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ARCHIVED - RPP 2006-2007
Department of Justice Canada

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Org Chart

Tables and Charts

Table 1. Departmental Planned Spending and Full Time Equivalents
Table 2. Resources by Program Activity
Table 3. Voted and Statutory Items listed in Main Estimates
Table 4. Services Received Without Charge
Table 5. Sources of Respendable and Non-Respendable Revenue
Table 6. Resource Requirement by Branch or Sector
Table 7. Details on Transfer Payments Programs
Table 8. Horizontal Initiatives
Table 9. Sustainable Development Strategy
Table 10. Internal Audits and Evaluations

Table 1. Departmental Planned Spending and Full Time Equivalents

$ millions Forecast
2006-2007 (Note 1)
Developing policies and laws 29.8 30.7 30.8 24.4
Developing and Implementing Programs 342.1 296.6 272.6 257.7
Providing Legal Advisory, Litigation and Legislative Services to Government 473.4


273.7 272.2
Providing Prosecution Services 79.7 80.7 80.0 75.9
Total Main Estimates 925.0 915.7 657.1


Adjustments: (Note 2)
IPOC 5.6 - - -
War Crimes 5.3 - - -
Arar 4.5 - - -
Sponsorship 2.0 - - -
PCO cuts (12.2) - - -
Correction to YJRI 0.0 - - -
Carry Forward 15.5 - - -
Victims of Crimes 4.5 - - -
Métis & Non-Status Litigation 3.9 - - -
Lawful Access 2.8 - - -
Reducing Citizenship Inventory 1.6 - - -
Public Service Modernization Act 0.9 - - -
Parents and Grand Parents, Foreign Students 1.5 - - -
Action Plan Against Racism 1.3 - - -
Refugee Reform 1.1 - - -
Strengthen Community Safety 0.8 - - -
CRA - Omnibus 2004 0.2 - - -
CRA - Omnibus 2005 - BO5 0.7 - - -
CRA - Omnibus 2005 - PB5 0.0 - - -
Smart Regulation 0.2 - - -
Collective Bargaining Agreements 20.6 - - -
Collective Bargaining Agreements - LA 01, 02 3.9 - - -
Collective Agreements 0.2 - - -
Strategy for the Renewal of Youth Justice 32.6 36.7 53.8 53.8
Implementation of the Youth Justice Renewal Initiative 8.0      
Child-Centred Family Law Strategy 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0
Portion of Legal Services to other Government Departments (45.0)      
Procurement Savings (Note 5) (0.7) (1.7) - -
A New Canadian Citizenship Strategy - 1.0 1.0 1.0
Strengthening Enforcement Budget 2003 (Note 3) - - - 4.7
Strengthening Enforcement Budget 2003 - - - 3.8
UN Convention Against Corruption (Note 3) - 0.6 0.6 0.6
Reduced Cost of the New Ministry - Regional Responsibilities - 0.3 0.3 0.3
Legal Aid - 45.0    
Federal Accountability Action Plan (Note 3) - 0.5 0.5 0.1
National Initiative to Combat Money Laundering (Note 3) - 1.2 1.2 1.2
Additional Police Officers - RCMP (Note 3) - 2.4 9.8


Total Adjustments





Total Planned Spending 988.8 1,005.7 728.3 711.6

Total Planned Spending





Less: Cost Recovery (Note 4) (180.8) (225.8 ) (225.8 ) (225.8 )
Less: Non-Respendable Revenue (10.6 ) (11.7 ) (13.0 ) (14.4 )
Plus: Cost of Services Received Without Charge 59.7 71.8 59.9 59.8
Net Cost of Program 869.7 843.5 565.6 548.2
Full Time Equivalents 4,708 4,783 4,783 4,783

1. Note 1: Planned spending only includes items which have already received Treasury Board approva.

2. Note 2: Adjustments for 2005-2006 consist of Governor General Special Warrant requests and Procurement Savings (EBP included). Adjustments for 2006-2007 and future years consists of amounts identified in the Expenditure Status Report dated July 12th, 2006.

3. Note 3: The amounts listed include funding associated with accommodation for PWGSC

4. Note 4: The Department recovers from client departments and agencies some of the costs incurred to deliver legal services. Through the Main Estimates process, Justice was granted authority to spend and recover $225.8 million (including EBP) in 2005-2006, $45.0 of which will not be used. In the 2006-2007 Main Estimates, the corresponding figure is $225.8M. Estimated recoveries for 2006-2007 and 2007-2008, are also shown as Adjustments in this table since the Department has not yet received approval for these amounts.

5. Note 5: further reductions still to come for 2007-2008 and future years associated with Procurements Savings

Table 2. Resources by Program Activity

$ millions
Strategic Outcomes and Supporting Program Activities Operating Grants & Contributions Total Main Estimates Adjustments Total Planned Spending
Outcome 1 - A fair, relevant and accessible justice system that reflects Canadian values
Developing policies and laws 30.7 0.0 30.7 0.4 31.1
Developing and Implementing Programs 9.7 286.9 296.6 85.6 382.2
Outcome 2—A federal government that is supported by effective and responsive legal services
Providing legal advisory and litigation services to government 507.7 0.0 507.7 0.9 508.6
Providing prosecution services 80.7 0.0 80.7 3.1 83.8
Total 628.8 286.9 915.7 90.0 1,005.7

Table 3. Voted and Statutory Items in Main Estimates

$ millions
Vote or
Statutory Item:
Truncated Vote or Statutory Working: Current Main Estimates1 Previous Main Estimates2
1 Operating expenditures 549.0 517.6
5 Grants and contributions 286.9 329.2
(S) Minister of Justice salary and motor car allowance 0.1 0.1
(S) Contributions to employee benefit plans 79.8 78.0
  Total Department of Justice 915.8 924.9

1 Note 1: Variance of 100K between the "crosswalk" table and the above table is due to rounding

2 Note 2: Variance of 100K between Table 1 and the above table is due to rounding

Table 4: Services Received Without Charge

$ millions

Accommodation provided by Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC)   41.6
Contributions covering employees' share of employees' insurance premiums and expenditures paid by TBS (excluding revolving funds)   33.6
Workers' compensation coverage provided by Social Development Canada   0.1
TOTAL Services Received without Charge   75.3

Table 5: Sources of Respendable and Non-Respendable Revenue

$ millions Forecast
Developing policies and laws        
Family Order and Agreements Enforcement Assistance Program 7.1 7.9 8.8 9.7
Central Registry of Divorce Proceedings 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1
Miscellaneous Revenues 0.0 0.0 00.0 0.0
  7.9 8.8 9.8 10.8
Developing and implementing programs        
Miscellaneous Revenues 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
  0.0 0.0 0.0 00.0
Providing legal advisory, litigation and legislative services to government        
Legal Services - Crown Corp. EBP 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.5
Court Costs 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.9
Royalties and Patents 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
Miscellaneous Revenues 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.5
  1.6 1.6 1.8 2.0
Providing prosecution services        
Fines and Forfeitures 1.1 1.2


Miscellaneous Revenues 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1
  1.1 1.3 1.4 1.6
Total Non-Respendable Revenue 11.4 11.3 7.1 7.2

Table 6: Resource Requirements by Branch or Sector

$ thousands     Developing policies and laws Developing and implementing programs Providing legal advisory, litigation and legislative services to government Providing prosecution services Total Planned Spending
Policy and Law Section     24,971 382,267 3,102 - 410,340
Federal Prosecution Service     - - 5,130 83,799 88,929
Legislative Services     - - 35,262 - 35,262
Civil Litigation and Public Law     3,161 - 12,594 - 15,755
Tax Law Portfolio     - - 73,435 - 78,652
Citizenship and
Immigration Portfolio
    - - 67,305 - 52,094
Aboriginal Affairs Portfolio     2,961 - 127,237 - 123,665
Business and Regulatory
Law Portfolio
    - - 166,840 - 167,012
Central Agencies Portfolio     - - 17,660 - 15,766
Total     31,093 382,267 508,565 83,799 1,005,724

Note: Identified resource requirements include approved A-base allocations, authorized cost recovery, corporate costs and EBP

Table 7: Details on Transfer Payments Programs

$ Forecast
Developing and Implementing Programs
Uniform Law Conference of Canada—Administration Grant 18,170 18,170 18,170 18,170
Institut international de droit d'expression française 1,140 1,140 1,140 1,140
Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police for the Law Amendments Committee 12,274 12,274 12,274 12,274
British Institute of International and Comparative Law 7,220 7,220 7,220 7,220
Hague Academy of International Law 8,620 8,620 8,620 8,620
Canadian Human Rights Foundation 26,600 26,600 26,600 26,600
National Judicial Institute 268,345 268,345 268,345 268,345
Canadian Society for Forensic Science 38,600 38,600 38,600 38,600
Canadian Association of Provincial Court Judges 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000
Grants in support of the Justice Partnership and Innovation Fund 465,031 565,031 565,31 565,031
Grants in support of the Aboriginal Justice Strategy 75,000 50,000 0 0
Grants in support of the Child-Centred Family Justice Fund 50,000 50,000 50,000 0
Grants in support of the Youth Justice Renewal Fund 1,130,000 565,000 565,000 565,000
Grants for the Victims of Crime Initiative   500,000 500,000 500,000
Grants under the Access to Justice in both Official Languages Support Fund 200,000 50,000 50,000 50,000
Total Grants 2,401,000 2,261,000 2,211,000 2,161,000
Developing and Implementing Programs
Contributions to the provinces to assist in the operation of Legal Aid Systems 119,827,507 79,827,507 79,827,507 79,827,507
Contributions in support of Public Security and Anti-terrorism—Legal Aid 500,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000
Contributions to the provinces and territories in support of Youth Justice Services 144,750,000 144,750,000 144,750,000 144,750,000
Contributions to the provinces and territories in support of Youth Justice Services—Intensive Rehabilitative Custody and Supervision Program 11,325,250 6,903,500 (10,230,000) (10,230,000)
Contributions to the provinces under the Aboriginal Courtwork Program 4,836,363 4,836,363 4,836,363 4,836,363
Contributions under the Justice Partnership and Innovation Fund 1,803,279 2,054,415 2,553,251 2,553,108
Contributions under the Aboriginal Justice Strategy Fund 7,325,000 7,250,000 2,900,000 2,900,000
Contributions in support of the Child-Centred Family Justice Fund 12,144,855 11,950,027 11,950,027 (50,000)
Contributions for Access to Justice Services to the Territories (being Legal Aid, Aboriginal Courtwork and Public Legal Education and Information Services) 4,856,593 3,356,593 3,356,593 3,356,593
Contributions in support of the Youth Justice Renewal Fund 3,455,000 2,715,000 265,000 265,000
Contributions for the Victims of Crime Initiative 0 2,100,000 2,250,000 2,400,000
Contributions under the Access to Justice in both Official Languages Support Fund 2,698,146 2,837,546 2,842,846 2,842,845
Contributions to support the implementation of official languages requirements under the Contraventions Act 6,963,855 7,916,155 8,916,829 9,673,000
Contributions in support of Legal Aid Pilot Projects 955,000 0 0 0
Contributions in support of Federal Court-Ordered Counsel 753,000 0 0 0
Contributions in support of Federal Court-Ordered Counsel - Unique Legal Aid Cases 250,000 0 0 0
Drug Treatment Court Funding Program 2,333,152 2,341,894 1,703,584 1,703,584
Contributions to the provinces under the Integrated Market Enforcement Teams (IMETs) Reserve Fund 2,050,000 3,750,000 3,750,000 0
Total Contributions 326,827,000 284,589,000 261,672,000 246,828,000
Total Grants and Contributions as per Main Estimates 329,228,000 286,850,000 263,883,000 248,989,000
Victims of Crimes 1,650,000   0 0
Strategy for the Renewal of Youth Justice 32,552,415 36,666,000 53,800,000 53,800,000
Implementation of the Youth Justice Renewal Initiative 8,000,000 0 0 0
Action Plan Against Racism 50,000 0 0 0
Child-Centred Family Law Strategy 4,000,000 4,000,000 4,000,000 0
Strengthen Community Safety 492,000 0 0 0
PCO cuts in Vote 5 - reduction associated with IRCS (10,230,000) 0 0 0
Strengthening Enforcement Budget 2003 0 0 0 3,750,000
Legal Aid 0 45,000,000 0 0
Total Adjustments 36,514,415 85,666,000 57,800,000 57,550,000
Total Grants and Contributions, including Warrants & Procurements Savings 365,742,415 365,742,415 365,742,415 365,742,415

1 Note 1: Adjustments for 2005-2006 consist of Governor General Special Warrant requests and Procurement Savings (EBP included). Adjustments for 2006-2007 and future years consists of amounts identified in the Expenditure Status Report dated July 12th, 2006.

For further information on the above-mentioned transfer payment programs see

Table 8: Horizontal Initiatives

Over the next three years, the Department of Justice will be involved in the following horizontal initiatives as either the lead or a partner:


  1. Horizontal Initiative: Canadian Drug Strategy
    The Drug Treatment Court Funding Program, managed by the Department of Justice, is a component of the Canadian Drug Strategy.
  2. Action Plan Against Racism (as a partner)
  3. Security and Prosperity Partnership (as a partner)
  4. Public Security and Anti-terrorism Initiative (as a partner)
  5. Federal Accountability Act (as a partner)
  6. Youth Justice Renewal Initiative (as lead)
  7. Family Violence Initiative (partner)

Further information on the above-mentioned horizontal initiatives see

Table 9: Sustainable Development Strategy

Department Justice Canada
Points to address Departmental Input
1. How does your department plan to incorporate SD principles and values into your mission, vision, policy and day-to-day operations? 1. Our awareness campaign on sustainable development and its key objectives will contribute to greater advocacy and implementation of sustainability with a view to enhancing the fairness, relevance and accessibility of the justice system. This can be done through sharing of best practices such as, dispute resolution, more effective use of technology, the environmental assessment of programs and policies.

2. By providing in-house opportunities or in conjunction with other GOC client departments to host training venues for policy and legal advisors on SD values and commitments, both domestic and international, as well as training managers responsible for procurement, IT services and material management.

3. By identifying activities which will provide for tangible reductions in energy consumption, waste disposal and/or complimentary increases in recycling and redistribution of materials by the coming into force of the proposed GOC green procurement policy.
2. What Goals, Objectives and Targets from your most recent SDS will you be focusing on this coming year? How will you measure your success? 1. Gauge the awareness and knowledge of sustainable development among employees by conducting a departmental baseline survey and establish a target level of increased awareness to be achieved.

2. Identify and promote best practices already supporting sustainable development, and identify other activities that could benefit from greater research into their potential connection to sustainable development.

3. Encourage greater networking by hosting training venues or learning events to enhance the effectiveness of our policy and legal advisors in implementing SD principles in their everyday practice. Evaluations to be conducted of training to gauge participant response.

4. Increase efforts to reduce the department's impact on our physical environment through better communications and coordination with our regional offices with the sharing of best practices.
3. Identify any sustainable Development tools, such as Strategic Environmental Assessments or Environmental Management Systems that will be applied over the next year. 1. Best practices have been identified, documented and posted on our sustainable development Web site as part of on-going educational efforts. The aim of the Web site is to serve as a clearinghouse of tools, resources and a source of e-learning on sustainable development for Justice employees.

2. Promote and monitor the practice of conducting SEA as a matter of course when implementing policies, programs or in the consideration of legal instruments. To this end, offer online or classroom training to practitioners on how to effectively apply this assessment to their work.

3. To continue to build on the department's sustainable development conference to identify or support the creation of practice groups, tools and resources to promote the integration of sustainable development objectives into their legal and policy work.

4. The adoption of the GOC's proposed green procurement policy for Justice's operations will allow for better use of material resources, improved management of waste and more effective use of technology.

Table 10: Internal Audits and Evaluations


Internal Audits

- Citizenship & Immigration LSU
- Royal Canadian Mounted Police LSU
- Contracting Process
- Materiel Management
- PAYE Process
- Security at HQ
- Fire and Emergency
- iCase - Phase II
- CCFJF (RBAF) - Canada Child-centred Family Justice Fund
- Management of Information Technology Security

Internal Evaluations

Start Date
Completion Date
Summative Evaluation of Aboriginal Justice Strategy/ Évaluation sommative de la Stratégie de la justice applicable aux Autochtones
2006-2007 (due Fall 2006)
Formative Evaluation of Victims of Crime Renewal Initiative/Évaluation formative du renouvellement de l'Initiative sur les victimes d'actes criminels
PSAT Summative Evaluation/Évaluation sommative SPAT
Measures to Combat Organized Crime Summative Evaluation – DOJ Component/Volet MJ de l'Évaluation sommative des mesures de lutte contre le crime organisé
Unified Family Court (UFC) Summative Evaluation/ Évaluation sommative des Tribunaux unifiés de la famille (TUF)
Summative Evaluation of the Family Law Assistance Services Section/Évaluation sommative de la section des Services d'aide au droit de la famille
Summative Evaluation of the Child Centred Family Law Strategy (CCFLS) /Évaluation sommative de la Stratégie du droit de la famille axée sur l'enfant (SDFAE)
Formative Evaluation of Contraventions Act Fund/ Évaluation formative du Fonds de mise en application de la Loi sur les contraventions
Summative Evaluation of Contraventions Act Fund/ Évaluation sommative du Fonds de mise en application de la Loi sur les contraventions
2007-2008 (due June 2007)
Summative Evaluation-Access to Justice in Both Official Languages Support Fund (Official Languages Act)/ Évaluation sommative du Fonds d'appui à l'accès à la justice dans les deux langues officielles (Loi sur les langues officielles)
2007-2008 (due Sept. 2007)
Formative Evaluation of the Legal Aid Program – Évaluation formative du Programme d'aide juridique
Formative Evaluation of Aboriginal Courtworker Program / Évaluation formative du Programme d'assistance parajudiciaire aux Autochtones
Summative Evaluation of Aboriginal Court Worker Program / Évaluation sommative du Programme d'assistance parajudiciaire aux Autochtones
Youth Justice Renewal Initiative (YJRI) Summative Evaluation / Initiative de renouvellement du système de justice pour les jeunes – Évaluation sommative
Summative Evaluation of the Youth Criminal Justice Act/Évaluation sommative de la Loi sur le système de justice pénale pour les adolescents
Summative Evaluation of JPIP/ Évaluation sommative du FJPI
Formative Evaluation-Legal Risk Management/ Évaluation formative de la Gestion des risques juridiques
Summative Evaluation – Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Program/Évaluation sommative du Programme canadien sur les crimes contre l'humanité et les crimes de guerre
Interdepartmental Formative Evaluation – Canada's Drug Strategy/Évaluation formative de la Stratégie antidrogue du Canada
Interdepartmental Summative Evaluation – Canada's Drug Strategy/Évaluation sommative de la Stratégie antidrogue du Canada
Drug Treatment Court Formative Evaluation/ Évaluation formative des Tribunaux de traitement de la toxicomanie