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Ministry Summary | |||||
These Supplementary Estimates | |||||
Authorities | Adjustments to | Total Estimates | |||
Vote (dollars) | to date | Transfers | Appropriations | to date | |
Department | |||||
1a | Operating expenditures and authority for total | ||||
commitments, subject to allotment by the Treasury | |||||
Board, of $28,349,121,656 for the purposes of | |||||
Votes 1, 5 and 10 of the Department regardless of the | |||||
year in which the payment of those commitments | |||||
comes due (of which it is estimated that | |||||
$12,302,000,000 will come due for payment in future | |||||
years), authority to make payments from any of those | |||||
Votes to provinces or municipalities as contributions | |||||
toward construction done by those bodies, authority, | |||||
subject to the direction of the Treasury Board, to | |||||
make recoverable expenditures or advances from any | |||||
of those Votes in respect of materials supplied to or | |||||
services performed on behalf of individuals, | |||||
corporations, outside agencies, other government | |||||
departments and agencies and other governments and | |||||
authority to expend revenue, as authorized by the | |||||
Treasury Board, received during the fiscal year for the | |||||
purposes of any of those Votes and the payment to | |||||
each member of the Queen's Privy Council for | |||||
Canada who is a Minister without Portfolio or a | |||||
Minister of State who does not preside over a | |||||
Ministry of State of a salary not to exceed the salary | |||||
paid to Ministers of State who preside over Ministries | |||||
of State under the Salaries Act , as adjusted pursuant | |||||
to the Parliament of Canada Act and pro rata for any | |||||
period of less than a year - To authorize the transfer | |||||
of $838,685 from Industry Vote 85, and $332,500 | |||||
from Industry Vote 75, Appropriation Act No. 2, | |||||
2007-2008 for the purposes of this Vote and to | |||||
provide a further amount of | 11,848,854,106 | 20,905 | 1,191,785,131 | 13,040,660,142 | |
5a | Capital expenditures | 3,592,868,100 | (2,765,499) | 366,746,508 | 3,956,849,109 |
10 | Grants and contributions | 210,451,450 | . . . . . | . . . . . | 210,451,450 |
(S) | Minister of National Defence - Salary and motor car | ||||
allowance | 74,522 | . . . . . | . . . . . | 74,522 | |
(S) | Payments under the Supplementary Retirement | ||||
Benefits Act | 7,020,000 | . . . . . | . . . . . | 7,020,000 | |
(S) | Payments under Parts I-IV of the Defence Services | ||||
Pension Continuation Act | 1,550,000 | . . . . . | . . . . . | 1,550,000 | |
(S) | Payments to dependants of certain members of the | ||||
Royal Canadian Air Force killed while serving as | |||||
instructors under the British Commonwealth Air | |||||
Training Plan ( Appropriation Act No. 4, 1968 ) | 90,000 | . . . . . | . . . . . | 90,000 | |
(S) | Contributions to employee benefit plans - Members | ||||
of the Military | 957,396,275 | . . . . . | . . . . . | 957,396,275 | |
(S) | Contributions to employee benefit plans | 263,300,325 | . . . . . | . . . . . | 263,300,325 |
Total Department | 16,881,604,778 | (2,744,594) | 1,558,531,639 | 18,437,391,823 | |
Canadian Forces Grievance Board | |||||
15 | Program expenditures | 5,830,000 | . . . . . | . . . . . | 5,830,000 |
(S) | Contributions to employee benefit plans | 599,000 | . . . . . | . . . . . | 599,000 |
Total Agency | 6,429,000 | . . . . . | . . . . . | 6,429,000 | |
Military Police Complaints Commission | |||||
20 | Program expenditures | 3,139,000 | . . . . . | . . . . . | 3,139,000 |
(S) | Contributions to employee benefit plans | 295,000 | . . . . . | . . . . . | 295,000 |
Total Agency | 3,434,000 | . . . . . | . . . . . | 3,434,000 | |
Total Ministry | 16,891,467,778 | (2,744,594) | 1,558,531,639 | 18,447,254,823 | |
Department | |||
Explanation of Requirements (thousands of dollars) | |||
National Defence requests funds for the following items: | |||
Voted Appropriations | Vote 1 | Vote 5 | Total |
Funding to strengthen the Canadian Forces' independent capacity to defend Canada's | |||
national sovereignty and security (Canada First) | 860,078 | 15,098 | 875,176 |
Funding for Canada's military mission in Afghanistan | 340,867 | . . . . . | 340,867 |
Funding advanced for major capital equipment projects including airlift capability | |||
(strategic and tactical), battle tank replacement, and howitzers | 9,344 | 153,139 | 162,483 |
Funding to acquire main battle tanks for the Canadian Forces | . . . . . | 131,000 | 131,000 |
Funding to extend the life of the Halifax Class frigates | . . . . . | 49,749 | 49,749 |
Funding to relocate the Joint Task Force 2 | . . . . . | 24,207 | 24,207 |
Funding to acquire Arctic/offshore patrol ships | . . . . . | 14,400 | 14,400 |
Funding related to government advertising programs ( horizontal item ) | 10,000 | . . . . . | 10,000 |
Funding for activities that are essential to the continued implementation of the Public | |||
Service Modernization Act ( horizontal item ) | 1,851 | . . . . . | 1,851 |
Reinvestment of royalties from intellectual property | 351 | . . . . . | 351 |
Funding in support of the Federal Accountability Act to evaluate all ongoing grant | |||
and contribution programs every five years ( horizontal item ) | 181 | . . . . . | 181 |
Funding for implementation of the action plan to strengthen Canada's regulatory | |||
system and establish a Centre of Regulatory Expertise within the Treasury Board | |||
Secretariat ( horizontal item ) | 59 | . . . . . | 59 |
Gross Voted Appropriations | 1,222,731 | 387,593 | 1,610,324 |
Funds Available | |||
Less: Spending authorities available within the Vote | 30,946 | 20,847 | 51,793 |
Total Voted Appropriations | 1,191,785 | 366,746 | 1,558,531 |
Transfers | |||
Transfer from Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council - To support the | |||
indirect costs of federally-funded research at the Royal Military College | 769 | . . . . . | 769 |
Transfer from Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council ($333) and Social | |||
Sciences and Humanities Research Council ($70) - To support the Canada | |||
Research Chairs at the Royal Military College | 403 | . . . . . | 403 |
Transfer to Fisheries and Oceans ($744) and to Royal Canadian Mounted | |||
Police ($188) - For investments in search and rescue coordination initiatives | |||
across Canada | . . . . . | (931) | (931) |
Transfer to Foreign Affairs and International Trade - To provide support to | |||
departmental staff located at missions abroad | (1,150) | . . . . . | (1,150) |
Transfer to Health ($825), Public Health Agency of Canada ($432), Natural | |||
Resources ($280), Canadian Food Inspection Agency ($255), and Agriculture and | |||
Agri-food ($42) - For public security initiatives ( horizontal item ) | . . . . . | (1,834) | (1,834) |
Total Transfers | 22 | (2,765) | (2,743) |
These Supplementary Estimates | 1,191,807 | 363,981 | 1,555,788 |
Vote 1
: $30,946,127 in total
authorities is available
the Vote
due to reduced requirements related to the deferral of
security initiatives ($16,702,000) and the assessment, management
and remediation of federal contaminated sites
Vote 5
: $20,847,040 in authorities is available
the Vote due to reduced
requirements related to the deferral of public
security initiatives.
Note: Figures in the “Explanation of Requirements”
may not agree with the “Ministry Summary” due to
Estimated | Estimated | |
Total | Expenditures | |
Cost | 2007-2008 | |
New Major Capital Projects (Information only) | $000s | $000s |
Generate and Sustain Relevant, Responsive and Effective Combat-Capable Integrated Forces | ||
Construction | ||
Nova Scotia - 12 Wing Common Support Facility - 12 Wing Shearwater, Canadian Forces | ||
Base Halifax | 45,280 | 14,811 |
Nova Scotia - 12 Air Maintenance Squadron Facility - 12 Wing Shearwater, Canadian | ||
Forces Base Halifax | 43,269 | 13,999 |
Nova Scotia - 423 (Maritime Helicopter) Squadron Facility - 12 Wing Shearwater, Canadian | ||
Forces Base Halifax | 38,938 | 12,580 |
Nova Scotia - Syncrolift Facility Upgrade - Canadian Forces Base Halifax | 17,163 | 9,277 |
New Brunswick - Replace Fire Hall - 14 Wing Greenwood | 5,705 | 548 |
New Brunswick - Garage for the new fleet of fuel supply vehicles - 14 Wing Greenwood | 5,453 | 583 |
Quebec - Rationalize Transport and Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Infrastructure - | ||
3 Wing Bagotville | 26,668 | 656 |
Quebec - Re-accommodate 425 Tactical Fighter Squadron and 3 Air Maintenance | ||
Squadron - 3 Wing Bagotville | 20,954 | 2,692 |
Quebec - Construction of a building to house the Land Force Quebec Area, Command | ||
Support Capability - Montreal Garrison | 8,339 | 623 |
Ontario - Joint Task Force 2 Relocation - Canadian Forces Base Trenton | 381,132 | 24,207 |
Ontario - Reconstruction of taxiways, recapitalization and expansion of the northeast ramp - | ||
8 Wing Trenton | 29,749 | 29,749 |
Ontario - Joint Task Force 2 - Special Operations Tactical Training Centre - Canadian | ||
Forces Base Petawawa | 12,651 | 9,045 |
Alberta - Upgrade Utilities and Roads - 4 Wing Cold Lake | 60,817 | 7,857 |
British Columbia - Construct Single Quarters - 19 Wing Comox | 34,714 | 781 |
British Columbia - Construct Combined Mess and Kitchen - 19 Wing Comox | 25,593 | 1,270 |
Equipment | ||
Arctic/Offshore Patrol Ship | 3,073,600 | 14,400 |
Acquisition of main battle tanks for the Canadian Forces | 650,000 | 131,000 |
CF-18 Defensive Electronic Warfare Suite Project | 187,706 | 55,131 |
Land Force Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance Omnibus | ||
Project - Data Link Communication Sub-project | 101,761 | 32,130 |
Additional Mounted Soldier Survivability Project in Support of Operation ATHENA | 97,943 | 32,835 |
Air Force Omnibus Support Vehicles Replacement Project | 80,221 | 6,030 |
Canadian Forces Explosive Ordnance Disposal Team Equipment Project | 43,074 | 11,868 |
Temperate Combat Boot, a sub-project of the Clothe the Soldier Omnibus Project | 38,622 | 24,242 |
Converged Rain Suit, a sub-project of the Clothe the Soldier Omnibus Project | 32,968 | 10,531 |
Expedient Route Opening Capability Project | 28,456 | 9,658 |
Defence Learning Network | 27,077 | 4,009 |
Fragmentation Protective Vest, a sub-project of the Clothe the Soldier Omnibus Project | 23,310 | 2,655 |
Land Force Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance - Lightweight | ||
Counter-Mortar Radar Sub-Project | 20,681 | 10,196 |
Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Sensor Integration and Decision Support | ||
Project, a sub-project of the Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Defence | ||
Omnibus Project | 17,705 | 4,281 |
Mounted Soldier Survivability: Crew Vision Enhancement | 15,126 | 8,613 |
Mounted Soldier Survivability : Exposed Crew Protective Equipment | 13,511 | 6,826 |
Combat Vehicle Crew Modular Helmet, a sub-project of the Clothe the Soldier Omnibus | ||
Project | 10,972 | 5,697 |
Mounted Soldier Survivability: Non-lethal Laser Dazzler | 10,507 | 10,507 |
Mounted Soldier Survivability: Exposed Crew Protection Kit - Turret | 8,965 | 7,461 |
Mounted Soldier Survivability: Add-on-Armour for the Light Armoured Vehicle Remote | ||
Weapon System | 7,825 | 7,825 |
Mobile Aircraft Arrestor System Replacement Project | 5,916 | 300 |
Mounted Soldier Survivability: Exposed Crew Protection Kit - Sentry | 5,080 | 4,113 |
Tactical Vehicles | 4,575 | 4,575 |
Multi-effects Carl Gustaf (84MM) Ammunition | 4,476 | 195 |
Bus Cruisers | 4,196 | 500 |
Truck Maintenance Line Construction Medium Duty | 3,800 | 1,900 |
Command-Wire Detector | 3,700 | 80 |
Air Combat Manoeuvring Instrumentation and Surface Threat Electronic Warfare systems | ||
Enhancements | 3,315 | 934 |
Material Handling Equipment (Forklifts) | 2,741 | 2,741 |
Air Transportable Refuelling Supply Vehicles | 2,424 | 770 |
IROQUOIS class Separate track Illuminating Radar Low Elevation Search | 2,037 | 141 |
Very High Frequency (VHF) Transmission System | 1,717 | 454 |
Excavators | 1,469 | 700 |
Highway Cruiser Recapitalization | 1,035 | 1,035 |
Increase of Inventory AN/SQJ 501 Active Shaft Grounding Equipment | 1,033 | 257 |
Conduct Operations | ||
Construction | ||
Construct Semi-Permanent Accommodation for Support Personnel at Kandahar | 11,530 | 9,030 |
Equipment | ||
Classified Security Management Infrastructure Project | 181,774 | 15,618 |
Ballistic Curtains - Operation ATHENA | 4,362 | 4,362 |
Tactical Common Data Link Ground Station | 1,069 | 1,069 |