Rescinded [2018-05-29] - Guideline on Claims and Ex Gratia Payments

Assists managers and staff to increase the efficiency, expediency and timeliness for the settling and paying of claims by or against the Crown and against its employees, and for processing ex gratia payments.
Date modified: 2009-10-01

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Payment Process

  1. Criteria for payment (incorporating advice of legal opinion and other merits of the claim, and considerations for administrative expediency and cost effectiveness) are sent to the processing group after being signed by certifying authority under section 34;
  2. If a release is required, release documentation as a condition of payment is prepared and signed by the claimant before the signed documentation will be sent to finance for payment requisitioning, pursuant to s. 33 of the FAA; and
  3. If a release is not required, the signed documentation will be sent to finance for payment requisitioning, pursuant to s. 33 of the FAA.

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