Financial management
Financial resources of the Government of Canada are well managed in the delivery of programs to Canadians and safeguarded through balanced controls that enable flexibility and manage risk.
Start with this instrument:
Provides the key responsibilities for Deputy Heads, CFOs, Senior Departmental Managers and the Comptroller General of Canada in exercising effective financial management.
Policy sub-topics:
Provides the accounting, reporting, and recording framework for the Government of Canada’s consolidated financial statements, departmental financial statements, and quarterly financial reports.
Charging and Special Financial Authorities
Outlines management practices and controls to ensure that external and internal charging practices for services provided are consistent across government, the amounts charged respect legislative limits; and the consistent treatment of non-tax revenues that are not returned to the Consolidated Revenue Fund.
Delegation of spending and financial authorities
Provides Chief Financial Officers their responsibilities for delegating, maintaining and management and oversight of spending and financial authorities.
Expenditure Authorities and Delegations
Ensures that the departmental financial and materiel management system, as well as the financial information input and output from program systems and central systems, provides accurate, reliable, accessible and timely financial information.
Financial management
Provides the key responsibilities for Deputy Heads, CFOs, Senior Departmental Managers and the Comptroller General of Canada in exercising effective financial management.
Other financial management policy instruments
This standard defines common procurement item classification code which allows for consistent recording, aggregation and reporting of financial information within the departmental finance and materiel management systems (DFMS).
Outlines the requirements for developing and maintaining customer information for the organization to ensure consistent and reliable financial information government-wide.
Defines a common vendor record which allows for consistent recording, aggregation and reporting of financial information within the departmental financial and materiel management system (DFMS).
Outlines the requirements and controls necessary to manage and administer payments.
Public money and receivables
Requirements and controls for the effective and efficient management of public money and receivables in order to minimize the risk of loss, error, fraud or improper consumption.
Travel, Hospitality, Conferences and Events
Provides detailed direction on the handling of expenditures for travel, hospitality, conferences and events.