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Ministry Summary
These Supplementary Estimates | |||||
Authorities | Adjustments to | Total Estimates | |||
Vote (dollars) | to date | Transfers | Appropriations | to date | |
Department | |||||
1c | Operating expenditures and the payment to each | ||||
member of the Queen's Privy Council for Canada | |||||
who is a Minister without Portfolio or a Minister of | |||||
State who does not preside over a Ministry of State of | |||||
a salary not to exceed the salary paid to Ministers of | |||||
State who preside over Ministries of State under the | |||||
Salaries Act , as adjusted pursuant to the Parliament of | |||||
Canada Act and pro rata for any period of less than a | |||||
year | 92,779,146 | (3,186) | . . . . . | 92,775,960 | |
5c | The grants listed in the Estimates and contributions – | ||||
To authorize the transfer of $1,275,787 from National | |||||
Defence Vote 1, and $317,000 from Canadian | |||||
Heritage Vote 90, Appropriation Act No. 2, 2009–10 | |||||
for the purposes of this Vote | 261,215,580 | 1,592,787 | 1 | 262,808,368 | |
7b | Pursuant to subsection 25(2) of the Financial | ||||
Administration Act , to write off from the Accounts of | |||||
Canada $456,680 in principal and $279,053 in interest | |||||
for loans made to industry by the Newfoundland and | |||||
Labrador Development Corporation | 735,734 | . . . . . | . . . . . | 735,734 | |
(S) | Contributions to employee benefit plans | 7,599,392 | . . . . . | . . . . . | 7,599,392 |
(S) | Community Adjustment Fund | 49,130,000 | . . . . . | . . . . . | 49,130,000 |
(S) | Minister of State – Motor car allowance | 2,000 | . . . . . | . . . . . | 2,000 |
Total Department | 411,461,852 | 1,589,601 | 1 | 413,051,454 | |
Enterprise Cape Breton Corporation | |||||
10c | Payments to the Enterprise Cape Breton Corporation | ||||
pursuant to the Enterprise Cape Breton Corporation | |||||
Act | 8,650,000 | . . . . . | 1,465,000 | 10,115,000 | |
Total Agency | 8,650,000 | . . . . . | 1,465,000 | 10,115,000 | |
Total Ministry | 420,111,852 | 1,589,601 | 1,465,001 | 423,166,454 | |
Order in Council 2009 P.C. 2009-1616 designates the Minister for the purposes of the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency Act as the Minister for the purposes of the Cape Breton Development Corporation Act , effective September 23, 2009.
Order in Council P.C. 2009-1617 and pursuant to the Cape Breton Development Corporation Divestiture Authorization and Dissolution Act , the Cape Breton Development Corporation is dissolved, effective December 31, 2009.
In accordance with P.C. 2009-1618 and pursuant to paragraph 91(1)(c) of the Financial Administration Act , Enterprise Cape Breton Corporation is authorized to acquire all or substantially all of the assets of Cape Breton Development Corporation.
Explanation of Requirements (thousands of dollars)
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency requests funds for the following items:
Transfers | Vote 1 | Vote 5 | Total |
Transfer from National Defence – To assist in the organization and delivery of the | |||
2009 Halifax International Security Forum | . . . . . | 1,276 | 1,276 |
Transfer from Office of the Co-ordinator, Status of Women – To provide financial | |||
support to the Atlantic Ballet Theatre of Canada to increase economic | |||
development activity through the creation of an original production (ballet) to be | |||
presented to audiences across Canada with the aim to increase their awareness on | |||
the importance of eliminating violence against women and girls | . . . . . | 317 | 317 |
Transfer to Treasury Board Secretariat – To support the operational activities of the | |||
three national employment equity councils: National Council of Federal | |||
Employees with Disabilities, National Council of Aboriginal Federal Employees, | |||
and National Council of Visible Minorities | (3) | . . . . . | (3) |
These Supplementary Estimates | (3) | 1,593 | 1,590 |
Transfer Payments (dollars) | Voted | Statutory | |
Contributions | |||
Contributions under the Business Development Program | 1,275,788 | . . . . . | |
Contribution for the Innovative Communities Fund | 317,000 | . . . . . | |
Total Transfer Payments | 1,592,788 | . . . . . | |
Note: Figures in the "Explanation of Requirements" may not agree with the "Ministry Summary" due to rounding.
Explanation of Requirements (thousands of dollars)
Enterprise Cape Breton Corporation requests funds for the following items:
Voted Appropriations | Vote 10 |
Funding for the administration of human resource obligations | 884 |
Funding for the one-time costs related to the dissolution of the Cape Breton Development Corporation | 581 |
These Supplementary Estimates | 1,465 |
Note: Figures in the "Explanation of Requirements" may not agree with the "Ministry Summary" due to rounding.