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To ensure that federal institutions provide equal opportunities for employment and advancement to both English-speaking and French-speaking Canadians and that the composition of the work force tends to reflect the presence of both of the official language communities of Canada.
It is government policy that every federal institution, while respecting the merit principle, ensures that Canadians, whether English-speaking or French-speaking, and regardless of their ethnic origin or first language learned, have equal opportunities for employment and advancement within the institution.
This policy applies to all federal institutions other than the Senate, the House of Commons and the Library of Parliament, and to any other organization when an act or another legal instrument so stipulates it.
1. Every federal institution must ensure that English-speaking and French-speaking Canadians have equal opportunities for employment or advancement within the institution. The institution must ensure that:
2. Every federal institution must aim for the composition of its work force to reflect the presence of both official language communities in Canada, taking into account its own situation (including its mandate, its public and the location of its offices).
The Treasury Board Secretariat will ensure that this policy is implemented through:
Sections 39 and 91 of the Official Languages Act
Public Service Employment Act
Public Service Employment Regulations
Treasury Board Manual, Official Languages volume, chapter 4-1 on the identification of functions or positions
Please direct enquiries to the person responsible for official languages in your institution. This person may then address policy interpretation questions to the:
Official Languages and
Employment Equity Branch
Treasury Board Secretariat
Federal institutions seeking to attain more satisfactory levels of equitable participation for either official language group should find the following guidelines useful. These guidelines indicate measures that are recommended and acceptable and those that are unacceptable.
Recommended measures
1. The following are examples of recommended measures:
The point of comparison will depend on whether the competition is internal (e.g., promotion from within) or external. If the competition is internal, the comparison is with the availability of suitable candidates; if the competition is external, the comparison is with the appropriate component of the labour force.
The appropriate sector of the labour force to use as a point of comparison will vary depending on whether the area of recruitment is local, regional or national. Since most hiring is done locally or regionally, the work force in the relevant area is the valid point of comparison.
Acceptable measures
2. The following are examples of acceptable measures:
Unacceptable measures
3. Reserving positions or groups of positions for candidates of one official language group conflicts with the merit principle and the Official Languages Act and its policies. The following measures would thus be unacceptable: