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Lead Department(s): PWGSC
Start Date of the Horizontal Initiative: December 2002
End Date of the Horizontal Initiative: Ongoing
Total Federal Funding Allocation (start to end date): $34.1M
Over a six-year timeframe, the Government of Canada Marketplace (GoCM) project, conceived as part of the Electronic Supply Chain (a Government On-Line initiative), has emerged as a core component of Public Works and Government Services Canada’s (PWGSC’s) procurement agenda.
The GoCM is an on-line tool that provides Government of Canada (GC) employee access to an electronic catalogue of pre-approved goods and services available through Standing Offers (SOs) and Supply Arrangements (SAs). The current scope of GoCM allows users to search for standing offers and supply arrangements; browse, search and compare goods and services that are available in on-line catalogues; select goods and services from on-line catalogues to add to a "shopping cart"; save "shopping cart(s)" for re-use; create and print orders; and run detailed reports on what was selected for order, by whom, for whom and at what price.
Shared Outcome(s):
The GoCM will contribute $127M of savings for departments and agencies. These anticipated and quantifiable benefits are derived from the contribution of electronic tools to facilitate compliance with mandatory procurement instruments, process efficiencies due to automated business processes and facilitating lower prices through accurate and timely purchasing information needed to leverage the buying power across Government spending.
Governance Structure(s):
PWGSC, in addition to being responsible for the development of the economic and business models to support this initiative, will conduct oversight for the various elements of the GoCM Service throughout its implementation and operational lifecycle. The GoCM project addresses potential policy and legislative changes as opportunities arise for doing business in a different manner through the GoCM. This is done in collaboration with PWGSC legal and policy/program groups, TBS and departments/agencies.
The GoCM involves the following key committee:
Federal Partners Involved in each program | Total Allocation | Planned Spending for 2006–07 | Actual Spending in 2006–07 | Expected Results |
PWGSC* | $34.1M | $13.7M | $13.2M |
Total $34.1M | Total $13.7M | Total $13.2M |
Results Achieved by Non-federal Partners - N/A
Contact Information: Stephe Cooper, Director, Electronic Acquisitions Business Directorate and GoCM
Approved by: Liliane saint pierre, Assistant Deputy Minister, Acquisitions Branch
Date Approved:
Lead Department(s): PWGSC and TBS
Start Date of the Horizontal Initiative: Spending authority for Travel Modernization Project approved April 2001 Relabeled STSI in June 2003 Contract signed November 2003—implementation role transferred to PWGSC.
End Date of the Horizontal Initiative: End of fiscal year 2009/10
Total Federal Funding Allocation (start to end date): $94.097M to end of fiscal year 2006/07. Original spending authority $96.184M
The STSI is a Government of Canada initiative, jointly led by Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) and Treasury Board Secretariat (TBS). STSI is delivering value to the Government of Canada and savings to Canadian taxpayers. Its objective is to improve services to employees; increase direct savings on government-wide travel; reduce and streamline administrative costs and processes; improve management of information for negotiations and informed decision-making; and provide high quality travel services within an integrated, "end-to-end" travel management system that enables departments and agencies to make savings.
Shared Outcome(s):
STSI is now fully deployed and proceeding through implementation. STSI will allow government to better control spending on travel, with the dual benefits of maximizing savings by taking advantage of GC purchasing power and improving travel experience for travellers.
Governance Structure(s):
Senior Project Advisory Committee (SPAC) – The STSI SPAC is comprised of 10 major department and agency stakeholders, co-chaired by the Comptroller General of Canada, Treasury Board Secretariat and the ADM, Acquisitions Branch, PWGSC. SPAC oversees the implementation of the STSI solution government-wide, financial requirements for amendments and/or further developments, and delivers a procurement review function for ongoing operations. SPAC recommends courses of action to the Deputy Minister of PWGSC.
Commodity Council – The STSI Commodity Council consists of members from departments and agencies that align with SPAC membership, as well as the PWGSC contracting authority. Members are typically the Directors General (DG) of the departments and agencies they represent. The Commodity Council sets the overall objectives and targets for commodities and participates in the development of annual commodity management plans.
Federal Partners: | Total Allocation: | Planned Spending for 2006–07: | Actual Spending in 2006–07: | Planned Results for 2006–07: | Actual Results Achieved in 2006–07: |
All GC departments and agencies. | $8,647,200 | $6,653,800 | $7,912,533 | Implementation of the Expense Management Tool. | The following services have been fully developed and delivered: Travel Call Centre, Travel Portal, Designated Travel Card (DTC), On-line Booking Tool (OBT), Expense Management Tool (EMT), the Accommodations and Car Rental Directory, and negotiated airline agreements. |
Total $8,647,200 | Total $6,653,800 | Total $7,912,533 |
Contact Information: Michael Corbett, A/Senior Director, Shared Travel Services Initiative
Approved by: George Butts, Director General, Services and Specialized Acquisitions Management Sector
Date Approved:
Lead Department(s): PWGSC
Start Date of the Horizontal Initiative: 12 May, 2004
End Date of the Horizontal Initiative: 2014
Total Federal Funding Allocation (start to end date): $280M (+$120M Province of NS share = total project funding of $400M)
Remediation of the Sydney Tar Ponds and Coke Ovens sites. These lands are located in the heart of downtown Sydney, and are owned by Canada and Nova Scotia. They were contaminated as a result of a century of coke and steel production. This project supports the federal governments' sustainable development initiative. It also recognizes the environmental, social and economic dimensions of the Sydney area. The project will have long-term benefits for the local communities.
The website for the provincial agency is:
The website for the Environmental Review Panel is:
Shared Outcome(s):
The project will help rejuvenate downtown Sydney and create further opportunity for development, economic growth and job creation. It will help Sydney return to its status as an economic asset to Nova Scotia and Canada as a whole. Special considerations have been given to the meaningful participation of First Nations in this remediation project.
Governance Structure(s):
Memorandum to Cabinet (MC) dated April 2004 defined the Federal lead for the Project and OIC approval in December 2006 provided key direction and decisions in moving forward with the full remediation.
Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) between the Province of Nova Scotia and the Government of Canada was signed in May 2004. This document describes the management of the project, which includes the following:
Federal Partners Involved in Each Program |
Names of Programs | Total Allocation from start to end date |
Planned Spending for 2006 — 2007 |
Actual Spending in 2006 — 2007 |
Planned Results for 2006 — 2007 |
Results Achieved in 2006 — 2007 |
Environment Canada | Remediation | $7,640,000 | $678,087 | $788,000 | Expert and technical advice | Expert and technical advice |
Health Canada | Remediation | $5,500,000 | $550,000 | $550,000 | Expert and technical advice | Expert and technical advice |
Department of Justice | Legal | $3,000,000 | $1,021,457 | $448,639 | Class Action Litigation Management | Class Action Litigation Management |
Total $16,140,000 | Total $2,249,554 | Total $1,786,639 |
The Department of Justice (DoJ) balance remaining from the full allocation of $3M for fiscal year 2007/2008 is $106,320. Any additional funds will require DoJ to seek funding from other federal departments or further approval from Cabinet.
Results to be achieved by Non-Federal Partners (if applicable): Nova Scotia Sydney Tar Ponds Agency payments for remediation costs in 2007-2008 are estimated at $31,750,752.
Contact Information: Randy Vallis, Director
Approved by: Ken Swain
Date Approved: