Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat
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ARCHIVED - Review of the Governance Framework for Canada's Crown Corporations - Meeting the Expectations of Canadians

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Table of Contents

Executive Summary

1. Introduction

2. Defining Good Governance in an Era of Increased Public Scrutiny

3. The Role of Crown Corporations - Flexible and Autonomous Instruments for the Delivery of Public Policy

4. Strengthening Governance - Clarifying Accountabilities and Assigning Roles and Responsibilities

5. Boards of Directors - Building Solid Foundations

6. Appointments

7. Reporting - Making Transparency and Accountability Come to Life

8. An Outsider's View on the Inside - Annual Audit and Special Examination

9. Other Issues

10. Conclusion

11. Summary of Measures

Appendix A: Individuals Consulted

Appendix B: Parent Crown Corporations and Incorporation Data