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As the new President of the Treasury Board responsible for the Public Service Human Resources Management Agency of Canada, I am pleased to present the Agency's Report on Plans and Priorities for 2006–07.
The new government has committed to a clear set of priorities—one of which is to improve Canadians' faith in public institutions by making government more accountable and more effective. In support of this priority, the government has introduced a solid piece of legislation and a clear plan of action: the Federal Accountability Act and Action Plan that will shape a new vision for a more effective and accountable government for all Canadians.
This new vision is also essential for public service employees who work hard and are dedicated to the public interest. To perform, they must be well supported and have faith and pride in their institution. In return, they should be recognized for their contribution. People are at the heart of management. Through their professionalism and engagement, they drive change and make it work. In addition, people are not only the most important but also the largest asset for the government—Canada's largest employer.
As such, the Agency will be instrumental in assisting the government in implementing its agenda.
First, the priority for the Agency will be to support the government in the implementation of new whistleblower protection legislation through the Federal Accountability Act, that will establish a comprehensive set of mechanisms for the disclosure of wrongdoing in the public sector, including protection for individuals who make disclosures, while ensuring a fair process for those against whom allegations are made.
At the same time, the Agency will further embed and support a strong culture of integrity, ensuring that employees clearly understand public service values and ethics, and that public service organizations assess, report, and continuously improve their performance and management practices.
In addition, the Agency will augment its efforts to strengthen accountability and transparency in all other aspects of human resources management. The Agency will pursue initiatives to better assess and report performance of departments and agencies against a more comprehensive set of consistent standards. This includes the preparation of the first annual report on the state of human resources management that I will table in Parliament during the fiscal year.
The Agency will also intensify its efforts to re-build human resources planning capacities at the departmental and governmental levels, including the provision of seamless access to more pertinent, timely, and reliable information—a prerequisite for any effective accountability system.
To complement this effort, the Agency will develop government-wide approaches to workforce and succession planning in order to facilitate the work of departments in dealing with similar transition issues, developing recruitment strategies, in common priority areas where demographic challenges or skill shortages exist, including in the Executive and feeder groups, and leadership development programs.
This approach to human resources planning and talent acquisition and management will be designed to support a representative and accessible public service that draws upon talent from all regions.
These initiatives will also be instrumental for the effective application of the Public Service Modernization Act (PSMA), which came into force on December 31, 2005. Over the last two years, a key focus for the Agency has been to lead the implementation of this Act. Looking ahead, the focus will be to provide departments and agencies with the direction and support they need to exercise their new responsibilities, monitor and report on the performance of the PSMA and, finally, prepare for its legislative review by 2010, and ensure the renewal of the public service.
In support of these transformations, the Agency has also begun to implement a new learning policy with mandatory requirements in key areas, particularly values and ethics, and accountability. These new requirements will have an impact on a large number of employees. A priority will be to support and monitor the effective implementation of this new learning policy.
Finally, the Agency will further advance a series of initiatives to rejuvenate the essential building blocks for cost-effective human resources management, including the renewal of the human resources component of the Treasury Board's policies, the modernization of the classification system, increased support of the human resources specialists community, and the establishment of more efficient corporate processes, systems, and internal service delivery models.
Undoubtedly, these transformations, and the reinforcement and maintenance of a strong culture of public service values and ethics and the renewal of the public service will require cultural change and the engagement of all employees, including unions. The Agency will be a strategic leader in contributing to this effort, in particular through pride and recognition programs.
The trust of Canadians in their political and administrative institutions has been significantly challenged by political scandal. The Agency's priorities will significantly contribute to a more effective and accountable Government. I therefore encourage all Canadians, parliamentarians, and federal public service employees to read this Report.
The paper version was signed by
The Honourable John Baird, P.C., M.P.
President of the Treasury Board
I submit for tabling in Parliament the 2006–07 Report on Plans and Priorities (RPP) for the Public Service Human Resources Management Agency of Canada (the Agency).
This document has been prepared based on the reporting principles contained in the Guide to the Preparation of Part III of the 2006–07 Estimates: Reports on Plans and Priorities and Departmental Performance Reports.
The paper version was signed by
Nicole Jauvin, President
Public Service Human Resources Management Agency of Canada