Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat
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ARCHIVED - Canada Border Services Agency

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Section 3: Supplementary Information

Table 3.1: Departmental Links to Government of Canada Outcomes

Strategic Outcome: Border management that contributes to the safety and security of Canada and facilitates the flow of persons and goods.

Planned Spending 2008–2009

Planned Spending

Planned Spending

Alignment with Government of Canada Strategic Outcome

(thousands of dollars)

Access The lawful flow of persons and goods is facilitated.




A strong and mutually beneficial North American partnership.
Security Borders protected against potential threats to Canada's safety and security.




A strong and mutually beneficial North American partnership.
Science- and Technology-based Innovation Innovative solutions contribute to the safety and security of Canada and facilitate the flow of persons and goods.




A strong and mutually beneficial North American partnership.

The CBSA's strategic outcome supports the Government of Canada's outcome areas, namely a strong and mutually beneficial North American partnership, safe and secure communities, and a fair and secure marketplace.

Table 3.2: Sustainable Development Strategy

The CBSA is gradually shifting to new ways of thinking and acting that reflect economic, social and environmental dimensions of sustainable development. The CBSA's Sustainable Development Strategy (SDS) 2007–2009 emphasizes the creation of systems that promote the overall sustainable management of the CBSA's activities.

The CBSA's commitment to sustainable development supports border management that contributes to the safety and security of Canada and facilitates the flow of persons and goods.

The SDS came into force on April 1, 2007. The CBSA will report on the implementation of the SDS in the 2007–2008 Departmental Performance Report. The SDS 2007–2009 is available on the CBSA's Web site at

Sustainable Development Strategy 2007–2009
Targets for 2008–2009

Sustainable Development Strategy (SDS) Goal: The CBSA is a socially responsible organization.
SDS Target Federal Sustainable Development (SD) Goal Performance Measure Expected Result
Forge three internal and/or external strategic partnerships n/a Number and percentage of partnership agreements The CBSA's mandate is maximized
Implement phase 1 of the 2007–2012 greenhouse gas emissions reduction plan Reduce greenhouse gas emissions Percentage of reduction of greenhouse gas emissions Greenhouse gas emissions are reduced
Apply Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification standards for new CBSA-owned border crossing facilities Reduce greenhouse gas emissions Number and percentage of new LEED-certified facilities Resources are used in a sustainable manner
Reduce greenhouse gas emissions per vehicle kilometre by 15% (from 2002–2003 levels) Reduce greenhouse gas emissions Annual average of greenhouse gas emissions per vehicle kilometre Greenhouse gas emissions are reduced
Purchase ethanol-blended fuel for vehicle fleet, where available Reduce greenhouse gas emissions Percentage of ethanol-blended gasoline purchased Greenhouse gas emissions are reduced


SDS Goal: The CBSA is an employer of choice.
SDS Target Federal SD Goal Performance Measure Expected Result
Develop and implement an environmental management system n/a Number of significant environmental aspects that are identified and managed by the environmental management system Environmental impacts are minimized and environmental performance is continually improved


SDS Goal: The employees of the CBSA contribute to a sustainable Canada.
SDS Target Federal SD Goal Performance Measure Expected Result
Develop and implement a national sustainable development awareness program n/a Number and percentage of sustainable development awareness initiatives that have been identified and implemented Employees have the knowledge to contribute to sustainable development
Develop and implement a national sustainable development recognition program n/a Number and percentage of employees recognized for their contributions to sustainable development initiatives Employees have contributed to sustainable development


List of Online Tables

The following tables are available online on the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat's Web site at

  1. Current and Upcoming Evaluations
  2. Horizontal Initiatives
  3. Upcoming Internal Audits
  4. Services Received Without Charge
  5. Sources of Respendable and Non-respendable Revenue
  6. Status Report on Major Crown Projects
  7. Summary of Capital Spending by Program Activity