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Table 6 – Green Procurement
How is your department planning to meet the objectives of the Policy on Green Procurement?
Internal Implementation:
Have support of the Policy reflected in performance agreements for the second year running.
Implementation of training and awareness activities, and a departmental protocol for green procurement, so that all employees within the organization are aware of considerations, responsibilities and procedures, and are applying these to departmental procurement.
Implementation of or further definition of green procurement commodity-specific targets. (see Question 2)
Responsibilities under section 8 of the Policy on Green Procurement:
Continue to provide expertise to the ongoing reviews of commodities, led by PWGSC.
As may be required, contribute expertise for updates of training and already existing tools, to the development of new tools or guidelines, or aspects of performance measurement, for example.
Has your department established green procurement targets?
In progress
Describe the green procurement targets that have been set by your department and indicate the associated benefits anticipated.
Progress made to establish targets:
Have consulted widely in the department as part of the engagement activities of the broader NRCan Green Operations initiative and in the context of implementation of the Policy, in order to identify commodity areas that will form the basis of an initial round of target-setting, that in some cases present opportunities for improvement in the various phases of the
life cycle.
The target areas identified are paper, internal printing and travel (a key area of high spend). These target areas have been endorsed by senior management (Departmental Management Committee). Potential approaches and targets have been developed.
In the cases of paper and internal printing, the approaches and targets will be firmed up prior to the end of fiscal 2007/2008 to enable commencement of or further work to implement in 2008/2009. This may also be the case for the area of travel.