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Table 11: Details on Project SpendingThe Supreme Court of Canada has implemented/commenced the following projects during the reporting period:
Supplementary information on Project Spending can be found at
Funding for the East Entrance project was approved by Treasury Board in 2005/06 to refit the main entrance used by employees and counsel to enhance accessibility and security. Subsequent to the approval, the RCMP reviewed the security elements of the design and modifications were required. As a result, the project was delayed, and commenced in April 2006 with a planned completion date of November 2006. Significant problems with the contractor arose, and Public Works and Government Services Canada, as the Project Manager, attempted on several occasions to rectify the problems without success. In January 2007 the PWGSC Project Manager asked that the contract be retired, and the contractor’s insurance company was asked to find another general contractor to complete the work. Work recommenced April 2007, and by mid-May 2007, all deficiencies had been corrected. Completion is now estimated for mid-September 2007. Work on the Courtroom AV / IM / IT (Courtroom Modernization) Project has been underway for a number of years, but as work had to be funded from existing reference levels, progress was slow. During 2006-07, the design phase continued, and included a proof of concept (pilot) to ensure the feasibility of the proposed solution and determine requirements with greater precision. Funding for the project was received in October 2006, and with this, an aggressive work schedule was put in place. Key achievements during the year included the finalization of the courtroom design and list of equipment and furniture requirements, completion of tendering for audio-visual and informatics equipment, acquisition of information management software, preparation of prototypes for heritage style furniture that would accommodate information technology equipment and construction of selected heritage style furniture. |