We are currently moving our web services and information to Canada.ca.

The Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat website will remain available until this move is complete.

Section IV - Other Items of Interest

Corporate Areas

Corporate Management and Comptrollership (CM&C)

In 2006-2007, CM&C will continue to be driven by the RCMP strategic goal of providing safe homes and safe communities for Canadians and by the RCMP's strategic priorities of Organized Crime; Terrorism; Youth; Service to Aboriginal Communities; and, Economic Integrity. 

CM&C will also be driven by its two overarching themes: Live within Budgets and Live within the Rules which will ensure effective management and accountability for resources consistent with the RCMP's 2006-2007 Management Strategy on Stewardship. 

Live within Budgets means responsible spending and stewardship of financial resources within allocated budget levels and within the framework of the Financial Administration Act, government policies and the RCMP/CM&C financial policies and procedures. 

Live within the Rules means effective stewardship, management and control of financial resources and assets by respecting and remaining within delegated authority levels and by strict adherence to the framework of relevant government legislation and policies and also to RCMP/CM&C policies and procedures. 

Within the RCMP, there are ongoing pressures for CM&C to meet operational and other needs and challenges through the provision of sound finance; asset and facility management; procurement and contracting policies; systems; services and support. Functional specialists in finance, assets and procurement will be at the center of the RCMP's responses to these challenges. 

The RCMP will need to compete successfully with other government departments for scarce resources at a time when many of our programs are still under-funded and we are seeking additional resources to meet these and new demands. 

The results of the Auditor General's audit on the proper conduct of public business are anticipated in 2006. Since the RCMP was one of the departments reviewed, there will be a requirement to review the relevant portions of this major report and develop, where necessary, management responses and action plans. 

Further progress is planned and required on major high risk/high profile/high value projects and initiatives; for instance, the major accommodation projects such as progress on the construction of new HQ buildings in "E" and "H" Divisions, the implementation of options for the Vanier Campus (Nicholson), and a broad spectrum of training facility initiatives at Depot, Innisfail, the Canadian Police College, and Connaught. 

One of the most critical realities, however, is that the RCMP has increasingly less and less financial flexibility; the margin between expenditures and available budgets is extremely limited regardless of the fact that it is achieving unprecedented levels in its revenue collections - in 2004-2005 it achieved 99.8%. This, therefore, means that in 2006-2007, even stronger monitoring and control of budgets by managers across the Force, (supported by CM&C) will be the new reality. 

As the RCMP's functional authority for financial resources and assets, CM&C's ongoing challenges include: 

Internal Audit, Evaluation and Management Review/Quality Assurance 

A key element of the governance structure of the RCMP includes the provision of strategic, high quality and professional internal audit; program evaluation; and, management review (MR). Quality assurance (QA); the development/implementation of policies, standards, tools and procedures; and, annual and long-term risk-based audit/evaluation plans also serve to support government-wide and Force priorities.

Internal Audit

We have an effective internal audit function that has been cited as "Notable" by TBS in its annual Management Accountability Framework Assessment of the RCMP. In 2006-2007, Internal Audit will continue to provide assurance services on risk management, control, and governance processes, consistent with the International Standards for the Practice of Internal Audit

A new TB Policy on Internal Audit came into effect on April 1, 2006. The implementation of this new policy will be a multi-year initiative, requiring additional resources, a carefully planned transition and monitoring of results. Key elements of the new policy include the following:


In June of 2005, a risk-based evaluation plan was developed and approved by the RCMP's Audit and Evaluation Committee, and in accordance with TBS policy, a copy of the plan was forwarded to Treasury Board.

At the June 2005 meeting of the Audit and Evaluation Committee, the Chief Audit Executive (CAE) proposed that the Evaluation Directorate focus its limited resources and efforts on providing policy advice, guidance and contract management to the Force. 

Major program evaluations (such as those in Federal and International Operations (FIO) and Contract, Community, and Aboriginal Policing Services (CCAPS)) would be contracted out under the direction of the Evaluation Directorate and financed by the affected program area. Quality control would be provided by the Director, Program Evaluation thus ensuring independence and objectivity.

Management Review /Quality Assurance 

To ensure responsible programs and services, in addition to our corporate internal audit and evaluation services, an effective operations-oriented review program is in place. We have updated our Management Review / Quality Assurance program and tools to include Integrated Risk Management (IRM) principles and regional review service groups are in place to promote effective program implementation.

The Quality Assurance process, starting this year, will be incorporated into the Detachment Performance Plan (DPP). QA and DPP share some common processes and the integration will ensure that Detachment and Unit Commanders have only one master document to manage when considering their planning and monitoring activities. 

Strategic Policy and Planning

The RCMP has a structured planning cycle. Using the latest environmental scan as a starting point, priorities are chosen and strategies are developed for those priorities. Using the Balanced Scorecard methodology, strategies are developed and aligned across the organization. Business plans are prepared at the division level and aggregated into program activity plans. All business plans capture: an environmental scan, an identification of risks and mitigation strategies; an identification of unfunded pressures; initiatives aligned with critical objectives emanating from the strategic priorities; an articulation of initiatives in support of division or program activity strategy, as well as a breakdown of all activities according to the Program Activity Architecture. In addition, funding for initiatives that are no longer strategic priorities are assessed for reallocation to higher priority initiatives once the balance of risks has been completed. 

The Strategic Policy and Planning Directorate (SPPD) reviews the divisional and business line plans in order to ensure corporate planning is aligned to operational priorities. Plans presented which do not support the organizational strategy, are challenged and refined as necessary. 

All identified unfunded pressures are supported by a comprehensive business case, approved at the Deputy Commissioner level. The collective pressures are then analyzed and prioritized using an RCMP developed prioritization tool. This tool weighs the pressure against factors such as: public safety; alignment with government priorities, alignment with RCMP priorities; value for investment, etc. This close examination results in a prioritized list of unfunded pressures for budgetary consideration. 

Starting in 2006-2007, Detachment Performance Plans that incorporate best practices in performance management will be implemented to reinforce excellence in service in our communities and will support the business planning process.

The RCMP Strategic Policy and Planning Directorate is actively enhancing its capacity to track, analyze, and apply within the horizontal cadre of government initiatives the emergence of cabinet documents, inter and intra-governmental agreements, policy initiatives, and research agendas/trend analysis. 

Strategic Planning and Performance Management

Strategic planning is absolutely imperative to a well-functioning organization. It guides decision making, facilitates effective use of resources and provides us with critical feedback. Our planning cycle is based on a continuous integrated approach and is augmented by strategic activities meant to enhance and support informed decision making. 

Our planning cycle is highlighted by three significant periods of review.

First review (late spring):

The outcome of this review either confirms or refocuses our priorities to better reflect the needs of Canadians within a three- to five-year horizon. With the issuing of the Commissioner's Directional Statement, all levels of the RCMP can begin to focus on their respective responsibilities to Canadians and what plans could enhance the delivery of our services. 

Second review (fall): 

Once complete, corporate-level business plans are then developed - the lag ensures these plans reflect the priorities and needs of Operations.

Third review (late winter): 

While all of these periods of review have a specific focus, they also offer opportunities for ongoing review (look back) and forecasting (look ahead) - critical to determining if we are on the right track - or if adjustments are required. In order to support more immediate requirements for informed decision making, a quarterly performance reporting cycle is also in place, allowing for the continuous tracking of initiatives and expected outcomes.

National Business Plans

A Senior Management Steering Committee has been established at National Headquarters to provide the necessary leadership and direction to ensure robust business planning in the RCMP. 

Divisional Business Plans 

As is the case with their Headquarters counterparts, business plans at the division level are required. Not only do they reflect a clear understanding of our national strategic priorities and the "fit" with their activities, there is a comprehensive understanding of local issues and priorities.

Environmental Scanning

Every three years we conduct a comprehensive Environmental Scan to review the macro-level trends, both international and domestic, that are shaping our environment. Our efforts are focused on seven key dimensions - demographics, society, economy, politics and governance, science and technology, environment and public safety and security - highlighting new trends and updating previously reported issues. In each of the two years between comprehensive Environmental Scans, we conduct focused scans on an emerging area of importance to the RCMP. 

In 2005, a feature focus was conducted on Economic Crime highlighting the current level of risk Canadians face and ultimately led to the adoption of a new strategic priority for 2006-2007 - Economic Integrity.

Core Surveys

Surveys are conducted on an annual basis in an effort to capture baseline opinion data regarding our performance. Questions predominantly focus on general satisfaction areas; for example: our role in safe homes and safe communities; quality of service; professionalism; sensitivity; community involvement; visibility; value of partnerships; and, communication. Populations canvassed include: general Canadian population; clients of Contract Policing; policing partners; employees; and, stakeholders. 

The survey results are used as metrics to inform managers on the progress of their objectives and as reference material for the further development of their plans and priorities.

Taken together, some common messages emerge from the various core survey results. The RCMP's contribution to ensuring the safety of our homes, communities and country is perceived as important. Our organization is viewed as professional, with integrity and honesty valued. However, communication regarding the nature of and rationale behind our activities is an area for improvement.

In its 2005 Management Accountability Framework Assessment, TBS commends the RCMP for the progress it has achieved in implementing the client satisfaction survey component into their overall management approach. The RCMP's Survey Centre conducts annual client, partner and stakeholder surveys. Baseline satisfaction levels were established in 2003. The Survey Centre provides in-depth analysis of the survey results. Managers set targets, put initiatives in place, and monitor satisfaction rates. 

For these surveys the RCMP utilizes the Government's Common Measurement Tool (CMT) and survey results are posted on the external and internal web. The RCMP will be utilizing the next employee survey (2007) to assess employee perceptions of leadership performance with respect to values and ethics. 

Consultation and Engagement

Consistent with Government priorities to ensure the broader engagement of partners in plans and priorities, we are pursuing a national consultation and engagement strategy. This will not only ensure the interests and needs of our partners are appropriately reflected in our plans and priorities, it will support our collective efforts in considering the benefits to be realized in shared service delivery. 

As our consultation and engagement strategy evolves, this practice will become one of our business maxims. 

The Balanced Scorecard  - Our Performance Management System

The Balanced Scorecard was adopted by the RCMP as its tool for furthering strategy-focused, performance-managed business planning. It allows us to manage and measure our performance against our strategic priorities and objectives. In addition, it facilitates proactive planning, which is essential for clarifying objectives and actions and for identifying areas where resources could be used more efficiently to improve the delivery of RCMP programs and services. 

Consistent with several other performance management processes, the Balanced Scorecard shares many commonalities with other key Government plans and priorities - including Results for Canadians, Modern Comptrollership and the Service Improvement Initiative, as examples.

In essence, the Balanced Scorecard guides us in gauging critical intangibles such as people, data and environment and assists all levels of management in identifying what key factors will enable business "success" or goal achievement. It also gives us the ability to tell the RCMP story by demonstrating "what we do and why" and to gain recognition for the critical role we play in providing safe homes and safe communities for Canadians. 

There are several other potential benefits - determination of managerial accountability in achieving performance results; communication of strategic priorities across an organization; clarity and transparency around the allocation of resources; and, consistent reporting on results. With the alignment of operations and objectives, this ensures resources deliver value and are used in the best possible way.

Over the past two years, performance reporting to our Senior Executive Committee (SEC), chaired by the Commissioner of the RCMP, has followed a rigorous and demanding schedule so that a culture of performance management could be quickly instilled into our organization. The use of the Balanced Scorecard is now firmly entrenched as an integral part of our daily business practices and is a contributing factor towards the advancement of our strategic priorities. 

In a 2005 Harvard Business School publication, Balanced Scorecard Hall of Fame Report 2005, the RCMP is featured as a recent inductee into the Balanced Scorecard Hall of Fame. The RCMP adopted the Balanced Scorecard as its performance management system in August 2001 in response to the new policing demands of the 21st century as a means to demonstrate accountability to its many stakeholders and to clarify and execute its strategic priorities. The RCMP is currently the only federal law enforcement agency in the world to use the Balanced Scorecard and it is the only Government of Canada department to have received the prestigious honour of being inducted into the Balanced Scorecard Hall of Fame.

For more information on the Balanced Scorecard, please go to: www.bscol.com

For more information on performance management in the RCMP, please see: www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca

Detachment Performance Plans

Starting in 2006-2007, Detachment Performance Plans that incorporate best practices in performance management will be implemented to reinforce excellence in service in our communities and will support the business planning process.

The Detachment Performance Plan (DPP) will:

Performance plans will capture key information for all levels of the organization that:

Performance plans will also:

The DPP responds to issues identified or recommendations made in an OAG November 2005 report:

In the fall of 2006 approximately 750 Detachments will be completing their Performance Plan (DPP). The Detachment/Unit Performance Plan is expected to make a significant impact on the way we do business.

Information Management/Information Technology

As has been the case over the last few years, several key factors will continue to impact on the IM/IT community:

We have made significant progress in addressing these issues and we are committed to further strengthening the management of our IM/IT resources.

The RCMP's success in furthering intelligence-led and integrated policing is largely dependent on information systems and technology to facilitate the gathering and management of information, the creation of intelligence, and the cooperative and coordinated exchange between partners. Integrated operational mechanisms - like the Police Reporting Occurrence System (PROS) and our work on the Integrated Query Tool (IQT) - will link databases so that information can be retrieved from a number of systems.

As a key member of the federal justice community, we have important responsibilities in working to ensure that existing and planned IM/IT systems are compatible and consistent with one another - and as part of the vital support systems within the larger criminal justice system. Our goal is to optimize the use of compatible systems by the Canadian law enforcement community to ensure that information and intelligence is accessible and available to those who need it in a timely manner.

By leveraging common IM/IT investments, there are potential benefits for all partners:

The RCMP's IM/IT program is delivered from National Headquarters and four regions across the country. Accountability for IM/IT initiatives is dispersed throughout the organization, with some initiatives under the direct authority of the Chief Information Officer (CIO) and others under the authority of regions or policy centres. Senior management at annual planning sessions identifies strategic priorities. Major IM/IT plans and issues are shared with senior executive staff during Senior Management Team retreats throughout the RCMP planning cycle given the priority and importance assigned to IT projects by Senior Executive Committee (SEC).

The RCMP has continued its efforts to strengthen program and project management by establishing an IM/IT Planning Framework, standardized Project Management Methodology and centralized procurement controls. Progress on all key projects is reported periodically to the CIO on either a monthly or quarterly basis. These reports outline progress against plans, as well as major risk areas and mitigation strategies. New or enhanced IM/IT business solutions, programs and services that raise privacy issues must develop, conduct and update a Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) - all PIA submissions are also reviewed by Access to Information (ATIP), to ensure compliance with federal requirements and the Privacy Act.

We are committed to improving the quality of IM/IT services through the implementation of a Continuous Service Improvement Program (CSIP). The main goals of this program are to strengthen IT Governance and implement IT Service Management "best practices" such as Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL). CSIP and the newly established CIO Project Office will improve the IM/IT program and project management by providing a disciplined approach to strategic and business planning, enhanced prioritization of projects, project approval and oversight as well as IT service support and service delivery. In addition, we are integrating the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) planning and reporting tool into IM/IT projects and initiatives to ensure performance is reported against strategic objectives on a 90-day cycle. 

The Human Resources Sector 

The Human Resources Sector is committed to furthering its vision of enabling operational readiness. This requires us to continue to attract, develop and retain the people who will best support the achievement of this key objective. The HR planning process, now integrated with the RCMP business planning process, is a critical element to realizing this vision. 

Given the operational nature of our work, certain workforce realities and service delivery expectations, our HR planning focus has necessarily been on our Regular Member population - to ensure the RCMP is appropriately positioned to deliver on its public safety commitments. Nevertheless, we must also focus our attention on planning for our Civilian Members and Public Service employees, who not only comprise a significant portion of our workforce but are also essential to our success in realizing organizational objectives. 

The Strategic Leadership Initiative

Over the past two years, the Strategic Leadership Initiative (SLI) examined several key factors in charting the course to a renewed future state for the RCMP's Human Resources. This included analyzing the current state of business processes and relationships, determining gaps and shortcomings, and identifying key areas of focus for HR modernization - to not only ensure greater alignment between the HR function and the business we support, but to reposition it as a strategic and value-added partner, through a stronger client-centred, operational focus. 

With much of this process work completed and a model developed, the transition from project status to business is underway, with HR policy centres now beginning to assume the responsibility for implementing requisite changes. 

Over the next year, we will focus on the following priorities:

Recruiting - Attracting the Next Generation of Talent

A projected increase in attrition rates due to retirement and growth in new positions in the Force are creating unprecedented demands for new members at a time when the age group from which the RCMP typically recruits is shrinking. To address this, the National Recruiting Strategy has been developed to ensure we are appropriately positioned to meet our future human resource needs. Our priorities include:

Succession Planning - Developing the Next Generation of Leaders

With projected high attrition rates due to retirement, a focus on succession planning is integral to the continued success of the RCMP in meeting its operational commitments.

Our priorities include:

Learning Investment - Maximizing our Training in Support of Operations

We are committed to the implementation of the Learning Investment Strategy to ensure the efficient and effective management of the RCMP's national learning, training and development resources. Through effective governance and alignment of learning and training resources, we will be better able to support the organization's strategic and operational priorities, as well as ensure that our employees have the necessary knowledge, skills and competencies to carry out their duties. 

Our learning priorities over this next year will focus on building individual capacity, strengthening organizational leadership, and enhancing operational performance. Specifically, our efforts will include the following: 

Standardization - Ensuring Common, Consistent and Sustainable HR Policies, Programs and Services

Competency-based Management 

Competency-based management (CBM) is an approach to managing employee performance based not just on "what" work is being done, but also on "how" the work is being accomplished - ultimately, it is about getting the right people doing the right jobs. A team has been tasked with researching and creating an expanded Competency-based Framework for the RCMP. Specific profiles are being created for different jobs, listing the most critical elements required for success in that job. 

Public service employees are an equally critical part of our workforce. The new Public Service Employment Act, which came into effect at the end of December 2005, marks the beginning of how we will now staff positions in our organization. With a staffing system that promotes flexibility, access, fairness and transparency, while ensuring the values of merit and non-partisanship remain at the heart of the system, we will be better positioned to further HR plans and priorities through the efficient and effective staffing of PS positions. Information sessions on the new legislation are being conducted throughout the organization so that employees at all levels will be able to recognize the benefits and advantages associated to the PSEA.

Promoting a Healthy, Safe Workplace and Productive Workforce 

Health Services Renewal

Our efforts at Health Services renewal are ongoing, including programs as well as policy, process enhancements and new services.

Our priorities include:

The Duxbury Report

In 2001, 5,114 RCMP employees participated in a national Health Canada-sponsored survey administered by Dr. Linda Duxbury. This was followed in 2003 by a study commissioned by the CHRO to better understand emerging issues, as well as longitudinal trends. This internal scan of employees' perceptions of the workplace, coupled with the internal employee survey findings from 2003 and 2005, will be widely communicated to drive out organizational change initiatives at the local level. Further data mining will contribute to informed forecasting of human capital and informed decision making.

Areas of weakness were identified and will be the focus for improvement including the work environment (e.g. workload and structure), internal programs (e.g. rewards and recognition, career development and people management) and outcome measures (e.g. retention rates).

Since 2003, a number of initiatives have been undertaken which address elements of the report. Improvements are ongoing and are a shared responsibility of all employees and management levels across the organization. The Senior Executive Committee (SEC) adopted an organizational response that will establish employee wellness as a priority.

New Harassment Policy 

A new policy on Prevention and Resolution of Harassment in the Workplace was implemented in 2005 and is now the subject of its first formal review. Extensive consultation with employee representatives is currently taking place, and the response from various stakeholders is evidence of the commitment everyone has toward the eradication of harassment in the workplace. Once the evaluation is complete, necessary further action will be identified.

Technology - Enabling User-friendly and Leading-edge HR Systems

To better coordinate and facilitate the requisite changes to IM/IT systems in support of our HR needs, a Technological Integrator has been identified to prioritize and further key projects and enhancements. 

Our priorities include:

Integrated HR Planning - Integrating Key HR Considerations into Strategic Planning

HR Sector planning requirements have now been mapped to key corporate milestones and timelines, and an ambitious planning agenda has been charted which will better position the Sector in its efforts to further short- and long-term HR considerations into business planning. 

To ensure the organization's HR investments and needs can be more appropriately monitored and tracked, HR considerations will be more inclusive in next year's business plan template so we can further the important reality that human resources management is everyone's business. In our efforts to ensure the sound stewardship of human resources, the Human Resources Management Framework has also been developed. This establishes the Force's standards and expectations for sound human resources management, supported by clearly articulated principles, accountabilities and processes in support of efficient and effective HR service delivery. Review and validation of the framework is now in progress.

As part of next year's business and strategic plans, regional components and perspectives will also be highlighted so we can be assured we are developing HR plans and priorities which not only benefit our business practices, they enable our frontline service providers.

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