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The Honourable Beverley J. Oda, P.C., M.P.
Minister of International Cooperation
AIDS | Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome |
CARICOM | Caribbean Community and Common Market |
CERF | Central Emergency Response Fund |
CIDA | Canadian International Development Agency |
CSO | Civil Society Organizations |
DAC | Development Assistance Committee |
DFAIT | Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade |
FTEs | Full Time Equivalents |
HIV | Human Immunodeficiency Virus |
HRM | Human Resources Management |
IAE | International Assistance Envelope |
MDGs | Millennium Development Goals |
MOPAN | Multilateral Organizations Performance Assessment Network |
MRRS | Management, Resources and Results Structure |
NGO | Non-Governmental Organization |
OCG | Office of the Comptroller General |
ODA | Official Development Assistance |
OECD | Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development |
PAHO | Pan American Health Organization |
PSD | Private Sector Development |
RCMP | Royal Canadian Mounted Police |
SAE | Strategic Environmental Assessment |
SCFAID | Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development |
SDS | Sustainable Development Strategy |
TBS | Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat |
UN | United Nations |
UNDP | United Nations Development Programme |
UNICEF | United Nations Children's Fund |
This year will mark a turning point for Canada's aid program and development agency. It will be marked by a profound shift in response to Canadians' call for tangible results through an effective, accountable aid program.
I have witnessed for myself the results achieved by our aid resources, supporting the less fortunate based on the principles of human rights, freedom, democracy and the rule of law -and reflecting Canadian government policies. I believe however that more can be accomplished with increased focus, efficiency, innovation and clear accountability.
This report highlights our commitment to Canadians to become more effective and the key steps we will take in 2008-09. This will not be easy and will require tough decisions and resilience. To achieve more effectiveness in our international aid, we depend on the support of all.
After all, such reforms are in support of our goal to reduce poverty, promote human rights, and increase sustainable development, in priority areas and regions. We will remain steadfast in our commitment to the reconstruction and development of Afghanistan, our largest aid program with $1.2 billion over a 10-year period. We will revitalize our engagement in the Americas with the key objectives of promoting basic democratic values, building prosperity, and meeting new security challenges. Canada will meet its G8 commitment to double aid to Africa, reaching investments of $2.1 billion this fiscal year.
We will continue to bring Canada's recognized expertise in the areas of public sector reform, technical and vocational education and training, equality between women and men, private sector development, the environment, health and basic education; and to lead innovative programming.
These efforts and the Canadian International Development Agency's many other initiatives in poverty reduction and sustainable development are reflected in the Agency's 2008-09 Report on Plans and Priorities, which I am pleased to table for Parliament's consideration.
The Honourable Beverley J. Oda, P.C., M.P.
Minister of International Cooperation
I submit for tabling in Parliament, the 2008-09 Report on Plans and Priorities for the Canadian International Development Agency.
This document has been prepared based on the reporting principles contained in the Guide for the Preparation of Part III of the 2008-09 Estimates: Reports on Plans and Priorities and Departmental Performance Reports:
Robert Greenhill
President, Canadian International Development Agency
Canadians recognize that their future is intertwined with that of people around the world, and that the failure to achieve significant political, economic, social and environmental progress in the developing world will have an impact on Canada in terms of long-term security and prosperity.
The Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) is the Government's principal organization responsible for development and humanitarian policy and programming. Its aim is to reduce poverty, promote human rights, and support sustainable development, in a manner consistent with Canadian foreign policy.
Canada's development assistance program promotes Canadian values: compassion for the less fortunate, democracy, freedom, human rights and the rule of law. It also promotes the interests of Canadians: contributing to Canada's voice on the world stage, building long-term relationships with emerging economies, and supporting global peace and security.
1.2.1 Challenging Canada's aid program
In partnership with recipient countries, other donors, international and multilateral organizations, and Canadians, CIDA is contributing to the achievement of notable results.
A snapshot of results in 2006-07
Recipient countries are increasingly taking charge of their own development, strengthening democratic governance, enhancing skills in government and civil society, and sharpening competitiveness in their business sectors.
Over the past decades, however, questions with respect to the effectiveness of aid investments remain based on the persistence of intractable poverty throughout the developing world. This has given rise to rethinking the approach to development.
With Canadians questioning the effectiveness and results of their aid program, a number of studies and reviews have made recommendations on ways to improve international assistance that the Government has duly taken into consideration. These are informing CIDA's plans and priorities.
On October 10, 2007, the Development Assistance Committee (DAC) of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) tabled its review1 of Canada's aid program. It recognized Canada's progress in areas such as its whole-of-government approach to working with fragile states (e.g., Afghanistan and Haiti), humanitarian action in Africa, and increases in the aid budget. The review also identified the following main challenges: continuing to increase aid to meet Canada's commitments made at Monterrey; focusing its aid on fewer partner countries to generate stronger impact; and galvanizing the implementation of the 2005 Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness.2
The OECD also released its Overview Report of the 2006 Survey on Monitoring of the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness. It notes that CIDA programming is well aligned with country priorities and increasingly coordinated with other donors, but that further progress is required by all donors to ease the administrative burden on recipient countries. Areas for improvement for CIDA include increasing the proportion of coordinated missions and shared analytical work with other donors, untied aid, and harmonization of practices and procedures.
With urgent basic needs unmet for hundreds of millions, an increasingly complex geopolitical environment, and a climate that affects the world's poorest regions, development is a risky endeavor. Delivering assistance in areas of conflict and political instability such as the Kandahar Province of Afghanistan and the West Bank and Gaza territories represents significant challenges for program delivery and staff security. Such risks are mitigated by focusing support to address humanitarian needs and by working with government and NGO partners with experience in working in similar environments.
1.2.2 Transforming Canada's international assistance program
The Government is significantly increasing the resources it devotes to international assistance. Budget 2007 reaffirmed Canada's commitment to double international assistance from 2001-02 to 2010-11, bringing the International Assistance Envelope (IAE) to $4.4 billion in 2008-09. CIDA will manage 67.4 per cent of the IAE, or $2.96 billion in 2008-09.
As highlighted above, although Canada's international assistance program has produced some notable achievements, new realities and a more complex international environment require a new approach. Canadians have great expectations for their aid program, and the Government will live up to them. Therefore, Budget 2007 laid out a clear program that will transform both Canada's aid program, and its aid agency:
1.2.3 Transforming CIDA
In support of the Government's aid effectiveness agenda, CIDA will pursue its Transformation for Results Initiative that seeks to move the Agency towards a more effective and accountable bilateral development organization. The new structure will ensure that CIDA:
These changes are the foundation on which CIDA will build improved clarity of roles, enhanced field presence and improved ability to achieve and demonstrate results.
1.2.4 Clear priorities for Canada
The Canadian role in Afghanistan is one of our most important foreign engagements in many decades. The priority to Afghanistan is also reflected in the 2007 Speech from the Throne. This political and military commitment is supported by CIDA's largest and most complex aid program. The whole-of-government approach is critical to Canada's success. For example, in Kandahar, the Provincial Reconstruction Team includes the Department of National Defence, the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (DFAIT), CIDA, Corrections Canada and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP). This whole-of-government effort includes CIDA's support for long-term reconstruction and poverty reduction, and DFAIT's support for stabilization and short-term reconstruction through the Global Peace and Security Fund. These programs are in addition to humanitarian assistance, and focus on meeting basic needs of refugees and others affected by conflict. Canada is a top donor in Afghanistan, with a commitment of $1.2 billion through 2011.
Canada's commitment to double its aid to Africa by 2008-09 from 2003-04 levels, to reach $2.1 billion, confirmed by the Prime Minister at the 2007 G8 Summit in Germany, will be met. DFAIT, through its support for the African Union's peace support operations in Sudan, for example, contributes to this commitment, as does the Department of Finance, as the Government's lead with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, and the International Development Research Centre, which has focused much of its research support in African countries. Canada will be first amongst G8 countries to meet its commitment to Africa and will be able to proudly take on its role of host of the 2010 G8 Summit.
Canada's re-engagement in the Americas is a priority announced in the Speech from the Throne in October 2007. Through renewed engagement, Canada will contribute to building a more prosperous, democratic, secure and safe hemisphere. Canada's international development assistance in economic development, governance, and social programming helps create an enabling environment for increased prosperity, economic opportunity, and access to the benefits of democracy. Canada will continue to play a leadership role in Haiti through our commitment of $555 million from 2006 to 2011. Canada's approach will draw upon government resources including commercial, defence, diplomatic, international assistance and immigration.
In cooperation with DFAIT, CIDA will follow through on the November 2007 Government Response to the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development's report entitled "Advancing Canada's Role in International Democratic Development". Actions include establishing a 'panel of experts' to study Canadian capacity to deliver democracy support; the development of a CIDA-specific governance analysis tool; supporting efforts to improve greater coordination among Canadian organizations delivering democracy support; and establishing research programs to inform CIDA programming in this area. CIDA will also work with DFAIT to develop a focused policy statement on democracy support.
The Agency will develop a plan for a renewed approach to technical and vocational education and training, initially informed by a round-table of experts in winter 2008. CIDA is also renewing, with interdepartmental colleagues and other stakeholders, its private sector engagement. As well, the Prime Minister announced the Canada-Caribbean Institutional Leadership Development Project during his summer visit to Barbados. The performance of this project will inform options for increasing support for public sector reform in developing countries, including a Canadian institute of public service. Such an institution would aim to improve the coherence of Canada's efforts to strengthen the performance of developing countries' public sector and assist in policy development.
1.2.5 The International Environment
Over the past ten years, a global consensus has emerged on the goals and principles of development cooperation:
In 2008-09, the international community, including Canada, will be assessing the progress on the goals and principles of development cooperation agreed upon since 2000.
A multi-stakeholder UN meeting will be held in 2008 to review progress and accelerate action to help achieve MDG targets by 2015. The third High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness, to be held in Accra, Ghana, in September 2008, constitutes the first milestone to assess progress and performance on implementation of the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness, and to identify actions to accelerate achievement of the Declaration's commitments and targets by 2010.
Canada was a strong advocate for including civil society into the discussions on aid effectiveness. Its efforts have delivered. The international community, including Canadian civil society, is now engaged in a dialogue to better understand the role and contribution of civil society to development and the effectiveness of aid. This issue will be a priority for discussion in Accra.
Another major event will be the Doha Conference on Financing for Development, to be held December 2008 in Qatar. This conference will review progress on implementing the actions contained within the six thematic areas of the Monterrey Consensus. These include developing countries' efforts to mobilize resources for public and private investments, reductions in the external debts of developing countries, further liberalization of trade, greater and more effective development assistance and addressing some systemic issues.
These events will offer Canada an opportunity to affirm its commitment to poverty reduction, and more effective aid delivery.
Financial and Human Resources
Financial Resources 2008-09 (Planned spending) | Human Resources 2008-09 |
$3,222,771,000 | 1,834 Full Time Equivalents |
Strategic Outcomes
CIDA's aim to reduce poverty, promote human rights, and increase sustainable development is supported through two strategic outcomes described below.
Strategic Outcomes | Selected Performance Indicators |
1. Increased achievement of development goals consistent with Canadian foreign policy objectives |
2. Sustained support and informed action by Canadians in international development |
Planned Spending | ||
Expected Results | 2008-09 | |
Strategic Outcome 1: Increased achievement of development goals consistent with Canadian foreign policy objectives | ||
Countries of concentration | Enhanced capacity of countries of concentration to achieve development goals | $967,821,000 |
Fragile states and countries experiencing humanitarian crisis | Reduced vulnerability of crisis-affected people Restored capacity of public institutions and civil society |
$611,209,000 |
Selected countries and regions | Enhanced capacity of selected countries and regions to achieve stability and/or development goals Contribution to international interests of the Government of Canada |
$580,822,000 |
Multilateral, international and Canadian institutions | Enhanced capacity and effectiveness of multilateral institutions and Canadian/international organizations in achieving development goals |
$991,286,000 |
Strategic Outcome 2: Sustained support and informed action by Canadians in international development | ||
Engaging Canadian citizens | Increased awareness, deepened understanding and greater engagement of Canadians with respect to international development issues | $71,633,000 |
Allocated across program activities | |
Internal services* | Provide support services that are not specific to any individual channel of program delivery |
* Financial and human resource costs for Internal Services have been allocated to the other programs activities, as required by TBS.
Program and Management Priorities
Over the planning period, CIDA's efforts will aim at transforming for more effective, accountable aid, while reflecting the Government's policies and priorities. More specifically:
Canada's international assistance program has produced some notable achievements in areas such as advancing equality between women and men, and innovative micronutrient initiatives in developing countries. Although two-thirds of Canadians support international assistance and believe it can make a difference, the program has been criticized with continuing scepticism that real results are being achieved. In his reply to the 2007 Speech from the Throne the Prime Minister stated that Canada's international assistance program would be refocused and strengthened.
Transforming the aid program has a clear purpose: to become more effective and achieve results. To demonstrate real results for Canadians' aid dollars requires focusing international assistance in countries, strengthening presence on the ground in order to be more responsive and make better choices and reducing the cost of doing business to ensure more resources reach the poor in developing countries.
Strengthening Geographic Focus
Focusing aid efforts and resources in certain countries will increase the effectiveness and accountability of Canadian aid, delivering greater results on the ground and increasing Canada's influence as a donor. It will enable the Agency to deploy more staff to the field and to make better choices based on deeper knowledge of local conditions. Bringing more resources to bear in these countries will also improve the Government's ability to monitor and evaluate the Canadian investments and their development impacts, to manage risks and to respond to changing conditions.
The Government will realign its bilateral resources to countries selected on the basis of criteria that will include for example the level of poverty, the alignment with the Government's priorities and shared values, and our ability to make a difference.
This will build on results already achieved - in 2006-07, the top 15 recipients of CIDA's bilateral assistance accounted for 69 per cent of bilateral spending, up from 55 per cent in 2000-01. In line with Budget 2007's commitment, we will aim to be amongst the top 5 donors in the majority of Canada's countries of concentration. This will further enhance our impact, and improve how we work with our partners to achieve results.
Strengthening CIDA's Field Presence
The OECD indicated in its 2007 Peer Review of Canada's international assistance that CIDA's highly centralized management structure and decision making is incompatible with its desire to gain influence and impact on development issues with recipient country governments and among other donors. Budget 2007 indicated that Canada would focus aid in countries and put more staff in the field.
The benefits of greater presence in the field can be maximized with a transfer of authorities allowing the field team to respond more quickly to local conditions and to strengthen Canada's ability to act in concert with other donors and recipient governments. To strengthen its presence and leadership capacity in priority developing countries, CIDA will increasingly shift management authority and resources from headquarters to the field.
Based on experience gained to date, CIDA is building decentralized field options that will accommodate local conditions and capacities, work with the infrastructure available through other organizations, particularly DFAIT, and minimize cost implications. As part of a redesigned approach, CIDA will increase its presence in the field. It will rationalize its presence in other countries and at headquarters. Also, CIDA will recruit locally in countries where suitable candidates are available.
Further Aid Untying
Tied aid is a practice whereby development assistance is used for the procurement of goods and services from the donor country or from a limited number of countries. International studies have demonstrated that tied aid represents a major efficiency loss of between 15 and 30 per cent. This is money that does not reach the intended beneficiaries.
Under CIDA's existing policy, it is mandatory to untie Canadian aid to the Least Developed Countries (LDCs) with the exception of food aid, management services, and technical cooperation. For aid to non-LDCs, CIDA can use international competitive bidding on contracts. In Canada, 50 percent of food aid remains tied to Canadian providers.
Since the implementation of the current policies, Canada's untying ratio as reported to the OECD has improved from 32 per cent in 2001 to 63 per cent in 2006. While this represents a significant increase, it is still lower than most other donors, the average of which is over 90 per cent. In its 2007 Peer Review of Canada, the OECD also recommended further untying of food aid and the promotion of more local and regional procurement from developing country firms.
The October 16, 2007 Speech from the Throne states that "our government will bring greater focus and effectiveness to Canada's international assistance to ensure that Canadians' money is well spent." Further untying Canadian aid is an efficient means to support this objective. Building on results achieved to date, the future years will see improvements in CIDA's ratio of untied aid.
Improving Administrative Efficiency
In Budget 2007, the Government underscored its commitment to ensuring that the maximum amount of aid reaches those in need. In practice, this means a disciplined assessment of administrative costs to ensure that they are minimized and focused on the necessary requirements of stewardship and due diligence, and effective and efficient program delivery.
In 2002-03, CIDA's operating costs accounted for 10.1 per cent of total spending. Since then, CIDA has reduced its operating costs to 7.9 per cent of total spending. Despite CIDA's recent success in improving its efficiency, critics claim that Canada spends a higher percentage of its international assistance on administrative costs than do other donor countries. However, there is a major difficulty in comparing such costs because expenditure information on international development is flawed as donor countries employ different definitions of administrative costs in their reports. Comparing itself with five other federal departments administering large transfer payment programs, CIDA noted that its administrative costs as a percentage of total spending is lower than any of the five other departments.
While CIDA's efficiency has been improving, there is scope for further improvement in order to follow through on the commitment made in Budget 2007. To become more efficient, CIDA will ensure that greater country focus results in reduced costs; pursue further options for more efficient delivery of program and administrative services; increase financial delegations and other authorities; increase the average size of its projects to achieve economies of scale; standardize and streamline internal business processes; and invest in financial systems and practices that facilitate the Agency's efforts in controlling administrative costs.
Independent Evaluation of Canada's International Assistance Program
Budget 2007 committed the Government to examine options to ensure the independent evaluation of Canada's international assistance program in order to provide parliamentarians and Canadians with a more objective assessment of the results we achieve with our international assistance.
The 2006 Federal Accountability Act requires all federal government departments and agencies to evaluate all federal government grants and contributions programs within five years. The Treasury Board is renewing its policy suite, including the Evaluation Policy, with the aim of strengthening the independence/neutrality of the evaluation function and enhancing rigour and professionalism in the conduct of evaluations across the federal government. The new Policy will improve the quality of information for parliamentarians and Canadians on the results achieved with our international assistance.
The President of CIDA oversees the evaluation function of the Agency with the advice and assistance of an Evaluation Committee, which he chairs. The committee includes two external members (from DFAIT and the private sector). The Treasury Board Secretariat (TBS) in its 2006 Management Accountability Framework assessment rated CIDA's evaluation function as "strong". CIDA's current evaluation coverage is about 70 per cent of all programs over seven years, or 10 per cent a year.
There is a general move, in the donor community, towards greater independence with reforms being designed based on individual country realities.
CIDA will build on the "strong" rating in TBS' 2006 Management Accountability Framework assessment and further strengthen governance and oversight of the Agency's evaluation function in a cost-effective manner. The composition of CIDA's Evaluation Committee will be enhanced to include more independent members.
A series of additional measures will also be implemented to enhance the coverage, independence, quality and rigour of evaluations. These measures will include ensuring that 100 per cent of CIDA's programs are evaluated over a five-year cycle.
Aid Effectiveness on the International Stage
Internationally, a consensus has emerged from over 50 years' experience in development cooperation and a growing body of research into development effectiveness reflecting that past approaches to development cooperation were too narrowly focused and often failed to recognize the cultural and political context in which development takes place. At the heart of this evolution has been one overwhelming concern: improving the effectiveness of development cooperation.
The global consensus that has emerged is anchored in a series of internationally agreed documents: the Millennium Development Goals (2000), the Monterrey Consensus on Financing for Development (2002) and the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness (2005).
The MDGs, which were agreed by the United Nations in 2000, provide a shared vision of a much-improved world by 2015. The goals inform country priorities and planning for development, concentrating on: eradicating extreme poverty and hunger; achieving universal primary education; promoting equality between women and men and women's empowerment; reducing child mortality; improving maternal health; combating HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases; and ensuring environmental sustainability; as well as developing a global partnership for development.
The Monterrey Consensus (2002), adopted at the International Conference on Financing for Development, was the first global attempt to comprehensively address the challenges of financing development, especially in the context of meeting the MDGs.
In 2005, Canada, other donors and developing countries, recognizing the need for time-bound operational targets if the MDGs were to be achieved, endorsed the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness. The Declaration articulates a new approach to development, with a number of shared commitments, and a process for monitoring progress.
In 2007, G8 leaders including Canada's Prime Minister confirmed that, "We are working to implement the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness and recognize that both donors and partner countries have steps to take to improve the impact of aid. We must all work to encourage country ownership, assure alignment of aid programs with country priorities, reduce transaction costs of aid and improve donor coordination. We need to continue enhancing efforts to untie aid ... and disbursing aid in a timely and predictable fashion through partner country systems where possible."
As stated previously, the Accra HLF is the first milestone to report on progress achieved in implementing the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness, in order to meet its 2010 timeline.
A notable initiative for Canada in the lead up to Accra is on civil society and aid effectiveness. Canada is a recognized leader on donor engagement with civil society organizations (CSOs). Canada is pursuing this initiative internationally through its chairmanship of the Advisory Group on Civil Society and Aid Effectiveness.
Civil society's contribution to development is considerable. CSOs are a highly effective mechanism for the delivery of social services and programs, and countries that are successful in reaching the poor are most often those in which a wide range of CSOs have emerged to work at the community level and hold governments accountable to citizens.
This was an overview of a very dynamic agenda for strengthened effectiveness of aid that will see CIDA taking concrete steps and making notable changes over the planning period. The next section provides a snapshot of the results the Agency seeks to achieve with its partners, in support of its corporate objectives. The examples cited are not meant to be comprehensive but to provide the reader with a better understanding of how the Agency aligns its sectoral expertise and programming response to a specific country context and set of challenges.
This section provides information on how each of the five program activities in CIDA's Program Activity Architecture listed below supports the Agency's strategic outcomes and expected results.
CIDA's Program Activity Architecture
Strategic Outcome 1: Together with other donors, Canada pursues the achievement of development goals that collectively aim at reducing poverty. CIDA's development goals are aligned with Canada foreign policy priorities.
Strategic Outcome 2: Canadians are involved in international development through government, non-government, private sector and volunteerism. Canadians make a valuable contribution to international development, through their financial and in-kind support, resourcefulness, innovative ideas, and commitment.
These outcomes are mutually reinforcing, reflecting the interdependency of achievement of development goals and Canadian citizens support. They are supported by five program activities that are defined in terms of CIDA partnerships with countries of concentration, fragile states and countries in crisis, selected countries and regions, institutions, and Canadian citizens.
Program Activity Description | |
This program activity involves engaging in long-term development assistance programming in countries of concentration to enhance their capacity to achieve development goals. Such programming involves direct contacts between CIDA and recipient countries and is developed through consultation and cooperation with partners internationally, in Canada and in these countries. Initiatives include various country programs, projects and development activities as well as policy dialogue. | |
Expected Result | Selected Performance Indicators |
Enhanced capacity of countries of concentration to achieve development goals |
Human Resource Requirements, 2008-09 | Financial Requirements, 2008-09 |
570 Full Time Equivalents | $967,821,000 |
Well performing institutions and the capacity to take over and own development efforts is essential to the sustainability and effectiveness of aid. At the heart of CIDA’s efforts with its long-term partners is ensuring that capacity exists within formal institutions and civil society to achieve development results. CIDA supports countries of concentration to manage and reach their development goals in a coordinated and harmonized fashion, based on the principles of the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness. Thus, Agency priorities are determined by the national development plans or poverty reduction strategies of the recipient countries, while fostering improved governance in support of the country’s development.
Plans and Priorities
Expected Result: Enhanced capacity of countries of concentration to achieve development goals |
Development is the result of the combined efforts of donors, recipient governments and citizens. Results are achieved and witnessed on the ground. The following highlight a sample of programs in the pursuit of concrete and sustainable development results in countries of concentration.
Development challenges Africa faces the greatest challenges in reaching the MDGs; despite consistent annual growth rates of 5 per cent or more in recent years, poverty is still a serious problem across the continent. The satisfaction of the most basic needs (e.g., food security, health, education) and the basic infrastructure for economic development remain enormous and long-term challenges. Gender inequality, weak public sector institutions, corruption, limited citizen participation, ongoing armed conflict and climate change continue to pose barriers to progress. Nevertheless, most of CIDA's countries of concentration are on the road to becoming stable and effective democracies that are able to respond to the development priorities of their populations, and several will meet a number of the MDG targets in poverty reduction and education. |
Sectors of Focus
Ghana is a stable democracy with a strong economic growth and poverty reduction record. The percentage of people living below the national poverty line dropped from 51.7 in 1991-92 to 28.5 in 2005-06. Its current challenge is to accelerate economic growth and share the benefits more equitably. Other challenges include increasing access to food security and sanitation services, the latter of which is currently at 18 per cent across the country. Canada is a signatory, along with most of the major donors in Ghana, of a Joint Assistance Strategy that coordinates aid and harmonizes it with Government of Ghana practices.
Plans and Priorities
Sectors of Focus
Mozambique has been a major African success story in post-conflict resolution and rehabilitation. It is endowed with vast and relatively untapped natural resources and it has achieved an annual economic growth rate of 8.2 per cent. However, Mozambique is still one of the poorest countries on earth and it faces serious constraints to development, including HIV/AIDS, pronounced inequality between women and men, vulnerability to drought and flooding, income and regional disparities, and the lack of capacity in all levels and sectors of government.
Plans and Priorities
Sectors of Focus
Mali is a democratic country with a strong civil society and a culture that favours tolerance and respect for human rights. The country plays a lead role in Africa in human rights, regional integration, and peace and security initiatives. However, Mali has significant development challenges: 72.1per cent of its population lives on less than US$2 a day, 76 per cent of adults are illiterate, and life expectancy is 48 years.
Plans and Priorities
Development challenges In Asia, there is an increasing trend towards democratic governance and reform. Bangladesh and Vietnam are systematically attacking corruption and strong progress has been made in decentralization in Vietnam. Economic growth is strong in Vietnam, which is expected to reach middle-income status by 2010. Indonesia has recovered from the late 1990s financial crisis to maintain its middle-income status. However, significant pockets of poverty continue to exist even in growing economies and the last several years have seen major natural disasters in Indonesia, Pakistan and Bangladesh. Pakistan and Afghanistan continue to be politically unstable with serious implications for broader regional security in Asia and the Middle East. |
Sectors of Focus
Bangladesh is the most populous of the world's least developed countries and also one of the poorest. Yet, for over a decade, Bangladesh has made important economic gains with Gross Domestic Product growth averaging just below 6 per cent per year. It has a vibrant civil society, a rapidly growing private sector, and an outspoken and free press. Among Bangladesh's challenges are: poor quality health and education services and unequal access to those services especially by the poor and women; continuing incidence of under-nutrition in children, especially girls; and weak institutional capacity for the rule of law and protection of human rights.
Plans and Priorities
Development challenges In the Americas, despite strong economic growth in the hemisphere, CIDA's countries of concentration continue to experience high poverty levels, a significant gap between rich and poor, growing criminality and gang violence in urban centres, unstable political environments, and lack of a professional civil service. The Caribbean is susceptible to natural disasters and vulnerable to globalizing markets and the loss of traditional industries. The strategic objective for greater regional cooperation will help reduce this vulnerability. Meanwhile, polarization is hindering cooperation at the hemispheric level, but dialogue continues. |
Sectors of Focus
Bolivia is South America's poorest country where 42 per cent of the population lives on less than $2 per day. Less than 14 per cent of the poor have basic sanitation, and infant mortality rates are three times the Latin American average. Deep social, ethnic inequity is a major obstacle to poverty reduction efforts. In the past two years, Bolivia has profited from increasing worldwide energy prices and has channeled most of the increased tax revenue into much-needed investments to improve health, education and local economic development. At the same time, Bolivia's political instability, as well as its weak institutional capacity continues to slow down progress on poverty reduction.
Plans and Priorities
Development challenges These are diverse regions with varying levels of economic performance, poverty and social needs. The benefits of economic growth are often unevenly distributed and pockets of significant poverty persist. In Ukraine, for example, economic growth continues to be largely uneven across economic sectors and regions. |
Sectors of Focus
Since independence in 1991, Ukraine has taken important steps toward institutionalizing democracy, engaging civil society, developing a multi-party system and transforming from a centrally planned to a market economy. Periods of political uncertainty in Ukraine have affected the pace of change. Governance reforms remain an important part of Ukraine's democratic transformation. These include strengthening the rule of law and improving the ability of certain key institutions to perform their functions in a more transparent, inclusive and efficient manner. Efforts are underway to improve the enabling environment for business in Ukraine and increase the competitiveness of small and medium sized enterprises, including in rural parts of the country.
Plans and Priorities
Program Activity Description | |
This program activity involves programming development and/or humanitarian assistance in fragile states and/or countries experiencing humanitarian crisis to reduce vulnerability of crisis-affected people and restore capacity of public institutions and society, through different means: government-wide responses, using a variety of mechanisms to respond to the many specific needs and risks or timely and effective action. In both cases, partnerships with institutional organizations offer flexibility and expertise to provide adequate responses. | |
Expected Result | Selected Performance Indicators |
Reduced vulnerability of crisis-affected people |
Restored capacity of public institutions and civil society |
Human Resource Requirements, 2008-09 | Financial Requirements, 2008-09 |
368 Full Time Equivalents | $611,209,000 |
Canada endorses the OECD's Principles for Good International Engagement in Fragile States, which state that "political, security, economic and social spheres are interdependent: ... a 'whole-of-government' approach is needed, involving those responsible for security, political, and economic affairs... development aid, and humanitarian assistance." Canada's engagement in fragile states involves all aspects of Canada's foreign policy in a closely coordinated effort to ensure that all elements reinforce and support one another during and after the crisis. CIDA collaborates with other government departments, such as DFAIT, the Department of National Defence, Corrections Canada and, the RCMP, as well as a range of other donors and multilateral organizations.
In countries experiencing humanitarian crises where the need to save lives and alleviate suffering exceeds their ability to respond, CIDA responds first to the immediate needs of affected populations, and then helps them back on the road to long-term development.
Plans and Priorities
Expected Result 1: Reduced vulnerability of crisis-affected people |
The following examples represent some of the key initiatives that will contribute to achieving this expected result in 2008-09:
Humanitarian Assistance and Reconstruction
CIDA's financial support to organizations that make up the international humanitarian system enables them to respond to crises and humanitarian emergencies such as earthquakes, storms, floods and other disasters of natural or human origin. In 2008-09, in addition to supporting disaster preparedness and responding to unforeseen emergencies, CIDA will continue its work in three areas
affected by major disasters:
UN Central Emergency Response Fund
CIDA's ongoing support for the UN Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) will help to fund humanitarian organizations for timely, on-the-ground responses to areas affected by crises. The CERF pools donor resources and makes them available earlier in a crisis than would otherwise be possible. Canada has committed $192 million to the CERF over 5 years (2007 to 2011), making Canada the
fifth-largest contributor to the CERF, and among the few major donors that have made a multi-year commitment.
Disaster Risk Reduction
CIDA and other organizations are actively pursuing measures intended to reduce the impact of disasters. This work is expected to include collaboration with UN organizations to support planning for disaster risk reduction and stockpiling of relief supplies. In 2008-09, CIDA expects to enhance Canada's capacity to respond rapidly and visibly to emergencies by maintaining the stockpile
of relief supplies, and by continuing to be ready to deploy Canadian experts rapidly to key humanitarian agencies.
Expected Result 2: Restored capacity of public institutions and civil society |
CIDA will also respond to the development challenges in several countries dealing with severe governance, security and socioeconomic challenges.
Sectors of Focus
With its ten-year pledge of $1.2 billion to Afghanistan, Canada is a lead donor among the 60 countries and organizations supporting the Afghanistan Compact, a five-year international agreement to coordinate reconstruction and development based on Afghan priorities and needs. Canada's approach - diplomacy, aid and defence - recognizes the interdependent nature of security and development in regions of insecurity, such as Kandahar.
Plans and Priorities
Sectors of Focus
Haiti has achieved a level of stability under a democratically- elected government, enabling it to consolidate gains and accelerate progress in the years to come. Among the continuing challenges are the limited capacity of the state to deliver basic services, a high crime rate combined with limited rule of law, and ongoing poverty and exclusion.
Plans and Priorities
Program Activity Description | |
The purpose of CIDA's development assistance programming in selected countries and regions, eligible for Canadian international assistance, is to enhance the capacity of these countries and regions to achieve stability and/or development goals and contribute to Canada's international interests, through expertise, dialogue and resources. These initiatives can also require linkages and/ or partnerships between Canadian partners and their local partners. | |
Expected Results | Selected Performance Indicators |
Enhanced capacity of selected countries and regions to achieve stability and/or development goals. |
Contribution to international interests of the Government of Canada. |
Human Resource Requirements, 2008-09 | Financial Requirements, 2008-09 |
427 Full Time Equivalents | $580,822,000 |
The selected countries present a diversity of needs - some are in severe political, economic, environmental or social crisis, while others are stable and have the potential to drive regional economic growth. Assistance to selected countries and regions complements the shared historical, political, business, immigration and personal linkages Canada has with a wide range of developing countries. It also supports specific Government of Canada policies, including strengthening Canada's relations with the African Union in Africa and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation in Asia, and re-engaging in Latin America and the Caribbean.
In selected regions CIDA aims to address issues that are regional in nature, such as environmental concerns, disease control, armed violence, peace and security, or trade agreements, to strengthen political, economic and social ties among countries, and to help them develop common positions and increase their participation and visibility in international fora.
Plans and Priorities
Expected Result 1: Enhanced capacity of selected countries and regions to achieve stability and/or development goals. Expected Result 2: Contribution to international interests of the Government of Canada. |
The following highlights country or regional programs under the Selected Countries and Regions program activity that will contribute to achieving the expected results in 2008-09:
Sectors of Focus
The Caribbean countries share similar sustainable development challenges-small populations, human resource deficits, lack of access to central trading routes, susceptibility to natural disasters, lack of diversification, major dependence on commodities and tourism, and vulnerability to global developments.
Plans and Priorities
Sectors of Focus
Since the elections in 1994 that ended apartheid, South Africa has become a country with a vibrant democracy, strong economy and model constitution. Yet inequalities continue to exist in many aspects of human development, from income distribution and employment to access to basic services such as health, education, and water. Poverty and inequalities, exacerbated by the HIV/AIDS pandemic, undermine South Africa's past achievements and democratic stability.
Plans and Priorities
Sectors of Focus
African countries face critical challenges that do not always respect national borders, especially in relation to peace and security, refugee flows, the control of endemic diseases, promotion of trade, and the management of natural resources.
As a key complement to country programs, the mandate of the Pan-Africa Program is to strengthen Africa's regional and sub-regional organizations, institutions and networks, and to foster regional cooperation and integration, all of which are essential to Africa's sustainable development. The Pan-Africa Program collaborates with other sub-regional programs in Africa Branch, and with other Government Departments, such as DFAIT, in related areas of programming.
Plans and Priorities
Program Activity Description | |
Through its engagement with multilateral, Canadian and international institutions, CIDA seeks to influence institutional policies and practices to strengthen the ability of institutions and to maximize program effectiveness in order to enhance the capacity and effectiveness of partner institutions in achieving development goals. CIDA's engagement includes the provision of expertise and core funding, as well as its participation on decision-making and advisory committees and boards. | |
Expected Result | Selected Performance Indicators |
Enhanced capacity and effectiveness of multilateral institutions and Canadian / international organizations in achieving development goals. |
Human Resource Requirements, 2008-09 | Financial Requirements, 2008-09 |
397 Full Time Equivalents | $991,286,000 |
Canada's engagement and support of international, multilateral, and Canadian institutions is to effectively deliver services, programs and projects with organizations that have proven experience and deliver results efficiently and accountably, such as members of the UN system and international financial institutions. This provides an effective way of dealing with challenges that are global or regional in scope. The Agency also works with global partnerships and programs such as the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research, the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria and international networks such as the Multilateral Organizations Performance Assessment Network.
The Agency's voluntary sector partners in Canada and abroad include non-governmental organizations and institutions such as colleges and universities, professional associations, volunteer cooperation agencies, cooperatives, unions and faith-based organizations. CIDA also calls upon the world-class expertise of Canadian private sector firms and groups in a wide range of fields.
For both international and Canadian partners, CIDA not only provides funding for their development programs; it also helps them strengthen their own institutions through technical assistance, training, mentoring and policy dialogue in such areas as results-based management and integration of gender considerations into policies, plans and programs.
Plans and Priorities
Expected Result: Enhanced capacity and effectiveness of multilateral institutions and Canadian/international organizations in achieving development goals. |
The following sections highlight some of the key initiatives under the Multilateral, International and Canadian Institutions program activity that will contribute to achieving the expected result in 2008-09.
Multilateral and international institutions
CIDA provides core funding to multilateral and international organizations whose mandates, objectives and capacities to deliver development initiatives and humanitarian assistance are consistent with Government of Canada objectives and priorities. As a member of multilateral organizations, Canada is also a member of their governing bodies. To contribute to the achievement of the MDGs, CIDA uses Canada's influence to promote effectiveness and improve the policies and practices of multilateral organizations to maximize the results of their programs and operations. In addition to contributing to initiatives to enhance the effectiveness of multilateral institutions, CIDA places considerable emphasis on health, while also contributing to democratic governance, private sector development, education, environment, and equality between women and men.
Core funding to the UNDP ($113 million, 2007-09)
In support of the MDGs, the UNDP provides policy and technical assistance to developing country governments to promote democratic governance and pro-poor policy reform, and it has a specific mandate to work in fragile states and countries in conflict. Furthermore, the UNDP's efforts to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of its programs help it to play a key role in reform of the
UN system, primarily through its coordination of UN agencies at a country level.
Strengthening Multilateral Effectiveness
CIDA has developed a framework to assess multilateral organizations' effectiveness and relevance. It is being used to inform CIDA's decision-making about multilateral partners. In 2008-09, CIDA expects to adjust this framework based on further testing and validation, and to update its assessments of multilateral partners. This complements CIDA's continuing efforts to improve the
effectiveness of multilateral partners through evaluations and the exercise of due diligence, as well as an annual survey that seeks the views of Canadian field representatives on the practices of multilateral organizations in the areas of alignment, harmonization, and managing for development results.
In 2008-09, CIDA will remain involved with the Multilateral Organizations Performance Assessment Network (MOPAN). CIDA will participate in the 2008 MOPAN Survey, which will cover the work of three key multilateral organizations - the World Bank, the European Commission, and the UN Population Fund - in a selection of twelve developing countries. Canada will also continue to exercise leadership in the MOPAN initiative to develop a common approach to assessing multilateral organizations.
CIDA, in collaboration with other donors, will keep up its efforts to improve the coherence of the UN system and the international humanitarian assistance system. CIDA will monitor and support the UN's reform efforts by supporting pilot programs to help the various UN agencies active in individual countries to work within coherent administrative structures. CIDA will also sustain its firm commitment to the quality of its humanitarian aid by continuing to implement the principles and practices of the Good Humanitarian Donorship3.
Saving a Million Lives ($105 million, 2007-11)
In November 2007, the Prime Minister announced that Canada, in partnership with UNICEF, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Health Organization, the World Bank, and other donor countries, is leading the Initiative to Save a Million Lives to improve healthcare for impoverished mothers and children in Africa and Asia. The Initiative will strengthen health systems by
training over 40,000 frontline health workers, delivering affordable healthcare services directly to local communities, and providing much-needed treatment for diseases such as malaria, measles and malnutrition. These efforts alone are expected to save 200,000 lives in Africa.
Developing the private sector ($300 million, 2008-10)
In the context of doubling Canada's aid to Africa, CIDA has committed to increasing its core funding to the African Development Bank (approximately $300 million, 2008-10). Along with funding from other donors, this will enable the Bank to provide concessional loans and grants to 39 least-developed countries in Africa in key areas such as infrastructure and regional economic
integration. Although the Bank is active in many sectors, it places special emphasis on private sector development.
Combating infectious diseases in the Americas ($18 million, 2007-10)
In 2007 CIDA started a multi-year cooperation program with the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) to improve the health of poor men, women and children in Latin America and the Caribbean. The program supports PAHO's initiatives in the areas of HIV/AIDS, other sexually transmitted infections as well as pandemic influenza. A key element of the program is the strengthening of health
sector human resources of PAHO and of its member states in the hemisphere.
Statistics for Development Results Program
Reliable and timely national statistics are critical to measuring progress against the MDGs and inform policy development and decision-making. To address the existing gap in poor countries, CIDA and Statistics Canada have partnered to deliver the Statistics for Development Results Program. In 2008-09, the program will continue to support the multi-donor OECD-sponsored Paris 21
initiative to assist National Statistics Audit Organizations in partner countries in the development of their National Statistics Development Strategies with a $1.5 million three-year commitment. CIDA will also provide $1.7 million in 2008-09 to the complementary multi-donor World Bank Trust Fund for Statistics Capacity building.
Canadian institutions
CIDA makes contributions towards international development initiatives that are designed, proposed and implemented by Canadian organizations in cooperation with their developing-country partners to deliver results in specific development areas consistent with Canadian priorities.
The relationship between CIDA and its partners is based on shared objectives, shared costs, and clear accountabilities. To contribute to their effectiveness and accountability, CIDA will support training for partners on results-based management, reporting, promoting equality between women and men, and environmental sustainability.
In 2008-09, CIDA will work to enhance its relationship with partners that share common interests in order to facilitate synergies among them in the field, avoiding duplication and helping them build on each other's strengths to undertake larger, more collaborative initiatives to achieve greater developmental impact. This builds on CIDA's recent experience of collaborative management and communication with 10 volunteer-cooperation agencies, which was recognized in its mid-term evaluation as having resulted in greater cohesion and management effectiveness.
As well, CIDA's review of the role of the private sector in development, which coincides with the independent evaluation of the Industrial Cooperation Program, is expected to have a significant influence on future programming with the private sector. CIDA will explore a renewed approach to engaging the private sector in international development, with a particular focus on corporate social responsibility.
Improving Governance and Service Delivery
The objective of this programming is to support good governance through improving the institutional capacity of local governments and assisting in policy development. CIDA's programming lays the long-term foundations for more strategic, effective, efficient and inclusive local governments in developing countries. It is supported in 2008-09 by the three-year $10.5 million Municipal
Partnership Program implemented by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities' International Centre for Municipal Development. This program draws on Canadian senior public servants' expertise by allowing Canadian municipalities and municipal associations to work on a peer-to-peer basis alongside their overseas counterparts. Municipal partners identify a two- to three-year project to
work on together, dealing with municipal management, governance, or service delivery.
Program Activity Description | |
This program activity provides opportunities for Canadians to increase their awareness, deepen their understanding and engage in international development. Canadian engagement is a vital element of effective development. It enables CIDA and its partners to draw from a broad range of expertise and financial resources across the country to implement aid initiatives. It also provides an ongoing basis for commitment on the part of the Government of Canada to international development cooperation. | |
Expected Result | Selected Performance Indicators |
Increased awareness, deepened understanding, and greater engagement of Canadians with respect to international development. |
Human Resource Requirements, 2008-09 | Financial Requirements, 2008-09 |
72 Full Time Equivalents | $71,633,000 |
The Agency undertakes a range of initiatives to inform and engage Canadians. CIDA also seeks to engage Canadians in Canada's work abroad by identifying, recruiting and deploying Canadian experts to the field and by engaging them in expert-level dialogues on a variety of issues. This is in addition to the participation of Canadians in volunteer cooperation programs. Upon their return to Canada, volunteers also play a role in raising awareness of international development issues.
Plans and Priorities
Expected Result: Increased awareness, deepened understanding, and greater engagement of Canadians with respect to international development. |
Greater engagement of Canadians
In line with Budget 2007's program to enhance the focus, efficiency and accountability of Canadian international assistance, efforts are being directed to:
Among the key activities involving focused communications support in 2008-09 are the programs in Afghanistan and Haiti, CIDA's re-engagement in the Americas, and three major events: the Twelfth Francophone Summit, to be held in Quebec in 2008; International Cooperation Day, a major gathering of CIDA's Canada-based development partners; and the annual International Development Week.
A long-term plan will be put in place to make the CIDA website an authoritative online source of development knowledge for Canadians. In the immediate term, the web team will work to expand the project browser to provide information on more than 1,500 Agency's projects.
CIDA will produce an annual report. It will also continue to distribute media products on international development issues and Canada's contribution to resolve them. On-going formal educational materials on global citizenship and Canada's role in relation to development cooperation for use by educators in classrooms will be available. An external relations program of six regional offices across Canada will continue to provide a presence and a point of access for Canadians.
CIDA will continue to provide funding to developing-country partners to attend conferences on matters that strengthen their capacities and that support Canada's goals and objectives. The objective of the Conferences program is to strengthen the capacity of conference participants to transfer and apply knowledge in their own countries to foster economic and social development.
Support amounting to $5 million will continue to be provided to organizations through the Public Engagement Fund-with a target of reaching 10,000 Canadians annually-and through support for the regional or provincial councils for international cooperation. In addition, CIDA engages Canadians in many other ways. For instance, CIDA is currently supporting approximately 2,500 Canadian volunteers, including youths, working in developing countries.
Engagement strategies in place
Internal services support the delivery and improve the performance of the Canadian aid program. They include policy, communications, human resource management, financial management, performance and knowledge management (internal audit, evaluations, results-based and risk management), information management/information technology, supply chain management, facilities/asset management, strategic planning and resource allocation, and other support activities. This program activity therefore supports both strategic outcomes.
Financial management
CIDA is continuing to implement its plan to enhance financial management, to improve stewardship, to strengthen accountability and to support aid effectiveness through several key initiatives. In 2008-09 we will implement the Chief Financial Officer's organization, complete an integrated financial risk management strategy and related policies; introduce an enhanced financial planning
process, complete the consolidation of all financial reporting under the Chief Financial Officer and streamline financial management reporting. In addition, the Agency will begin preparations for implementing the Government's Renewed Financial Policy Suite and will develop a plan to enhance internal controls, processes and reporting based on work conducted in 2007-08 in order to issue
audited financial statements. The Agency will continue to be actively engaged in the work on the Government's plan in response to the Blue Ribbon Panel Report on Grants and Contributions and to implement the Agency's own related action plan.
In 2007, CIDA conducted an in-depth review of the funding, relevance and performance of all its programs and spending to ensure results and value for money from programs that are a priority for Canadians. The results of this Strategic Review were submitted to Treasury Board last fall, for subsequent review by Cabinet. They will be reflected in future reporting to Parliament.
Performance Management
CIDA's performance management strategy has a number of key elements: clear expectations for results-based management (supported by guidelines, training, advice and quality control in support of operations); measurement of performance at all levels of the Management, Results and Resources Structure (MRRS), with efforts channeled towards areas of greater risk; clear expectations for the
creation and use of performance information; strong independent performance review; and transparent reporting at all levels.
The Agency will continue to undertake a number of activities in 2008-09 to support results-based management and strengthen its risk management practices, in line with MRRS requirements, notably (a) the implementation of the new corporate Results and Risk Management Accountability Framework, (b) the implementation of program-level Performance Measurement Frameworks, (c) improved monitoring of results and risk management at the individual investment level and (d) the adoption and implementation of a new Corporate Risk Profile and Integrated Risk Management Framework.
Transformation and Public Service Renewal
In 2008-09, CIDA's Human Resources Management (HRM) function will continue to align its renewal initiatives with the Public Service Renewal agenda and support the Agency in achieving the strategic objectives of its Transformation for Results initiative. Key Plans or initiatives include:
Information Management
The Agency will also continue with enhancements to information management, including development and implementation of enterprise content management, and strengthening of information management services abroad (field support). Business processes in the Information Management and Information technology area will continue to be reengineered, with a focus on the client relationship model, system development lifecycle and service management, and governance structures for enterprise architecture will be introduced.
Audits and evaluations
To comply with the Policy on Internal Audit, CIDA will implement the new organizational structure of the Chief Audit Executive with direct reporting to the President and prepare to issue a holistic opinion on effectiveness and adequacy of departmental risk management, control, and governance processes. The multi-year Internal Audit Plan4 will be based on risk identification and assessment, taking into consideration Office of the Comptroller General (OCG) and other central agencies' directed horizontal audits, as well as audits conducted by the Office of the Auditor General and other Parliament agencies. In coordination with the OCG, the Agency will provide formal orientation and training of new Audit Committee external members.
Major evaluations scheduled for completion in 2008-09 include the Equality between Women and Men policy, the Bangladesh country program, the Canada Fund for Africa, the Canadian Landmines Fund program, and contribution of a country case study (Senegal) to the joint evaluation of the Paris Declaration. In addition, CIDA will continue the training sessions to strengthen the evaluative capacity of program staff.
Strategic Outcome: Increased achievement of development goals consistent with Canadian foreign policy objectives | ||
Program Activities | Planned Spending 2008-09 | Alignment to Government of Canada Outcome Area |
Countries of Concentration | $967,821,000 |
Fragile States and Countries Experiencing Humanitarian Crisis | $611,209,000 |
Selected Countries and Regions | $580,822,000 |
Multilateral, International and Canadian Institutions | $991,286,000 |
Strategic Outcome: Sustained support and informed action by Canadians in international development | ||
Program Activities | Planned Spending 2008-09 | Alignment to Government of Canada Outcome Area |
Engaging Canadian Citizens | $71,633,000 |
As outlined in the tables below, four core objectives have been established for the Sustainable Development Strategy (SDS) 2007-09 in support of CIDA's goal of reduced poverty, promotion of human rights and increased sustainable development. These objectives also support the federal sustainable development framework, as illustrated below. Progress on implementing this SDS will be reported annually in the Departmental Performance Report according to the measurement framework included below.
Federal SD Goal: Communities enjoy a prosperous economy, a vibrant and equitable society, and a healthy environment for current and future generations | |
CIDA’s Objective 1: Support equitable economic development | |
Expected results | Performance measurement |
Increased productivity, innovation and employment, and income opportunities |
More effective regulations conducive to investment, business formation and responsible enterprise |
Increased ability of developing countries to benefit from the global trading system |
CIDA's Objective 2: Support social development, with particular emphasis on people living in poverty | |
Expected results | Performance measurement |
Progress on the prevention and control of poverty-linked diseases |
Reduce the burden of HIV/AIDS |
Reduced infant and child mortality rates |
Improved sexual and reproductive health and reduced maternal mortality |
Improved food security and nutrition |
Strengthened health systems |
Better access to education for all |
Progress on closing the gender gap in education |
Strengthened action against HIV/AIDS through education |
Improved stability and protection for children in emergency settings |
Federal SDS Goal: Sustainable development and use of natural resources | |
CIDA's Objective 3: Support environment and natural resources management | |
Expected results | Performance measurement |
100 per cent compliance regarding the application of these environmental tools to CIDA’s decisions on policies, plans, programmes and projects |
Countries have greater capacity to develop and use natural resources in a sustainable manner |
Operations at headquarters are green |
Federal SDS Goal: Strengthen democratic governance to support meaningful and significant sustainable development objectives. | |
CIDA's Objective 4: Support progress in democratic governance and human rights | |
Expected results | Performance measurement |
Greater democratization; improved public sector performance and accountability; improved rule of law |
Strengthened human rights institutions, effective civil society initiatives (e.g. human rights education) and inclusive public policies |
Table 1: Breakdown of the International Assistance Envelope (Issuance Basis)
(millions of dollars) | Planned Spending 2007-08 |
Planned Spending 2008-09 |
Canadian International Development Agency | 2,929.794 | 2,964.856 |
Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade | 484.800 | 352.079 |
Finance | 369.470 | 369.480 |
International Development Research Centre | 140.960 | 150.000 |
Other Departments | 11.970 | 11.970 |
Funds held in reserve and not included in Main Estimates | 358.116 | 513.000 |
Total IAE | 4,295.110 | 4,361.385 |
Table 2: CIDA's Main Estimates Reconciled with the International Assistance Envelope (IAE)
(millions of dollars) | Main Estimates 2007-08 | Main Estimates 2008-09 |
Allocation from the IAE | 2,929.794 | 2,964.856 |
Loan Repayments | 23.771 | 24.317 |
Allocations from Outside the IAE | ||
International Youth Internship Program | 6.371 | 6.371 |
Salaries sourced from outside the IAE | 21.933 | 23.474 |
Reference Level for Main Estimates (Issuance basis) | 2,981.869 | 3,019.018 |
Issuance of Notes | (215.032) | (215.032) |
Encashment of Notes | 259.706 | 257.861 |
Reference Level for Main Estimates (Cash basis) | 3,026.543 | 3,061.847 |
Table 3: Departmental Planned Spending and Full-Time Equivalents (FTEs)
(thousands of dollars) | Forecast Spending 2007–08 | Planned Spending 2008–09 |
Budgetary | ||
Countries of Concentration | 825,975 | 887,821 |
Fragile States and Countries Experiencing Humanitarian Crisis | 598,755 | 611,209 |
Selected Countries and Regions | 612,069 | 566,902 |
Multilateral, International and Canadian Institutions | 915,106 | 924,282 |
Engaging Canadian Citizens | 74,638 | 71,633 |
Total Budgetary Main Estimates | 3,026,543 | 3,061,847 |
Non-budgetary | ||
Canadian Investment Fund for Africa | 19,000 | ... |
International Financial Institutions (IFI) | 3,643 | 8,004 |
Total Non-Budgetary Main Estimates | 22,643 | 8,004 |
Total Main Estimates | 3,049,186 | 3,069,851 |
Adjustments | ||
Supplementary Estimates A: | ||
- Additional resources for programming in Afghanistan and Sudan | 4,247 | |
- Lebanon Relief Fund | 2,200 | |
- Sudan Humanitarian and Reconstruction Support | 16,000 | |
- Canadian Investment Fund for Africa (L45) | 26,583 | |
- Internal Audit | 848 | |
- Transfer to Foreign Affairs and International Trade for support to the African Union peace operations in Darfur | (11,867) | |
- Transfer to Foreign Affairs and International Trade for CIDA's increased presence abroad | (4,477) | |
- Transfer to Foreign Affairs and International Trade for scholarship programs in Latin America and the Caribbean | (750) | |
- Transfer to the International Development Research Centre for the Institute for Connectivity in Americas | (2,000) | |
- Operating Budget Carry Forward | 10,533 | |
- Collective Bargaining Agreements | 1,316 | |
Supplementary Estimates B: | ||
- Additional resources for Canada's Eleventh Conference of the Parties Commitments on Climate Change | 7,500 | |
- Additional resources for the Public Service Modernization Act | 1,427 | |
- Additional resources for the Federal Accountability Act | 454 | |
- Transfer to the Public Service Human Resources Management Agency of Canada to support the National Manager's Community | (16) | |
- Transfer to the International Development Research Centre for research projects in Latin America | (4,800) | |
- Collective Bargaining Agreements | 114 | |
- Internal reallocation of resources | (9,380) | |
Additional Planned Spending | 152,920 | |
Total Adjustments | 37,931 | 152,920 |
Total Planned Spending | 3,087,117 | 3,222,771 |
Less: Non-respendable revenue | (2,782) | (2,590) |
Plus: Cost of services received without charge | 24,635 | 25,634 |
Total Agency Spending | 3,108,970 | 3,245,815 |
Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) | 1,795 | 1,834 |
Table 4: Resources by Program Activity
2008-09 | ||||||||
(thousands of dollars) | Budgetary | Non-Budgetary | Adjustments | |||||
Program Activity | Operating | Grants | Contributions and Other Transfer Payments | Gross | Loans, Investments and Advances | Total Main Estimates | (planned spending not in Main Estimates) | Total Planned Spending |
Strategic Outcome: Increased achievement of development goals consistent with Canada's foreign policy objectives | ||||||||
Countries of Concentration | 79,162 | 191,400 | 617,259 | 887,821 | 887,821 | 80,000 | 967,821 | |
Fragile States and Countries Experiencing Humanitarian Crisis | 50,391 | 488,880 | 71,938 | 611,209 | 611,209 | 611,209 | ||
Selected Countries and Regions | 60,168 | 144,964 | 361,770 | 566,902 | 566,902 | 13,920 | 580,822 | |
Multilateral, International and Canadian Institutions | 50,642 | 395,899 | 477,741 | 924,282 | 8,004 | 932,286 | 59,000 | 991,286 |
Strategic Outcome: Sustained support and informed action by Canadians in international development | ||||||||
Engaging Canadian Citizens | 10,171 | 7,505 | 53,957 | 71,633 | 71,633 | 71,633 | ||
Total | 250,534 | 1,228,648 | 1,582,665 | 3,061,847 | 8,004 | 3,069,851 | 152,920 | 3,222,771 |
Table 5: Voted and Statutory Items listed in Main Estimates
2008-09 | |||
(in thousands of dollars) | |||
Vote or Statutory Item | Truncated Vote or Statutory Wording | 2008-09 Main Estimates | 2007-08 Main Estimates |
20 | Operating expenditures | 224,674 | 207,214 |
25 | Grants and contributions | 2,553,452 | 2,534,539 |
(S) | Minister of International Cooperation - Salary and motor car allowance | 76 | 75 |
(S) | Encashment of notes issued to the development assistance funds of the international financial institutions in accordance with the International Development (Financial Institutions) Assistance Act | 257,861 | 259,706 |
(S) | Contributions to employee benefit plans | 25,784 | 25,009 |
Total Budgetary | 3,061,847 | 3,026,543 | |
L30 | The issuance and payment of notes to the International Financial Institution Fund Accounts | ... | ... |
(S) | Payments to International Financial Institutions -- Capital Subscriptions | 8,004 | 3,643 |
Investment contributions pursuant to section 3 of the Canada Fund for Africa Act | ... | 19,000 | |
Total Non-Budgetary | 8,004 | 22,643 | |
Total Agency | 3,069,851 | 3,049,186 |
Note: The following tables can be found on the TBS's website at:
For additional information about CIDA's programs, activities, and operations, please visit
or contact:
Public Inquiries Service
Communications Branch, 5th Floor
Canadian International Development Agency
200 Promenade du Portage
Gatineau, QC
Canada K1A 0G4
Telephone: | (819) 997-5006 |
Toll free | 1-800-230-6349 |
Telecommunications Device for the Hearing and Speech Impaired: | (819) 953-5023 |
Toll free | 1-800-331-5018 |
Fax: | (819) 953-6088 |
E-mail: | |
Legislation Administered
The Order-in-Council P.C. 1968-923 of May 8, 1968, and P.C. 1968-1760 of September 12, 1968 designate CIDA as a department for the purposes of the Financial Administration Act. The authority for the CIDA program and related purposes is found in the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Act, and in the Annual Appropriations Act. CIDA is the lead government organization responsible for Canada's ODA.
1 Peer reviews by the OECD DAC are independent evaluations of individual donor country programs and policies that occur every four to five years for all 23 DAC members with the objective of (i) monitoring members' development cooperation policies and programs, and assessing their effectiveness against the goals and policies agreed in the DAC, as well as against internationally and nationally established objectives; (ii) assisting members in improving their aid performance through shared learning; and (iii) identifying good practice and foster coordination of effort.
2 For information on the 2005 Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness, please refer to section 1.2.5.
3 Complete information on the principles and practices of the Good Humanitarian Donorship can be found at
4 The country program audit focus will be based on the TBS Management Accountability Framework and the Paris Declaration.
CIDA grants, contributions and other transfer payments of $2,964 million account for 92.2% of CIDA's 2008-09 Total Planned Spending, excluding non-budgetary expenditures. Further information is given below.
(in thousands of dollars) | Forecast Spending 2007-08 | Planned Spending 2008-09 |
Grants | ||
Bilateral - Grants for cooperation with other donor countries for the benefit of developing countries or territories or countries in transition. | 1,900 | 4,500 |
Multilateral - Grants in support of development assistance, humanitarian assistance or disaster preparedness, including peace building, for global operations, programs, projects, activities and appeals; as well as in support of programming against hunger, malnutrition and disease for the benefit of developing countries or territories or countries in transition. | 1,577,029 | 1,244,676 |
Partnership - Grants for development assistance programs, projects and activities intended to support development and public engagement initiatives or to enhance the awareness, understanding, and engagement of Canadians with respect to development and grants for education and training programs, projects and activities for the benefit of developing countries or territories or countries in transition. | 24,567 | 26,472 |
Sub-total Grants | 1,603,496 | 1,275,648 |
Contributions | ||
Bilateral - Contributions in support of development assistance, including payments for loan agreements issued under the authority of previous Appropriation Acts, contributions for cooperation with countries in transition and contributions in support of regional or country specific development assistance projects, programs and activities for the benefit of developing countries or territories or countries in transition. | 606,710 | 1,145,387 |
Multilateral - Contributions in support of development assistance, humanitarian assistance or disaster preparedness, including peace building, for global operations, programs, projects, activities and appeals; as well as in support of programming against hunger, malnutrition and disease for the benefit of developing countries or territories or countries in transition. | 20,675 | 4,375 |
Partnership - Contributions for development assistance programs, projects and activities intended to support development and public engagement initiatives or to enhance the awareness, understanding, and engagement of Canadians with respect to development and contributions for education and training programs, projects and activities for the benefit of developing countries or territories or countries in transition. | 286,244 | 268,962 |
Sub-total Contributions | 913,629 | 1,418,724 |
Other Transfer Payments (1) | ||
(S) Encashment of notes issued to the development assistance funds of the international financial institutions in accordance with the International Development (Financial Institutions) Assistance Act | 259,706 | 269,861 |
Sub-total Other Transfer Payments | 259,706 | 269,861 |
Total | 2,776,831 | 2,964,233 |
1. Other Transfer Payments exclude non-budgetary forecast expenditures of $8.0 million for 2008-09 and $22.6 million for 2007-08.
Name of Evaluation | Evaluation Type | Status | Expected Completion |
Gender Equality Policy | Transfer Payment | In Progress | May 2008 |
Francophonie Program | Transfer Payment | In progress | June 2008 |
Contribution to the Paris Declaration -Senegal Case Study | Transfer Payment | In progress | June 2008 |
Bangladesh Country Program | Transfer Payment | In progress | September 2008 |
Canada Fund for Africa | Transfer Payment | In progress | March 2009 |
Canadian Landmines Fund Program | Transfer Payment | In progress | March 2009 |
Program-Based Approach (Case study) | Transfer Payment | Planned | March 2009 |
Vietnam Country Program | Transfer Payment | Planned | March 2010 |
Ethiopia Country Program | Transfer Payment | Planned | March 2010 |
Mozambique Country Program | Transfer Payment | Planned | March 2010 |
Mid-East (Palestine/Lebanon) Program) | Transfer Payment | Planned | March 2010 |
Program-Based Approach (Case study) | Transfer Payment | Planned | March 2010 |
Cambodia Country Program | Transfer Payment | Planned | March 2011 |
Burkina Faso Country Program | Transfer Payment | Planned | March 2011 |
Rwanda Country Program | Transfer Payment | Planned | March 2011 |
Voluntary Sector Program | Transfer Payment | Planned | March 2011 |
Program-Based Approach (Case study) | Transfer Payment | Planned | March 2011 |
1. | How is your department planning to meet the objectives of the Policy on Green Procurement? | ||||
Green Procurement is a key objective of CIDA's Sustainable Development Strategy (SDS) for 2007-09. Targets have been set and initiatives have been developed in order to meet the requirements of the policy. | |||||
A presentation of the policy and its requirements was given to the key players in order to seek their commitment and their support in informing their staff. | |||||
An action plan was developed to guide the implementation of the policy including the review of procedures and processes; the establishment of specific targets for corporate sectors, the provision of training to employees accountable in green procurement area and finally, the evaluation of options for monitoring and reporting green procurement performance in SAP. | |||||
2. |
Has your department established green procurement targets?
3. | Describe the green procurement targets that have been set by your department and indicate the associated benefits anticipated. | ||||
On-line training on "Green Procurement" by PWGSC is provided in classrooms. Benefits: knowledge and tools to support employees in their learning process on green procurement. |
Official vehicles replaced by hybrid model using ethanol blend. Benefits: reducing CO2 emissions. Compliance with the Treasury Board's Executive Vehicle Policy and the Alternative Fuel Act. |
Non-VOC paints used in all renovations projects. Benefits: reducing VOC emissions and increasing air quality. |
By 2009, 25% of office furniture purchased will include environmental attributes. Benefits: supporting green products and recycling programs. |
Asset management has been improved by the redeployment of used assets. Benefits: Cost reduction by reducing purchase of new items. |
By 2009, organic waste and hand paper towel for the washrooms are composted. Benefits: 52% waste diversion from landfill; re-enforcing environmental education and awareness. |
86% of paper, glass, metal and plastics are recycled. Benefits: waste diversion from landfill. |
Double-sided default printing feature has been implemented across the Agency. Benefits: reducing energy consumption and reducing by 7% our purchasing of paper.o the key players in order to seek their commitment and their support in informing their staff. |
Transformation and re-use of classified shredded paper program has been implemented. Benefits: 15,000 pounds of paper is transformed annually, contributing to a social cause in a local junior high school. |
Recycling of batteries, fax and printer cartridges have been maximized. Benefits: reducing toxic waste and diverting it from landfill (150kg batteries / 500 faxes cartridges per year). |
A Green Meeting Protocol is developed and published. Benefits: reducing CO2 emissions; decreasing waste, energy and water consumption and increasing purchased of local and fare trade products. |
Informatics Technology equipment has been replaced by low consumption energy models. Benefits: reducing energy consumption. |
Videoconference capacity between CIDA headquarters and foreign offices has increased. Benefits: reducing CO2 emissions and all related environmental impact. |
Re-built telephone sets are purchased instead of new ones. Benefits: contributing to recycling program and significant cost related reduction. |
Employees are regularly informed of initiatives to reduce energy consumption. Benefits: reducing energy consumption. |
Name of Internal Audit | Internal Audit Type | Status | Completion Date | Electronic Link to Report |
Audit of the Aid Expenditure Systems | Systems | Completed | June 2007 | Audit of the Aid Expenditure Systems |
Audit of the Implementation of the Cabinet Directive on the Environmental Assessment of Policy, Plan and Program Proposals at CIDA | Compliance | Completed | June 2007 | Audit of the Implementation of the Cabinet Directive on the Environmental Assessment of Policy, Plan and Program Proposals at CIDA |
Mozambique Country Program Audit | Program | Completed | June 2007 | Mozambique Country Program Audit |
Canada Fund for Africa | Program | Completed | August 2007 | Canada Fund For Africa |
Canada Investment Fund for Africa | Program | Completed | August 2007 | Canada Investment Fund For Africa |
Management of Overtime | Compliance | Completed | November 2007 | Audit of Overtime |
(thousands of dollars) | Forecast Spending 2007–08 | Planned Spending 2008–09 |
– Capital Subscriptions (L35) – Regional Development Banks | ... | ... |
– Canadian Investment Fund for Africa (L40) | 45,583 | ... |
– Capital Subscriptions (S) – Payments to International Financial Institutions | 3,643 | 8,004 |
Total | 49,226 | 8,004 |
(thousands of dollars) | 2008-09 |
Operating Expenditures: | |
– Accommodation provided by Public Works and Government Services Canada | 8,456 |
– Contributions covering employers' share of employees' insurance premiums and expenditures paid by the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat | 11,787 |
– Salary and associated expenditures of legal services provided by the Department of Justice Canada | 803 |
– Workers' compensation benefits provided by Human Resources and Social Development Canada | 88 |
21,134 | |
Aid Expenditures: | |
– Imputed interest on advance payments – Department of Finance (1) | 4,500 |
(Total Services Received Without Charge | 25,634 |
1. This covers the imputed interest on advance payments. CIDA has been exempted from the Treasury Board policy on advance payments for grants and contributions. However, the additional interest charges incurred by the federal government as a result are considered to be an imputed ODA program expenditure.
(thousands of dollars) | Forecast Revenue 2007–08 |
Planned Revenue 2008–09 |
Interests on loans to developing countries | 2,259 | 2,259 |
Services and commitment charges on loans to developing countries | 24 | 22 |
Miscellaneous Revenues | 499 | 309 |
Total | 2,782 | 2,590 |
Name of User Fee | Fee Type | Fee Setting Authority | Reason for Fee Introduction or Amendment | Effective Date of Planned Change to Take Effect | Planned Consultation and Review Process |
Acces to Information | Application Fee for Formal Request | Access to Information Act, Section 11. | N/A | N/A | Permanent Review of Act by Parliementary Committee (as per Section 75(1), Access to Information Act) |
Acces to Information | Reproduction Fee | Access to Information Act, Section 11. | N/A | N/A | Permanent Review of Act by Parliementary Committee (as per Section 75(1), Access to Information Act) |
Acces to Information | Search and Preparation Fee | Access to Information Act, Section 11. | N/A | N/A | Permanent Review of Act by Parliementary Committee (as per Section 75(1), Access to Information Act) |
Acces to Information | Programming Fee | Access to Information Act, Section 11. | N/A | N/A | Permanent Review of Act by Parliementary Committee (as per Section 75(1), Access to Information Act) |