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Status Report on Major Crown Projects

1. Description
The eManifest initiative continues the work implemented under the Advance Commercial Information (ACI) program, and it is the next critical step required to improve the ability of the CBSA to detect shipments that pose a high or unknown risk to the safety and security of Canadians. The objective of eManifest is to work in partnership with the United States and Mexico to implement compatible electronic processes based on advance electronic cargo information. These processes will help the CBSA to effectively analyze risk, ensure efficient border procedures and secure the international trade supply chain. To this end, eManifest will employ the World Customs Organization’s (WCO) Framework of Standards to Secure and Facilitate Global Trade.

Under eManifest, carriers, freight forwarders and importers will transmit to the CBSA real-time and concurrent advance commercial and crew information from carriers, importers and freight forwarders. eManifest complements the risk-management strategy the CBSA employs in the air and marine modes. eManifest will continue to “push the border out” and position the CBSA to obtain the necessary data using sophisticated tools and technology and rigorous, smart risk-assessment systems to interdict threats before their arrival in Canada. This initiative is about getting the right information at the right time and in the right format to protect Canadian society from health, safety, security and terrorist threats while permitting the secure and free flow of legitimate trade.

eManifest will feature the following:

  • Reporting using Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
  • An Internet portal
  • Automated risk assessment
  • Graphic user interface (primary inspection line)
  • An enhanced client notification system
  • Information technology prerequisites and production capacity
  • A data warehouse
  • Compliance management and management information reporting

2. Project Phase
Analysis and Design Phase
Preliminary project approval completed October 2006
Effective project approval completion expected October 2007

3. Leading and Participating Departments and Agencies

Lead department or agency:

Canada Border Services Agency

Contracting authority:

Canada Revenue Agency
Public Works and Government Services Canada

Participating departments and agencies:


4. Prime and Major Subcontractor

Prime contractor:


Major subcontractors:


5. Major Milestones
Start date: October 2006
Estimated date of completion: December 2011

In 2007–2008, eManifest received preliminary project approval. Work is ongoing on the analysis and design phase of the project.

Major Milestones


Milestone 1 (Deployment Package 1)

  • eManifest readiness for IT prerequisites: deployment of STAR configuration.
  • eManifest readiness for automated in-transit pilot project (Phase I): limited to United States>Canada>United States movement across the border and will include functionality to receive status messages from the United States.

October 2007

Milestone 2 (Deployment Package 2)

  • eManifest readiness for automated in-transit pilot project (Phase II ): will add functionality for Canada>United States>Canada movement across the border.

February 2008

Milestone 3 (Deployment Package 3)

  • EDI reporting in highway mode: will provide full functionality for electronic reporting of all cargo, conveyance and crew information by all highway carriers.
  • Internet portal for highway mode: will provide functionality for electronic reporting by all highway carriers.
  • Passage for highway mode: will provide functionality for the Integrated Primary Inspection Line (IPIL) system for border services officers, transponder technology and integrated systems to support the highway mode.

October 2008

Milestone 4 (Deployment Package 4)

  • EDI reporting for secondary cargo: will provide full functionality for electronic reporting of all secondary cargo information by all freight forwarders.
  • Notification system: will notify the primary carrier that the secondary cargo report is on file and will notify to the freight forwarder that the primary cargo report is on file.
  • Internet portal for secondary cargo: will provide functionality for electronic reporting by all freight forwarders.
  • Passage for secondary cargo: will provide further functionality with the IPIL system.

February 2009

Milestone 5 (Deployment Package 5)

  • Risk assessment for air and marine modes: will provide new risk-assessment functionality for the air and marine modes with the implementation of new risk-scoring rules according to changes made to the Harmonized Risk Scoring — Advance Trade Data initiative.

June 2009

Milestone 6 (Deployment Package 6)

  • EDI reporting for importer admissibility data: will provide full functionality for electronic reporting of all importer admissibility data sets from importers and/or brokers.
  • Notification system: will notify to the primary carrier that the importer admissibility data is on file, will notify the importer/broker that data has been received, and will notify the freight forwarder that the importer admissibility data has been received.
  • Internet portal for importers/brokers: will provide functionality for electronic reporting by all importers and/or brokers.
  • Passage for importers/brokers: will provide further functionality in the IPIL system for processing exams.

October 2009

Milestone 7 (Deployment Package 7)

  • Risk assessment for highway/secondary cargo/importer/driver: will provide risk-assessment functionality for all supporting business lines in the highway mode as well as risk assessment of driver information.

February 2010

Milestone 8 (Deployment Package 8)

  • Risk assessment for rail: will provide risk-assessment functionality for all rail cargo, conveyance, importer and crews information.
  • EDI reporting for marine/air crews: will add functionality to current systems to support electronic reporting of all marine and air crews.
  • EDI reporting for rail crews: will add functionality to current systems for electronic reporting of all crew information in the rail mode.

October 2010

Milestone 9 (Deployment Package 9)

  • Risk assessment for marine/air retrofits: will integrate functionality for cargo/conveyance/importer and crew targeting in the air and marine modes.

February 2011

6. Progress Report and Explanations of Variances

7. Industrial Benefits (Business Goals)

  • Manage commercial import volumes more effectively;
  • Get the right information at the right time;
  • Make more informed decisions about whether to examine shipments at the first point of arrival;
  • Protect Canadian society and reward compliant clients with predictable and expedited processing;
  • Streamline trade through risk management;
  • Promote the seamless movement of goods through secure international trade supply chains;
  • Improve the ability of the CBSA to detect high-risk consignments; and
  • Improve controls along the international trade supply chain and make for better and more efficient allocation of CBSA resources.