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Table 10: Horizontal Initiatives

Horizontal Initiative

1. Name of Horizontal Initiative: Asia-Pacific Gateway and Corridor Initiative

2. Name of Lead Department(s): Transport Canada

3. Start Date of the Horizontal Initiative: October 19, 2006

4. End Date of the Horizontal Initiative: March 31, 2014

5. Total Federal Funding Allocation:$591,000,000

6. Description of the Horizontal Initiative:

The Asia-Pacific Gateway and Corridor Initiative (APGCI) is intended to strengthen Canada's competitive position in global commerce. It is an integrated package of investment and policy measures that will advance the capacity and efficiency of the Asia-Pacific Gateway and Corridor and Canada's ability to take advantage of it. It reflects the Government of Canada's undertaking to work in partnership with provincial governments, private sector leaders and other stakeholders to further develop and exploit the Gateway. The Initiative seeks to establish Canada's Asia-Pacific Gateway and Corridor as the best transportation network facilitating global supply chains between North America and Asia.

Shared Outcome(s):

The following are planned shared outcomes and activities for the Asia-Pacific Gateway and Corridor Initiative.

Key areas include:

  • Gateway's capacity - strategic infrastructure investments and network improvements.
  • Competitiveness - increase Canada's share of Asia-Pacific commerce.
  • Efficiency and reliability - improve goods movement throughout the supply chains
  • Security and border efficiency - advance a secure and efficient transportation network between Asia-Pacific region and Canada/North America.
  • 21st century governance & policy renewal - integrative policy frameworks and regulations that better support competitiveness.

Ultimate Outcome:

  • Boost Canada's commerce with Asia-Pacific region.
  • Increase the Gateway's share of North American bound container imports from Asia.
  • Improve the efficiency and reliability of the Gateway for Canadian and North American exports.

Governance Structure(s):

Two Ministers are jointly responsible for the APGCI. The Minister for the Pacific Gateway is the political lead, with support in this effort provided by Transport Canada. The Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities is accountable for the management of the Asia-Pacific Gateway and Corridor Transportation Infrastructure Fund.

The APGCI is horizontal initiative and its development and implementation involves a number of other key federal departments/agencies. While each is ultimately accountable for its own programs/activities and associated resources from the APGCI funding, the implicated federal departments/agencies are also responsible for contributing to the overarching objectives of the APGCI. All federal partners in this initiative are accountable for the day-to-day management of their respective component of the APGCI. Furthermore, each department/agency is expected to provide regular updates to the two lead Ministers, via the DG-level Interdepartmental Steering Committee on the Asia-Pacific Gateway and Corridor Initiative. Partner departments and their role in the Initiative are as follow:


Transport Canada (TC), as the lead department, reports to the Minister for the Pacific Gateway and to the Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities. TC's Pacific Gateway Coordination Branch is responsible for the on-going coordination, management, integration, and strategic development and implementation of the Initiative overall. Other federal departments and agencies, the four western provinces, and stakeholders from the private sector are consulted and involved in building consensus on decisions related to the Initiative.

TC is responsible for the development and implementation of the Asia-Pacific Gateway and Corridor Transportation Infrastructure Fund (TIF), whose primary objective is to address capacity challenges facing the Asia-Pacific Gateway and Corridor. The projects funded under TIF will enhance the competitiveness, efficiency and capacity of Canada's multi-modal transportation network and will be focused specifically on the movement of international commerce between the Asia-Pacific region and North America.

While transportation infrastructure is at the core, the Initiative also focuses on interconnected issues that impact on the further development and exploitation of the Asia-Pacific Gateway and Corridor. As part of a fast track planning and consultative process to inform future decisions and the development of long-term strategic directions for this initiative, TC is engaged in a number of non-infrastructure / competitiveness measures, including:

  • Policy renewal agenda to examine policy issues that directly impact the efficiency of the transportation infrastructure that defines the Gateway and Corridor, or its exploitation;
  • Security review to assess issues related specifically to the Gateway's reputation and performance;
  • Roundtable events across western provinces and an international conference to advance understanding of the long-term challenges and opportunities of the gateway by tapping into Canadian and international academic expertise;
  • Fostering of new approaches to governance, e.g., the integration of the three major ports in British Columbia Lower Mainland;
  • Support for the establishment of the Lower Mainland Trucking Forum to reach recommendations, on a consensus basis, on methods for improving the efficiency of trucking operations at Vancouver ports; and
  • Studies directly related to the Gateway operations and efficiency, to better understand and improve the multi-modal infrastructure network and increase the productivity of the full supply chain.


Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade(DFAIT) Pacific Gateway and 2010 Winter Olympic Games Co-ordinating Group is responsible for the ongoing development and implementation of an international marketing strategy in co-ordination with all stakeholders. The objective is to promote greater use of the Gateway as Asia-Pacific travel and supply chain route of choice for North American and Asia-Pacific importers, exporters, investors and transportation companies.

This strategy, developed in consultation with stakeholders, will include targeted communication products, outgoing and incoming missions and showcase the Asia-Pacific Gateway and Corridor's advantages at key trade, investment and technology shows, conferences and seminars in Canada, Asia-Pacific, Europe and North America.

Key DFAIT missions abroad will be actively engaged in advancing Canada as the gateway and corridor of choice through dialogue with transportation companies, producers, exporters and/or importers in each of their respective regions to showcase the strengths of the Canadian transportation network, encouraging investment and technology transfer, playing an advocacy role on key APGCI issues such as security and border efficiency, providing intelligence back to Canada to support policy development and help determine what messages resonate in their markets.

DFAIT will establish a core group of Trade Commissioners from Asia-Pacific, North American and European missions who will understand the gateway and the opportunities it presents for Canada's economy and are, thereby, able to support the government's objective of establishing Canada as the gateway and corridor of choice between North America and Asia-Pacific.


Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) is responsible for the implementation of a marine container inspection operation located at the Port of Prince Rupert. The marine container inspection operation will allow CBSA to develop operations to ensure containers arriving from other countries are properly inspected by means of effective processes and state of the art technology.

CBSA's marine container inspection operation will play a vital and strategic role, integrated within the overall Asia-Pacific Gateway and Corridor Initiative.


Parks Canada is responsible for the maintenance and recapitalization of highways that pass through national parks, including the Trans Canada Highway (TCH). The TCH is a major pan-Canadian highway that connects the west coast and its Asia-Pacific linkages to the rest of Canada, especially markets in the western provinces.

Parks Canada is in the process of four-laning (twinning) a 10 km section of the congested TCH through the Banff National Park of Canada that will result in improved capacity and efficiency. The funding provided by the APGCI will help ensure the timely completion of this section of highway upgrading and hence support the initiative's objective of improving the movement of goods through the Asia-Pacific Gateway and Corridor.


The Western Economic Diversification (WD) is responsible for two elements of the APGCI; a business opportunities and awareness-raising initiative entitled "Seizing the Gateway Opportunity: Western Canada and the Asia Pacific Challenge", and funding dredging work on the Fraser River to maintain a competitive shipping channel.

As part of "Seizing the Gateway Opportunity", WD is consulting with provincial governments, business and other stakeholders and sponsoring research on the impacts, challenges and opportunities of Asia-Pacific commerce on Western Canada in areas such as business practices and labour.

To support the APGCI, WD will be undertaking a range of activities such as workshops, studies and partnerships to explore topics such as Asian market opportunities by industry sector and an assessment of the needs of western small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) looking to effectively compete against Asian firms.

WD is providing a $4 million grant over two years to the Fraser River Port Authority to support dredging activities on the Fraser River shipping channel. This funding will provide the Fraser River Port Authority with the capacity to maintain its existing business and position itself to attract new business, thereby taking advantage of the Asia-Pacific Gateway opportunities. This temporary measure will enable the port to accommodate the increasingly large shipping vessels, until a long-term solution is developed that would provide for self-sustaining access to port facilities.

9. Federal Partners

10. Names of Programs for Federal Partner

11. Total Allocation


12. Forecasted Spending for 2006-07


13. Actual Spending in 2006-07


14. Planned Results for 2006-07

15. Achieved Results in 2006-07

1.Transport Canada

Transportation Infrastructure Investments (TIF)




  • Announce infrastructure projects.
  • Negotiations with provinces and private sector.
  • Draw contribution agreements
  • Environmental assessments.
  • Infrastructure projects were announced.
  • Work started on the Pitt River Bridge in BC.
  • Negotiations with provinces and private sector are underway.
  • Contribution agreements are signed.
  • Environmental assessments completed or ongoing.

Coordination, Management
Fast Track Process







  • Coordination and Management of the APGCI
  • Consultation with private sector
  • Expert Roundtables
  • Security Review
  • Coordination with participating departments and TC groups.
  • Management of the APGCI.
  • Private sector consultation completed.
  • Roundtables carried out as planned in the prairie provinces.
  • Strategic context for security review completed.





  • Explore amalgamation of the 3 BC Lower Mainland ports authorities.
  • Advance discussions at the Lower Mainland Trucking Forum
  • Phase 1 of the Empty Container Study.
  • BC Lower Mainland port integration procedure is ongoing.
  • Lower Mainland trucking forum is making progress.
  • Phase 1 of the empty Container study is completed.

2. Foreign Affairs and international Trade

Marketing the APGCI




  • Targeted communication products
  • Outgoing mission to Asia
  • Engage key missions in APGCI promotion
  • Focused marketing material provided to China
  • APGCI mission to Hong Kong, Beijing and Shanghai
  • Increased APGCI activities by key missions including Japan, Korea, Taiwan, China and Hong Kong
  • Established a complement of 30 Trade Commissioners to be the APGCI advocates abroad
  • Increased APGCI related market intelligence from Missions

3. Canada Border Services Agency

Marine Container Inspection Operation at Port of Prince Rupert

$28 000



  • To begin planning of operations which is to start in 2007/08
  • Begin the recruitment process
  • Begin an aboriginal recruitment process
  • Begin to plan for required facilities
  • Organize training (POERT, MSOE, etc.) for new recruits
  • As stated in previous column (#14 Planned Results for 2006-2007)
  • Due to its complexity, this initiative received approval at the year-end. As a result, there were some delays relating to real property; therefore a significant portion of the forecasted spending was reprofiled to 2007-08.
  • The facilities plan will move more quickly in the early part of 2007/08 to make up lost time

4. Parks Canada Agency

Banff Trans Canada Highway Twinning




  • Construct new Moraine Creek bridge for new eastbound lanes;
  • Crush aggregate for 07/08 & 08/09 program;
  • Clear 3 km of highway ROW;
  • Complete construction drawings and specs and tender 3 km of roadwork c/w associated wildlife overpass structure and westbound Moraine Creek Bridge
  • Eastbound Moraine Creek bridge constructed;
  • Aggregate quantity for 07/08 & 08/09 program 90% crushed;
  • 3 km of highway ROW cleared;
  • Construction drawings and specs completed and 3 km of roadwork c/w associated wildlife overpass structure and westbound Moraine Creek bridge tendered
  • Existing westbound bridge demolished for reconstruction 07/08

5. Western Economic Diversification

Seizing the Gateway opportunity




  • Build awareness of Canada-Asia business opportunities and current trade and cultural relationships between Canada and Asia through consultation forums and research.
  • APGCI funding in the amount of $100,000 supported a WD project with the Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada (APFC) for consultations and research. APFC hosted consultation forums and a summit in major cities, engaging over 800 stakeholders across Canada. APFC also produced three research papers and a set of case studies on Canada-Asia business opportunities

Dredging of the Fraser River




  • Dredge the Fraser River shipping channel to support Fraser River port operations.
  • Fraser River Port Authority undertook the required dredging work.

16. Comments on Variances:  [1]  The lapse was a result of funding being received late in the fiscal year, a need to reduce one of our key initiatives by roughly 30% and missions abroad either absorbing the cost or by having sought the most cost effective way of participating in the orientation session.

17. Results Achieved by Non-federal Partners: Not applicable

18. Contact: Hélène Dunn (993-7435)

19. Approved by: Virginia Leung

20. Date Approved: August 13, 2007

Horizontal Initiatives

Horizontal Initiative

1. Name of Horizontal Initiative:Marine Security Horizontal Initiative

2. Name of Lead Department(s): Transport Canada

3. Start Date of the Horizontal Initiative: Budget 2001

4. End Date of the Horizontal Initiative: Ongoing

5. Total Federal Funding Allocation:Not Applicable

6. Description of the Horizontal Initiative:

The Marine Security Initiative is a major initiative to improve security at Canadian ports, in waterways and in territorial waters. Elements of this initiative include:

  • Increased monitoring of marine traffic;
  • Improved co-ordination and consultations on marine security;
  • Clearance programs for marine sector employees;
  • Additional requirements of visas for foreign seafarers joining ships in Canada;
  • Provide funding for approved security initiatives at Canadian ports and marine facilities;
  • Implementing new detection equipment in Canadian ports to monitor containers;
  • Additional resources from the RCMP for emergency response and supporting marine security; and
  • The marine security initiative will ensure that Canada meets current international standards and obligations, including those being developed by the International Maritime Organization (IMO). These measures will also ensure that Canada remains competitive with our international trading partners, by meeting their expectations for maritime security.

7. Shared Outcome(s):

The following are planned shared outcomes and activities in marine security.

Key areas include:

  • Domain awareness - Improved awareness of activities in Canadian waters and their approaches, which results in more effective identification of threats to Canada's marine transportation system;
  • Responsiveness - Additional resources for emergency response and supporting marine security;
  • Safeguarding - Includes clearance programs for marine sector employees working in restricted areas, Visas for foreign seafarers joining ships in Canada and new detection equipment in Canadian ports to monitor containers; and
  • Collaboration - Improved co-ordination and consultation on marine security.

Ultimate Outcome:

To improve maritime security at Canadian ports, as well as in waterways and territorial waters.

8. Governance Structure(s):

The Government of Canada created the Interdepartmental Marine Security Working Group (IMSWG), chaired by Transport Canada, to identify and co-ordinate federal government actions in support of Canada's objectives concerning public security and anti-terrorism in the maritime transportation sector, as well as its international marine security obligations. Under the guidance of the IMSWG, each partnering department is responsible for the following:

Transport Canada: Leads the Government of Canada's initiatives to enhance marine security, including:

  • Policy co-ordination;
  • Chairing the Interdepartmental Marine Security Working Group (IMSWG);
  • Carrying out regulatory development in support of marine security initiatives;
  • Implementing and managing the Marine Security Oversight and Enforcement Program;
  • Leading the development of the Marine Transportation Security Clearance Program; and
  • Participating in the Marine Security Operations Centres.

Department of Fisheries and Oceans/Canadian Coast Guard: Contributes to the enhancement of the level of domain awareness within the Canadian exclusive economic zone (EEZ) through increased surveillance activities and the implementation of shore-based Automatic Identification System (AIS) infrastructure and the development of a long-range vessel tracking capability. As well, this organization is increasing its level of on-water capability for response to marine security incidents. It also participates in the Marine Security Operations Centres.

Public Safety Canada: Provides overall policy coordination for the Public Safety Portfolio on marine security issues and conducts counter-terrorism training exercises.

Canada Border Services Agency:

  • Horizontal Learning Initiative: Funding was provided for this initiative and no further expenditures have been requested.
  • Installation of Radiation Detection Equipment at key Canadian Marine Container Terminals
  • Marine Awareness Training Program (Marine Center of Expertise): Funding was provided for this initiative and no further expenditures have been requested.
  • Passenger and Crew Screening Initiative: Expansion of the Marine Security Officers program in the Great Lakes and ongoing funding for the current Marine Security Officers in Pacific, Atlantic and Quebec.
  • Cruise Ship Inspections Increased Use of Integrated Primary Inspection Line (IPIL) and Advanced Passenger Information System/Passenger Name Record (API/PNR) and Contraband Detection Tools at all ports of entry. Consistent and effective risk management of cruise ship passengers and crew.

Royal Canadian Mounted Police: National Ports Project; Emergency Response Team training and a partner in the Marine Security Transportation Program. Also participates in the Marine Security Operations Centres.

Department of National Defense: Contributes to improve collaboration and coordination though a Maritime Information Management and Data Exchange and enhanced domain awareness employing High Frequency Surface Wave Radar network for the surveillance of strategic high traffic coastal area. Leads the Marine Security Operations Centres.

Canadian Security Intelligence Service: No information provided.

9. Federal Partners

10. Names of Programs for Federal Partner

11. Total Allocation


12. Forecasted Spending for 2006/07


13. Actual Spending in 2006/07


14. Planned Results for 2006/07

15. Achieved Results in 2006/07

1. Transport Canada

a. Marine Transportation Security Clearance Program

$11,800 and $2,000 recurring starting - FY 2008/09



  • Bringing into force the clearance program through regulatory amendments including its implementation.
  • Transportation Security Clearances will be processed at a rate of 10,000 clearances per annum.
  • Significant consultations with affected stakeholders.
  • Pilot project established for identifying designated duties in three ports (Vancouver, Montreal and Halifax).
  • Continued collaboration with the U.S. as they move forward their program.

b. Marine Security Oversight and Enforcement Program

$53,000 and $11,800 recurring



  • A safe and secure port system.
  • Reduced likelihood of a marine transportation security incident; including terrorist attacks.
  • Increased stakeholder and public awareness, understanding and cooperation of marine security.
  • Increased stakeholder ability to meet marine security requirements.
  • Marine Security Operations have been active across the regions of Canada, carrying out various activities, including standard setting, inspection and compliance, Marine Security awareness, education, training and support activities. Continued to carry port/facility/vessel assessment plans and reviews against the International Ship and Port Facility Security/Marine Transportation Security Regulations (ISPS/MTSR).
  • Continued to work with Department of National Defence and other core partners in establishing coastal Marine Security Operations Centres (MSOCs) both in Halifax and Victoria, and continued the development of the centers to carry out Transport Canada mandate.
  • Conducted and developed various industry/stakeholder awareness presentations, publications and products.

c. Marine Security Contribution Program




  • Enhanced security at eligible ports and marine facilities facilitating the compliance of eligible ports and marine facilities with the requirements of the Marine Transportation Security Regulations and the International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code.
  • Increased capacity of facility owners and operators to proactively address evolving marine security requirements.
  • Transport Canada provided financial contributions for the implementation of a number of security enhancements.

d. Marine Security Coordination Fund

$16,200 and $2,000 recurring starting

FY 2008/09



  • The allocation of resources in support of one-time or limited-period projects by departments or agencies that will contribute to the improvement of the coordination of marine security efforts across federal government departments and agencies and with other jurisdictions involved in marine security.
  • Transport Canada, through the Interdepartmental Marine Security Working Group (IMSWG), approved a number of initiatives under this program during 2006/07. Funding went to the Department of National Defence, Canadian Space Agency, Environment Canada, Department of Justice, Health Canada, Transport Canada, and the Canada Border Services Agency, all for projects that enhanced federal government coordination and collaboration in marine security.

2. Department of Fisheries and Oceans

a. Automatic Identification System (AIS) and Long Range Vessel Identification and Tracking (LRIT)

(Allocation for the capital
project costs of the AIS and LRIT initiatives from 2003/04 through



  • Design of shore infrastructure for the implementation of a national AIS and LRIT capability.
  • Participate in a co-operative effort to develop an international LRIT system, and subsequently, a Canadian national component of that system.
  • Draft and final technical statement of requirement completed. Draft request for proposal documents including AIS technical specifications and statement of work completed.
  • Canadian Coast Guard, on behalf of Canada, is the chair of the Ad-hoc Working Group on engineering aspects of LRIT.

b. Funding of Additional Fleet Operations

ongoing allocation)



  • Increase of the number of operational days for ships.
  • Increased on-water presence of the Coast Guard Fleet.

c. Enhanced Conservation and Protection Aerial Surveillance Flights

on-going allocation)

$7,833* *833k was carried forward from 05/06


  • Increased patrol hours.
  • Support information exchange between government departments.
  • Enhanced interoperability.
  • Number and scope of flights increased with additional funding. Number of air surveillance hours completed over the baseline (baseline refers to patrol hours for fisheries management prior to increased PSAT funding).
  • Results achieved as anticipated as evidenced by full usage of flight hours. There is an increase in surveillance data and coverage area and no duplication of information being collected.

3. Royal Canadian Mounted Police

a. National Ports Project- National Ports Enforcement Teams (MC1 and MC2)


Dept'l adjustment($1,345)

Revised total $3,942 (see Note 2)



  • Continue with intelligence gathering and enhancement of law enforcement coordination with partnering agencies
  • Increase enforcement activity within the port facility, directed at organized crime and national security threats
  • There are currently several key investigations/projects underway related to National Security and Organized Crime activities.
  • The intelligence gathering activities of the NPET units have led to numerous contraband seizures, as well as investigations and arrests related to other criminal code offences.

b. VACIS - Vehicle and Cargo Inspection System (Smart Border Accord)




  • Increase enforcement activity within the port facility, directed at organized crime and national security threats at one of Canada's major seaports (Halifax)
  • As above

c. Marine Intervention Program - Training (MC1)




  • Provide ongoing training and regional scenarios (exercises) that will enhance Emergency Response Teams (ERT) capacity to respond to marine incidents
  • Marine Operations Course delivered
  • Course was priority loaded with candidates from the Central Region (Ontario and Quebec) who are part of the Marine Security ERTs in the Great Lakes/St. Lawrence region.
  • The ERTs in these two provinces are integrated units with provincial and municipal agencies (Service de police de la Ville de Montréal (SPVM), Sûreté du Québec (SQ), Toronto and Ontario Provincial Police) and identified members from these agencies were provided with the training in support of this integrated strategy.

d. Marine Intervention Program



Dept'l adjustment


Revised total $5,554

(see Note 3)



  • To establish integrated ERT with marine intervention capability in conjunction with provincial and municipal police agencies on the Great Lakes/St. Lawrence Seaway (GL/SLS)
  • To establish a critical response capacity to marine incidents on the GL/SLS
  • To conduct regular marine intervention exercises within the GL/SLS region
  • Continuous in-house training (e.g., firearm qualifications, etc.) including the ERT Basic Course and Marine Operations Training.
  • In addition, there were other police officers/members who completed the Marine Ops Course in support of the program (see above).
  • Formal agreements are in place with the Toronto Police Service (TPS) and the Ontario Provinical Police (OPP). As such, teams are considered integrated with law enforcement from the municipal, provincial and federal levels.
  • Procurement of equipment is on-going.
  • Teams continue to staff positions.

e. Marine Transportation Security Clearance Program (MTSCP) (MC1)




  • Initiative will be implemented with Transport Canada lead
  • Three (3) FTE positions (fingerprint examiners) are staffed through this initiative.

f. Marine Security Operations Centre (MSOC) (MC2)









MSOC East/West (DND lead)

  • Increase capacity to analyze and fuse information/intelligence from the five core federal departments (CBSA, TC, DND, DFO-CCG and RCMP)

Great Lakes/St. Lawrence Seaway MSOC (RCMP lead)

  • Increase capacity in facilitating domain awareness of vessel movement on the GL/SLS
  • Full United States Coast Guard (USCG) participation is expected within this year
  • Continued to work with the Department of National Defence and other core partners in establishing MSOC East/West

Interdepartmental Design Team:

  • Five (5) working groups (Bi-National, Data Fusion, Intelligence and Analysis, Interim Capability and Policy) have continued research for the proposal to government.
  • Working group members consisted of the five (5) federal partners (TC, CBSA, DND, DFO-CCG, PSC and RCMP), as well as representation from the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) and the Niagara Regional Police Service (NRPS).
  • Performance measures were developed and monitored accordingly.


  • Exercises were conducted with the RCMP and DND.
  • Briefings were made to representatives of various departments/agencies of government.

g. National Waterside Security Coordination Program (MC2)




  • Submission of recommendations to government, in concert with Transport Canada, on strategies to mitigate threats related to waterside security (e.g., critical infrastructure, drilling platforms, underwater capacity, visible on water law enforcement presence, etc.)
  • Provided advice and recommendations supporting marine proposals to Government.
  • Participation in various committees/working groups (e.g., Domestic Vessel Security Strategy (DVSS), IMSWG Regulatory Affairs Committee).
  • Continued to research gaps in waterside security.


  1. RCMP figures do not include accommodations
  2. NPET: $1,345,871 was transferred to MSET in support of the programs.
  3. MS ERT: $1,706,000 in capital funds and $1,000,000 in O&M funds were reprofiled from 2006/07 to 2007/08, while $425,000 in capital funds were reprofiled from 2005/06 to 2006/07. There was also $200,000 O&M that was transferred to GL MSOC. In addition, $275,000 O&M transferred from C Division ERT to the MSET program in support of the program. This resulted in a net decrease of $2,756,000 in planned spending.
  4. MSET: $1,345,871 O&M was transferred from the National Ports Enforcement Team (NPET), $275,000 O&M from Marine Security ERT, $25,000 O&M from National Waterside Security Program in support of this program.
5. Public Safety Canada  




6. Department of National Defence

a. High Frequency Surface Wave Radar (HFSWR) at four-five sites

b. Coastal Marine Security Operations Centres (MSOCs) East and West

a. Allocation: $0;
FY 2005/06 carry-forward: $1,281
b. MSOC Funding FY 2006/07: $20,443


b. MSOC Funding
FY 2006/07: $20,443


b. MSOC Spending FY 2006/07:  $8,104

  • Establishment of a network of four to five HFSWR sites (which will be integrated with the two existing HFSWR sites).


  • Increase capacity to analyze and fuse information/intelligence from the five core federal departments (CBSA, TC, DND, DFO-CCG and RCMP)
  • Information not available.




  • Continued to work with core partners in establishing MSOC East/West

7. Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) and Canadian Security Intelligence Services(CSIS)

a. Visas for seafarers joining ships in Canada




  • Significant reduction in the number of seafarers attempting to illegally enter Canada.
  • Information not available.

8. Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC)

b. Passenger and Crew Screening Initiative




  • Information not available.
  • Information not available.

16. Comments on Variances: See results portion.

17. Results Achieved by Non-federal Partners: Not applicable

18. Contact: Michel Tremblay, Acting Chief, Planning and Resource Management - Marine Security, Transport Canada
(613) 949-6575

19. Approved by: Laureen Kinney, Director General, Marine Security, Transport Canada (613) 991-4173

20. Date Approved: August 31, 2007