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1. SDS Departmental Goal 1: Incorporate SD considerations into the planning and implementation of Agency activities
2. Federal SD Goal(s), including GGO goals: Sustainable communities – communities enjoy a prosperous economy, a vibrant and equitable society, and a healthy environment for current and future generations
3. Expected Results 2008-09 | 4. Supporting Performance Measure(s) | 5. Achieved SDS Departmental Results for 2008-09 |
Target 1.1.1: SD considerations are included in all Population Health Fund solicitation documents by December 2009 Milestone: 1. Training made available to Agency staff on sustainable development concepts to enable them to deliver on this target |
0% of solicitations address SD issues 50% Eligible employees that received SD training 21% of funding involves SD criteria 0 of solicitations mentioning SD |
Target 1.1.1 changed. Milestone completed. Following a decision to discontinue the Population Health Fund, current projects will be renewed for one year. The next solicitation will be within the context of a new contributions program. |
Target 1.1.2: By March 31, 2008, review outcomes of Population Health Fund projects funded by the Quebec Region to determine project SD contributions |
14 Funded projects with SD elements 844,638 Families and/or individuals reached through projects either directly or indirectly |
Target 1.1.2 completed. Highlights of the evaluation of seven projects include reduced exposure of 4,235 children to toxic products, improvement in the quality of housing for 380 households, potential annual harvest of 528,000 kilos of organic vegetables. |
Target 1.2.2: As a partner in the Northern Antibiotic Resistance Partnership, study and contribute to the development and delivery of an education program on infectious organisms that are becoming increasingly resistant to commonly used antibiotics for both health care providers and community individuals by December 31, 2008 |
3 Education programs delivered 0 Active surveillance programs developed and implemented 3 Presentations given 0 Articles published 0 Health care providers and community individuals accessing the education program 0 Recognitions received for research 0 Viable suggestions to improve treatment 0 Case control studies 0 Active surveillance programs |
Target 1.2.2 completed. Developed and delivered an education program for health care providers and community individuals on reducing the prevalence of antibiotic resistant organisms. |
Target 1.2.3: Contribute to reducing the risks to human health from foodborne and waterborne diseases arising from animals and the agro-environment through knowledge generation, knowledge synthesis and evidence-based interventions Milestones: 1. Research and development of a rapid molecular typing system for the most common serotypes of Salmonella using micro arrays by March 2009 2. Communication of the results of research activities at Laboratory for Foodborne Zooneses ( LFZ) through peer reviewed publications, book chapters and reviews, presentations at scientific meetings and to other government departments, etc. (Ongoing but reported annually, 3 times by March 31, 2010) 3. Usage of the high performance disease modelling and Health Geographic Information System (GIS) laboratory (St-Hyacinthe) for spatial analysis and geomatics for specific health risks associated with foodborne and waterborne infections (on-going but reported annually, 3 times by March 31, 2010) 4. Communication of the integrated results of surveillance programs (Integrated Program for Anti-microbial Resistance Surveillance (CIPARS) annually and C-EnterNet, a surveillance pilot program for enteric pathogens, report on pilot study findings by March 2009) |
1 Report on the availability of rapid molecular typing system 11 Reportings on the availability of phage therapy for E. coli 0157:H7 in food animals 211 Reportings of results of research activities at the Laboratory for Foodborne Zoonoses 35 Reportings of activities undertaken at the high-performance disease modelling and Health Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Laboratory |
Milestone 1 completed – Commercialization of a Salmonella molecular serotyping array is in progress. Milestones 2 and 3 in progress – Ongoing communication in publications and presentations. DNA sequencing of 20 E. coli, 5 Salmonella and numerous bacteriophages. External funding secured for genomics, agro-environment health indicators and zoonoses. Invitation from World Health Organization to organize workshop on risks to human health associated with water contaminated by animal wastes. Co-developed WHO Collaborating Centre on Veterinary Public Health. Participated on United Nations Action Team 6 on peaceful use of space technology to improve public health. Milestone 4 completed – Integrated results of surveillance programs communicated through Canadian Integrated Partnership for Anti-microbial Resistant Strains and C-EnterNet. Ongoing provision of evidence to policy makers through publications, presentations, and systematic reviews; and preliminary development of a National Strategy for Safe Food. |
Target 1.2.4: Contribute to the sustainability of communities by administering community-based programs directed at women, children and families living in conditions of risk, through the Community Action Program for Children, the Canada Prenatal Nutrition Program and Aboriginal Head Start in Urban and Northern Communities Milestone: 1. Community Programs Annual Report March 2009 |
910 Community-based groups receiving funding 910 Community-based groups receiving strategic guidance on programming 119,500 Children and families receiving program benefits |
Milestone 1 in progress. Summative Evaluations of Community Action Program for Children and the Canada Prenatal Nutrition Program are in development for completion by January 2010. Work on a summative evaluation for Aboriginal Head Start in Urban and Northern Communities is also in progress for completion by March 31, 2012. |
Target 1.2.5: With provincial and territorial partners, help to increase the proportion of Canadians who participate in physical activity, eat healthier diets and have healthy weights by 20% by the year 2015 Milestone: 1. By March 2010, evaluate progress toward the federal provincial healthy living target for input to evaluation of the pan-Canadian Healthy Living Strategy |
52% Canadians reporting participation in physical activity 41.3% Canadians reporting healthy eating 47.4% Canadians reporting healthy weight |
Milestone in progress. $5.4 M provided over two years for 13 National Healthy Living Projects A scientific review of physical activity guidelines and measurement published Results of Canadian Physical Activity Levels among Youth Study received Healthy living bilateral agreements on shared priorities signed with provinces and territories, March 2008. |
Target 1.2.6: Strengthen the public health system in numerous ways (e.g., continued funding for public health education and improved surveillance) that includes establishing Public Health Chairs, in collaboration with universities, in at least 10 universities by December 2007, with funding through 2012 |
14 teaching positions funded | Target 1.2.6 in progress. In partnership with its federal partner, the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, the Agency continued to co-fund 14 Applied Public Health Chairs to strengthen academic links to public health practice. These Chairs were appointed in 9 universities. |
1. SDS Departmental Goal 2: Ensure that the Agency conducts its operations in a sustainable manner
2. Federal SD Goal(s), including GGO goals: Sustainable development and use of natural resources
3. Expected Results 2008-09 | 4. Supporting Performance Measure(s) | 5. Achieved SDS Departmental Results for 2008-09 |
Target 2.1.1: Provide procurement training to 75% of material managers and integrate green procurement into training for acquisition cards by December 31, 2008 Milestone: 1. Train existing acquisition card holders by December 21, 2008 |
46% of materiel managers trained 22 training sessions offered 388 participants in training courses |
Target 2.1.1 in progress. Procurement functional specialists have been trained on green procurement. Milestone in progress - 52% of acquisition card holders have been trained. |
Target 2.1.2: By July 1, 2007, meet the Government of Canada standards for purchase and by March 31, 2010 meet the guidelines for operations of office equipment Milestones: 1. Effective April 1, 2007, all new desktop computers, computer monitors and printers or multifunction devices (combined printer-scanner-fax) purchased meet the environmentally friendly ENERGY STAR standard 2. Individual printers to be authorized only if the individuals print confidential documents on a regular basis or are physically disabled 3. As of April 2007, replacement of IT equipment each year based on the 3 year evergreening standard upon receipt of evergreening funds |
100% Inventory that is ENERGY STAR-compliant 100% LCD monitors 100% Duplex printers versus regular printers 100% Printers with duplex capacity 100% Stand-alone printers replaced 90% Individual printers replaced with group printers 90% Group printers moved to well-ventilated areas |
Target 2.1.2 completed. All new office equipment meets the environmentally friendly ENERGY STAR standard. No new or replacement individual printers were installed by IM/IT without a rationale from the person’s Director. In 2007-2008, a print optimization pilot study was conducted in one Agency building then extended to 4 additional major NCR buildings in 2008-2009. As a result of this pilot, purchase of imaging devices was carefully monitored, and an implementation plan was developed to maximize efficiency when doing floor mapping of devices. IT equipment is replaced on a 3-year evergreening standard. |
Target 2.1.3: Establish a baseline of green procurement patterns by December 31, 2007, and explore options to develop an effective, efficient and affordable green tracking system by December 31, 2008 Milestones: 1. Map PHAC’s procurement processes by December 31, 2007. Mapping will identify who, what, where, when and how PHAC purchases. 2. Create a focus group of purchasing personnel and acquisition card holders to brainstorm and provide input into possible green procurement tracking options by March 31, 2008 3. Compile report and make recommendations on green procurement tracking options by December 31, 2008 |
1 Baseline of procurement patterns established 0 Report on tracking options |
Target 2.1.3 completed. In the 2007 Health Canada and Public Health Agency Green Procurement Survey, 24% of respondents indicated that at least 60% of their purchases had been subject to environmental considerations. In February 2009, the Agency introduced a “green procurement” field within the financial system to monitor green procurement patterns. |
Target 2.1.4: Increase awareness of green travel options to 50% of all PHAC employees by March 31, 2009. Milestones: 1. Develop a Green Travel Options Awareness Program by December 31, 2008 2. Include module related to Green Travel Options Awareness in survey of Agency employees by January 31, 2009 3. Include results of employee awareness of Green Travel Options in Report on Employee Awareness of Sustainable Development by March 31, 2009 |
333 video conferencing services used. 1 Awareness of green travel options among PHAC employees 20 people attending information sessions on green travel options Unknown % Employees using green travel options Unknown % Employees using alternative modes of transportation Unknown % Employees using telephone, video and web conferencing services |
Target 2.1.4 deferred. The Agency plans to focus on green travel options, such as videoconferencing and net conferencing for Environment Week 2009. A joint Health Canada / Agency green purchasing survey, including green travel, is planned for Fall 2009. |
Target 2.2.1: By March 31, 2010, institute effective hazardous waste monitoring and reporting Milestones: 1. As of April 1, 2008 and yearly thereafter, annual review of hazardous waste volumes in the Laboratory for Foodborne Zoonoses (LFZ) and the National Microbiology Laboratory (NML) 2. By March 31, 2008, develop and roll out a database for the Agency and Health Canada for monitoring the generation of hazardous waste and recycling opportunities, as a tool that can identify opportunities for more sustainable use and disposal of chemicals and other materials |
1 tool developed for effective hazardous waste monitoring and reporting | Milestone 1 completed during 2008-09. At the LFZ, hazardous waste monitoring and recycling efforts are ongoing activities. At the NML, hazardous waste generation and disposal is continually monitored and recycling opportunities identified as technology and availability allows for it. A proposed database will allow for improved generation reporting. Milestone 2 in progress. The database is developed and will be rolled out when the Laboratory Safety Office is fully staffed. |
2. Federal SD Goal(s), including GGO goals: Reduce greenhouse gas emissions
3. Expected Results 2008-09 | 4. Supporting Performance Measure(s) | 5. Achieved SDS Departmental Results for 2008-09 |
Target 2.3.1: Improve energy efficiency and reduce water consumption in Agency-owned laboratory buildings under normal operating conditions by 2% by FY 2009-2010, using FY 2005-2006 energy and utility management data as the baseline Milestones: 1. Building Management Plans for PHAC-owned building reviewed annually to ensure that planned projects, where applicable, will reduce energy consumption by March 31, 2010 2. Report annually on the effectiveness of preventative maintenance and building improvements on usage of non-renewable resources, comparing building performance review of energy/utility management to the baseline data of 2005-06 by March 31, 2010 |
21% reduction in water consumption from 2005-06 to 2008-09 7.5% increase in energy consumption from 2005-06 to 2008-09 (17.3% per capita decrease) |
Target 2.3.1 completed. At both Agency owned NML and LFZ laboratory facilities, building management plans are reviewed to seek out opportunities for energy reduction. At project initiation, the project manager must review a Development and Environmental Impact Checklist to attempt to reduce our ecological footprint. Since 2005-06, within both Agency-owned laboratory facilities, gross water use is down 21%, while gross energy use has increased by 7.5%. Occupancy has increased from 500 to 650, a 30 % increase. Energy use per capita; however, declined 17.3%. Steps taken to reduce water and energy use in the NML laboratory facility include: Installed more efficient steam humidification coils on 3 supply fans Reduced (est. 35%) humidification in labs Changed water closets for low flush ones (est. saving 2,000,000 litres/year) Replaced HID lights with high output fluorescent Replaced parking lot plugs with intelligent receptacles Phased out individual humidification reboiler with direct steam, resulting in less energy and water use Through a computerized low voltage lighting control system, lighting levels are reduced to 10% of all luminaries as required for safety and security, outside work hours. LFZ facilities in Guelph: Replaced 30 100-watt mercury vapour bulbs with 28-watt compact fluorescents Replaced 200 T12 fluorescents with T-5 electronic fluorescent Improved usable power from 65% to 95% by reducing harmonic distortions Reduced power requirements of motors during non peak loads and eliminated wasted heat from over-exhausting conditioned air Replaced 3 35-ton reciprocating compressors with one 100–ton no-oil centrifugal compressor, thus saving energy from friction losses and oil contamination of refrigerants Converted storage facility from 30kw electric heating to hot water heating using a high efficiency condensing boiler Replaced 2 10-HP high/low fire boilers with 2 10-HP fully modulating natural gas boilers Replaced two high/low-fire 60% heating boilers with two fully modulating 90% efficiency boilers Eliminated site irrigation Replaced distilled water system with reverse osmosis water system Created autoclave holiday every Friday. |
Target 2.3.2 : Reduce energy use in rented or leased building Milestone: 1. Revise the Agency’s telework policy by March 31, 2007 |
1500 Offices that meet the 8 ft. x 8 ft. (2.3m x 2.3m ) standard cubicle size 42 Hotelling workstations 31 Employees who telework 1.3% Change in energy use in Agency tenant buildings |
Target 2.3.2 completed. Agency volunteers undertook two energy reduction exercises in May and November 2008. The second assessment of phantom energy use (use outside working hours) in rented office space demonstrated a saving of 111 KWh, 2.8 tonnes of carbon dioxide and $11.59 per employee per year. A third energy assessment is planned for Fall 2009. Milestone completed. |
1. SDS Departmental Goal 3: Build capacity to implement Goals 1 and 2
2. Federal SD Goal(s), including GGO goals: Strengthen federal governance and decision-making to support sustainable development
3. Expected Results 2008-09 | 4. Supporting Performance Measure(s) | 5. Achieved SDS Departmental Results for 2008-09 |
Target 3.1.1: Track Strategic Environmental Assessments (SEAs) of policy, plan and program proposals by March 30, 2008 |
6 preliminary SEA statements conducted for new policies, plans and programs 100% Policy, plan and program proposals entered in the system that have completed SEA statements, on an annual basis |
Target 3.1.1 completed. Strategic Environmental Assessment statements are prepared for all new policies, plans and programs. |
Target 3.2.1: Develop and implement a SD Policy by March 31, 2010 Milestones: 1. Consultation with staff by October 2008 regarding link between SD and the Agency mandate for public health 2. Mapping of how Agency policies, programs and operations interact with Sustainable Development principles and initiatives by November 20, 2008 3. Proposal by December 30, 2008 on the Agency’s role in sustainable development and on how an SD policy would help guide staff to implement SD within the Agency |
60% of Agency employees who understand how SD applies to their work No policy implemented by March 31, 2010 |
Target 3.2.1 in progress. Milestones 1, 2 and 3 completed. Ongoing consultation with staff regarding the link between SD and public health. Mapping of how the Agency’s policies, programs and operations interact with SD is ongoing. A decision was made to model the SD Strategy on the sustainable and healthy communities approach. Development of the SD Policy is on track for March 31, 2010. |
Target 3.2.2: Provide a sustained and accessible Geographic Information Systems (GIS) infrastructure for public health and SD practice Milestone: 1. December 2008, Offer GIS infrastructure services to 13 provinces and territories |
10 Provinces where the GIS services are available to public health professionals 37.5% Increase in the number of public health professionals using the GIS services between June 2006 and December 2008 |
Milestone not fully achieved. The GIS Infrastructure served clients in all 10 provinces by March 31, 2009. The territories did not receive GIS services. |
Target 3.3.1: Report progress to management on SD goals and objectives twice a year as of December 31, 2007 Milestone: 1. Review overall progress toward SD goals and objectives by January 30, 2009 |
2 Progress reports submitted during 2008-09 0 SD listed as a standing item on Management Committee meeting agenda 2 SD discussions in Management Committee meetings |
Target 3.3.1 completed. The Report on overall progress was completed as of May 7, 2009. Corrective action plans are in place. |
Target 3.3.2: Integrate SDS commitments into the Agency’s key planning and reporting processes by March 31, 2010 Milestone: 1. Integrate SD concepts into business planning templates for the 2007-08 fiscal year by May 2007 2. Review of the adequacy of SD integration in overall Agency planning and reporting processes by April 1, 2009 |
4 Strategic, human resources and planning documents in which SD considerations are integrated 10% Budget review processes that consider SD principles |
Target 3.3.2 completed. Office of the Chief Financial Officer has integrated SDS in the 2009-10 Agency Integrated Operational Planning process and templates. This process included a review of SD integration in overall Agency planning. |
Target 3.3.3: Consider SD principles in all budget review processes undertaken within the Agency by March 31, 2010 Milestones: 1. Contribute to the 2-year Base Budget Review 2. Assess base budget review findings for SD gaps and opportunities and provide SD expertise for recommendations by June 30, 2008 3. Assess base budget review findings for SD gaps and opportunities and provide SD expertise for recommendations by June 30, 2008 |
10% Budget review processes consider SD principles | Target 3.3.3 completed. Office of the Chief Financial Officer integrated SD into integrated operational planning in Fall 2008. SD was considered in the 2009-10 Integrated Operational Planning cycle. The resulting SD gaps and opportunities were analyzed for input into Agency SD activities and initiatives. |
2. Federal SD Goal(s), including GGO goals: Not linked to a federal SD goal
3. Expected Results 2008-09 | 4. Supporting Performance Measure(s) | 5. Achieved SDS Departmental Results for 2008-09 |
Target 1.2.1: Genetically fingerprint anti-microbial resistant strains to describe patterns in human antimicrobial use and antimicrobial resistance by December 31, 2009 Milestones: 1. Develop an integrated database of susceptibility testing and bacterial fingerprints by 31 December 2007 2. Support the development of a risk analysis framework for antimicrobial use in agriculture and humans by December 31, 2008 |
4 Databases developed/integrated 0 Tools developed 2 Collaborations 4 Meetings 5 Presentations delivered 3 Articles published 0 Documents created 0 Educational/training sessions delivered 1 Recognitions received 0 Viable suggestions to improve treatment 0 Fingerprinted strains of antimicrobial-resistant community- or-hospital acquired organisms |
Milestone 1 changed. The Agency has increased its ability to describe patterns in human antimicrobial resistance by developing and implementing an integrated, web-accessible anti-microbial resistant strain database to hold and share antimicrobial resistance data from animals, food and humans. The Agency also implemented LabWare-LIMS, Web-based National Enteric Surveillance Program and Fingerprint databases for E. coli, Salmonella, Shigella, Vibrio and Campylobacter. Milestone 2 in progress – Development of risk analysis for antimicrobial use in agriculture and humans is ongoing. |
Target 3.1.2: 75% of Agency employees understand how SD applies to their work by March 31, 2009 Milestones: 1. Beginning in September 2006, ongoing communications to staff regarding Sustainable Development through a variety of media 2. Work with Communications to develop an Internal Communications Plan for each year of the strategy, the first to be developed for use in 2006-07 by January 2006 3. In coordination with the Office of Sustainable Development, Human Resources Directorate will conduct awareness sessions and/ or consultations with their staff on SD by December 2007 4. Conduct consultations on SD with staff of each directorate, centre, lab, region etc by September 2008 and report on them to Management Committee 5. Each Earth Day, April 22, beginning April 2007, engage Agency staff in SD activities. Commitment by Human Resources Directorate to encourage staff participation in Earth Day activities 6. Beginning June 2007, promote Environment Week activities and an SD issue of Just the PHACs Commitment by Human Resources Directorate to encourage staff to participate in Environment Week activities 7. Conduct a survey of all staff by January 2009, in order to be able to determine whether awareness has increased. Human Resources Directorate commitment to discuss whether or not awareness among HR staff has increased and to report results to Office of Sustainable Development 8. Use this information in planning for SD in the Agency, including the next round of SDSs (Undertaken by January, 2010) |
87,500 Awareness-building activities 60% PHAC employees who understand their responsibilities in relation to SD |
Target 3.1.2 has made good progress. 60% of PHAC employees indicate an understanding of how SD applies to their work by March 2009 (proxy measure from the results of the integrated operational planning process). Employee understanding was built through active communication to staff on SD, Greening Operations and Sustainable and Healthy Communities using a variety of vehicles. The SD Booth at two employee orientation sessions in 2008-09 was well attended. All Directorates and Regions were involved in some or all of the following SD-related activities: Earth Day and E-week activities, the energy reduction initiative and the development of a sustainable and healthy communities approach. Given this emerging engagement with SD issues among Agency staff, a formal survey of all staff may be deferred until the next SDS. |