- Conservation and waste-management practices are significantly improved.
- Government Green Procurement Policy is implemented.
- Intensify activities to raise staff awareness of conservation practices.
- Increase efforts to reduce consumption of paper.
- Increase efforts to divert solid waste from landfill.
- Apply and ensure adherence to Government of Canada accommodation standards.
- Introduce and encourage measures to reduce energy consumption.
- Training is provided to all appropriate managers and staff.
- All areas of significant environmental impact by the Department are identified and measures are identified to reduce this impact by a minimum of 20%.
- Double-sided printing is promoted and set as a default standard across the Department, to the extent possible.
- Paper consumption levels are stabilized and monitored.
- Diversion of solid waste in Headquarters’ operations is increased from 78% to 86%, as recommended by the 2006 audit (based on baseline year 1999).
- Identifying accommodation opportunities that result in optimized occupancy and ensures more efficient space utilization in line with GOC space entitlement guidelines and fit-up standards.
- Incorporate sustainability in all aspects of design specifications through consideration and use of environmentally friendly products and materials.
- Practices are in place to promote electronic data disclosure and sharing, reducing paper consumption by 30% from the 2006 level.
- Monitoring process and measures to track waste diversion efforts are in place and are reported on regularly.
- Training for managers on environmental SD practices is created and delivered.
- Specific targets and performance measures are in place and included in managers’ performance agreements to demonstrate and monitor progress of their commitments to implementing SD.
- Recommendations from energy and solid waste management audits for Headquarters buildings are implemented and monitored.
- All appropriate staff are trained on the application of the Green Procurement Policy.
- Implementation of GPP is monitored and enforced.
- All suppliers used offer green products.
- Green procurement is considered in every transaction.
- Green stock purchases amount to a minimum of 50% of all purchases.
- Green procurement targets are developed and built into all responsible managers’ and staff performance agreements.
- Spending data has been assessed, baseline established and specific targets developed by 2009 for the main five categories of purchases.
- A standard reporting mechanism is developed within the financial system to monitor the Department’s compliance with the Policy.
- The creation of green teams for the dissemination of best practices and the hosting of thematic events has broadened awareness.
- Chief Information Officer developing double-sided-printing as part of its Print Strategy.
- Use of the department's litigation support tool, Ringtail, for managing and exchanging discovery document collections in digital rather than paper form, will result in a savings of approximately 168 million pages of paper based on the current inventory of digitized images (approx 24 million).
- Used battery collection organized for employees.
- Continue to implement Computer For Schools program before sending to Crown Assets.
- Better space management practices resulted in space optimization projects at East Memorial Building 1st, St Andrews Tower 5th, 6th, 8th, 11th and 12th floors where space entitlements were regularized and Government of Canada fit-up standards were adhered to.
- New water policy favouring tap water over bottled water was approved and implemented.
- DOJ’s property manager, SNC Lavalin Profac, conducts regular energy audits of Headquarters. The East Memorial Building recently received a BOMA Go Green Plus certification.
- Wherever possible through project implementation, Project Managers seek and specify the use of reusable products, materials manufactured from recycled materials, and/or are LEED compliant.
- Contract officers provided training on green procurement as part of their contract training.
- See Table 6.
- Departmental IT/IM investment criteria now incorporate environmental considerations such as air quality, energy conservation, water quality and waste management.