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1. Sustainable Development
Strategy Departmental Goal:
Goal 1 Building a Public Service that is aware of, and engaged in, the integration of sustainable development into its HR policies, programs and projects.
Goal 2
2. Federal SD Goal(s)
including GGO goals, if applicable:
Departmental goals are aligned with a number of Federal SD Goals and the Greening Government Operations (GGO) goal including:
Actions for 2007–09 | Results Achieved in 2007–08 |
GOAL 2: Demonstrate the Agency's commitment to sustainable development in its operations | |
Objective 2.1: Integrate sustainable development into the Agency's decision making | |
Environmental Management System (EMS): Corporate Services Branch will develop and implement an EMS for the Department of Finance, the Treasury Board Secretariat and the Public Service Human Resources Management Agency of Canada, in collaboration with the Public Service Commission of Canada. |
An Environmental Management System (EMS) is part of an organization's management system used to develop and implement its environmental policy and manage its environmental aspects. Corporate Services Branch has completed a first draft of the EMS and has established an EMS committee composed of most business sectors of Corporate Services Branch and a Public Works and Government Services (PWGSC) representative. The committee meets bi-monthly. |
Green Citizenship Network (GCN): Corporate Services Branch will establish ongoing support for the GCN, increase the GCN membership by 25 percent and improve opportunities for employee participation in grassroots environmental activities. |
GCN Membership at the Department of Finance Canada increased by 460 percent during 2007. GCN is working to provide members with more opportunities for grassroots involvement in workplace environmental initiatives. For example, GCN membership initiated a Lug-a-Mug campaign to reduce polystyrene waste. |
Objective 2.2: Reduce greenhouse gas and other air emissions | |
Building energy: Decrease greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 5 percent in L'Esplanade Laurier based on fiscal year 2005–06 baseline through developing and implementing an energy conservation plan and awareness campaign to explore and facilitate energy efficiency opportunities for L'Esplanade Laurier and other occupied buildings. |
A baseline study was completed for fiscal year 2005–06. PWGSC has completed a lighting modernization of fluorescent fixtures and ballasts at L'Esplanade Laurier as of April 2008. By September 2008, the user controls (switches and motion detectors) will be in place. User procedures will be developed concurrently with the completion of the modernization and will be communicated to employees. With this effort, we are expected to exceed our target of 5-percent reduction in GHGs. As well, Corporate Services Branch is pursuing further energy conservation initiatives in the coming year (including new chillers and plug-load opportunities). |
Vehicle emissions: Will reduce GHG emissions per vehicle kilometre from the departmental fleet by 15 percent based on 2005–06 fleet composition baseline. |
A vehicle fleet baseline was completed for the Department of Finance Canada, Treasury Board Secretariat and the Canada Public Service Agency fleet for 2007. The fleet of six vehicles is being monitored to ensure that new acquisitions meet the TBS Directive on Fleet Management: Executive Vehicles, which includes provisions intended to reduce the environmental impact of the executive fleet (i.e. use of hybrid-electric, flexible fuel, or 4-cylinder conventional fuel engine). In 2007, two hybrid (electric and gas) vehicles were purchased, which are expected to reduce GHG emissions from the executive fleet by approximately 24 percent from baseline year 2005–06. |
Maximize use of ethanol: 90 percent of gasoline purchased for federal road vehicles will be ethanol-blended. |
The fleet is being monitored annually to ensure that ethanol-based fuels are being purchased whenever possible. Drivers have been provided with direction and resources as to where ethanol-based fuels are available. It is anticipated that these efforts will allow us to meet our 90-percent objective. |
Green and defensive driver training: All drivers will be provided green and defensive driver training. |
All six fleet drivers have completed the green and defensive driver training. |
Objective 2.3: Increase level of green procurement | |
Green procurement tracking: Will adjust procurement tracking and reporting to include green procurement (collaboratively with a number of departments and agencies). |
The Department of Finance Canada and Treasury Board Secretariat initiated a collaboration with departments and agencies that use the common financial information system delivered by SAP to work on a common approach to tracking green procurement. The SAP Core (development team) has developed and implemented the government-wide Integrated Financial and Materiel System (IFMS) field to track green procurement purchases. The green procurement tracking field came online in September 2007. |
Multi-function document manager pilot program: Develop a pilot for equipment that would reduce the need for a separate networked photocopier, printer, colour printer and scanner (and possibly fax machine). |
A Statement of Sensitivities and a Threat and Risk Assessment have been completed for the use of the MFD Printers (purchased) and MFD Managers (leased) on the network. A pilot group (TBS – Pensions and Benefits) was established on 31 December 2007. The group was moved to 222 Nepean. Significant operational cost savings for the use of these printing devices is anticipated, as well as energy and paper cost savings. Results of the pilot program will be available by end of calendar year 2008. |
Green furniture purchases: Corporate Services Branch will increase purchases of green office furniture from 2005–06 levels by 50 percent wherever and whenever new fit-up opportunities exist, and where current design configuration permits. |
Furniture procurement standards were established and are being followed by the Facilities Management staff and procurement buyers. Reminders of the standard and the SDS target are sent periodically to assure compliance. The office furniture industry is considered quite environmentally friendly and is a centrally managed commodity type through PWGSC mandatory Standing Offer Agreements (SOA). The SOAs have environmental considerations built into them. We anticipate that 100 percent of our purchases over $20,000 will have environmental considerations built into them during the life of SDS 2007–09. |
Develop and deliver green procurement training to 100 percent of materiel managers and procurement staff by 2008, as well as 60 percent of acquisition cardholders by 2009. |
The Office of Greening Government Operations of PWGSC and the Canada School of the Public Service developed and made training available online through Campusdirect in July 2007. GCN has coordinated the training for materiel and procurement personnel for January 2008: 45 percent have completed the training at this time; the remainder will complete the training by September 2008. GCN has conducted some training sessions for acquisition cardholders at the Department of Finance Canada, Treasury Board Secretariat and the Agency: 46 percent of acquisition cardholders have had the training at this time, and the 60-percent target is expected to be met in the fall of 2008. |
Objective 2.4: Reduce waste sent to landfill | |
Update recycling program at L'Esplanade Laurier: Divert 75 percent of waste through the redesign and implementation of an updated recycling program, including improvements to take-back and hazardous materials programs. |
The recycling program at L'Esplanade Laurier has been updated with new signage and with the removal of the polystyrene bins from the facilities as this is no longer considered a marketable recyclable waste. Additional recycling opportunities have been added to the recycling program, including CDs/DVDs/floppies/ZIP/JAZZ, batteries, various plastics, toner cartridges and inkjet cartridges. Other opportunities for waste diversion are being assessed for 2008. External site recycling programs are also being updated where possible. Corporate Services anticipates that these efforts, coupled with the composting program, will allow us to meet and exceed our target. |
Composting program: Develop and implement a composting program. Opportunities could include paper towels and food waste. |
The composting of paper towels
(37 tonnes annually) and pulverized paper (100 tonnes annually) at
L'Esplanade Laurier began in February 2008. The pulverized paper is
being used as horse bedding, then is being composted mixed with manure
and urine. Leachate tests have been conducted to assure that the end
product would not be toxic to the environment. This trend-setting
initiative for improving efficiency in operations and helping the
environment was a finalist for the Institute of Public Administration of
Canada's 2008 Innovative Management Award in July. In addition, this
original idea provided Agency officials with the opportunity to meet and
discuss with other government departments optimizing waste diversion to
support sustainable development. Over 20 departments and agencies have
expressed their willingness to participate in and contribute to this
environmental opportunity. The Agency is currently having discussions
with PWGSC to develop, integrate and promote the pulverized paper
initiative as part of Greening Government Operations, which aims to
reduce, reuse and recycle across the federal public service.
These two measures will assure a waste diversion rate in the order of 85 percent. |