HTML version of the form: Bargaining Agent Identification Notice of Change


The employer shall:

Please mark ’N/A’ when a section does not apply so the bargaining agent is aware that the section was not forgotten.

SECTION I - EMPLOYEE INFORMATION (to be completed by the employer)

This section lists employee information which is inserted by the compensation advisor. Insert the family name and first name of employee. If the employee is changing bargaining agents, then include the previous IAN. New and existing IANs would be inserted in the IAN box. Ensure the type of action is indicated by checking the appropriate box. Some examples of a Change in Classification or Level would include situations of acting; promotion and demotion. Note that the effective date of change is not the date the dues should start; it is the date that the type of action commences. For example, for a Re-Taken on Strength, this date would indicate the date the employee returned to work. The previous classification is included, if applicable.

SECTION II - BARGAINING AGENT INFORMATION (complete appropriate information based on the type of action)

This information is necessary for the bargaining agents. Ensure the appropriate information is included, based on the type of action. If there is a previous bargaining agent, include the component and local numbers, as applicable, as well as the other details. The same applies for the new bargaining agent. It is also important to include the departmental representative’s information (such as name of the compensation advisor, etc.)

Send this completed form to the appropriate bargaining agent(s).

SECTION III - EMPLOYEE AUTHORIZATION - Form TBS/SCT 340-51(a) is required for employee authorization

Form TBS/SCT 340-51(a) Employee Consent to Provide Personal Information to Bargaining Agents is to be sent to the employee, if one of the following situations applies:

Send a copy of the form (or a link to the form) to the employee for completion. In your communication to the employee, please include the employee’s IAN number, bargaining agent’s name, mailing address and facsimile number, in order to allow the employee to send the completed form to the appropriate bargaining agent.

TBS/SCT 340-51 (Rev. 2011/02)

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