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Lawrence Cannon
As Canada’s Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities, I am pleased to present Infrastructure Canada’s 2007-2008 Report on Plans and Priorities, which outlines the organization’s corporate direction for the next three fiscal years.
For the past year, Infrastructure Canada has been part of the Transport, Infrastructure and Communities (TIC) portfolio. The portfolio is discussed in greater detail on page 5 of this report.
On November 23rd, 2006, the Government of Canada presented Advantage Canada, a forward-looking plan, which reinforces its Budget 2006 commitment to infrastructure funding. That commitment will help fund the modern infrastructure Canada needs. Building on consultations held with the provinces and territories, municipalities and stakeholders during the summer and fall 2006, the Government is developing a comprehensive long-term infrastructure plan. The plan will incorporate the unprecedented $16.5 billion funding for infrastructure, including $6.6 billion of new funding, announced in Budget 2006.
Through the infrastructure plan, we will cooperate with partners to build a stronger economy, a cleaner environment and stronger communities for all Canadians. We know that modern, world-class infrastructure can help ensure the seamless flow of people, goods and services across our roads and bridges, and through our ports and gateways. The plan will support: improvements to the core national highway system; large-scale provincial, territorial and municipal projects, such as public transit and wastewater management; and small-scale municipal projects.
The Government is committed to exploring new and innovative approaches to fund public infrastructure, while at the same time maximizing benefits to Canadians. We can do this, in part, by engaging more private sector involvement in public infrastructure. To this end, the Government will establish a public-private partnership (P3) office and set aside funds to support select P3 projects.
I am proud to report on the plans and priorities of Infrastructure Canada. These plans demonstrate the commitment of Canada’s new Government to a world-class infrastructure as part of Advantage Canada. Our infrastructure mission will also help achieve government priorities in the areas of environment and research and development. We are working in a spirit of cooperation with partners to ensure infrastructure investments work for Canadians.
The Honourable Lawrence Cannon, P.C., M.P.
Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities
I submit for tabling in Parliament, the 2007-2008 Report on Plans and Priorities for Infrastructure Canada.
This document has been prepared based on the reporting principles contained in the Guide for the Preparation of Part III of the 2007-2008 Estimates: Reports on Plans and Priorities and Departmental Performance Reports:
Signed: |
Louis Ranger |
Title: |
Deputy Head |
This Report on Plans and Priorities (RPP) presents concise information on Infrastructure Canada’s plans and priorities and resources for fiscal year 2007-2008 that contribute to the achievement of its strategic outcome and expected results.
The mission of Infrastructure Canada is to help build sustainable Canadian communities where Canadians benefit from world-class public infrastructure.
Canada needs to remain competitive and productive while sustaining and improving the quality of life of Canadians. World-class public infrastructure, including safe and reliable water systems and efficient transportation systems that allow goods and people to move freely, are critical to meeting these objectives. As a nation whose exports are so critical to economic growth and prosperity, Canada’s infrastructure that provides gateways to foreign markets is particularly important.
The Government of Canada is committed to working in partnership with provinces, territories and municipalities to help them meet their infrastructure needs through predictable and reliable funding programs based on sound policies and programs. In doing so, the Government will maximize value for taxpayers’ money by supporting infrastructure projects that adhere to best practices, by not funding cost overruns and by requiring all funding recipients to be accountable.
The Government recognizes that cities and communities require predictable, strategic, long-term funding, as well as innovative relationships and partnerships to reach their full potential for the benefit of all Canadians. Each city and community has unique needs and challenges.
In carrying out this government priority, Infrastructure Canada manages several funding programs, and continues to build the policies, knowledge and partnerships to support them. As well, Infrastructure Canada will continue to play a strong role in facilitating governments and others to work together to support strong, vibrant and sustainable cities and communities.
Infrastructure Canada was established in 2002 to lead the Government of Canada’s effort to address the infrastructure challenges of Canadian cities, communities and regions, through research, policies and funding programs. Since then, the organization has evolved to become a centre of expertise for infrastructure management and the federal focal point for cities and communities issues.
In February 2006, Infrastructure Canada and Transport Canada became part of a new portfolio, Transport, Infrastructure and Communities (TIC), which includes sixteen Crown corporations. The TIC portfolio responsibilities are displayed in the diagram on the following page. Transport Canada, the Canadian Transportation Agency and the Transportation Appeal Tribunal of Canada produce their own Reports on Plans and Priorities. The Crown corporations prepare their own annual corporate plans.
Figure 1: Transport, Infrastructure and Communities Portfolio
Since the creation of the portfolio, measures were taken to maximize synergies and increase the coordination of activities. As a result, in August 2006, the management of the Transport, Infrastructure and Communities portfolio became the responsibility of a single deputy minister. Following this decision, a joint committee of the two departments was formed to explore options regarding the design of new infrastructure programs resulting from the Budget 2006 announcements, and to put forward recommendations to the Minister. This committee is a key component for the coordination of portfolio activities and will continue to monitor programs over the next year. Other measures will be undertaken over the following year to ensure a knowledge management that supports even greater coordination.
The new portfolio addresses several of the challenges facing Canada, particularly the modernization of public infrastructure, and the sustainability of both the environment and economic growth. These challenges are priorities for the Government of Canada and will continue to guide the activities of the portfolio.
Budget 2006 committed $16.5 billion in new and existing infrastructure funding, including $6.6 billion in new infrastructure funding to support large and small community infrastructure, highways and transit, and borders and gateway infrastructure. The total for infrastructure funding also included $1.3 billion of funding for public transit; the maintenance of the Gas Tax funding agreements worth $5 billion over five years to support sustainable municipal infrastructure; and support for the Asia-Pacific Gateway and Corridor Initiative.
The Transport, Infrastructure and Communities portfolio will continue its work, with provinces, territories, municipalities and other groups, to build capacity, increase the efficiencies of transportation systems, and to renew our public infrastructure, all of which are key to the growth of communities.
In support of its mission, Infrastructure Canada has one Strategic Outcome:
Improving the sustainability of our cities and communities and Canada’s local, regional and national public infrastructure to enhance the economic, social, cultural and environmental quality of life of Canadians.
This Strategic Outcome will be achieved by:
The Strategic Outcome is long-term and enduring in nature. It identifies the areas of influence of Infrastructure Canada, and demonstrates how the organization’s efforts benefit Canadians.
The Government of Canada’s performance reporting framework consists of thirteen outcomes grouped under three policy themes: economic, social and international. Figure 2 illustrates how Infrastructure Canada’s funding programs are linked to Canada’s performance. (For more information on Government of Canada Outcomes, refer to
Figure 2: Infrastructure Canada’s Funding Programs and Links to Canada’s Performance
Infrastructure Canada Program Objective Enhance infrastructure in Canada’s urban and rural communities and to improve quality of life through investments that protect the environment and support long-term community and economic growth Municipal Rural Infrastructure Fund Objective Support smaller-scale municipal infrastructure projects that improve the quality of life, sustainable development and economic opportunities, particularly for smaller communities Canada Strategic Infrastructure Fund Objective Support large-scale strategic infrastructure projects that contribute to economic growth and quality of life in Canada Border Infrastructure Fund Objective Through reductions in congestion and enhancements to capacity, security and safety at border crossings, support Canada’s growing economic and trade relationship with the US |
Canada’s Performance – Horizontal Outcomes |
Sustainable Economy |
Social Foundations |
Canada’s Place in the World |
Gas Tax Fund Objective Support environmentally sustainable municipal infrastructure that contributes to the shared national outcomes of cleaner air, cleaner water, and reduced greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions Public Transit Fund Objective Support public transit infrastructure in Canadian communities that contribute to the Government of Canada’s environmental outcomes Research, Knowledge and Outreach Program Objective To create and disseminate knowledge important to the sustainability of infrastructure and communities |
Financial and human resources for the organization over the planning period are summarized in Tables 1 and 2.
Table 1: Total Financial Resources, 2007-2008 to 2009-2010
(Net Cost of Program in $ thousands)
2007-2008 |
2008-2009 |
2009-2010 |
2,879,200 |
2,662,971 |
3,476,343 |
Table 2: Total Human Resources, 2007-2008 to 2009-2010
(Full Time Equivalents)
2007-2008 |
2008-2009 |
2009-2010 |
237 |
01 |
01 |
Table 3: Infrastructure Canada Priorities
Priority Name |
Type |
Delivering Approved Program Funding |
Ongoing |
Developing Policy, Knowledge, and Partnerships |
Ongoing |
Consistent with guidance provided by the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat, this 2007-2008 Report on Plans and Priorities and the accompanying financial tables are presented using the Government’s Program Activity Architecture (PAA) Framework. The PAA structure, as it existed in 2006-2007, is being used by Infrastructure Canada to present information on its plans and priorities.
Under the PAA, Infrastructure Canada has three program activity areas:
Section II provides details on departmental performance under the first two of these program activity areas. Background information on the third activity area, departmental administration, is presented in Section IV of the report, Other Items of Interest.
Infrastructure Canada has established two priorities in support of its Strategic Outcome:
These priorities remain unchanged from last year’s RPP.
Table 4: Program Activities by Strategic Outcome
(in $ thousands)
Planned Spending |
Contributes to the following priority |
Expected Results |
2007-2008 |
2008-2009 |
2009-2010 |
Strategic Outcome: Improving the sustainability of our cities and communities and Canada’s local, regional and national public infrastructure to enhance the economic, social, cultural and environmental quality of life of Canadians. |
Program Activity #1: Infrastructure Investments |
Maximize economic, social, cultural and environmental benefits for Canadians through investments in public infrastructure in a coordinated manner with provincial, territorial and municipal governments, and First Nations |
$2,861,043 |
$2,657,539 |
$3,476,343 |
Priority #1 |
Program Activity #2: Policy, Knowledge and Partnership Development |
Develop policies to address existing and emerging challenges and opportunities that are based on research and input from strong partnerships |
$18,157 |
$5,432 |
$0 |
Priority #2 |
Note: Program Activity #2 consists of the Research, Knowledge and Outreach Program. Since this program sunsets in 2008-2009, there is no planned spending in 2009-2010.
Infrastructure Canada manages and levers investments in public infrastructure to improve the state of Canada’s public infrastructure and, in turn, enhance the economic, social, cultural and environ-mental quality of life of Canadians. To achieve this goal, Infrastructure Canada will continue to work in a coordinated manner with federal departments and regional development agencies, provincial, territorial and municipal governments, and First Nations.
In its Economic and Fiscal Update, Advantage Canada, released on November 23, 2006, the Government of Canada outlined three priorities: investing in R&D; the environment; and infrastructure (for more information on Advantage Canada, refer to High-quality, modern public infrastructure is essential to Canada’s long-term prosperity. Budget 2006 committed to infrastructure funding to help the provinces, territories and municipalities meet their infrastructure needs. In short, infrastructure matters. Its financing, construction and maintenance are important areas where the Government can and must play a leadership role. Infrastructure that provides gateways to foreign markets is especially important to Canada since exports are critical to its economic growth and prosperity.
Advantage Canada outlined the Government of Canada’s intention to develop a comprehensive plan for infrastructure. This plan will feature:
The infrastructure plan will build on Budget 2006, which committed funding of $16.5 billion for infrastructure, including:
During 2007-2008, Infrastructure Canada will continue to deliver a suite of existing infrastructure funds, each responding to distinct aspects of Canada’s priority infrastructure needs.
Infrastructure Canada has two multidisciplinary research funding programs that are complementary tools for enhancing implemen-tation of this priority and helping to foster evidence-based policy and decision-making on infrastructure and communities issues: the Knowledge-building, Outreach and Awareness program, and the Peer Reviewed Research Studies program. These two funding programs support the goals of Infrastructure Canada’s Research Strategy. (For more information, see:
In summary, to support its funding delivery efforts, in 2007-2008, Infrastructure Canada will:
Infrastructure Canada works to support the infrastructure needs of provinces, territories, cities and communities through the development of strategic policies based on sound knowledge and strong partnerships to address existing and emerging challenges and opportunities.
Key federal or shared responsibilities, such as security, emergency preparedness, immigration, environment, labour market, infrastructure and transportation play out primarily in major urban areas that generate about two-thirds of Canada’s GDP. At the same time, rural and northern communities and regions, which are essential to Canada’s economic and social objectives, face distinct challenges to their long-term sustainability.
The Government of Canada can complement its national measures with place-based approaches that respond to specific needs and assets of communities. As many of these issues are cross-jurisdictional, the Government of Canada will work to develop strengthened gover-nance mechanisms for working in partnership with provincial and territorial governments, municipalities and municipal associations in ways that promote transparency, accountability and clarity of roles of all governments.
On behalf of the federal government, Infrastructure Canada works with its partners to identify and assess needs with respect to infrastructure, and cities and communities, and evaluates priorities and develops policy options. These activities require a high degree of collaboration with other federal departments and agencies, as well as with provinces, territories, municipalities, municipal associations, First Nations and the private sector.
Infrastructure Canada also seeks to build capacity and develop and share knowledge about infrastructure and cities and communities with its partners through research, communications and other partnership initiatives, both domestically and internationally.
In 2007-2008, Infrastructure Canada will continue to strengthen its capacity to develop strategic policies based on sound knowledge and strong partnerships. Specific planned initiatives include:
Infrastructure Canada is subject to a variety of external and internal influences, which are described below.
A vibrant economy, healthy environment, and strong communities are priorities for Canadians. These three priorities are interlinked, affecting one another through their actions and interactions, and all are supported through world-class infrastructure. As a result, ensuring the sufficiency and quality of Canada’s public infrastructure is key to achieving our objectives in these areas.
Canadians need world-class infrastructure to compete in a global economy, relying on effective transportation routes, gateways and borders to efficiently move goods and people. The Government of Canada will support the necessary infrastructure to encourage international trade and encourage domestic economic development, ensuring that Canada can participate in world markets. As a result, the Government of Canada funds key infrastructure to develop a vibrant economy. Through its funds, Infrastructure Canada provides financial support for trade corridors that increase the productivity, economic efficiency, and safety of Canada’s transportation system. For example, $62.5 million was provided to upgrade the Trans-Canada Highway at Kicking Horse Canyon to a modern four-lane standard, improving an important trade link between British Columbia and the rest of Canada. As well, the Border Infrastructure Fund supports the ability of Canadians and Canadian companies to participate in export markets. Infrastructure Canada is also supporting the development of broadband infrastructure, increasing innovation potential and economic development opportunities by connecting Canadians.
In addition to a vibrant economy, a healthy environment is a key contributor to quality of life. Canadians want to drink clean water, return wastewater to water bodies as clean as it came in, and to improve air quality and reduce greenhouse gases. Canadians also want access to green spaces. No one order of government can provide for all these needs alone. The Public Transit Funds, along with Gas Tax funding and other infrastructure funds provide substantial resources to municipalities to support effective public transit systems.
Canadians also want infrastructure that supports strong cities and communities. Canadian cities are highly ranked in international comparisons of quality of life, which consider infrastructure along with other factors. For example, the Economist Intelligence Unit’s 2005 “Liveability Ranking” rated Vancouver the highest ranked city of all 127 surveyed, and Calgary and Toronto were ranked in the top five. Public infrastructure, from roads and water, to recreation facilities and cultural centres, provides the foundation for quality of life in Canadian cities and communities. However, cities and communities continue to face many challenges in respect of infrastructure devel-opment and maintenance. Many of these relate to their ability to fund and finance infrastructure, in the face of many other competing pressures. Other challenges relate to ensuring that infrastructure is managed sustainably over the long-term and continues to meet the ongoing needs of our growing and changing cities and communities. Infrastructure Canada supports the development of strong communities through funding important municipal infrastructure like transit and urban redevelopment. Also, communities can use the Gas Tax Fund to support capacity building – developing skills and knowledge to plan for their communities in a sustainable manner – leading to Integrated Community Sustainability Plans that provide for a long-term vision of the community.
All orders of government must work together to address these challenges and harness the opportunities provided by these challenges. The Government of Canada needs to work closely and cooperatively with all orders of government, First Nations and the private and not-for-profit sectors, to ensure that efforts are complementary, responsive to local needs, and respectful of jurisdiction.
Infrastructure Canada was established in 2002. It has overseen the relatively rapid development and implementation of a suite of infrastructure funds. It has since evolved into an ongoing entity with growing responsibilities far beyond delivering investment programs. In 2004, it assumed responsibility for leading the cities and communities agenda, and became a federal focal point for infrastructure and communities issues. As discussed elsewhere in the RPP, Budget 2006 reaffirmed the importance of modern infrastructure for Canada’s continued growth and prosperity and provided for additional funding for various infrastructure initiatives.
This evolution of Infrastructure Canada’s responsibilities over the past several years has resulted in a period of continuous change in its organizational structure and scope, impacting demands for resources not anticipated at the time the organization was originally established. It has had to develop the capacity and operational infrastructure to support new and expanded programs and provide an increasingly higher level of discipline and rigour to the policy development, project selection, and program implementation processes.
Budget 2006 outlined several actions that the Government of Canada is taking to restore the fiscal balance, including substantial investment in infrastructure. In total, Budget 2006 referred to $16.5 billion in federal support for provincial, territorial and municipal infrastructure. Budget 2006 also committed to consultations on a long-term funding framework for infrastructure.
During the summer of 2006, the Transport, Infrastructure and Communities portfolio held consultations with provincial and territorial governments, the municipal sector, and other key stakeholders on the development of a predictable, long-term funding and accountability framework for the Government’s infrastructure investments. These consultations were part of a broader Government initiative to ensure widespread discussions on the issue of fiscal balance.
The results of these consultations, now available at, will inform the development of the comprehensive infrastructure plan outlined in Advantage Canada.
Experience around the world has shown that properly designed public-private partnerships (P3s) can deliver public infrastructure more efficiently, i.e., lower cost, faster completion, and better of management of project risks. At the same time, appropriate public control can be preserved. Canada has been less active in pursuing P3s compared to other countries, such as the United Kingdom. Some provinces are implementing P3 projects and have already started to put in place the structures that will allow them to harness the opportunities provided by P3s in helping to renew public infra-structure and improving the delivery of related public services. For example, in recent years public agencies, such as Partnerships British Columbia, Infrastructure Ontario and L’Agence des partenariats public-privé du Québec, were set up to provide expert services to public bodies in evaluating the feasibility of P3 projects and to facilitate the negotiation, conclusion and management of partnership contracts. The federal government is now formulating measures to encourage their use in Canada.
To support these efforts, the federal government will establish a P3 office to facilitate the increased use of P3s in infrastructure projects across Canada.
On the research side, there are three important issues. First, important knowledge gaps exist regarding both infrastructure and its impacts on communities, including: the state of infrastructure in communities across Canada; the economic, social, cultural and environmental impacts of infrastructure at the community level; and, the kind of infra-structure Canada requires to meet its objectives in the 21st century.
Second, there is a need to foster a stronger, more multi-disciplinary community of researchers interested in infrastructure and communities issues and willing and able to generate policy-relevant research.
A third challenge concerns knowledge dissemination and transfer – how to ensure that those who need the available knowledge and data have access to it on a timely basis.
Challenges also arise with respect to improving public awareness and understanding of infrastructure and communities issues. In a survey published in March 2005, 91 per cent of Canadians rated modern infrastructure as very important or important in making a community “a desirable location in which to live or work”2. However, research showed there was little desire among respondents for more compact communities, and a limited understanding of issues relating to urban sprawl. This snapshot of opinion from 2005 suggests there may be a difference between what Canadians say they value in terms of sustainable development and public infrastructure, and what they are willing to accept or do to achieve this value. While Canadians clearly view investment in infrastructure as a priority, they are some-times unclear on what the term “infrastructure” encompasses, often equating it strictly with roads, rather than public transit, or water treatment, for example. Challenges remain in increasing the understanding of infrastructure issues among Canadians, generating awareness of the federal contribution to infrastructure in Canada, and in raising awareness of how sustainable development and infrastructure choices are linked.
2. A Report to Infrastructure Canada, National Overview of Findings from a National Survey on the Quality of Life in Canadian Communities, prepared by The Strategic Counsel, March 2005, is available at: