financially and through other means) the work of these organizations, and help find practical ways to reduce dependency and improve the self-reliance, and social and economic conditions of Métis, Non-Status Indians (MNSI) and off-reserve Aboriginal people. The Office fulfills this mandate by helping Métis and Non-Status Indian organizations develop their organizational and professional capacity, so that they can build effective partnerships with federal and provincial governments, and the private sector.
Expected results:
Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Total grants | — | — | — | — |
Total contributions | 12.1 | 12.1 | 12.1 | 12.1 |
Total Transfer payments | 12.1 | 12.1 | 12.1 | 12.1 |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan: INAC's Departmental Plan for Transfer Payment Programs
Strategic Outcome: The Office of the Federal Interlocutor
Program Activity: Métis Rights Management
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Transfer payments for Métis Rights Management
Start date: N/A
End date: ongoing
Description: This program activity is the federal response to the 2003 Supreme Court of Canada's Powley decision, which affirmed that Métis hold section 35 Aboriginal rights under the Canadian Constitution. The program works with (through financial support and other means) nonprofit, representative Aboriginal organizations that have substantial Métis memberships to develop objectively verifiable membership systems for Métis members and harvesters in accordance with the Supreme Court's direction.
Expected results:
Forecast Spending 2009-10 |
Planned Spending 2010-11 |
Planned Spending 2011-12 |
Planned Spending 2012-13 |
Total grants | — | — | — | — |
Total contributions | 8.0 | — | — | — |
Total Transfer payments | 8.0 | — | — | — |
Summary of the 3 Year Plan: INAC's Departmental Plan for Transfer Payment Programs
3-Year Transfer Payment Program Plan
Strategic Outcome
The Canadian Marketplace is Efficient and Competitive
Program Activity: Marketplace Frameworks and Regulations for Spectrum,
Telecommunications and the Online Economy Name of Transfer Payment Program: International Telecommunication Union, Switzerland |
Start Date: April 1, 2007 | End Date: March 31, 2011 | |||
Description Canada is signatory to the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) treaty agreement, negotiated every 4 years at a plenipotentiary conference, in accordance with its treaty obligations under the ITU Constitution and Convention. Canada's membership, contribution and standing in the ITU, and its involvement in related events, allow it to achieve results internationally across a broad range of issues affecting radiocommunications, standardization and telecommunication development. Canada's contribution to the ITU is commensurate with its international standing and its commitment to the United Nations and its specialized agencies. |
Expected Results
($ millions) | Forecast Spending 2009–10 | Planned Spending 2010–11 | Planned Spending 2011–12 | Planned Spending 2012–13 |
Total Grants | 6.8 | 6.8 | 6.8 | 6.8 |
Total Transfer Payments | 6.8 | 6.8 | 6.8 | 6.8 |
Strategic Outcome
Science and Technology, Knowledge, and Innovation are Effective Drivers of a Canadian Economy
Program Activity: Canada's Research and Innovation Capacity
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Institute for Quantum Computing |
Start Date: April 2, 2009 | End Date: April 2014 | |||
Description The Institute for Quantum Computing is a research institute based at the University of Waterloo campus in Waterloo, Ontario, with a mission to be the world leader in the development of quantum technologies. Its objective is to create an environment for physicists, mathematicians, engineers and computer scientists to advance the fields of quantum information and quantum computation. |
Expected Results
($ millions) | Forecast Spending 2009–10 | Planned Spending 2010–11 | Planned Spending 2011–12 | Planned Spending 2012–13 |
Total Grants | 16.5 | 17.0 | 5.0 | 5.5 |
Total Transfer Payments | 16.5 | 17.0 | 5.0 | 5.5 |
Program Activity: Canada's Research and Innovation Capacity
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Canada Foundation for Innovation |
Start Date: April 25, 1998 | End Date: December 31, 2015 | |||
Description The Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) is an independent corporation created by the Government of Canada to fund research infrastructure. CFI's mandate is to strengthen the capacity of Canadian universities, colleges, research hospitals and not-for-profit research institutions to carry out world-class research and technology development that benefit Canadians. The CFI's key objectives are to:
Expected Results
($ millions) | Forecast Spending 2009–10 | Planned Spending 2010–11 | Planned Spending 2011–12 | Planned Spending 2012–13 |
Total Grants | 128.6 | 153.0 | 102.0 | 102.0 |
Total Contributions | 50.0 | 75.0 | 25.0 | |
Total Transfer Payments | 128.6 | 203.0 | 177.0 | 127.0 |
Program Activity: Canada's Research and Innovation Capacity
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Knowledge Infrastructure Program |
Start Date: February 24, 2009 | End Date: March 31, 2011 | |||
Description The Knowledge Infrastructure Program is a 2-year, $2-billion measure to support infrastructure enhancement at post-secondary institutions, including universities and community colleges, across Canada. The program will promote employment and provide economic stimulus, and generate the advanced technological infrastructure needed to keep Canada's research and educational facilities at the forefront of scientific advancement. |
Expected Results Provide economic stimulus in local economies across Canada through infrastructure investments at post-secondary institutions |
($ millions) | Forecast Spending 2009–10 | Planned Spending 2010–11 | Planned Spending 2011–12 | Planned Spending 2012–13 |
Total Contributions | 487.9 | 485.5 | - | - |
Total Other Types of Transfer Payments (Statutory Payments) | 500.0 | 500.0 | - | - |
Total Transfer Payments | 987.9 | 985.5 | - | - |
Program Activity: Canada's Research and Innovation Capacity
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Canadian Institute for Advanced Research |
Start Date: April 1, 2002 | End Date: March 31, 2012 | |||
Description The Canadian Institute for Advanced Research (CIFAR) is a not-for-profit corporation that supports networks of Canadian and international researchers who conduct long-term research on scientific, social and economic issues. Working in association with Canadian and international institutions, CIFAR provides opportunities for eminent scholars to add to the research base in Canada. CIFAR supports 12 research programs with 266 researchers in a range of areas that includes cosmology and gravity, experience-based brain and biological development, and nanoelectronics. |
Expected Results
($ millions) | Forecast Spending 2009–10 | Planned Spending 2010–11 | Planned Spending 2011–12 | Planned Spending 2012–13 |
Total Grants | 5.0 | 5.0 | 5.0 | 0.0 |
Total Transfer Payments | 5.0 | 5.0 | 5.0 | 0.0 |
Program Activity: Commercialization and Research and Development Capacity
in Targeted Canadian Industries Name of Transfer Payment Program: Canadian Network for the Advancement of Research, Industry and Education Inc. |
Start Date: April 1, 2007 | End Date: March 31, 2012 | |||
Description The Canadian Network for the Advancement of Research, Industry and Education Inc. (CANARIE) operates and develops Canada's advanced, high-speed backbone network that facilitates the development and use of next-generation technologies. In partnership with advanced research networks in every province, the CANARIE network connects research facilities, educational institutions, hospitals and other science facilities to each other and to their international peers. It is an essential tool for researchers and educators engaged in collaborative work. |
Expected Results In its 4th year of the current 5-year mandate, CANARIE will focus even more on helping Canadian innovators develop the applications and platforms for a 21st-century cyber infrastructure — one that efficiently connects data, computers and people to support advanced internationally competitive and groundbreaking research. CANARIE will continue to operate, expand and upgrade the network, increase its use by real and virtual organizations, and enhance international networking and networking-focused collaborations. Through the Infrastructure Extensions Program and the Network-Enabled Platforms Program, CANARIE will continue to extend the network to more government departments, research laboratories, hospitals, schools and communities across Canada, creating middleware tools and related platform technologies that will allow virtual organizations and other research communities to benefit from these networks. Results are reported back to Industry Canada on an annual basis. |
($ millions) | Forecast Spending 2009–10 | Planned Spending 2010–11 | Planned Spending 2011–12 | Planned Spending 2012–13 |
Total Grants | 29.0 | 31.0 | 21.0 | 0.0 |
Total Transfer Payments | 29.0 | 31.0 | 21.0 | 0.0 |
Program Activity: Canada's Research and Innovation Capacity
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Genome Canada |
Start Date: March 2000 | End Date: March 2013 | |||
Description Genome Canada is an independent corporation that supports 6 regional genome centres across Canada. As the primary funding and information resource concerned with genomics and proteomics in Canada, Genome Canada has enabled Canada to undertake important research in key areas such as agriculture, the environment, fisheries, forestry, health and new technology development, as well as ethical, environmental, economic, legal and social issues related to genomics (GE3LS). Genome Canada's objectives are the:
Expected Results
($ millions) | Forecast Spending 2009–10 | Planned Spending 2010–11 | Planned Spending 2011–12 | Planned Spending 2012–13 |
Total Other Types of Transfer Payments (Statutory Payments) | 88.8 | 43.0 | 36.0 | 36.0 |
Total Transfer Payments | 88.8 | 43.0 | 36.0 | 36.0 |
Program Activity: Canada's Research and Innovation Capacity
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics |
Start Date: 2007 | End Date: 2012 | |||
Description The Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics (PI) is an independent, non-profit, resident-based research institute devoted to foundational issues in theoretical physics at levels of international excellence. PI pursues scientific research and educational outreach activities where international scientists cluster to push the limits of understanding of physical laws and develop new ideas about the very essence of space, time, matter and information. PI provides a multidisciplinary environment to foster research in areas of cosmology, particle physics, quantum foundations, quantum gravity, quantum information, superstring theory and related areas. |
Expected Results
($ millions) | Forecast Spending 2009–10 | Planned Spending 2010–11 |
Planned Spending 2011–12 |
Planned Spending 2012–13 |
Total Other Types of Transfer Payments (Statutory Payments) |
10.0 | 10.0 | 6.0 | - |
Total Transfer Payments | 10.0 | 10.0 | 6.0 | - |
Program Activity: Canada's Research and Innovation Capacity
Name of Transfer Payment Program: Ivey Centre for Health Innovation and Leadership |
Start Date: October 7, 2009 | End Date: March 31, 2014 | |||
Description |
Expected Results
($) millions | Forecast Spending 2009–10 | Planned Spending 2010–11 |
Planned Spending 2011–12 | Planned Spending 2012–13 |
Total Contributions | 0.5 | 1.0 | 1.1 | 1.2 |
Total Transfer Payments | 0.5 | 1.0 | 1.1 | 1.2 |
Program Activity: Commercialization and Research and Development Capacity
in Targeted Canadian Industries Name of Transfer Payment Program: Industrial Technologies Office — Strategic Aerospace and Defence Initiative |
Start Date: April 2, 2007 | End Date: March 31, 2012 | |||
Description This program provides repayable contributions to the aerospace and defence (A&D) sector to support strategic industrial research and pre-competitive development projects. The program helps to encourage the development of innovative products and services; enhance the competitiveness of Canadian A&D firms; and foster collaboration among research institutes, universities, colleges and the private sector. |
Expected Results
($ millions) | Forecast Spending 2009–10 | Planned Spending 2010–11 | Planned Spending 2011–12 | Planned Spending 2012–13 |
Total Contributions | 181.3 | 63.5 | 107.3 | 161.2 |
Total Transfer Payments | 181.3 | 63.5 | 107.3 | 161.2 |
Program Activity: Commercialization and Research and Development Capacity
in Targeted Canadian Industries Name of Transfer Payment Program: Industrial Technologies Office — Program for Strategic Industrial Projects |
Start Date: October 3, 2005 | End Date: March 31, 2011 | |||
Description This program provides the mechanism to fund larger strategic projects within the automotive sector (in whole or in part) from the fiscal framework. Strategic investments in industrial research, pre-competitive development, and technology adaptation and adoption within the automotive sector will help to increase economic growth and improve sustainable industrial developments. |
Expected Results Increased private sector investment in R&D activities in the automotive industry |
($ millions) | Forecast Spending 2009–10 | Planned Spending 2010–11 | Planned Spending 2011–12 | Planned Spending 2012–13 |
Total Contributions | 9.8 | - | - | - |
Total Transfer Payments | 9.8 | - | - | - |
Program Activity: Commercialization and Research and Development Capacity
in Targeted Canadian Industries Name of Transfer Payment Program: Industrial Technologies Office — Technology Partnerships Canada |
Start Date: March 11, 1996 | End Date: December 31, 2006 | |||
Description This program provides funding to support strategic R&D and demonstration projects in the aerospace and defence, environmental and enabling technologies sectors to produce economic, social and environmental benefits for Canadians. The terms and conditions of the program expired on December 31, 2006. However, the program continues to manage existing contribution agreements for previously contracted projects. |
Expected Results Increased investment in R&D activities in the aerospace, defence, environmental and enabling technology industries |
($ millions) | Forecast Spending 2009–10 | Planned Spending 2010–11 | Planned Spending 2011–12 | Planned Spending 2012–13 |
Total Contributions | 142.7 | 69.0 | 38.4 | 38.4 |
Total Transfer Payments | 142.7 | 69.0 | 38.4 | 38.4 |
Program Activity: Commercialization and Research and Development Capacity
in Targeted Canadian Industries Name of Transfer Payment Program: Automotive Innovation Fund |
Start Date: May 9, 2008 | End Date: March 31, 2013 | |||
Description The Automotive Innovation Fund supports strategic, large-scale research and development projects in developing innovative, greener and more fuel-efficient vehicles. |
Expected Results Enhanced capacity for automotive research and development in order to position Canada's automotive industry to meet the demands for cars of the future |
($ millions) | Forecast Spending 2009–10 | Planned Spending 2010–11 | Planned Spending 2011–12 | Planned Spending 2012–13 |
Total Contributions | 68.8 | 68.6 | 68.7 | 28.7 |
Total Transfer Payments | 68.8 | 68.6 | 68.7 | 28.7 |
Program Activity: Commercialization and Research and Development Capacity
in Targeted Canadian Industries Name of Transfer Payment Program: CSeries Program |
Start Date: September 2008 | End Date: October 2015 | |||
Description In July 2008, the government announced its intention to contribute $350 million to Bombardier Aerospace for R&D of aircraft technologies related to the CSeries, a new 110–130-seat family of commercial aircraft. The R&D projects will support the Canadian aerospace industry's goal of developing new technologies for the next generation of safer and more fuel-efficient commercial aircraft. The contribution is being provided by Industry Canada and is conditionally repayable. |
Expected Results Enhanced capacity for R&D and commercialization of new technologies in the Canadian aerospace industry |
($ millions) | Forecast Spending 2009–10 | Planned Spending 2010–11 | Planned Spending 2011–12 | Planned Spending 2012–13 |
Total Contributions | 59.4 | 66.9 | 70.4 | 66.6 |
Total Transfer Payments | 59.4 | 66.9 | 70.4 | 66.6 |
Strategic Outcome
Competitive Businesses are Drivers of Sustainable Wealth Creation
Program Activity: Entrepreneurial Economy Name of Transfer Payment Program: Canada Small Business Financing Program |
Start Date: 1961 | End Date: Ongoing | ||||
Description The Canada Small Business Financing (CSBF) Program is designed to help Canadian small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) access financing that would not otherwise be available, or would only be available under less favourable terms. It is a loan loss-sharing program in partnership with financial institutions. Under the program, financial institutions can make term loans on real property, leasehold improvements and equipment. In the event a registered loan defaults, the government pays 85% of the eligible losses. The CSBF Program is a national program and operates in all provinces and territories. To be eligible for this program, SMEs must be for-profit businesses with revenues of less than $5 million per year. The CSBF Program includes the Small Business Loans Act (SBLA) and the Capital Leasing Pilot Project (CLPP). |
Expected Results
($ millions) | Forecast Spending 2009–10 | Planned Spending 2010–11 | Planned Spending 2011–12 | Planned Spending 2012–13 | |
Total Other Types of Transfer Payments (Statutory Payments) | CSBFA | 107.6 | 90.2 | 86.6 | 97.1 |
SBLA | 0.5 | 0.1 | 0.1 | 0.0 | |
Total Statutory Payments | 108.1 | 90.3 | 86.7 | 97.1 |
Program Activity: Entrepreneurial Economy Name of Transfer Payment Program: Canadian Youth Business Foundation |
Start Date: April 1, 2002 | End Date: March 31, 2011 | |||
Description To support and develop youth entrepreneurship. The youth business program provides loans, mentorship support and an interactive website to entrepreneurs between 18 and 34 years of age. |
Expected Results Increase in the number of young entrepreneurs assisted |
($ millions) | Forecast Spending 2009–10 | Planned Spending 2010–11 | Planned Spending 2011–12 | Planned Spending 2012–13 |
Total Contributions | 10.0 | - | - | - |
Total Transfer Payments | 10.0 | - | - | - |
Program Activity: Global Reach and Agility in Targeted Canadian Industries Name of Transfer Payment Program: Marquee Tourism Events Program |
Start Date: April 1, 2009 | End Date: March 31, 2011 | |||
Description |
Expected Results
($ millions) | Forecast Spending 2009–10 | Planned Spending 2010–11 |
Planned Spending 2011–12 |
Planned Spending 2012–13 |
Total Contributions | 47.6 | 48.4 | - | - |
Total Transfer Payments | 47.6 | 48.4 | - | - |
Program Activity: Global Reach and Agility in Targeted Canadian Industries Name of Transfer Payment Program: Structured Financing Facility |
Start Date: September 13, 2001 | End Date: March 31, 2011 | |||
Description |
Expected Results |
($ millions) | Forecast Spending 2009–10 | Planned Spending 2010–11 | Planned Spending 2011–12 | Planned Spending 2012–13 |
Total Contributions | 18.1 | 18.1 | - | - |
Total Transfer Payments | 18.1 | 18.1 | - | - |
Program Activity: Community, Economic and Regional Development Name of Transfer Payment Program: Northern Ontario Development Program (NODP) |
Start Date: April 1, 1996 | End Date: June 30, 2011 | |||
Description |
Expected Results |
($ millions) | Forecast Spending 2009–10 | Planned Spending 2010–11** | Planned Spending 2011–12** | Planned Spending 2012–13** |
Total Contributions* | 37.8 | 36.8 | 36.5 | 36.3 |
Total Transfer Payments | 37.8 | 36.8 | 36.5 | 36.3 |
* Budgets beyond 2011–12 are conditional upon program
renewal. |
Program Activity: Community, Economic and Regional Development Name of Transfer Payment Program: Community Futures Program |
Start Date: 1986 | End Date: October 2, 2010 | |||
Description |
Expected Results |
($ millions) | Forecast Spending 2009–10* | Planned Spending 2010–11 | Planned Spending 2011–12 | Planned Spending 2012–13 |
Total Contributions | 21.8 | 8.5 | 8.5 | 8.5 |
Total Transfer Payments | 21.8 | 8.5 | 8.5 | 8.5 |
* 2009–10 budget figures including budget/spending related to CF Southern Ontario projects up to August 13, 2009. The 2010–13 figures reflect only CF Northern Ontario projects and are conditional upon program renewal. |
Program Activity: Community, Economic and Regional Development Name of Transfer Payment Program: Economic Development Initiative: 2008–13 Federal Strategy for Official Languages |
Start Date: June 19, 2008 | End Date: March 31, 2013 | |||
Description |
Expected Results |
($ millions) | Forecast Spending 2009–10* | Planned Spending 2010–11 | Planned Spending 2011–12 | Planned Spending 2012–13 |
Total Contributions | 2.1 | 1.9 | 0.8 | 0.3 |
Total Transfer Payments | 2.1 | 1.9 | 0.8 | 0.3 |
* 2009–10 includes Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev Ontario) portion of funding. 2010–11 to 2011–12 represents only Industry Canada's portion. |
Program Activity: Community, Economic and Regional Development Name of Transfer Payment Program: Community Adjustment Fund for Northern Ontario |
Start Date: June 19, 2008 | End Date: March 31, 2013 | |||
Description |
Expected Results |
($ millions) | Forecast Spending 2009–10 | Planned Spending 2010–11 | Planned Spending 2011–12 | Planned Spending 2012–13 |
Total Contributions | 15.5 | - | - | |
Total Other Types of Transfer Payments (Statutory) | 165.6 | |||
Total Transfer Payments | 165.6 | 15.5 | - | - |
Program Activity: Community, Economic and Regional Development Name of Transfer Payment Program: Computers for Schools |
Start Date: 1993 | End Date: March 31, 2013 | |||
Description |
Expected Results
($ millions) | Forecast Spending 2009–10 | Planned Spending 2010–11* | Planned Spending 2011–12* | Planned Spending 2012–13* |
Total Contributions | 3.4 | 3.4 | 3.4 | 3.4 |
Total Transfer Payments | 3.4 | 3.4 | 3.4 | 3.4 |
* For 2010–13, the program has approved funding in the amount of $3.4 million; an additional $0.6 million may be available to the program through the departmental reference levels. A request for these additional funds must be made on a yearly basis. |
Program Activity: Community, Economic and Regional Development Name of Transfer Payment Program: Community Access Program |
Start Date: October 1994 | End Date: March 31, 2010* | |||
Description |
Expected Results
($ millions) | Forecast Spending 2009–10* |
Planned Spending 2010–11 |
Planned Spending 2011–12 |
Planned Spending 2012–13 |
Total Contributions | 14.4 | - | - | - |
Total Transfer Payments | 14.4 | - | - | - |
* CAP is scheduled to end on March 31, 2010. The government is currently reviewing the future of the program and a decision is forthcoming. |
Program Activity: Community, Economic and Regional Development Name of Transfer Payment Program: Broadband Canada: Connecting Rural Canadians |
Start Date: April 1, 2009 | End Date: March 31, 2012 | |||
Description |
Expected Results |
($ millions) | Forecast Spending 2009–10 | Planned Spending 2010–11 | Planned Spending 2011–12 | Planned Spending 2012–13 |
Total Contributions | - | 174.4 | 21.0 | - |
Total Transfer Payments | - | 174.4 | 21.0 | - |
Program Activity: Community, Economic and Regional Development Name of Transfer Payment Program: Ontario Potable Water Program |
Start Date: December 13, 2007 | End Date: March 31, 2011 | |||
Description |
Expected Results |
($ millions) | Forecast Spending 2009–10 | Planned Spending 2010–11 | Planned Spending 2011–12 | Planned Spending 2012–13 |
Total Grants | 12.0 | N/A* | N/A* | N/A* |
Total Transfer Payments | 12.0 | N/A* | N/A* | N/A* |
* Responsibility for this program was transferred to FedDev Ontario as part of Budget 2009; all future reporting on this program will be included in its RPP. |
Program Activity: Community, Economic and Regional Development Name of Transfer Payment Program: Brantford Greenwich–Mohawk Remediation Project |
Start Date: May 8, 2008 | End Date: March 31, 2013 | |||
Description |
Expected Results |
($ millions) | Forecast Spending 2009–10 |
Planned Spending 2010–11 |
Planned Spending 2011–12 |
Planned Spending 2012–13 |
Total Grants | 8.1 | N/A* | N/A* | N/A* |
Total Transfer Payments | 8.1 | N/A* | N/A* | N/A* |
* Expected results for this program can be found in the Report on Plans and Priorities RPP for the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev Ontario). |
Program Activity: Community, Economic and Regional Development Name of Transfer Payment Program: Eastern Ontario Development Program |
Start Date: December 13, 2007 | End Date: March 31, 2010 | |||
Description |
Expected Results |
($ millions) | Forecast Spending 2009–10 | Planned Spending 2010–11 | Planned Spending 2011–12 | Planned Spending 2012–13 |
Total Contributions | 9.6 | N/A* | N/A* | N/A* |
Total Transfer Payments | 9.6 | N/A* | N/A* | N/A* |
* Responsibility for this program was transferred to FedDev Ontario as part of Budget 2009; all future reporting on this program will be included in its RPP. |
Program Activity: Community, Economic and Regional Development Name of Transfer Payment Program: Recreational Infrastructure Canada Program |
Start Date: December 13, 2007 | End Date: March 31, 2010 | |||
Description |
Expected Results |
($ millions) | Forecast Spending 2009–10 | Planned Spending 2010–11 | Planned Spending 2011–12 | Planned Spending 2012–13 |
Total Contributions | 96.5 | N/A* | N/A* | N/A* |
Total Transfer Payments | 96.5 | N/A* | N/A* | N/A* |
* Responsibility for this program was transferred to FedDev Ontario as part of Budget 2009; all future reporting on this program will be included in its RPP. |
Program Activity: Community, Economic and Regional Development Name of Transfer Payment Program: Southern Ontario Development Program |
Start Date: August 13, 2009 | End Date: March 31, 2014 | |||
Description |
Expected Results |
($ millions) | Forecast Spending 2009–10 | Planned Spending 2010–11 | Planned Spending 2011–12 | Planned Spending 2012–13 |
Total Contributions | 99.9 | N/A* | N/A* | N/A* |
Total Transfer Payments | 99.9 | N/A* | N/A* | N/A* |
* Responsibility for this program was transferred to FedDev Ontario as part of Budget 2009; all future reporting on this program will be included in its RPP. |
Program Activity: Community, Economic and Regional Development Name of Transfer Payment Program: Canada-Ontario Infrastructure Program |
Start Date: October 25, 2000 | End Date: March 31, 2010 | |||
Description |
Expected Results |
($ millions) | Forecast Spending 2009–10 | Planned Spending 2010–11 | Planned Spending 2011–12 | Planned Spending 2012–13 |
Total Contributions | 11.7 | N/A* | N/A* | N/A* |
Total Transfer Payments | 11.7 | N/A* | N/A* | N/A* |
* Responsibility for this program was transferred to FedDev Ontario as part of Budget 2009; all future reporting on this program will be included in its RPP. |
Infrastructure Canada manages the following transfer payment programs:
As prescribed by the Policy on Transfer Payments, as of June 30, 2009, the summary of the Three-Year Plan for Transfer Payment Programs is available at:
1. Strategic Outcome: Funding for quality, cost-effective public infrastructure that meets the needs of Canadians in a competitive economy, a clean environment and liveable communities is provided.
2. Program Activity: Canada Strategic Infrastructure Fund
3. Name of Transfer Payment Program: Canada Strategic Infrastructure Fund
4. Start date: 2003-2004
5. End date: 2012-2013
6. Description: Directed to projects of major federal and regional significance in areas that are vital to sustaining economic growth and enhancing the quality of life of Canadians.
7. Expected Results: Safer and improved water quality in major communities, safer and faster movement
of people and goods on Canada's major land transportation routes, reduced production of greenhouse gases and airborne pollutants,
more effective urban development, and increased economic activity including tourism
(in $ thousands)
8. Forecast Spending |
9. Planned Spending |
10. Planned Spending |
11. Planned Spending |
12. Total grants | ||||
Total contributions | 649,165 | 523,665 | 345,280 | 203,598 |
Total other types of transfer payments | ||||
13. Total Transfer payments | 649,165 | 523,665 | 345,280 | 203,598 |
14. Link to Three-Year Plan for Transfer Payment Programs: |
1. Strategic Outcome: Funding for quality, cost-effective public infrastructure that meets the needs of Canadians in a competitive economy, a clean environment and liveable communities is provided.
2. Program Activity: Border Infrastructure Fund
3. Name of Transfer Payment Program: Border Infrastructure Fund
4. Start date: 2003-2004
5. End date: 2013-2014
6. Description: This fund targets Canada-United States border crossing points and activity funding for investments in physical infrastructure, intelligent transportation system infrastructure and improved analytical capacity.
7. Expected Results: A reduction in border bottlenecks, greater uptake of border fast tracking programs
by frequent users, expansion or improvement in border/system capacity.
(in $ thousands)
8. Forecast Spending |
9. Planned Spending |
10. Planned Spending |
11. Planned Spending |
12. Total grants | ||||
Total contributions | 149,987 | 50,041 | 51,638 | 68,445 |
Total other types of transfer payments | ||||
13. Total Transfer payments | 149,987 | 50,041 | 51,638 | 68,445 |
14. Link to Three-Year Plan for Transfer Payment Programs: |
1. Strategic Outcome: Funding for quality, cost-effective public infrastructure that meets the needs of Canadians in a competitive economy, a clean environment and liveable communities is provided.
2. Program Activity: Municipal Rural Infrastructure Fund
3. Name of Transfer Payment Program: Municipal Rural Infrastructure Fund
4. Start Date: 2004-2005
5. End Date: 2013-2014
6. Description: Federal funding is provided to support municipal infrastructure projects to improve the quality of life, sustainable development and economic opportunities of smaller communities.
7. Expected Results: Improved and increased stock of core public infrastructure in areas such as water,
wastewater, culture and recreation, improved quality of life and economic opportunities for smaller communities.
(in $ thousands)
8. Forecast Spending 2009-2010 |
9. Planned Spending 2010-2011 |
10. Planned Spending 2011-2012 |
11. Planned Spending 2012-2013 |
12. Total grants | ||||
Total contributions | 483,763 | 122,524 | 7,263 | 0 |
Total other types of transfer payments | ||||
13. Total Transfer Payments | 483,763 | 122,524 | 7,263 | 0 |
14. Link to Three-Year Plan for Transfer Payment Programs: |
1. Strategic Outcome: Provinces, territories and municipalities have federal financial support for their infrastructure priorities.
2. Program Activity: Gas Tax Fund
3. Name of Transfer Payment Program: Gas Tax Fund
4. Start Date: 2005-2006
5. End Date: Ongoing
6. Description: The Gas Tax Fund program strives to meet the diverse infrastructure needs of all communities while contributing to national environmental outcomes. The Gas Tax Fund makes capital investments in environmentally sustainable municipal infrastructure to improve water and air quality and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. It is designed to build competitive and sustainable communities by providing reliable, predictable up-front funding for eligible investments in water, wastewater, solid waste, public transit, community energy systems, local roads and bridges, and capacity-building.
7. Expected Results: To support environmentally sustainable infrastructure in support of shared national
outcomes. Theses outcomes are cleaner air, cleaner water, and reduced greenhouse gas emissions.
(in $ thousands)
8. Forecast Spending 2009-2010 |
9. Planned Spending 2010-2011 |
10. Planned Spending 2011-2012 |
11. Planned Spending 2012-2013 |
12. Total grants | ||||
Total contributions | 1,974,980 | 2,001,775 | 1,974,452 | 1,974,452 |
Total other types of transfer payments | ||||
13. Total Transfer Payments | 1,974,980 | 2,001,775 | 1,974,452 | 1,974,45214. Link to Three-Year Plan for Transfer Payment Programs: |
1. Strategic Outcome: Provinces, territories and municipalities have federal financial support for their infrastructure priorities.
2. Program Activity: