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Horizontal Initiatives

Industry Canada is involved in a number of horizontal initiatives, working in partnership with other federal departments, other levels of government, non-governmental organizations and private sector organizations. Industry Canada’s involvement in these initiatives contributes to the Department’s achievement of its strategic outcomes.

Industry Canada is the lead for the following significant horizontal initiatives:

  • BizPaL
  • Canada Business Network

Strategic Outcome

Competitive Businesses are Drivers of Sustainable Wealth Creation

Name of Horizontal Initiative: BizPaL

Lead Department(s): Industry Canada

Lead Department Program Activity: Entrepreneurial Economy

Start Date of the Horizontal Initiative: January 31, 2005

End Date of the Horizontal Initiative: March 31, 2011

Total Federal Funding Allocation ($ millions): 15.5

Description of the Horizontal Initiative (including funding agreement): BizPaL is a unique collaboration of federal, provincial/territorial and municipal governments working together in a new service delivery model to improve access to information on permits and licences needed from all orders of government to start or operate a business.

Integrated into local government websites or portals, BizPaL provides a single point of contact for entrepreneurs, enabling them to quickly learn which permits and licences they will need from municipal, provincial/territorial and federal governments.

Federal funding supports secretariat services, expansion and development of the service and the federal role. None of the participants (provinces/territories/municipalities) receive federal funds for the BizPaL initiative. They provide in-kind support in their respective jurisdictions. Provincial and territorial participants also contribute funds to a specified purpose account to support basic operating costs in accordance with a cost-sharing formula based on population size.

Shared Outcome(s):

  • Increased awareness of and access to business permits and licences from all orders of government.
  • Increased cost savings for businesses by avoiding involuntary non-compliance.
  • Support for government efforts to reduce the paperwork burden and red tape that face small business owners and operators.

Governance Structure(s): BizPaL represents a shared governance model that involves participants from the federal, provincial/territorial, and municipal levels of government. Industry Canada manages the expansion and evolution of the BizPaL service and develops relationships among participating jurisdictions.

Although governance is shared through various participant committees, Industry Canada is accountable for the federal resources contributed to the BizPaL Initiative. The Department is also responsible for enlisting the participation of federal government departments to BizPaL and provides a centralized support function to the partnership.*

($ millions)
Federal Partners Federal Partner Program Activity Names of Programs for Federal Partners Total Allocation (from start to end date) Planned Spending for
Actual Spending for
Industry Canada (lead) Small Business and Marketplace Services and Regional Operations Sector — Economic Development BizPaL 15.5 3.0 2.2 0.8
Natural Resources Canada Management and Oversight (Internal Services) BizPaL Not applicable Not applicable    
Total 15.5 3.0 2.2 0.8

Expected Results for 2009–10: Accelerated expansion of the service to all interested provincial and territorial governments and local government participants within those provinces and territories

Results Achieved in 2009–10: To date, 11 provinces and territories are participating in BizPaL, with more than 300 municipalities offering the service. Industry Canada will continue its efforts to recruit the remaining 2 provinces and territories.

Comments on Variances:

Results Achieved by Non-Federal Partners (if applicable): N/A

Contact information:

Executive Director
Service Delivery and Partnerships
Small Business and Marketplace Services Sector
Industry Canada

Note: This table will be posted on both the secretariat's TBS main DPR website and the Horizontal Initiatives Database website.

*The description of the governance structure was modified since the RPP to better represent/clarify the initiative.

Name of Horizontal Initiative: Canada Business Network (Amalgamation of Canada Business Service Centres (CBSC) and Business Gateway (BG))

Description: In January 2009, the EAP announced $15 million per year for 2 years to improve services offered to small and medium-sized business owners through the Canada Business Network (CBN) program.

A-based funding was also secured, ensuring ongoing support for small businesses. The federal partners that deliver CBN are Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency, Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions, Industry Canada and Western Economic Diversification. The 4 managing departments will report on the strategic objectives and performance results of the CBN through their respective RPPs and DPRs.