Directive on Executive (EX) Group Organization and Classification

The directive describes the requirements for the organization and classification of positions in the Executive Group in the core public administration.
Date modified: 2023-07-08

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Associate Assistant Deputy Minister position (poste de sous-ministre adjoint délégué)
an EX-04 position sharing the mandate, delegated authority and accountability of an existing EX-05 position of exceptional size and complexity where both positions report to the same Deputy Head/Associate Deputy Head.
baseline of EX-04 and EX-05 positions (allocation ministérielle des postes)
The total number of EX-04 and EX-05 positions approved by the Treasury Board.
classification grievance (grief de classification)
a formal written complaint filed by an employee against the occupational group allocation or the rating of any or all elements of his or her work description or the level assigned to his or her position as a result of a classification decision.
classification standard (norme de classification)
a document that describes the factors, elements, and other criteria used to establish the relative value of work for an occupational group.
Executive (EX) Group (groupe de la direction, Groupe EX)
the occupational group as defined in the Canada Gazette, Part 1, March 27, 1999.
job (emploi)
a unique position, or a number of positions that are similar or identical and whose work is described by one work description.
position (poste)
the work requirements assigned by the respective manager that can be performed by one person.
reclassification (reclassification)
a change to either or both the occupational group and level of a position resulting from significant change in the work. A reclassification may be upward or downward.
work description (description de travail)
a document approved by the respective manager that describes the work requirements of a position or a job. A work description contains all the information that the appropriate classification standard requires for its evaluation.
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