Rescinded [2017-10-18] - Guideline On Common Financial Management Business Process 5.1 - Pay Administration

This document, the 'Guideline on Common Financial Management Business Process for Pay Administration' or 'FM-BP/PA', defines the HR/Finance Pay Administration Model (referred hereafter as the Pay Administration Model or PAM), which documents common HR and finance pay-related processes, data, roles and responsibilities, and authoritative sources. The HR/Finance Pay Administration Model is a 'should be' model that reflects best practices and definitions under the current Government of Canada (GC) systems and policy frameworks, specifically identifying how financial policy and the Financial Administration Act (FAA) and other legislation apply to the pay administration process.
Date modified: 2013-03-15


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This Diagram depicts the interactions among PWGSC and Departmental Systems that are related to Pay Administration.

RPS calculates payments and forwards an input payment and client control file to the SPS for payment issuance. A payment control total and a requisition number are included on the files. The SPS assigns a payment reference number (PRN) to each payment requisitioned. The SPS creates a return file with the payment details and the PRNs for subsequent processing by the RPS. The PS-GL reconciles employee payroll deductions and requisitions their payment from the SPS. These include payments to other government departments (e.g. federal tax, employment insurance, Canada Pension Plan, etc.) and outside third parties (e.g. unions, provincial medicare plans, provincial sales taxes, Quebec income tax, etc.).

The RPS processes the SPS return file by updating the payroll register database with the PRN for each payment. Once done, the individual transactions are extracted and processed against the RPS expenditure control database. Once completed, an extract file (detailed pay expenditure file) is created for updating departments' DFMS and an extract file (summarized expenditure file) is created for updating the PS-GL.

SPS creates a daily return file of processed data for payments that have been returned, intercepted, or cancelled. RPS pulls this file and processes it internally according to the RPS concept of operations. Subsequently, RPS provides the SPS with a client action file that enables the automated re-mail of returned payments.

On a pay-run basis, the RPS produces a detailed pay expenditure file that is placed on the PWGSC mainframe to be retrieved by individual departments and used to record payroll expenditure information in their DFMS payroll expense account(s) and payroll control account. A summarized expenditure file is forwarded to the PS-GL for posting to its ledger accounts. The PS-GL provides payroll control and payroll control account balance reports to departments each time the RPS processes payroll transactions. Departments should reconcile the detailed pay expenditure file provided by the RPS and the control account balance report for payroll received from the PS-GL. On the third last working day of the month, the department receives a final payroll control account balance report, which must be reconciled to the payroll control account in the individual department's DFMS.

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