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Vote 5 - Government Contingencies | $126,850,000 |
Subject to the approval of the Treasury Board, this Vote serves to supplement other | |
appropriations to provide the government with sufficient flexibility to meet urgent or | |
unforeseen expenditures where a valid cash requirement exists due to the timing of the | |
payment or where specific authority is required to make the payment, such as for the payment | |
of grants not listed in the Estimates. This authority to supplement other appropriations is | |
provided until parliamentary approval can be obtained and as long as the expenditures are | |
within the legal mandate of the organization. Temporary allocations are reimbursed to TB | |
Vote 5 upon receiving Royal Assent for an Appropriation Act. | |
Department or Agency | (dollars) |
Finance | |
Payment to Nova Scotia in respect of the Crown Share Adjustment Payment regarding | 125,400,000 |
amounts relating to previous years up to March 31, 2008 | |
On July 13, 2008, Canada and Nova Scotia signed and publicly announced an agreement to | |
implement the recommendations of the Panel on Crown Share Adjustment Payments. Canada | |
also committed to negotiate with Nova Scotia to implement the details on the Panel's report | |
regarding future year payments. The department required the authority to pay the province at | |
that time in order to alleviate the risk surrounding ongoing and delicate negotiations. | |
Public Service Labour Relations Board | |
Funding to carry out the Public Service Labour Relations Board's expanded mandate under | 1,450,000 |
the Public Service Labour Relations Act | |
The Public Service Labour Relations Board (PSLRB) is a small organization with an | |
appropriation of $6.8 million that only addresses its mandate as it was set out under the former | |
Public Service Staff Relations Act . The Board's mandate was expanded by the Public Service | |
Labour Relations Act and since 2002-03, it has received incremental funding announced in | |
successive federal Budgets. As the existing appropriation for the PSLRB will be exhausted | |
prior to receiving incremental spending authority through the Supplementary Estimates, an | |
allocation from TB Vote 5 has allowed it to carry out its expanded mandate. | |
Total allocations | 126,850,000 |
Vote 10 - Government-Wide Initiatives | $0 |
Subject to the approval of the Treasury Board, this Vote supplements other appropriations in | |
support of the implementation of strategic management in the public service of Canada. | |
Departments and agencies are not required to reimburse funding allocated from Vote 10. | |
No allocations have been made from TB Vote 10. | |
Vote 25 - Operating Budget Carry Forward | $1,099,683,843 |
Subject to the approval of the Treasury Board, this Vote supplements other appropriations by | |
authorizing a carry forward of unused funds from the previous fiscal year up to a maximum of | |
five per cent of departments' and agencies' Main Estimates operating budget as was established | |
in the previous fiscal year. Departments and agencies are not required to reimburse funding | |
allocated from Vote 25. |
Department or Agency | Vote | (dollars) |
Agriculture and Agri-Food | ||
Department | 1 | 32,119,456 |
Canadian Food Inspection Agency | 30 | 24,311,201 |
Canadian Food Inspection Agency | 35 | 4,170,952 |
Canadian Grain Commission | 40 | 154,310 |
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency | 1 | 3,613,857 |
Canadian Heritage | ||
Department | 1 | 12,865,750 |
Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission | 40 | 980,366 |
Library and Archives of Canada | 45 | 3,668,597 |
National Battlefields Commission | 55 | 351,539 |
National Film Board | 60 | 748,942 |
Public Service Commission | 80 | 4,770,350 |
Public Service Labour Relations Board | 85 | 530,850 |
Public Service Staffing Tribunal | 90 | 222,550 |
Registry of the Public Servants Disclosure Protection Tribunal | 95 | 82,180 |
Status of Women - Office of the Co-ordinator | 100 | 347,900 |
Citizenship and Immigration | ||
Department | 1 | 5,553,747 |
Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada | 10 | 4,429,300 |
Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec | 1 | 2,117,850 |
Environment | ||
Department | 1 | 36,616,900 |
Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency | 15 | 795,100 |
National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy | 20 | 235,200 |
Finance | ||
Department | 1 | 4,487,150 |
Auditor General | 15 | 3,572,050 |
Canadian International Trade Tribunal | 20 | 465,300 |
Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada | 25 | 1,830,052 |
Fisheries and Oceans | 1 | 49,240,964 |
Foreign Affairs and International Trade | ||
Department | 1 | 48,445,027 |
Canadian International Development Agency | 20 | 10,360,700 |
International Joint Commission | 40 | 263,050 |
NAFTA Secretariat - Canadian Section | 45 | 109,100 |
Governor General | 1 | 537,347 |
Health | ||
Department | 1 | 41,130,057 |
Assisted Human Reproduction Agency of Canada | 15 | 641,700 |
Canadian Institutes of Health Research | 20 | 1,876,407 |
Hazardous Materials Information Review Commission | 30 | 151,200 |
Patented Medicine Prices Review Board | 35 | 352,104 |
Public Health Agency of Canada | 40 | 21,652,000 |
Human Resources and Skills Development | ||
Department | 1 | 17,130,604 |
Canada Industrial Relations Board | 10 | 536,650 |
Canadian Artists and Producers Professional Relations Tribunal | 20 | 88,500 |
Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety | 25 | 368,103 |
Indian Affairs and Northern Development | ||
Department | 1 | 47,489,899 |
Office of the Federal Interlocutor for Métis and non-Status Indians | 20 | 466,800 |
Canadian Polar Commission | 40 | 34,449 |
Indian Specific Claims Commission | 50 | 306,800 |
Industry | ||
Department | 1 | 19,640,841 |
Canadian Space Agency | 25 | 9,273,200 |
Competition Tribunal | 45 | 76,800 |
Copyright Board | 50 | 114,750 |
National Research Council Of Canada | 55 | 18,284,049 |
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council | 70 | 1,826,850 |
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council | 80 | 999,650 |
Statistics Canada | 95 | 25,908,250 |
Justice | ||
Department | 1 | 21,954,650 |
Canadian Human Rights Commission | 10 | 521,158 |
Canadian Human Rights Tribunal | 15 | 190,794 |
Commissioner For Federal Judicial Affairs | 20 | 382,150 |
Commissioner For Federal Judicial Affairs - Canadian Judicial | ||
Council | 25 | 79,700 |
Courts Administration Service | 30 | 2,544,999 |
Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions | 35 | 3,574,907 |
Office of the Information Commissioner of Canada | 40 | 302,260 |
Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada | 45 | 788,100 |
Supreme Court Of Canada | 50 | 1,043,850 |
National Defence | ||
Department | 1 | 120,882,595 |
Department | 5 | 77,996,495 |
Department | 10 | 1,120,910 |
Canadian Forces Grievance Board | 15 | 291,500 |
Military Police Complaints Commission | 20 | 156,950 |
Natural Resources | ||
Department | 1 | 30,042,465 |
Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission | 15 | 3,249,875 |
National Energy Board | 25 | 1,647,577 |
Northern Pipeline Agency | 30 | 12,200 |
Parliament | ||
The Senate * | 1 | 2,798,445 |
House of Commons * | 5 | 10,286,489 |
Library of Parliament * | 15 | 1,339,819 |
Office of the Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner * | 20 | 228,850 |
Senate Ethics Officer * | 25 | 24,908 |
Privy Council | ||
Department | 1 | 5,427,450 |
Canadian Intergovernmental Conference Secretariat | 5 | 302,800 |
Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board | 10 | 1,270,750 |
Chief Electoral Officer | 15 | 1,088,300 |
Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages | 20 | 854,250 |
Public Appointments Commission Secretariat | 25 | 47,249 |
Security Intelligence Review Committee | 30 | 131,000 |
Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness | ||
Department | 1 | 5,771,600 |
Canadian Security Intelligence Service | 20 | 15,552,050 |
Correctional Service | 30 | 76,384,350 |
National Parole Board | 40 | 1,886,890 |
Office of the Correctional Investigator | 45 | 138,650 |
Royal Canadian Mounted Police | 50 | 150,028,900 |
Royal Canadian Mounted Police External Review Committee | 65 | 52,200 |
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Public Complaints Commission | 70 | 252,550 |
Public Works and Government Services | 1 | 31,619,141 |
Transport | ||
Department | 1 | 32,083,100 |
Canadian Transportation Agency | 25 | 1,130,550 |
Office of Infrastructure of Canada | 50 | 1,368,100 |
Transportation Appeal Tribunal of Canada | 70 | 60,044 |
Treasury Board | ||
Secretariat | 1 | 8,227,620 |
Canada School of Public Service | 35 | 2,722,727 |
Office of the Public Sector Integrity Commissioner | 40 | 71,271 |
Office of the Commissioner of Lobbying | 45 | 151,300 |
Public Service Human Resources Management Agency of Canada | 50 | 2,953,029 |
Veterans Affairs | ||
Department | 1 | 9,990,025 |
Department - Veterans Review and Appeal Board | 15 | 182,651 |
Western Economic Diversification | 1 | 2,126,350 |
Total approved allocations | 1,099,683,843 | |
Vote 30 - Paylist Requirements | $0 | |
Subject to the approval of the Treasury Board, this Vote supplements other appropriations by | ||
providing the government with funding to meet legal requirements of the employer such as | ||
parental and maternity leave, entitlements upon cessation of service or employment and | ||
adjustments made to terms and conditions of service or employment in the public service. | ||
Departments and agencies may access this Vote throughout the fiscal year. | ||
No allocations have been made from TB Vote 30. |
Department, Agency or Crown Corporation | $000s |
Funding for the Canada Strategic Infrastructure Fund relating to investments in public infrastructure projects | |
designed to improve the quality of life in both urban and rural communities | |
(This funding will support new public infrastructure projects (roads, water and wastewater systems) related to the | |
construction of Torbay Bypass in the St. John's area, the construction of a water filtration plant in the City of Corner | |
Brook, the upgrade and construction of water treatment and distribution facilities in rural Saskatchewan, the clean-up, | |
treatment, and system upgrade of wastewater in the Hamilton Harbour area and in the cities of Brockville and Sarnia, | |
and the supply and implementation of satellite infrastructures for broadband internet services to First Nations | |
communities in remote British Columbia.) | |
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency | 29 |
Industry | 59 |
Office of Infrastructure of Canada | 34,623 |
Transport | 33 |
Western Economic Diversification | 77 |
Total | 34,821 |
Funding for the establishment of a Great Lakes/St. Lawrence Seaway Marine Security Operations Centre to | |
improve security capabilities in the region by identifying and addressing threats to national security | |
(This funding will support the security enhancement of the interim Great Lakes Marine Security Operations Centre by | |
increasing its hours of operation and bringing all involved departments to collocate staff on the site. This will allow for | |
a faster and more co-ordinated response to national security threats in the Great Lakes/St. Lawrence Seaway region. | |
The funding will also be used to fund a legal analysis related to interagency information sharing capabilities. The | |
augmentation of operations at the interim facility and the legal analysis will help inform the establishment of a | |
permanent facility as announced in Budget 2008.) | |
Canada Border Services Agency | 705 |
Fisheries and Oceans | 328 |
Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness | 345 |
Transport | 328 |
Total | 1,706 |
Funding for the Internal Inquiry into the Actions of Canadian Officials in Relation to Abdullah Almalki, | |
Ahmad Abou-Elmaati and Muayyed Nureddin and resources to permit departments to support the work of the | |
Inquiry | |
(This funding will help sustain activities until the submission of the report of the internal inquiry in fall 2008. More | |
specifically, additional resources are required for activities such as: preparing witnesses for potential follow-up | |
interviews; responding to and collecting evidence in anticipation of section 13 notices under the Inquiries Act; | |
responding to the public factual narratives; reviewing and undertaking lengthy redaction of sensitive information | |
associated with national security confidentiality; preparing closing submissions; and formulating proactive responses to | |
anticipated findings in the final report.) | |
Canadian Security Intelligence Service | 371 |
Foreign Affairs and International Trade | 583 |
Justice | 1,381 |
Privy Council | 2,944 |
Royal Canadian Mounted Police | 975 |
Total | 6,254 |
Funding for the operations of the Wage Earner Protection Program which restores wages and vacation pay owing | |
to workers whose employers are declared bankrupt or are subject to receivership under the Bankruptcy and | |
Insolvency Act | |
(This funding will cover the program administration costs of the Wage Earner Protection Program in areas such as | |
systems development, call center staffing, processing applications and issuing payments, Internet/intranet development, | |
and development and delivery of training to all service channels. The Program is aimed at closing a serious gap in the | |
bankruptcy/insolvency system, as the present system lacks an effective mechanism to provide certain and timely payment | |
of unpaid wages and earned but unused vacation pay to workers whose employers go into bankruptcy or receivership.) | |
Canada Revenue Agency | 316 |
Human Resources and Skills Development | 34,025 |
Total | 34,341 |
Funding for the planning and pre-games operations related to policing and security at the 2010 Olympic and | |
Paralympic Winter Games | |
(This funding will support policing and security for the Games through planning activities such as: provision of | |
independent policy advice to the government, engagement in the negotiations process for the necessary agreements and | |
mechanisms for the delivery of security operations, co-ordination, facilitation and liaison between key federal security | |
stakeholders and 2010 Games' collaborators, preparation to provide expertise and manpower to help create a public | |
health surveillance system, emergency training and laboratory services to federal/provincial/local health responders, | |
and augmentation of infrastructure to assist the collection and analysis of security intelligence and dissemination of | |
threat assessments.) | |
Canadian Security Intelligence Service | 500 |
Public Health Agency of Canada | 140 |
Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness | 700 |
Royal Canadian Mounted Police | 30,249 |
Total | 31,589 |
Funding for the renewal of the Genomics Research and Development Initiative | |
(This funding will be used to conduct research on specific areas such as canola crop enhancements, increased crop | |
quality for multiple uses and environmentally sustainable strategies for the control of pests and germs, use of human | |
genetic information and genomics applications related to diseases, genomics-based pest control for Canada's forests, | |
application of genomics towards aquatic, terrestrial and wildlife toxicology, and genetic profiling of aquatic resources.) | |
Agriculture and Agri-Food | 5,640 |
Environment | 1,000 |
Health | 4,000 |
National Research Council of Canada | 5,367 |
Natural Resources | 1,948 |
Total | 17,955 |
Funding related to government advertising programs | |
(This funding will support advertising campaigns and initiatives intended to provide information to Canadians on a | |
variety of government programs and services. More specifically, this funding relates to the implementation of | |
12 advertising campaigns: “Advantage Canada”, “Tax Free Savings Account”, “Canadian Forces Recruitment”, “Tax | |
Filing Season 2008", ”Travellers Biosecurity Awareness", “A Responsive Immigration System”, “Remembrance Day | |
Vignette”, “Post-Secondary Education Financing - Parents”, “Post-Secondary Education - Students”, “Services to | |
Newcomers”, “RCMP National Recruitment”, and “Public Service Award of Excellence”.) | |
Canada Revenue Agency | 6,000 |
Canadian Food Inspection Agency | 2,000 |
Citizenship and Immigration | 2,000 |
Finance | 15,000 |
Human Resources and Skills Development | 5,470 |
National Defence | 10,000 |
Public Service Human Resources Management Agency of Canada | 120 |
Royal Canadian Mounted Police | 1,000 |
Veterans Affairs | 1,100 |
Total | 42,690 |
Funding to complete the comprehensive mapping of Canada's seabed in both the Arctic and Atlantic Oceans and | |
to prepare Canada's submission to the Commission on the Limits on the Continental Shelf under the United | |
Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea | |
(This funding will respond to a Budget 2008 commitment to provide additional support to collect the information | |
required to complete a comprehensive and credible submission to the United Nations Commission on the Limits of the | |
Continental Shelf by the end of 2013. Resources will be used to complete seismic and bathymetric mappings in the | |
Atlantic and Arctic Oceans, to provide logistical support and perform data collection, and to prepare the initial legal | |
work to support Canada's submission.) | |
Fisheries and Oceans | 968 |
Foreign Affairs and International Trade | 296 |
Natural Resources | 1,631 |
Total | 2,895 |
Funding to coordinate overall government policy and operations in relation to the Mackenzie Gas Project | |
(This funding will provide resources to co-ordinate overall government policy and operations in relation to the | |
Mackenzie Gas Project in 2008-09. Funds will be used to co-ordinate and develop the government's response to the | |
recommendations of the expected environmental assessment in early 2009, to develop the regulatory plan, to respond to | |
the proposal from proponents seeking financial assistance, and to help Aboriginal organizations prepare for the next | |
phases of project development.) | |
Indian Affairs and Northern Development | 1,880 |
Industry | 5,219 |
Total | 7,099 |
Funding to establish scholarships for top Canadian and international doctoral students, to establish a new | |
international study stipend, and to strengthen the ability of Canadian universities to attract and retain top science | |
leaders | |
(This funding will support the Budget 2008 commitment to invest in people through the strengthening or establishment of | |
three new programs. First, the Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship program aims to build world-class research | |
capacity and promote excellence in research by attracting and retaining the world's top doctorate students. Second, the | |
Canada Foreign Study Stipend program is intended to build global linkages and international networks by offering | |
recipients of Canada Graduate Scholarships with the opportunity to pursue exceptional research experiences at | |
academic institutions outside of Canada. Finally, the Canada Excellence Research Chairs program will be set up to | |
target the very top tier of world-class researchers in four priority areas: environmental science and technologies, | |
natural resources and energy, health and related life sciences and technologies, and information and communications | |
technologies. | |
Canadian Institutes of Health Research | 528 |
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council | 738 |
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council | 2,270 |
Total | 3,536 |
Funding to establish, develop, and operate federal protected areas in the Northwest Territories | |
(This funding will support the establishment and management of six new National Wildlife Areas, the development and | |
operations of Sahoyue-Ehdacho National Historic Site, the feasibility assessment for a national park on the east arm of | |
Great Slave Lake, and the promotion and co-ordination of efforts for the identification, development and safe use of | |
protected areas as part of the continuing implementation of the Northwest Territories Protected Areas Strategy.) | |
Environment | 1,135 |
Indian Affairs and Northern Development | 1,029 |
Parks Canada Agency | 1,820 |
Total | 3,984 |
Funding to implement the Federal Elder Abuse Initiative to foster the dignity, safety, and security of seniors | |
(This funding will respond to a Budget 2008 commitment to help seniors, their families and professional groups | |
recognize the signs and symptoms of elder abuse and to provide information on what support is available through the | |
Federal Elder Abuse Initiative. Overarching activities to support this initiative include, for example, a national public | |
awareness campaign, the development of appropriate elder abuse-related information, resources and tools for frontline | |
health, medical, legal, police and financial workers.) | |
Human Resources and Skills Development | 3,322 |
Justice | 694 |
Public Health Agency of Canada | 187 |
Total | 4,203 |
Funding to provide continued support to resolve comprehensive land claims negotiations outside British | |
Columbia | |
(This funding will support: loans to native claimants to engage in negotiations, the federal operations required to | |
continue negotiating comprehensive land claims, the acquisitions and holding costs of surplus federal real property for | |
comprehensive land claims negotiations, the capacity and expertise of Aboriginal groups to manage land and resources | |
after the settlement of claims, and the ongoing implementation of interim agreements with the Dehcho First Nations, | |
including the agreement related to the Nahanni National Park Reserve.) | |
Indian Affairs and Northern Development | 25,919 |
Parks Canada Agency | 233 |
Total | 26,152 |
Funding to support bilateral and tripartite processes and ongoing activities under the Beyond Powley: | |
Management of Métis Aboriginal Rights initiative | |
(This funding will support the continuation of activities to develop the response to the Powley decision, to develop and | |
solidify membership and identification systems to enhance capacity and governance, to maintain ongoing dialogues with | |
other jurisdictions to develop consistent and cooperative approaches to the management of Métis Aboriginal rights, and | |
to co-ordinate efforts within the federal government on the resource management and awareness-building activities | |
related to wildlife management, environmental sustainability, and culturally sensitive policing.) | |
Environment | 941 |
Indian Affairs and Northern Development | 11,834 |
Parks Canada Agency | 1,096 |
Royal Canadian Mounted Police | 660 |
Total | 14,531 |
Transfer from Canadian Heritage - For the development of Official Language Minority Communities | |
(Interdepartmental Partnership with the Official Language Communities) | |
(This funding will provide financial support for initiatives such as: strengthening the management capabilities of English | |
language harbour authorities in Quebec, a project to pair members of English speaking communities with French | |
speaking leaders of fishers' organizations, strengthening leadership and partnership building skills of English speaking | |
fishers' organizations in the Quebec region, facilitating the transition to new economic activities and the rationalization | |
of the fishing fleets for English speaking fishers in the Quebec Lower-North shore, a study of the traditional knowledge | |
and current practices of Îles-de-la-Madeleine fishermen, an exhibition to tell the history of both English speaking and | |
French speaking settlers in the Gaspé, projects to contribute to sustainable community development and full | |
participation of women from official language minority communities in the economic, cultural and social life of | |
Canada.) | |
Fisheries and Oceans | 77 |
Parks Canada Agency | 122 |
Status of Women - Office of the Co-ordinator | 300 |
Total | 499 |
Transfer from Canadian Heritage - In support of activities to advance the creation of cultural content on-line and | |
other digitization projects (Canadian Culture On-line Program) | |
(This funding includes support for digitization projects which will protect and preserve historically significant items | |
such as: radio and television recordings; collections of posters and broadsides, French Canadian newspapers from 1808 | |
to 1919, recordings of poetry and other biographical information of Canadian poets, archival images, artefacts and | |
clothing worn by Canadians from 1840 to 1890, and games with an emphasis on the middle years of the 20th century; | |
historical theatre production set designs; Inuit prints from the Cape Dorset region of Baffin Island in Nunavut; and | |
stories of the people and families who make up the history of the Canadian naval service for its 100th anniversary.) | |
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation | 2,000 |
Canadian Museum of Civilization | 2,093 |
Library and Archives of Canada | 2,129 |
National Arts Centre Corporation | 450 |
Total | 6,672 |
GRAND TOTAL | 238,927 |
Organizations routinely request the authority to transfer monies between organizations for various purposes. This table provides a summary of these transactions. Positive amounts reflect organizations that are receiving funds, while negative amounts indicate the reductions to organizations transferring funds out.
The following table reflects transfers displayed in these Supplementary Estimates.
Department/Agency | Vote | Dollars |
Adjustment to funding previously provided for departmental staff located at missions abroad | ||
Canadian Security Intelligence Service | Vote 20 (Operating expenditures) | 52,600 |
Foreign Affairs and International Trade | Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) | (52,600) |
Adjustment to funding previously provided for the security of the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter | ||
Games | ||
Royal Canadian Mounted Police | Vote 50 (Operating expenditures) | 250,000 |
Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness | Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) | (200,000) |
Public Health Agency of Canada | Vote 40 (Operating expenditures) | (50,000) |
As a result of the amalgamation of the Office of Indian Residential Schools Resolution with Indian Affairs | ||
and Northern Development | ||
Indian Affairs and Northern Development | Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) | 265,174,248 |
Vote 10 (Grants and contributions) | 9,767,027 | |
Office of Indian Residential Schools | Vote 55 (Operating expenditures) | (265,174,248) |
Resolution of Canada | Vote 60 (Contributions) | (9,767,027) |
For a joint contribution to the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (CICAD) and to provide | ||
training to hemispheric law enforcement organizations on specialized investigative techniques related to | ||
major drug cases | ||
Foreign Affairs and International Trade | Vote 10 (Grants and contributions) | 100,000 |
Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness | Vote 5 (Grants and contributions) | (100,000) |
For costs associated with Federal/Provincial/Territorial meetings of the Council on Public Safety to combat | ||
organized crime | ||
Royal Canadian Mounted Police | Vote 50 (Operating expenditures) | 20,000 |
Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness | Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) | (20,000) |
For First Nations community policing services | ||
Royal Canadian Mounted Police | Vote 50 (Operating expenditures) | 39,761,069 |
Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness | Vote 5 (Grants and contributions) | (39,761,069) |
For investments in search and rescue coordination initiatives across Canada | ||
Royal Canadian Mounted Police | Vote 50 (Operating expenditures) | 88,481 |
National Defence | Vote 5 (Capital expenditures) | (88,481) |
For policy development in the areas of front-line policing and national policing | ||
Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness | Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) | 1,500,000 |
Royal Canadian Mounted Police | Vote 50 (Operating expenditures) | (1,500,000) |
For program continuity in the implementation of the Growing Forward Policy Framework | ||
Canadian Food Inspection Agency | Vote 30 (Operating expenditures and | 2,400,000 |
contributions) | ||
Agriculture and Agri-Food | Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) | (2,400,000) |
For public security initiatives related to the Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Research and | ||
Technology Initiative | ||
Fisheries and Oceans | Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) | 15,000 |
Canadian Security Intelligence Service | Vote 20 (Operating expenditures) | 151,000 |
Natural Resources | Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) | 195,500 |
Environment | Vote 5 (Capital expenditures) | 315,000 |
Public Health Agency of Canada | Vote 40 (Operating expenditures) | 460,000 |
Health | Vote 5 (Capital expenditures) | 1,008,000 |
Royal Canadian Mounted Police | Vote 55 (Capital expenditures) | 1,641,000 |
National Defence | Vote 5 (Capital expenditures) | (3,785,500) |
For research aimed at prevention and treatment of childhood obesity | ||
Canadian Institutes of Health Research | Vote 25 (Grants) | 366,571 |
Health | Vote 10 (Grants and contributions) | (366,571) |
For research to inform policy development related to sport participation | ||
Social Sciences and Humanities Research | Vote 85 (Grants) | 297,528 |
Council | ||
Canadian Heritage | Vote 5 (Grants and contributions) | (297,528) |
For salary shortfalls and the costs of publishing Transportation Appeal Tribunal of Canada's decisions on its | ||
web-site | ||
Transportation Appeal Tribunal of Canada | Vote 70 (Program expenditures) | 400,000 |
Transport | Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) | (400,000) |
For the 2008 update of the National Compensation Study of Managerial and Administrative Personnel in | ||
Not-For-Profit Arts Organizations | ||
Canada Council for the Arts | Vote 10 (Payments to the Canada Council for | 27,500 |
the Arts under section 18 of the Canada | ||
Council for the Arts Act , to be used for the | ||
furtherance of the objects set out in section 8 | ||
of that Act) | ||
Canadian Heritage | Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) | (27,500) |
For the cost of enforcement of the proposed regulatory amendments related to enhanced allergen labelling | ||
Canadian Food Inspection Agency | Vote 30 (Operating expenditures and | 500,000 |
contributions) | ||
Health | Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) | (500,000) |
For the development of the BC Scene Festival in Ottawa, which will showcase the British Columbia arts | ||
community, build new export opportunities and encourage cultural tourism | ||
National Arts Centre Corporation | Vote 50 (Payments to the National Arts Centre | 250,000 |
Corporation) | ||
Western Economic Diversification | Vote 5 (Grants and contributions) | (250,000) |
For the development of Official Language Minority Communities (Interdepartmental Partnership with the | ||
Official Language Communities) | ||
Status of Women - Office of the | Vote105 (Grants and contributions) | 300,000 |
Co-ordinator | ||
Parks Canada Agency | Vote 25 (Program expenditures) | 122,000 |
Fisheries and Oceans | Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) | 42,500 |
Vote 10 (Grants and contributions) | 34,000 | |
Canadian Heritage | Vote 5 (Grants and contributions) | (498,500) |
For the implementation of the transformation agenda towards improving institutions and community | ||
corrections facilities | ||
National Parole Board | Vote 40 (Program expenditures) | 315,000 |
Correctional Service | Vote 30 (Operating expenditures) | (315,000) |
For the Institute for Connectivity in the Americas program that encourages the equitable use of information | ||
and communication technology in order to improve democratic governance and to promote social and | ||
economic development in the Americas region | ||
International Development Research Centre | Vote 35 (Payments to the International | 2,700,000 |
Development Research Centre) | ||
Canadian International Development | Vote 25 (Grants and contributions) | (2,700,000) |
Agency | ||
For the Kativik Regional Government to streamline the delivery of youth programming | ||
Human Resources and Skills Development | Vote 5 (Grants and contributions) | 617,328 |
Indian Affairs and Northern Development | Vote 10 (Grants and contributions) | (617,328) |
For the National Historical Recognition Program to present the story of First World War national | ||
internment operations | ||
Parks Canada Agency | Vote 25 (Program expenditures) | 270,000 |
Canadian Heritage | Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) | (270,000) |
For the Northern Scientific Training Program | ||
Indian Affairs and Northern Development | Vote 10 (Grants and contributions) | 100,000 |
National Research Council of Canada | Vote 55 (Operating expenditures) | (25,000) |
National Defence | Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) | (25,000) |
Health | Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) | (25,000) |
Fisheries and Oceans | Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) | (25,000) |
For the Organizational Readiness Office | ||
Treasury Board Secretariat | Vote 1 (Program expenditures) | 934,800 |
Public Works and Government Services | Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) | (934,800) |
For the Programs and Services Transfer Agreements on Aboriginal Languages | ||
Canadian Heritage | Vote 5 (Grants and contributions) | 104,929 |
Indian Affairs and Northern Development | Vote10 (Grants and contributions) | (104,929) |
For the Toronto Region Research Alliance | ||
National Research Council of Canada | Vote 65 (Grants and contributions) | 375,000 |
Industry | Vote 10 (Grants and contributions) | (375,000) |
For the transfer of 36 hectares of land in Ottawa | ||
National Research Council of Canada | Vote 60 (Capital expenditures) | 6,906,988 |
National Defence | Vote 5 (Capital expenditures) | (6,906,988) |
Funding relating to a contribution agreement for the student vehicle competition EcoCAR | ||
Natural Resources | Vote 5 (Grants and contributions) | 50,000 |
Transport | Vote 10 (Grants and contributions) | (50,000) |
In support of activities to advance the creation of cultural content on-line and other digitization projects | ||
(Canadian Culture On-Line Program) | ||
Library and Archives Canada | Vote 45 (Program expenditures) | 2,129,036 |
Canadian Museum of Civilization | Vote 30 (Payments to the Canadian Museum | 2,093,093 |
of Civilization for operating and capital | ||
expenditures) | ||
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation | Vote 15 (Payments to the Canadian | 2,000,000 |
Broadcasting Corporation for operating | ||
expenditures) | ||
National Arts Centre Corporation | Vote 50 (Payments to the National Arts Centre | 450,000 |
Corporation) | ||
Canadian Heritage | Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) | (6,672,129) |
In support of the development and negotiation of the longer-term DNA and biology casework analysis | ||
agreements with provinces and territories | ||
Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness | Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) | 337,500 |
Royal Canadian Mounted Police | Vote 50 (Operating expenditures) | (337,500) |
In support of the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America | ||
Canada Border Services Agency | Vote 10 (Operating expenditures and | 234,000 |
contributions) | ||
Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness | Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) | (234,000) |
Return of funding for the update of the Model National Energy Code of Canada for Buildings document | ||
Natural Resources | Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) | 497,333 |
National Research Council of Canada | Vote 55 (Operating expenditures) | (497,333) |
To continue the environmental restoration of key aquatic areas of concern identified under the Canada- | ||
United States Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement | ||
Fisheries and Oceans | Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) | 549,800 |
Environment | Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) | (549,800) |
To fund projects aimed at combating human trafficking | ||
Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness | Vote 5 (Grants and contributions) | 50,000 |
Royal Canadian Mounted Police | Vote 50 (Operating expenditures) | (50,000) |
To fund the advertising campaign for the Children's Fitness Tax Credit | ||
Canada Revenue Agency | Vote 1 (Program expenditures) | 1,225,000 |
Public Health Agency of Canada | Vote 40 (Operating expenditures) | (1,225,000) |
To promote public awareness and community participation in National Aboriginal Day events | ||
Canadian Heritage | Vote 5 (Grants and contributions) | 80,000 |
Indian Affairs and Northern Development | Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) | (80,000) |
To provide additional operating funds for processing cases | ||
Competition Tribunal | Vote 45 (Program expenditures) | 300,000 |
Industry | Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) | (300,000) |
To provide for First Nations management costs related to the clean up of Unexploded Explosive Ordnance | ||
contaminated sites | ||
Indian Affairs and Northern Development | Vote 10 (Grants and contributions) | 395,600 |
National Defence | Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) | (395,600) |
To provide support for the National Aboriginal Council on HIV/AIDS in addition to other related activities | ||
such as the Aboriginal AIDS Awareness Week and HIV/AIDS prevention, education and awareness for Inuit | ||
peoples | ||
Public Health Agency of Canada | Vote 40 (Operating expenditures) | 48,600 |
Vote 45 (Grants and contributions) | 330,000 | |
Health | Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) | (48,600) |
Vote 10 (Grants and contributions) | (330,000) | |
To provide support to departmental staff located at missions abroad | ||
Foreign Affairs and International Trade | Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) | 3,103,500 |
Vote 5 (Capital expenditures) | 2,285,400 | |
Agriculture and Agri-Food | Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) | (248,800) |
Canadian Food Inspection Agency | Vote 30 (Operating expenditures and | (831,400) |
contributions) | ||
Canada Border Services Agency | Vote 10 (Operating expenditures and | (941,700) |
contributions) | ||
Transport | Vote 1 (Operating Expenditures) | (147,700) |
Vote 5 (Capital expenditures) | (56,000) | |
Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness | Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) | (182,700) |
Royal Canadian Mounted Police | Vote 50 (Operating expenditures) | (58,900) |
Canadian International Development | Vote 25 (Grants and contributions) | (2,250,000) |
Agency | ||
National Defence | Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) | (671,700) |
To provide support to the North American Platform Program Partnership | ||
Foreign Affairs and International Trade | Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) | 1,200,000 |
National Research Council of Canada | Vote 55 (Operating expenditures) | (500,000) |
Economic Development Agency of Canada | Vote 5 (Grants and contributions) | (700,000) |
for the Regions of Quebec | ||
To repay an advance that has allowed the Indian Specific Claims Commission to continue its operations since | ||
April 1, 2008 | ||
Indian Affairs and Northern Development | Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) | 3,158,015 |
Indian Specific Claims Commission | Vote 50 (Program expenditures) | (3,158,015) |
To share expenses for statistical reports on the arts in Canada | ||
Canadian Heritage | Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) | 25,583 |
Canada Council for the Arts | Vote 10 (Payments to the Canada Council for | (25,583) |
the Arts under section 18 of the Canada | ||
Council for the Arts Act , to be used for the | ||
furtherance of the objects set out in section 8 | ||
of that Act) | ||
To support Aboriginal involvement in activities intended to protect terrestrial species at risk under the | ||
Species at Risk Act | ||
Environment | Vote 10 (Grants and contributions) | 67,763 |
Fisheries and Oceans | Vote 10 (Grants and contributions) | (67,763) |
To support and coordinate the government response to the environmental assessment of the Mackenzie Gas | ||
Project | ||
Industry | Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) | 325,000 |
Natural Resources | Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) | (325,000) |
To support Hepatitis C associated research and inter-disciplinary training programs for scientists | ||
Canadian Institutes of Health Research | Vote 20 (Operating expenditures) | 54,000 |
Vote 25 (Grants) | 900,000 | |
Public Health Agency of Canada | Vote 40 (Operating expenditures) | (54,000) |
Vote 45 (Grants and contributions) | (900,000) | |
To support projects that give access to cultural products in both official languages | ||
Telefilm Canada | Vote 110 (Payments to Telefilm Canada to be | 75,000 |
used for the purposes set out in the Telefilm | ||
Canada Act ) | ||
Canadian Heritage | Vote 5 (Grants and contributions) | (75,000) |
To support research activities during the International Polar Year | ||
Environment | Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) | 153,333 |
Indian Affairs and Northern Development | Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) | (153,333) |
To support research aimed at the prevention of Aboriginal youth suicide | ||
Canadian Institutes of Health Research | Vote 25 (Grants) | 100,000 |
Health | Vote 10 (Grants and contributions) | (100,000) |
To support research at the Royal Military College through the University Faculty Awards Program | ||
National Defence | Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) | 80,000 |
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research | Vote 75 (Grants) | (80,000) |
Council | ||
To support specific research in the area of assisted human reproduction and reproductive technologies | ||
Canadian Institutes of Health Research | Vote 25 (Grants) | 75,000 |
Assisted Human Reproduction Agency of | Vote 15 (Program expenditures) | (75,000) |
Canada | ||
To support the activities that are essential to the continued implementation of the Public Service | ||
Modernization Act | ||
Treasury Board Secretariat | Vote 1 (Program expenditures) | 245,000 |
Canada Revenue Agency | Vote 1 (Program expenditures) | (245,000) |
To support the Applied Health Services Research Chair in the area of Health Human Resources | ||
Canadian Institutes of Health Research | Vote 25 (Grants) | 92,500 |
Health | Vote 10 (Grants and contributions) | (92,500) |
To support the Chrysotile Institute in order to help implement the safe and responsible use of chrysotile | ||
internationally | ||
Natural Resources | Vote 5 (Grants and contributions) | 125,000 |
Economic Development Agency of Canada | Vote 5 (Grants and contributions) | (125,000) |
for the Regions of Quebec | ||
To support the development and implementation of an international PubMed Central web site | ||
National Research Council of Canada | Vote 55 (Operating expenditures) | 123,500 |
Canadian Institutes of Health Research | Vote 20 (Operating expenditures) | (123,500) |
To support the Digby Harbour Port Association for repairs at the Digby Fishermen's Wharf in | ||
Nova Scotia | ||
Fisheries and Oceans | Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) | 1,305,000 |
Transport | Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) | (1,305,000) |
To support the Dominion Institute's Memory Project and help educate Canadian youth about the importance | ||
of remembrance | ||
Veterans Affairs | Vote 10 (Grants and contributions) | 100,000 |
Canadian Heritage | Vote 5 (Grants and contributions) | (100,000) |
To support the final phase of the delivery of generic job descriptions and the implementation of new work | ||
descriptions across all departments by the Human Resources Council | ||
National Defence | Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) | 105,683 |
Foreign Affairs and International Trade | Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) | (105,683) |
To support the Generation IV Energy Technologies Program whose main focus is the research and | ||
development of the Super-Critical Water-Cooled Reactor | ||
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research | Vote 75 (Grants) | 1,000,000 |
Council | ||
Natural Resources | Vote 5 (Grants and contributions) | (1,000,000) |
To support the National Managers' Community | ||
Public Service Human Resources | Vote 50 (Program expenditures) | 374,760 |
Management Agency of Canada | ||
Canada Revenue Agency | Vote 1 (Program expenditures) | (200,000) |
Health | Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) | (126,355) |
Industry | Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) | (48,405) |
To support the Partnerships for the Child and Youth Health Indicators Funding Opportunity Program | ||
Canadian Institutes of Health Research | Vote 25 (Grants) | 35,000 |
Public Health Agency of Canada | Vote 40 (Operating expenditures) | (35,000) |
To support the World Bank's new Debt Management Facility for Low-Income Countries | ||
Canadian International Development | Vote 25 (Grants and contributions) | 2,000,000 |
Agency | ||
Finance | Vote 5 (Grants and contributions) | (2,000,000) |
Through the Supplementary Estimates, an organization can seek changes to various spending authorities originally received through parliamentary approval of the previous Supply bills for Main or Supplementary Estimates. These alterations might include requests for additional funding relating to a transfer of funds from another organization, a re-allocation or amendment of existing spending authorities, or the addition of new authorities.
Parliamentary approval of such changes is sought through an enabling Supply bill. However, in order to be included in a Supply bill, an item must have a monetary value. This is not an issue when a department is also requesting an adjustment to its appropriation. However, in the absence of any increase to the Vote, a notional amount of “$1” allows the item to be included in the Supply bill.
The authority associated with each $1 item relates to either:
1. Approval of grants - The wording used in the Estimates to describe a grant has a legislative character and, therefore all new grants or increases to existing grants must first be approved by Parliament before any payments can be made to eligible recipients. A $1 item is included when there is no requirement for additional appropriations because the new grant or the increase to an existing grant is to be funded from within existing resources or from a transfer of funds from another organization.
2. Vote transfers within an organization - Through Supply legislation, an organization may have received spending authorities in more than one Vote (e.g., operating expenditures Vote and capital expenditures Vote). As the fiscal year progresses, and for various reasons, the organization may need to realign its approved funding due to changes in delivery mechanisms within organizational priorities.
3. Transfers between organizations - Transfers between organizations are used for a variety of reasons such as: to redirect funding from one organization to another in order to manage or to implement more efficiently an initiative or project; and/or to reflect new organizational responsibilities.
4. Modify authority embedded in existing vote wording - The Supplementary Estimates can be used to amend an existing authority that is embedded in the Vote wording of an organization. Most of these authorities can be found in the non-budgetary Vote wording of organizations and are related to limits or ceilings on loans and investments. Such non-budgetary Votes are preceded by the letter “L”.
The following table captures, under each of the above categories, the instances where a $1 item is required in these Supplementary Estimates. A number of these transactions can be captured in a department's Vote wording, but will require a single $1 item. Therefore, as the following table is presented by category, there may be some departmental Votes that appear more than once despite the fact they relate to a single $1 item.
1. Approval of grants | ||
Vote | ||
Organization | Number | Explanation |
Industry - Canadian Space Agency | 35b | To increase the grant "Class Grant Program to |
Support Awareness, Research and Training in Space | ||
Science and Technology" by $600,000 . | ||
Public Safety and emergency Preparedness - | 60b | To increase the grant “To compensate members of |
Royal Canadian Mounted Police | the Royal Canadian Mounted Police for injuries | |
received in the performance of duty” by $1,386,500 | ||
and to increase the grant “RCMP Survivor Income | ||
Plan” by $415,000 . | ||
2. Vote transfers within an organization | ||
Vote | ||
Organization | Number | Explanation |
Environment - Parks Canada Agency | 30b | To authorize the transfer of $12,000,000 from |
Environment Vote 25 for additional capital costs | ||
associated with new parks. | ||
Industry - Department | 5b | To authorize the transfer of $3,526,500 from |
Industry Vote 1 to support investments in various | ||
capital projects. | ||
Industry - Canadian Space Agency | 35b | To authorize the transfer of $600,000 from Industry |
Vote 25 , to fund grants to universities to study | ||
nanotechnology. | ||
Transport - Transportation Appeal Tribunal | 70b | To authorize the transfer of $400,000 from |
of Canada | Transport Vote 1 for salary shortfalls and the costs | |
of publishing the Transportation Appeal Tribunal | ||
Canada's decisions on its web-site. | ||
3. Transfers between organizations | ||
Vote | ||
Organization | Number | Explanation |
Agriculture and Agri-Food - Canadian | 30b | To authorize the transfer of $2,400,000 from |
Food Inspection Agency | Agriculture and Agri-Food Vote 1 in support of | |
assuring program continuity in the implementation of | ||
the Growing Forward Policy Framework and | ||
$500,000 from Health Vote 1 for the cost of | ||
enforcement of the proposed regulatory amendments | ||
related to enhanced allergen labelling. | ||
Canadian Heritage - Department | 1b | To authorize the transfer of $25,583 from Canadian |
Heritage Vote 10, to share expenses for statistical | ||
reports on the arts in Canada. | ||
Canadian Heritage - Canada Council for the | 10b | To authorize the transfer of $27,500 from Canadian |
Arts | Heritage Vote 1 for the 2008 update of the National | |
Compensation Study of Managerial and | ||
Administrative Personnel in Not-For-Profit Arts | ||
Organizations. | ||
Canadian Heritage - Canadian Broadcasting | 15b | To authorize the transfer of $2,000,000 from |
Corporation | Canadian Heritage Vote 1 in support of activities to | |
advance the creation of cultural content on-line and | ||
other digitization projects (Canadian Culture On-line | ||
Program). | ||
Canadian Heritage - National Arts Centre | 50b | To authorize the transfer of $450,000 from Canadian |
Corporation | Heritage Vote 1 in support of activities to advance | |
the creation of cultural content on-line and other | ||
digitization projects (Canadian Culture On-line | ||
Program) and $250,000 from Western Economic | ||
Diversification Vote 5 for the development of the BC | ||
Scene Festival in Ottawa, which will showcase the | ||
British Columbia arts community, build new export | ||
opportunities and encourage cultural tourism. | ||
Canadian Heritage - Telefilm Canada | 110b | To authorize the transfer of $75,000 from Canadian |
Heritage Vote 5 to support projects that give access | ||
to cultural products in both official languages. | ||
Health - Department | 5b | To authorize the transfer of $1,008,000 from |
National Defence Vote 5 for public security | ||
initiatives related to the Chemical, Biological, | ||
Radiological and Nuclear Research and Technology | ||
Initiative. | ||
Health - Public Health Agency of Canada | 45b | To authorize the transfer of $330,000 from Health |
Vote 10 to provide support for the National | ||
Aboriginal Council on HIV/AIDS in addition to other | ||
related activities such as the Aboriginal AIDS | ||
Awareness Week and HIV/AIDS prevention, | ||
education, and awareness for Inuit peoples. | ||
Industry - Competition Tribunal | 45b | To authorize the transfer of $300,000 from Industry |
Vote 1 to provide additional funds for processing | ||
cases. | ||
Industry - National Research Council of | 65b | To authorize the transfer of $375,000 from Industry |
Canada | Vote 10 for the Toronto Region Research Alliance. | |
Public Safety and emergency Preparedness | 10b | To authorize the transfer of $234,000 from Public |
- Canada Border Services Agency | Safety and Emergency Preparedness Vote 1 in | |
support of the Security and Prosperity Partnership of | ||
North America. | ||
Veterans Affairs - Department | 10b | To authorize the transfer of $100,000 from Canadian |
Heritage Vote 5 to support the Dominion Institute's | ||
Memory Project and help educate Canadian youth | ||
about the importance of remembrance. | ||
4. Modify authority embedded in existing vote wording | ||
Vote | ||
Organization | Number | Explanation |
Foreign Affairs and International Trade - | 12b | To increase, pursuant to subsection 10(3.1) of the |
Department | Export Development Act , the contingent liability of | |
Export Development Canada from $30,000,000,000 | ||
to $33,000,000,000 . | ||
Indian Affairs and Northern Development - | 7b | To increase from $1,700,000,000 to $2,200,000,000 |
Department | the amount of loans that the Minister of Indian Affairs | |
and Northern Development may guarantee pursuant to | ||
Indian Affairs and Northern Development Vote 5 , | ||
Appropriation Act No. 3, 1972 . | ||
Public Safety and emergency Preparedness - | 60b | The grants listed in the Estimates and contributions, |
Royal Canadian Mounted Police | provided that the amount listed for any grant may | |
be increased or decreased subject to the approval | ||
of the Treasury Board. | ||
Treasury Board - Secretariat | 30b | Paylist Requirements - Subject to the approval of the |
Treasury Board, to supplement other appropriations | ||
for requirements related to parental and maternity | ||
allowances, entitlements on cessation of service or | ||
employment and adjustments made to terms and | ||
conditions of service or employment of the federal | ||
public administration including members of the | ||
Royal Canadian Mounted Police and the Canadian | ||
Forces, where these have not been provided from | ||
Vote 15, Compensation Adjustments. |