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Third Session, Fortieth Parliament, 59 Elizabeth II, 2010
An Act for granting to Her Majesty certain sums of money for the federal public administration for the financial year ending March 31, 2010
MARCH 23, 2010
Preamble | Whereas it appears by message from Her | |
Excellency the Right Honourable Michaëlle | ||
Jean, Governor General of Canada, and the | ||
Estimates accompanying that message, that the | ||
sums mentioned below are required to defray | ||
certain expenses of the federal public | ||
administration, not otherwise provided for, for | ||
the financial year ending March 31, 2010, and for | ||
other purposes connected with the federal public | ||
administration; | ||
May it therefore please Your Majesty, that it | ||
may be enacted, and be it enacted by the Queen's | ||
Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice | ||
and consent of the Senate and House of | ||
Commons of Canada, that: | ||
Short title | 1. This Act may be cited as the Appropriation | |
Act No. 5, 2009–10. | ||
$1,770,681,417.00 | 2. From and out of the Consolidated Revenue | |
granted for | Fund, there may be paid and applied a sum not | |
2009–10 | exceeding in the whole one billion, seven | |
hundred and seventy million, six hundred and | ||
eighty-one thousand, four hundred and | ||
seventeen dollars towards defraying the several | ||
charges and expenses of the federal public | ||
administration from April 1, 2009 to | ||
March 31, 2010, not otherwise provided for, and | ||
being the total of the amounts of the items set out | ||
in the Supplementary Estimates (C) for the | ||
fiscal year ending March 31, 2010, as contained | ||
in Schedules 1 and 2 to this | ||
Act $1,770,681,417.00 | ||
Purpose and | 3. (1) The amount authorized by this Act to be | |
effect of each | paid or applied in respect of an item may be paid | |
item | or applied only for the purposes and subject to | |
any terms and conditions specified in the item, | ||
and the payment or application of any amount | ||
pursuant to the item has such operation and effect | ||
as may be stated or described in the item. | ||
Effective date | (2) The provisions of each item in Schedules 1 | |
and 2 are deemed to have been enacted by | ||
Parliament on April 1, 2009. | ||
Commitments | 4. (1) Where an item in the Estimates referred | |
to in section 2 purports to confer authority to | ||
enter into commitments up to an amount stated in | ||
the Estimates or increases the amount up to | ||
which commitments may be entered into under | ||
any other Act or where a commitment is to be | ||
entered into under subsection (2), the | ||
commitment may be entered into in accordance | ||
with the terms of that item or in accordance with | ||
subsection (2) if the amount of the commitment | ||
proposed to be entered into, together with all | ||
previous commitments entered into in | ||
accordance with this section or under that other | ||
Act, does not exceed the total amount of the | ||
commitment authority stated in that item or | ||
calculated in accordance with subsection (2). | ||
Commitments | (2) Where an item in the Estimates referred to | |
in section 2 or a provision of any Act purports to | ||
confer authority to spend revenues, | ||
commitments may be entered into in accordance | ||
with the terms of that item or provision up to an | ||
amount equal to the aggregate of | ||
(a) the amount, if any, appropriated in respect | ||
of that item or provision, and | ||
(b) the amount of revenues actually received | ||
or, in the case of an item in the Estimates, the | ||
estimated revenues set out in the details related | ||
to the item, whichever is greater. | ||
Adjustment in the | 5. An appropriation that is granted by this or | |
Accounts of | any other Act and referred to in Schedule 1 may | |
Canada for | be charged after the end of the fiscal year for | |
appropriations | which the appropriation is granted at any time | |
referred to in | prior to the day on which the Public Accounts for | |
Schedule 1 | that fiscal year are tabled in Parliament, for the | |
purpose of making adjustments in the Accounts | ||
of Canada for the fiscal year that do not require | ||
payments out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund. | ||
Adjustments in | 6. (1) An appropriation that is granted by this | |
the Accounts of | or any other Act and referred to in Schedule 2 | |
Canada for | may be charged after the end of the fiscal year | |
appropriations | that is after the fiscal year for which the | |
referred to in | appropriation is granted at any time prior to the | |
Schedule 2 | day on which the Public Accounts for that second | |
fiscal year are tabled in Parliament, for the | ||
purpose of making adjustments in the Accounts | ||
of Canada for that second fiscal year that do not | ||
require payments out of the Consolidated | ||
Revenue Fund. | ||
Order in which | (2) Notwithstanding any other provision of | |
the amounts in | this Act, amounts appropriated by this Act and | |
Schedule 2 must | set out in items of Schedule 2 may be paid and | |
be expended | applied at any time on or before March 31, 2011, | |
so long as every payment is charged first against | ||
the relevant amount appropriated under any Act | ||
that is earliest in time until that amount is | ||
exhausted, next against the relevant amount | ||
appropriated under any other Act, including this | ||
Act, that is next in time until that amount is | ||
exhausted and so on, and the balance of amounts | ||
so appropriated by this Act that have not been | ||
charged, subject to the adjustments referred to in | ||
section 37 of the Financial Administration Act, | ||
lapse at the end of the fiscal year following the | ||
fiscal year ending March 31, 2010. | ||
Accounts to be | 7. Amounts paid or applied under the authority | |
rendered | of this Act shall be accounted for in the Public | |
R.S., c. F–11 | Accounts in accordance with section 64 of the | |
Financial Administration Act. |
Based on the Supplementary Estimates (C), 2009-10, the amount hereby granted is $1,756,136,915, being the total of the amounts of the items in those Estimates as contained in this Schedule.
Sums granted to Her Majesty by this Act for the financial year ending March 31, 2010 and the purposes for which they are granted.
Vote | ||||||
No. | Service | Amount ($) | Total ($) | |||
30c | Canadian Food Inspection Agency – Operating expenditures and contributions | 22,417,058 | ||||
35c |
Canadian Food Inspection Agency – Capital expenditures – To authorize the transfer of |
$600,000 from Agriculture and Agri-Food Vote 30, Appropriation Act No. 2, 2009–10 | ||||||
for the purposes of this Vote and to provide a further amount of | 660,000 | |||||
23,077,058 | ||||||
5c |
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency – The grants listed in the Estimates and contributions |
– To authorize the transfer of $1,275,787 from National Defence Vote 1, and $317,000 | ||||||
from Canadian Heritage Vote 90, Appropriation Act No. 2, 2009–10 for the purposes of | ||||||
this Vote | 1 | |||||
10c |
Payments to the Enterprise Cape Breton Corporation pursuant to the Enterprise Cape Breton |
Corporation Act | 1,465,000 | |||||
5c |
Canadian Heritage – The grants listed in the Estimates and contributions – To authorize the |
transfer of $6,914,422 from Canadian Heritage Vote 1, $50,000 from Indian Affairs and | ||||||
Northern Development Vote 10, $50,000 from Citizenship and Immigration Vote 5, and | ||||||
$35,000 from Natural Resources Vote 5, Appropriation Act No. 2, 2009–10 for the | ||||||
purposes of this Vote | 1 | |||||
25c | Payments to the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation for capital expenditures – To authorize | |||||
the transfer of $26,299,000 from Canadian Heritage Vote 15, Appropriation Act No. 2, | ||||||
2009–10 for the purposes of this Vote | 1 | |||||
45c | Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission – Program expenditures | |||||
and, pursuant to paragraph 29.1(2)(a) of the Financial Administration Act , authority to | ||||||
expend revenues received during the fiscal year pursuant to the Telecommunications | ||||||
Fees Regulations, 1995, Broadcasting Licence Fee Regulations, 1997, and other | ||||||
activities related to the conduct of its operations, up to amounts approved by the | ||||||
Treasury Board | 225,564 | |||||
1c | Citizenship and Immigration – Operating expenditures and the payment to each member of | |||||
the Queen's Privy Council for Canada who is a Minister without Portfolio or a Minister | ||||||
of State who does not preside over a Ministry of State of a salary not to exceed the salary | ||||||
paid to Ministers of State who preside over Ministries of State under the Salaries Act , as | ||||||
adjusted pursuant to the Parliament of Canada Act and pro rata for any period of less | ||||||
than a year – To authorize the transfer of $20,000,000 from Citizenship and Immigration | ||||||
Vote 5, Appropriation Act No. 2, 2009–10 for the purposes of this Vote and to provide a | ||||||
further amount of | 4,766,440 | |||||
5c | Citizenship and Immigration – The grants listed in the Estimates and contributions | 1 | ||||
4,766,441 | ||||||
10c | Environment – The grants listed in the Estimates and contributions, contributions to | |||||
developing countries in accordance with the Multilateral Fund of the Montreal Protocol | ||||||
taking the form of cash payments or the provision of goods, equipment or services – To | ||||||
authorize the transfer of $241,000 from Environment Vote 1, Appropriation Act No. 2, | ||||||
2009–10 for the purposes of this Vote | 1 | |||||
1c | Fisheries and Oceans – Operating expenditures, and | |||||
(a) Canada's share of expenses of the International Fisheries Commissions, authority to | ||||||
provide free accommodation for the International Fisheries Commissions and authority | ||||||
to make recoverable advances in the amounts of the shares of the International Fisheries | ||||||
Commissions of joint cost projects; | ||||||
(b) authority to make recoverable advances for transportation, stevedoring and other | ||||||
shipping services performed on behalf of individuals, outside agencies and other | ||||||
governments in the course of, or arising out of, the exercise of jurisdiction in navigation, | ||||||
including aids to navigation and shipping; | ||||||
(c) authority to expend revenue received during the fiscal year in the course of, or arising | ||||||
from, the activities of the Canadian Coast Guard; and | ||||||
(d) the payment to each member of the Queen's Privy Council for Canada who is a | ||||||
Minister without Portfolio or a Minister of State who does not preside over a Ministry of | ||||||
State of a salary not to exceed the salary paid to Ministers of State who preside over | ||||||
Ministries of State under the Salaries Act , as adjusted pursuant to the Parliament of | ||||||
Canada Act and pro rata for any period of less than a year – To authorize the transfer of | ||||||
$3,149,859 from Fisheries and Oceans Vote 10, Appropriation Act No. 2, 2009–10 for | ||||||
the purposes of this Vote | 1 | |||||
5c | Fisheries and Oceans – Capital expenditures and authority to make payments to provinces, | |||||
municipalities and local or private authorities as contributions towards construction | ||||||
done by those bodies and authority for the purchase and disposal of commercial fishing | ||||||
vessels – To authorize the transfer of $232,400 from Fisheries and Oceans Vote 1, | ||||||
Appropriation Act No. 2, 2009–10 for the purposes of this Vote | 1 | |||||
10c | Fisheries and Oceans – The grants listed in the Estimates and contributions – To authorize the | |||||
transfer of $390,200 from Fisheries and Oceans Vote 1, Appropriation Act No. 2, | ||||||
2009–10 for the purposes of this Vote | 1 | |||||
3 | ||||||
1c | Foreign Affairs and International Trade – Operating expenditures, including the payment of | |||||
remuneration and other expenditures subject to the approval of the Governor in Council | ||||||
in connection with the assignment by the Canadian Government of Canadians to the | ||||||
staffs of international organizations and authority to make recoverable advances in | ||||||
amounts not exceeding the amounts of the shares of such organizations of such | ||||||
expenses; authority for the appointment and fixing of salaries by the Governor in | ||||||
Council of High Commissioners, Ambassadors, Ministers Plenipotentiary, Consuls, | ||||||
Representatives on International Commissions, the staff of such officials and other | ||||||
persons to represent Canada in another country; expenditures in respect of the provision | ||||||
of office accommodation for the International Civil Aviation Organization; recoverable | ||||||
expenditures for assistance to and repatriation of distressed Canadian citizens and | ||||||
persons of Canadian domicile abroad, including their dependants; cultural relations and | ||||||
academic exchange programs with other countries; and, pursuant to paragraph | ||||||
29.1(2)(a) of the Financial Administration Act , authority to expend revenues received in | ||||||
a fiscal year from, and to offset related expenditures incurred in the fiscal year arising | ||||||
from the provision of services related to: training services provided by the Canadian | ||||||
Foreign Service Institute; trade fairs, missions and other international business | ||||||
development services; investment development services; international | ||||||
telecommunication services; departmental publications; other services provided abroad | ||||||
to other government departments, agencies, Crown corporations and other non-federal | ||||||
organizations; specialized consular services; and international youth employment | ||||||
exchange programs and the payment to each member of the Queen's Privy Council for | ||||||
Canada who is a Minister without Portfolio or a Minister of State who does not preside | ||||||
over a Ministry of State of a salary not to exceed the salary paid to Ministers of State who | ||||||
preside over Ministries of State under the Salaries Act , as adjusted pursuant to the | ||||||
Parliament of Canada Act and pro rata for any period of less than a year – To authorize | ||||||
the transfer of $2,126,730 from Foreign Affairs and International Trade Vote 5, | ||||||
$4,498,327 from Foreign Affairs and International Trade Vote 10, $307,000 from | ||||||
Foreign Affairs and International Trade Vote 30, $147,500 from Canadian Heritage | ||||||
Vote 1, and $47,900 from Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Vote 10, | ||||||
Appropriation Act No. 2, 2009–10 for the purposes of this Vote and to provide a further | ||||||
amount of | 92,475,041 | |||||
5c | Foreign Affairs and International Trade – Capital expenditures – To authorize the transfer of | |||||
$1,873,750 from Citizenship and Immigration Vote 1, Appropriation Act No. 2, | ||||||
2009–10 for the purposes of this Vote and to provide a further amount of | 35,013,675 | |||||
10c | Foreign Affairs and International Trade – The grants listed in the Estimates, contributions, | |||||
which may include: with respect to Canada's Global Partnership Program (under the G8 | ||||||
Global Partnership ), cash payments or the provision of goods, equipment and services | ||||||
for the purpose of assistance to countries of the former Soviet Union; with respect to | ||||||
Canada's Counter-Terrorism Capacity Building Program and the Anti-Crime Capacity | ||||||
Building Program, cash payments or the provision of goods, services, equipment and | ||||||
technology for the purpose of counter-terrorism and anti-crime assistance to states and | ||||||
government entities; and, with respect to the Global Peace and Security Program, Global | ||||||
Peace Operations Program, and Glyn Berry Program, cash payments or the provision of | ||||||
goods, services, equipment and technology for the purpose of global peace and security | ||||||
assistance; as well as the authority to make commitments for the current fiscal year not | ||||||
exceeding $30,000,000, in respect of contributions to persons, groups of persons, | ||||||
councils and associations to promote the development of Canadian export sales; and, the | ||||||
authority to pay assessments in the amounts and in the currencies in which they are | ||||||
levied as well as the authority to pay other amounts specified in the currencies of the | ||||||
countries indicated, notwithstanding that the total of such payments may exceed the | ||||||
equivalent in Canadian dollars, estimated as of September 2008 | 83,014,479 | |||||
L12c | To increase from $22,500,000 to $38,200,000 the amount that may be outstanding at any time | |||||
against the Working Capital Advance Account for loans and advances to personnel | ||||||
working or engaged abroad established by Vote L12c, Appropriation Act No. 1, 1971 ; | ||||||
additional amount required | 15,700,000 | |||||
226,203,195 | ||||||
30c | Canadian International Development Agency – The grants listed in the Estimates, | |||||
contributions and payments to international financial institutions in accordance with the | ||||||
International Development (Financial Institutions) Assistance Act , for international | ||||||
development assistance, international humanitarian assistance and other specified | ||||||
purposes, in the form of cash payments or the provision of goods, commodities or | ||||||
services – To authorize the transfer of $4,000,000 from Foreign Affairs and | ||||||
International Trade Vote 10, Appropriation Act No. 2, 2009–10 for the purposes of this | ||||||
Vote and to provide the furthur amount of | 90,592,208 | |||||
32c | Pursuant to section 24.1 of the Financial Administration Act , to forgive an amount up to | |||||
$449,533,044 owed by the Government of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, in relation | ||||||
to loan agreements, subject to the conditions described in the Memorandum of | ||||||
Understanding signed on April 20, 2006 between the Government of Canada and the | ||||||
Government of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan | 449,533,044 | |||||
540,125,252 | ||||||
40c | Payments to the International Development Research Centre – To authorize the transfer of | |||||
$129,606 from Health Vote 25, and $75,000 from Health Vote 50, Appropriation Act | ||||||
No. 2, 2009–10 for the purposes of this Vote | 1 | |||||
HEALTH | ||||||
1c | Health – Operating expenditures and, pursuant to paragraph 29.1(2)(a) of the Financial | |||||
Administration Act , authority to spend revenues to offset expenditures incurred in the | ||||||
fiscal year arising from the provision of services or the sale of products related to health | ||||||
protection, regulatory activities and medical services and the payment to each member | ||||||
of the Queen's Privy Council for Canada who is a Minister without Portfolio or a | ||||||
Minister of State who does not preside over a Ministry of State of a salary not to exceed | ||||||
the salary paid to Ministers of State who preside over Ministries of State under the | ||||||
Salaries Act , as adjusted pursuant to the Parliament of Canada Act and pro rata for any | ||||||
period of less than a year – To authorize the transfer of $935,000 from Agriculture and | ||||||
Agri-Food Vote 1, Appropriation Act No. 2, 2009–10 for the purposes of this Vote and to | ||||||
provide a further amount of | 32,133,772 | |||||
5c | Health – Capital expenditures | 241,000 | ||||
10c | Health – The grants listed in the Estimates and contributions | 5,255,971 | ||||
37,630,743 | ||||||
25c | Canadian Institutes of Health Research – The grants listed in the Estimates – To authorize the | |||||
transfer of $50,000 from Health Vote 10, $500,000 from Health Vote 40, and $349,835 | ||||||
from Health Vote 50, Appropriation Act No. 2, 2009–10 for the purposes of this Vote | 1 | |||||
40c | Public Health Agency of Canada – Operating expenditures and, pursuant to | |||||
paragraph 29.1(2)(a) of the Financial Administration Act , authority to spend revenues to | ||||||
offset expenditures incurred in the fiscal year arising from the sale of products – To | ||||||
authorize the transfer of $55,000 from Health Vote 1, $1,100,000 from Health Vote 45, | ||||||
$8,650,000 from Health Vote 50, and $1,804,873 from Agriculture and Agri-Food Vote | ||||||
30, Appropriation Act No. 2, 2009–10 for the purposes of this Vote and to provide a | ||||||
further amount of | 52,863,518 | |||||
45c | Public Health Agency of Canada – Capital expenditures – To authorize the transfer of | |||||
$1,883,616 from Health Vote 40, Appropriation Act No. 2, 2009–10 for the purposes of | ||||||
this Vote | 1 | |||||
50c | Public Health Agency of Canada – The grants listed in the Estimates and contributions – To | |||||
authorize the transfer of $150,000 from Health Vote 25, and $30,000 from Citizenship | ||||||
and Immigration Vote 5, Appropriation Act No. 2, 2009–10 for the purposes of this Vote | 1 | |||||
52,863,520 | ||||||
1c | Human Resources and Skills Development – Operating expenditures, and | |||||
(a) authority to make recoverable expenditures on behalf of the Canada Pension Plan, | ||||||
the Employment Insurance Account and the Specified Purpose Account for the | ||||||
administration of the Millennium Excellence Awards; | ||||||
(b) pursuant to paragraph 29.1(2)(a) of the Financial Administration Act , authority to | ||||||
spend, to offset related expenditures incurred in the fiscal year, revenues received in the | ||||||
fiscal year arising from: | ||||||
(i) the provision of Public Access Programs Sector services; | ||||||
(ii) services to assist provinces in the administration of provincial programs funded | ||||||
under Labour Market Development Agreements; | ||||||
(iii) receiving agent services offered to Canadians on behalf of Passport Canada; | ||||||
(iv) services to offset the administration and delivery of Millennium Excellence Awards | ||||||
to eligible students on behalf of the Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation; | ||||||
(v) the amount charged to any Crown Corporation under section 14(b) of Government | ||||||
Employees Compensation Act in relation to the litigation costs for subrogated claims for | ||||||
Crown Corporations; | ||||||
(vi) the portion of Government Employees Compensation Act departmental or agency | ||||||
subrogated claim settlements related to litigation costs; and | ||||||
(c) the payment to each member of the Queen's Privy Council for Canada who is a | ||||||
Minister without Portfolio or a Minister of State who does not preside over a Ministry of | ||||||
State of a salary not to exceed the salary paid to Ministers of State who preside over | ||||||
Ministries of State under the Salaries Act , as adjusted pursuant to the Parliament of | ||||||
Canada Act and pro rata for any period of less than a year – To authorize the transfer of | ||||||
$785,753 from Human Resources and Skills Development Vote 5, Appropriation Act | ||||||
No. 2, 2009–10 for the purposes of this Vote | 1 | |||||
5c | Human Resources and Skills Development – The grants listed in the Estimates and | |||||
contributions – To authorize the transfer of $524,800 from Indian Affairs and Northern | ||||||
Development Vote 10, Appropriation Act No. 2, 2009–10 for the purposes of this Vote | 1 | |||||
7c | Pursuant to section 25(2) of the Financial Administration Act , to write off from the Accounts | |||||
of Canada 935 debts due to Her Majesty in right of Canada amounting to $87,103 related | ||||||
to overpayments from the Government Annuities Account – To authorize the transfer of | ||||||
$87,103 from Human Resources and Skills Development Vote 1, Appropriation Act | ||||||
No. 2, 2009–10 for the purposes of this Vote | 1 | |||||
3 | ||||||
1c | Indian Affairs and Northern Development – Operating expenditures, and | |||||
(a) expenditures on works, buildings and equipment; and expenditures and recoverable | ||||||
expenditures in respect of services provided and work performed on other than federal | ||||||
property; | ||||||
(b) authority to provide, in respect of Indian and Inuit economic development activities, | ||||||
for the capacity development for Indian and Inuit and the furnishing of materials and | ||||||
equipment; | ||||||
(c) authority to sell electric power to private consumers in remote locations when | ||||||
alternative local sources of supply are not available, in accordance with terms and | ||||||
conditions approved by the Governor in Council; and | ||||||
(d) the payment to each member of the Queen's Privy Council for Canada who is a | ||||||
Minister without Portfolio or a Minister of State who does not preside over a Ministry of | ||||||
State of a salary not to exceed the salary paid to Ministers of State who preside over | ||||||
Ministries of State under the Salaries Act , as adjusted pursuant to the Parliament of | ||||||
Canada Act and pro rata for any period of less than a year – To authorize the transfer of | ||||||
$4,792,000 from Indian Affairs and Northern Development Vote 5, $5,666,785 from | ||||||
Indian Affairs and Northern Development Vote 10, $79,270 from National Defence | ||||||
Vote 1, and $25,000 from Canadian Heritage Vote 5, Appropriation Act No. 2, 2009–10 | ||||||
and $762,648 from Indian Affairs and Northern Development Vote 37b, Appropriation | ||||||
Act No. 4, 2009–10 for the purposes of this Vote and to provide a further amount of | 141,341,383 | |||||
10c | Indian Affairs and Northern Development – The grants listed in the Estimates and | |||||
contributions – To authorize the transfer of $15,000,000 from Indian Affairs and | ||||||
Northern Development Vote 1, and $418,945 from National Defence Vote 1, | ||||||
Appropriation Act No. 2, 2009–10 and $1,024,287 from Indian Affairs and Northern | ||||||
Development Vote 39b, Appropriation Act No. 4, 2009–10 for the purposes of this Vote. | 1 | |||||
141,341,384 | ||||||
37c | Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency – Operating expenditures | 31,165 | ||||
INDUSTRY | ||||||
1c | Industry – Operating expenditures, and authority to expend revenue received during the fiscal | |||||
year related to Communications Research, Bankruptcy and Corporations and from | ||||||
services and regulatory processes, specifically pre-merger notification filings, advance | ||||||
ruling certificates, advisory opinions and photocopies, provided under the Competition | ||||||
Act and the payment to each member of the Queen's Privy Council for Canada who is a | ||||||
Minister without Portfolio or a Minister of State who does not preside over a Ministry of | ||||||
State of a salary not to exceed the salary paid to Ministers of State who preside over | ||||||
Ministries of State under the Salaries Act , as adjusted pursuant to the Parliament of | ||||||
Canada Act and pro rata for any period of less than a year – To authorize the transfer of | ||||||
$2,351,134 from Industry Vote 10, Appropriation Act No. 2, 2009–10 for the purposes | ||||||
of this Vote | 1 | |||||
5c | Industry – Capital expenditures – To authorize the transfer of $1,378,339 from Industry Vote | |||||
1, and $1,449,000 from Industry Vote 10, Appropriation Act No. 2, 2009–10 for the | ||||||
purposes of this Vote | 1 | |||||
2 | ||||||
35c | Canadian Space Agency – The grants listed in the Estimates and contributions – To authorize | |||||
the transfer of $200,000 from Industry Vote 25, Appropriation Act No. 2, 2009–10 for | ||||||
the purposes of this Vote | 1 | |||||
50c | National Research Council of Canada – Operating expenditures – To authorize the transfer of | |||||
$250,000 from Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Vote 30, Appropriation Act | ||||||
No. 2, 2009–10 for the purposes of this Vote | 1 | |||||
60c | National Research Council of Canada – The grants listed in the Estimates and contributions – | |||||
To authorize the transfer of $120,000 from Industry Vote 50, and $261,862 from Natural | ||||||
Resources Vote 5, Appropriation Act No. 2, 2009–10 for the purposes of this Vote | 1 | |||||
2 | ||||||
70c | Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council – The grants listed in the Estimates – To | |||||
authorize the transfer of $300,000 from Indian Affairs and Northern Development | ||||||
Vote 1, $300,000 from Indian Affairs and Northern Development Vote 10, and | ||||||
$250,000 from Health Vote 1, Appropriation Act No. 2, 2009–10 for the purposes of this | ||||||
Vote | 1 | |||||
JUSTICE | ||||||
1c | Justice – Operating expenditures, and, pursuant to paragraph 29.1(2)(a) of the Financial | |||||
Administration Act , authority to expend revenues received in a fiscal year, and to offset | ||||||
expenditures incurred in the fiscal year, arising from the provision of mandatory legal | ||||||
services to Government departments and agencies and optional services to Crown | ||||||
corporations, non-federal organizations and international organizations provided they | ||||||
are consistent with the Department's mandate and the payment to each member of the | ||||||
Queen's Privy Council for Canada who is a Minister without Portfolio or a Minister of | ||||||
State who does not preside over a Ministry of State of a salary not to exceed the salary | ||||||
paid to Ministers of State who preside over Ministries of State under the Salaries Act , as | ||||||
adjusted pursuant to the Parliament of Canada Act and pro rata for any period of less | ||||||
than a year | 47,532,311 | |||||
5c | Justice – The grants listed in the Estimates and contributions – To authorize the transfer of | |||||
$3,000,000 from Citizenship and Immigration Vote 5, Appropriation Act No. 2, | ||||||
2009–10 for the purposes of this Vote | 1 | |||||
47,532,312 | ||||||
45c | Offices of the Information and Privacy Commissioners of Canada – Office of the Privacy | |||||
Commissioner of Canada – Program expenditures | 100,000 | |||||
1c | National Defence – Operating expenditures and authority for total commitments, subject to | |||||
allotment by the Treasury Board, of $31,502,506,064 for the purposes of | ||||||
Votes 1, 5 and 10 of the Department regardless of the year in which the payment of those | ||||||
commitments comes due (of which it is estimated that $13,129,800,000 will come due | ||||||
for payment in future years), authority to make payments from any of those Votes to | ||||||
provinces or municipalities as contributions toward construction done by those bodies, | ||||||
authority, subject to the direction of the Treasury Board, to make recoverable | ||||||
expenditures or advances from any of those Votes in respect of materials supplied to or | ||||||
services performed on behalf of individuals, corporations, outside agencies, other | ||||||
government departments and agencies and other governments and authority to expend | ||||||
revenue, as authorized by the Treasury Board, received during the fiscal year for the | ||||||
purposes of any of those Votes and the payment to each member of the Queen's Privy | ||||||
Council for Canada who is a Minister without Portfolio or a Minister of State who does | ||||||
not preside over a Ministry of State of a salary not to exceed the salary paid to Ministers | ||||||
of State who preside over Ministries of State under the Salaries Act , as adjusted pursuant | ||||||
to the Parliament of Canada Act and pro rata for any period of less than a year – To | ||||||
authorize the transfer of $110,953,261 from National Defence Vote 5, $5,000,000 from | ||||||
Natural Resources Vote 1, $705,480 from Transport Vote 1, and $52,500 from Industry | ||||||
Vote 85, Appropriation Act No. 2, 2009–10 for the purposes of this Vote | 1 | |||||
5c | National Defence – Capital expenditures – To authorize the transfer of $393,200 from Health | |||||
Vote 45, Appropriation Act No. 2, 2009–10 for the purposes of this Vote | 1 | |||||
2 | ||||||
1c | Natural Resources – Operating expenditures and, pursuant to paragraph 29.1(2)(a) of the | |||||
Financial Administration Act , authority to expend revenues received during the fiscal | ||||||
year from the sale of forestry and information products; licensing, training and | ||||||
certification activities related to the Explosives Act and Explosives Regulations ; and | ||||||
from research, consultation, testing, analysis, and administration services as part of the | ||||||
departmental operations and the payment to each member of the Queen's Privy Council | ||||||
for Canada who is a Minister without Portfolio or a Minister of State who does not | ||||||
preside over a Ministry of State of a salary not to exceed the salary paid to Ministers of | ||||||
State who preside over Ministries of State under the Salaries Act , as adjusted pursuant to | ||||||
the Parliament of Canada Act and pro rata for any period of less than a year – To | ||||||
authorize the transfer of $100,000 from Natural Resources Vote 2b, Appropriation Act | ||||||
No. 4, 2009–10 for the purposes of this Vote | 1 | |||||
5c | Natural Resources – The grants listed in the Estimates and contributions – To authorize the | |||||
transfer of $325,000 from Natural Resources Vote 1, Appropriation Act No. 2, 2009–10 | ||||||
for the purposes of this Vote | 1 | |||||
2 | ||||||
10c | Payments to Atomic Energy of Canada Limited for operating and capital expenditures | 182,000,000 | ||||
25c | National Energy Board – Program expenditures | 2,147 | ||||
5c | House of Commons – Program expenditures, including allowances in lieu of residence to the | |||||
Speaker of the House of Commons, and in lieu of an apartment to the Deputy Speaker of | ||||||
the House of Commons, payments in respect of the cost of operating Members' | ||||||
constituency offices, contributions and authority to expend revenues received during the | ||||||
fiscal year arising from the activities of the House of Commons | 5,712,988 | |||||
20c | Senate Ethics Officer – Program expenditures | 50,000 | ||||
1c | Privy Council – Program expenditures, including operating expenditures of Commissions of | |||||
Inquiry not otherwise provided for and the operation of the Prime Minister's residence; | ||||||
and the payment to each member of the Queen's Privy Council for Canada who is a | ||||||
Minister without Portfolio or a Minister of State who does not preside over a Ministry of | ||||||
State of a salary not to exceed the salary paid to Ministers of State who preside over | ||||||
Ministries of State under the Salaries Act , as adjusted pursuant to the Parliament of | ||||||
Canada Act and pro rata for any period of less than a year – To authorize the transfer of | ||||||
$45,000 from Foreign Affairs and International Trade Vote 25, Appropriation Act No. 2, | ||||||
2009–10 for the purposes of this Vote | 1 | |||||
5c | Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness – The grants listed in the Estimates and | |||||
contributions – To authorize the transfer of $6,026,591 from Public Safety and | ||||||
Emergency Preparedness Vote 1, Appropriation Act No. 2, 2009–10 for the purposes of | ||||||
this Vote and to provide a further amount of | 27,398,599 | |||||
20c | Canadian Security Intelligence Service – Operating expenditures | 7,055,712 | ||||
25c | Canadian Security Intelligence Service – Capital expenditures – To authorize the transfer of | |||||
$7,000,000 from Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Vote 20, Appropriation | ||||||
Act No. 2, 2009–10 for the purposes of this Vote | 1 | |||||
7,055,713 | ||||||
30c | Correctional Service – Operating expenditures, the grants listed in the Estimates, | |||||
contributions, and | ||||||
(a) authority to pay into the Inmate Welfare Fund revenue derived during the year from | ||||||
projects operated by inmates and financed by that Fund; | ||||||
(b) authority to operate canteens in federal institutions and to deposit revenue from sales | ||||||
into the Inmate Welfare Fund; | ||||||
(c) payments, in accordance with terms and conditions prescribed by the Governor in | ||||||
Council, to or on behalf of discharged inmates who suffer physical disability caused by | ||||||
participation in normal program activity in federal institutions, and to dependants of | ||||||
deceased inmates and ex-inmates whose death resulted from participation in normal | ||||||
program activity in federal institutions; and | ||||||
(d) authority for the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness, subject to | ||||||
the approval of the Governor in Council, to enter into an agreement with any province | ||||||
for the confinement in institutions of that province of any persons sentenced or | ||||||
committed to a penitentiary, for compensation for the maintenance of such persons and | ||||||
for payment in respect of the construction and related costs of such institutions – To | ||||||
authorize the transfer of $84,879 from Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Vote | ||||||
40, Appropriation Act No. 2, 2009–10 for the purposes of this Vote | 1 | |||||
40c | National Parole Board – Program expenditures – To authorize the transfer of $50,000 from | |||||
Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Vote 30, Appropriation Act No. 2, 2009–10 | ||||||
for the purposes of this Vote | 1 | |||||
50c | Royal Canadian Mounted Police – Operating expenditures and authority to expend revenue | |||||
received during the fiscal year – To authorize the transfer of $2,701,167 from Public | ||||||
Safety and Emergency Preparedness Vote 5, $69,731,625 from Public Safety and | ||||||
Emergency Preparedness Vote 55, and $20,000 from National Defence Vote 5, | ||||||
Appropriation Act No. 2, 2009–10 for the purposes of this Vote and to provide a further | ||||||
amount of | 143,989,066 | |||||
1c | Public Works and Government Services – Operating expenditures for the provision of | |||||
accommodation, common and central services including recoverable expenditures on | ||||||
behalf of the Canada Pension Plan , the Employment Insurance Act and the Seized | ||||||
Property Management Act ; contributions; authority to spend revenue received during | ||||||
the fiscal year arising from accommodation and central and common services in respect | ||||||
of these services and the payment to each member of the Queen's Privy Council for | ||||||
Canada who is a Minister without Portfolio or a Minister of State who does not preside | ||||||
over a Ministry of State of a salary not to exceed the salary paid to Ministers of State who | ||||||
preside over Ministries of State under the Salaries Act , as adjusted pursuant to the | ||||||
Parliament of Canada Act and pro rata for any period of less than a year – To authorize | ||||||
the transfer of $1,082,564 from Public Works and Government Services Vote 5, | ||||||
Appropriation Act No. 2, 2009–10 for the purposes of this Vote | 1 | |||||
TRANSPORT | ||||||
1c | Transport – Operating expenditures, and | |||||
(a) authority to make expenditures on other than federal property in the course of or | ||||||
arising out of the exercise of jurisdiction in aeronautics; | ||||||
(b) authority for the payment of commissions for revenue collection pursuant to the | Aeronautics Act ; | |||||
(c) authority to expend revenue received during the fiscal year; and | ||||||
(d) the payment to each member of the Queen's Privy Council for Canada who is a | ||||||
Minister without Portfolio or a Minister of State who does not preside over a Ministry of | ||||||
State of a salary not to exceed the salary paid to Ministers of State who preside over | ||||||
Ministries of State under the Salaries Act , as adjusted pursuant to the Parliament of | ||||||
Canada Act and pro rata for any period of less than a year – To authorize the transfer of | ||||||
$3,339,000 from Transport Vote 5, $721,948 from Transport Vote 10, and $88,920 from | ||||||
Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Vote 1, Appropriation Act No. 2, 2009–10 | ||||||
for the purposes of this Vote | 1 | |||||
15c | Payments to the Canada Post Corporation for special purposes | 652,000 | ||||
20c | Payments to the Canadian Air Transport Security Authority for operating and capital | |||||
expenditures | 9,359,000 | |||||
35c | Payments to Marine Atlantic Inc. in respect of | |||||
(a) the costs of the management of the Company, payments for capital purposes and for | ||||||
transportation activities including the following water transportation services pursuant | ||||||
to contracts with Her Majesty: Newfoundland ferries and terminals; and | ||||||
(b) payments made by the Company of the costs incurred for the provision of early | ||||||
retirement benefits, severance and other benefits where such costs result from employee | ||||||
cutbacks or the discontinuance or reduction of a service | 260,000 | |||||
1c | Treasury Board Secretariat – Program expenditures and the payment to each member of the | |||||
Queen's Privy Council for Canada who is a Minister without Portfolio or a Minister of | ||||||
State who does not preside over a Ministry of State of a salary not to exceed the salary | ||||||
paid to Ministers of State who preside over Ministries of State under the Salaries Act , as | ||||||
adjusted pursuant to the Parliament of Canada Act and pro rata for any period of less | ||||||
than a year and authority to expend revenues received during the fiscal year arising from | ||||||
activities of the Treasury Board Secretariat – To authorize the transfer of $4,115 from | ||||||
Treasury Board Vote 40, $45,178 from Fisheries and Oceans Vote 1, $43,591 from | ||||||
Health Vote 1, $26,400 from Industry Vote 1, $18,819 from Industry Vote 50, $3,186 | ||||||
from Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency Vote 1, $1,767 from Economic | ||||||
Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec Vote 1, and $1,637 from | ||||||
Privy Council Vote 15, Appropriation Act No. 2, 2009–10 for the purposes of this Vote | ||||||
and to provide a further amount of | 855,500 | |||||
10c | Government-Wide Initiatives – Subject to the approval of the Treasury Board, to supplement | |||||
other appropriations in support of the implementation of strategic management | ||||||
initiatives in the public service of Canada | 875,368 | |||||
15c | Compensation Adjustments – Subject to the approval of the Treasury Board, to supplement | |||||
other appropriations that may need to be partially or fully funded as a result of | ||||||
adjustments made to terms and conditions of service or employment of the federal | ||||||
public administration, including members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and | ||||||
the Canadian Forces, Governor in Council appointees and Crown corporations as | ||||||
defined in section 83 of the Financial Administration Act | 196,414,739 | |||||
30c | Paylist Requirements – Subject to the approval of the Treasury Board, to supplement other | |||||
appropriations for requirements related to parental and maternity allowances, | ||||||
entitlements on cessation of service or employment and adjustments made to terms and | ||||||
conditions of service or employment of the federal public administration including | ||||||
members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and the Canadian Forces, where these | ||||||
have not been provided from Vote 15, Compensation Adjustments | 100,000,000 | |||||
298,145,607 | ||||||
1c | Veterans Affairs – Operating expenditures, upkeep of property, including engineering and | |||||
other investigatory planning expenses that do not add tangible value to real property, | ||||||
taxes, insurance and maintenance of public utilities; to authorize, subject to the approval | ||||||
of the Governor in Council, necessary remedial work on properties constructed under | ||||||
individual firm price contracts and sold under the Veterans' Land Act | ||||||
(R.S.C. 1970, c.V-4), to correct defects for which neither the veteran nor the contractor | ||||||
can be held financially responsible, and such other work on other properties as may be | ||||||
required to protect the interest of the Director therein and the payment to each member of | ||||||
the Queen's Privy Council for Canada who is a Minister without Portfolio or a Minister | ||||||
of State who does not preside over a Ministry of State of a salary not to exceed the salary | ||||||
paid to Ministers of State who preside over Ministries of State under the Salaries Act , as | ||||||
adjusted pursuant to the Parliament of Canada Act and pro rata for any period of less | ||||||
than a year – To authorize the transfer of $50,000 from National Defence Vote 1, | ||||||
Appropriation Act No. 2, 2009–10 for the purposes of this Vote and to provide a further | ||||||
amount of | 810,134 | |||||
10c | Veterans Affairs – The grants listed in the Estimates and contributions, provided that the | |||||
amount listed for any grant may be increased or decreased subject to the approval of the | ||||||
Treasury Board | 5,340,000 | |||||
6,150,134 | ||||||
1,756,136,915 | ||||||
Based on the Supplementary Estimates (C), 2009-10, the amount hereby granted is $14,544,502, being the total of the amounts of the items in those Estimates as contained in this Schedule.
Sums granted to Her Majesty by this Act for the financial year ending March 31, 2010, that may be charged to that fiscal year and the following fiscal year ending March 31, 2011 and the purposes for which they are granted.
Vote | ||||||
No. | Service | Amount ($) | Total ($) | |||
1c | Canada Revenue Agency – Program expenditures and recoverable expenditures on behalf of | |||||
the Canada Pension Plan and the Employment Insurance Act | 10,158,500 | |||||
25c | Parks Canada Agency – Program expenditures, including capital expenditures, the grants | |||||
listed in the Estimates and contributions, including expenditures on other than federal | ||||||
property, and payments to provinces and municipalities as contributions towards the | ||||||
cost of undertakings carried out by those bodies – To authorize the transfer of | ||||||
$1,200,000 from Transport Vote 1, $674,785 from Public Safety and Emergency | ||||||
Preparedness Vote 50, $500,000 from Environment Vote 1, and $379,896 from Indian | ||||||
Affairs and Northern Development Vote 10, Appropriation Act No. 2, 2009–10 for the | ||||||
purposes of this Vote and to provide a further amount of | 4,386,000 | |||||
10c | Canada Border Services Agency – Operating expenditures and, pursuant to | |||||
paragraph 29.1(2)(a) of the Financial Administration Act, authority to expend in the | ||||||
current fiscal year revenues received during the fiscal year related to the border | ||||||
operations of the Canada Border Services Agency: fees for the provision of a service or | ||||||
the use of a facility or for a product, right or privilege; and payments received under | ||||||
contracts entered into by the Agency – To authorize the transfer of $3,809,437 from | ||||||
Canada Revenue Agency Vote 1, Appropriation Act No. 2, 2009–10 for the purposes of | ||||||
this Vote | 1 | |||||
15c | Canada Border Services Agency – Capital expenditures – To authorize the transfer of | |||||
$872,031 from Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Vote 10, Appropriation Act | ||||||
No. 2, 2009–10 for the purposes of this Vote | 1 | |||||
2 | ||||||
14,544,502 | ||||||
Published under authority of the Speaker of the House of Commons
Available from: Public Works and Government Services Canada – Publishing, Ottawa, Canada K1A 0S9