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Contract Type |
Goods |
(%) |
Services |
(%) |
Construction |
(%) |
Total |
(%) |
Contracts |
Competitive ACANs Non‑Competitive Subtotal Proportion |
515,594 |
37.95% |
32,562 |
20.54% |
2,881 |
44.00% |
551,037 |
36.16% |
Contracts |
Competitive ACANs Non‑Competitive Subtotal Proportion |
4,411 |
67.87% |
6,872 |
60.35% |
1,805 |
72.26% |
13,088 |
64.21% |
All |
Competitive ACANs Non‑Competitive |
520,005 |
38.09% |
39,434 |
23.21% |
4,686 |
51.80% |
564,125 |
36.53% |
Total |
1,365,116 |
100.00% |
169,925 |
100.00% |
9,046 |
100.00% |
1,544,087 |
100.00% |
Proportions |
88.41% |
11.00% |
0.59% |
100.0% |
Note 1 - The data in this report have been revised to reflect the addition of 63 contracts below $25,000 and 100 contracts valued at $25,000 and above. The data on these contracts were not captured in the previous version of this report because of system difficulties.
Note 2 - The data include acquisition card transactions.