Information Management - Guidelines

Provides guidance on the management of information.
Date modified: 1996-01-05


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Long description for image: Figure 1: The process for developing and approving government information and technology standards

The process for developing and approving government information technology standards beings with a government user request.

From this, National standards developments and International Standards developments contribute to a standards project identification.

A departmental spokesperson is sent an invitation to participate in the project and contribute to a Departmental decision either as a vote only or a as a participant in a working group.

  • A working group develops proposed TBITS (Treasury Board Information and Technology Standards) with input from an industry liaison.
  • Following the proposed TBITS, or in the absence of a working group exists – with participation by vote only, the process moves to a vote by departments at which time Departmental concerns may contribute to the establishment of a Working Group or a review of concerns by the existing working group prior to a vote.

Following the vote process, the proposed TBITS is reviewed by the Advisory Committee on Information Management prior to being submitted for Treasury Board approval. Once approval is granted a TBITS is issued.

A complete review is conducted post-implementation.

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