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Allocations from Treasury Board Central Votes |
Vote 5 - Government Contingencies | $90,583,333 |
Subject to
approval of the Treasury Board, this Vote serves to
supplement other appropriations to
provide the Government with sufficient flexibility to meet urgent or unforeseen expenditures where a valid cash requirement exists due to the timing of the payment or where specific authority is required to make the payment, such as for the payment of grants not listed in the Estimates. This authority to supplement other appropriations is provided until Parliamentary approval can be obtained and as long as the expenditures are within the legal mandate of the organization. Temporary allocations are reimbursed to TB Vote 5 upon receiving Royal Assent of an Appropriation Act. |
Department or Agency | (dollars) |
Agriculture and Agri-Food | |
Funding in support of the Cover Crop Protection Program in response to 2007 spring flood | 14,100,000 |
damage. | |
This program provides funding to producers unable to seed commercial crops because of spring | |
flood damage. It covers some of the costs of protecting the soil using a cover crop. A cover crop | |
is any crop grown primarily to keep the ground covered to prevent erosion and improve the | |
stability of the soil rather than providing a harvestable yield. | |
These payments are to farmers who will not be able to earn income due to lands that are | |
temporarily unavailable for farming and need assistance to meet ongoing financial obligations. | |
As many farm operators are facing financial hardship, failure to provide them with assistance on a | |
timely basis in response to spring flooding will exacerbate the situation. | |
As the spending authority for this class grant will only be received through Supplementary | |
Estimates in December 2007, access to Government Contingencies Vote of up to $22.1 million is | |
required to ensure producers receive the funding in time to plant a cover crop during the planting | |
season. The approval to access the Government Contingencies Vote is conditional on the | |
Treasury Board Secretariat receiving confirmation of actual requirements before the funds are | |
advanced. At the time of preparation of these Supplementary Estimates, $14.1 million had | |
already been advanced. | |
Fisheries and Oceans | |
Funding in support of the Ice Compensation for East Coast Commercial Fishers Program. | $7,900,000 |
Worse-than-normal ice off the East Coast of Labrador and
Northern Newfoundland prevented many
fishers from starting their fishing season. Considering that fishers exhaust their Employment Insurance benefits in the spring, this program is meant to provide compensation to fishermen without any source of income for that specific time period. Providing compensation to fishers affected by severe ice conditions is consistent with other relief programs provided to Canadians whose livelihoods have been significantly affected by extreme environmental conditions. As such, failure to provide assistance to those fishermen will exacerbate their financial situation. As the spending authority for this class grant will only be received through Supplementary Estimates in December 2007, access to Government Contingencies Vote is required to ensure fishermen receive financial assistance in time since they have no other income. |
Canadian International Development Agency | |
Funding for contributions to the Canada Investment Fund for Africa (CIFA) in order to match | $26,583,333 |
private sector investments. | |
The original funding profile for the $100 million CIFA program included $19 million in 2007-08 | |
Main Estimates of which 11/12ths in actual spending authority (i.e. $17,416,666) was provided | |
through interim supply. Authority was previously provided to include up to an additional $55 | |
million in the 2007-08 Supplementary Estimates, representing a carry over of unused CIFA | |
funding from 2006-07. In early April 2007, the Department was advised by the CIFA fund | |
manager that payments totalling $44 million would be required during the month of May 2007. | |
Consequently, the Department required immediate cash authority of $26,583,333 to augment the | |
$17,416,666 provided through interim supply in order to satisfy its financial obligations related to | |
CIFA. Delays in providing the Government of Canada's investment contribution would have | |
resulted in the loss of key matching investments by institutional investors as well as a significant | |
financial penalty to the Department. | |
Indian Affairs and Northern Development | |
Funding for payments to the Cree of Quebec respecting matters arising from the implementation | $3,000,000 |
of the James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement. | |
To meet the January 2008 signing deadline for the out-of-court settlement between the | |
Government of Canada and the Cree of Eeyou Itschee, the agreement had to be ratified by June | |
2007. The costs of the ratification would be funded through a new grant to be paid to the Cree. | |
As spending authority for this grant will only be received through these Supplementary Estimates | |
in December 2007, access to the Government Contingencies Vote was required to ensure the | |
ratification was complete by June 2007. Otherwise, further delays in concluding this settlement | |
would jeopardize a successful ratification resulting in a return to litigation. | |
Transport | |
Funding for the ecoAUTO Rebate Program which encourages Canadians to buy fuel-efficient | $39,000,000 |
vehicles. | |
The purpose of the ecoAUTO Rebate Program is to encourage the purchase of new fuel-efficient | |
vehicles by offering rebates of up to $2,000 per vehicle identification number to eligible | |
recipients that, beginning March 20, 2007, buy or enter into leases of 12 months or more for an | |
eligible vehicle. Since the announcement of this program in Budget 2007, consumers have been | |
buying vehicles based on the promise of rebates. As spending authority for this class grant would | |
only be received through these Supplementary Estimates in December 2007, access to the | |
Government Contingencies Vote was approved in order to proceed with the immediate issuance | |
of rebate cheques. | |
Total allocations | 90,583,333 |
2007-2008 Allocations from the Treasury
Board Central Votes
Vote 10 - Government-Wide Initiatives | $19,035,029 | |
Subject to the approval of Treasury Board, this Vote supplements other appropriations | ||
in support of the implementation of strategic management in the public service of | ||
Canada. Departments and agencies are not required to reimburse funding allocated | ||
from Vote 10. | ||
Department or Agency | Vote | (dollars) |
Agriculture and Agri-Food | ||
Department | 1 | 439,408 |
Canadian Food Inspection Agency | 30 | 359,795 |
Canadian Grain Commission | 40 | 154,309 |
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency | ||
Department | 1 | 270,746 |
Canadian Heritage | ||
Department | 1 | 548,659 |
Library and Archives of Canada | 45 | 168,650 |
National Film Board | 60 | 151,785 |
Public Service Commission | 80 | 214,000 |
Citizenship and Immigration | ||
Department | 1 | 450,576 |
Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada | 10 | 110,194 |
Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec | 1 | 177,392 |
Environment | ||
Department | 1 | 377,451 |
Parks Canada | 25 | 267,874 |
Finance | 1 | 482,970 |
Fisheries and Oceans | 1 | 902,360 |
Foreign Affairs and International Trade | ||
Department | 1 | 686,295 |
Canadian International Development Agency | 20 | 847,724 |
Health | ||
Department | 1 | 1,056,758 |
Canadian Institutes of Health Research | 15 | 191,953 |
Public Health Agency of Canada | 35 | 384,758 |
Human Resources and Skills Development | 1 | 1,743,884 |
Indian Affairs and Northern Development | 1 | 470,650 |
Industry | ||
Department | 1 | 964,348 |
Canadian Space Agency | 25 | 176,200 |
National Research Council of Canada | 55 | 201,559 |
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council | 70 | 200,400 |
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council | 80 | 66,050 |
Statistics Canada | 95 | 218,815 |
Justice | ||
Department | 1 | 130,250 |
Courts Administration Service | 30 | 81,349 |
National Defence | 1 | 888,818 |
Natural Resources | ||
Department | 1 | 498,750 |
Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission | 20 | 70,001 |
Privy Council | 1 | 134,600 |
Public Works and Government Services | 1 | 965,156 |
Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness | ||
Department | 1 | 63,000 |
Canada Border Services Agency | 10 | 700,153 |
Canadian Security Intelligence Service | 20 | 300,000 |
Correctional Service | 25 | 518,220 |
Royal Canadian Mounted Police | 45 | 807,113 |
Transport | ||
Department | 1 | 341,792 |
Office of Infrastructure of Canada | 50 | 110,357 |
Treasury Board | ||
Secretariat | 1 | 236,000 |
Canada School of Public Service | 25 | 277,903 |
Public Service Human Resources Management Agency of Canada | 35 | 155,050 |
Veterans Affairs | 1 | 405,954 |
Western Economic Diversification | 1 | 65,000 |
Total allocations | 19,035,029 | |
Vote 15 - Compensation Adjustments | $185,494,000 | |
Subject to the
approval of the Treasury Board, this Vote supplements other
appropriations that
may need to be partially or fully augmented as a result of adjustments made to terms and conditions of service or employment of the federal public administration, including members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and the Canadian Forces, Governor in Council appointees and Crown corporations as defined in section 83 of the Financial Administration Act . Departments and agencies are not required to reimburse funding allocated from Vote 15. |
Department or Agency | Vote | (dollars) |
Agriculture and Agri-Food | ||
Department | 1 | 3,638,000 |
Canadian Dairy Commission | 25 | 77,000 |
Canadian Food Inspection Agency | 30 | 1,515,000 |
Canadian Grain Commission | 40 | 238,000 |
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency | ||
Department | 1 | 449,000 |
Canada Revenue Agency | 1 | 2,501,000 |
Canadian Heritage | ||
Department | 1 | 1,247,000 |
Canada Council for the Arts | 10 | 5,000 |
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation | 15 | 9,000 |
Canadian Museum of Civilization | 30 | 5,000 |
Canadian Museum of Nature | 35 | 5,000 |
Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission | 40 | 236,000 |
Library and Archives of Canada | 45 | 978,000 |
National Arts Centre Corporation | 50 | 5,000 |
National Battlefields Commission | 55 | 4,000 |
National Film Board | 60 | 188,000 |
National Gallery of Canada | 65 | 22,000 |
National Museum of Science and Technology | 75 | 4,000 |
Public Service Commission | 80 | 550,000 |
Public Service Labour Relations Board | 85 | 79,000 |
Public Service Staffing Tribunal | 90 | 30,000 |
Status of Women - Office of Co-ordinator | 95 | 62,000 |
Telefilm Canada | 105 | 4,000 |
Citizenship and Immigration | ||
Department | 1 | 1,231,000 |
Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada | 10 | 694,000 |
Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec | 1 | 195,000 |
Environment | ||
Department | 1 | 8,158,000 |
Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency | 15 | 177,000 |
National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy | 20 | 20,000 |
Parks Canada Agency | 25 | 597,000 |
Finance | ||
Department | 1 | 1,582,000 |
Auditor General | 15 | 2,160,000 |
Canadian International Trade Tribunal | 20 | 121,000 |
Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada | 25 | 311,000 |
Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions | 30 | 74,000 |
Fisheries and Oceans | 1 | 5,409,000 |
Foreign Affairs and International Trade | ||
Department | 1 | 3,225,000 |
Canadian Commercial Corporation | 15 | 3,000 |
Canadian International Development Agency | 20 | 1,316,000 |
International Development Research Centre | 45 | 6,000 |
International Joint Commission | 50 | 64,000 |
NAFTA Secretariat, Canadian Section | 55 | 12,000 |
Governor General | 1 | 46,000 |
Health | ||
Department | 1 | 10,122,000 |
Assisted Human Reproduction Canada | 10 | 13,000 |
Canadian Institutes of Health Research | 15 | 22,000 |
Hazardous Materials Information Review Commission | 25 | 73,000 |
Patented Medicine Prices Review Board | 30 | 42,000 |
Public Health Agency Of Canada | 35 | 1,257,000 |
Human Resources and Skills Development | ||
Department | 1 | 1,386,000 |
Canada Industrial Relations Board | 10 | 131,000 |
Canadian Artists and Producers Professional Relations Tribunal | 20 | 36,000 |
Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety | 25 | 122,000 |
Indian Affairs and Northern Development | ||
Department | 1 | 4,221,000 |
Canadian Polar Commission | 40 | 8,000 |
Indian Specific Claims Commission | 50 | 67,000 |
Office of Indian Residential Schools Resolution of Canada | 55 | 202,000 |
Industry | ||
Department | 1 | 2,819,000 |
Canadian Space Agency | 25 | 404,000 |
Canadian Tourism Commission | 40 | 5,000 |
Competition Tribunal | 45 | 10,000 |
Copyright Board | 50 | 22,000 |
National Research Council of Canada | 55 | 10,971,000 |
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council | 70 | 109,000 |
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council | 80 | 79,000 |
Statistics Canada | 95 | 4,524,000 |
Justice | ||
Department | 1 | 1,208,000 |
Canadian Human Rights Commission | 10 | 118,000 |
Canadian Human Rights Tribunal | 15 | 54,000 |
Office of the Commissioner for Federal Judicial Affairs | 20 | 23,000 |
Courts Administration Service | 30 | 234,000 |
Office of the Information Commissioner of Canada | 40 | 49,000 |
Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada | 45 | 64,000 |
Supreme Court of Canada | 50 | 113,000 |
National Defence | ||
Department | 1 | 19,508,000 |
Canadian Forces Grievance Board | 15 | 37,000 |
Military Police Complaints Commission | 20 | 11,000 |
Natural Resources | ||
Department | 1 | 3,986,000 |
Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission | 20 | 4,400,000 |
National Energy Board | 30 | 973,000 |
Privy Council | ||
Department | 1 | 1,244,000 |
Canadian Intergovernmental Conference Secretariat | 5 | 21,000 |
Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board | 10 | 834,000 |
Chief Electoral Officer | 15 | 300,000 |
Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages | 20 | 85,000 |
Security Intelligence Review Committee | 30 | 16,000 |
Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness | ||
Department | 1 | 537,000 |
Canada Border Services Agency | 10 | 1,007,000 |
Canadian Security Intelligence Service | 20 | 17,319,000 |
Correctional Service | 25 | 37,234,000 |
National Parole Board | 35 | 505,000 |
Office of the Correctional Investigator | 40 | 19,000 |
Royal Canadian Mounted Police | 45 | 2,971,000 |
Royal Canadian Mounted Police External Review Committee | 60 | 1,0000 |
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Public Complaints Commission | 65 | 51,000 |
Public Works and Government Services | ||
Department | 1 | 3,741,000 |
Real Property Service (Revolving Fund) | (S) | 290,000 |
Translation Bureau (Revolving Fund) | (S) | 84,000 |
Transport | ||
Department | 1 | 9,790,000 |
Canadian Transportation Agency | 25 | 222,000 |
National Capital Commission | 40 | 374,000 |
Office of Infrastructure of Canada | 50 | 196,000 |
Transportation Appeal Tribunal of Canada | 70 | 5,000 |
Treasury Board | ||
Secretariat | 1 | 1,491,000 |
Canada School of Public Service | 25 | 396,000 |
Public Service Human Resources Management Agency of Canada | 35 | 713,000 |
Veterans Affairs | 1 | 1,051,000 |
Western Economic Diversification | 1 | 313,000 |
Total allocations | 185,494,000 | |
Vote 22 - Operating Budget Carry Forward | $981,696,406 | |
Subject to the
approval of the Treasury Board, this Vote supplements other
appropriations by
authorizing a carry forward of unused funds from the previous fiscal year up to a maximum of five per cent of departments' and agencies' Main Estimates operating budget as was established in the previous fiscal year. Departments and agencies are not required to reimburse funding allocated from Vote 22. |
Department or Agency | Vote | (dollars) |
Agriculture And Agri-Food | ||
Department | 1 | 31,518,300 |
Canadian Food Inspection Agency | 30 | 45,374,915 |
Canadian Food Inspection Agency | 35 | 6,758,260 |
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency | ||
Department | 1 | 4,139,250 |
Canadian Heritage | ||
Department | 1 | 12,797,947 |
Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission | 40 | 1,063,743 |
Library and Archives of Canada | 45 | 2,043,445 |
National Battlefields Commission | 55 | 343,359 |
National Film Board | 60 | 3,656,200 |
Public Service Commission | 80 | 4,916,200 |
Public Service Labour Relations Board | 85 | 853,650 |
Public Service Staffing Tribunal | 90 | 235,500 |
Status of Women - Office of the Co-ordinator | 95 | 574,450 |
Citizenship and Immigration | ||
Department | 1 | 21,062,850 |
Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada | 10 | 4,582,950 |
Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Québec | 1 | 2,234,650 |
Environment | ||
Department | 1 | 13,329,361 |
National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy | 20 | 236,100 |
Finance | ||
Department | 1 | 4,676,750 |
Auditor General | 15 | 1,882,620 |
Canadian International Trade Tribunal | 20 | 430,450 |
Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada | 25 | 1,405,500 |
Fisheries And Oceans | 1 | 47,095,756 |
Foreign Affairs and International Trade | ||
Department | 1 | 46,093,973 |
Canadian International Development Agency | 20 | 10,533,300 |
International Joint Commission | 50 | 264,100 |
Governor General | 1 | 551,154 |
Health | ||
Department | 1 | 54,328,748 |
Assisted Human Reproduction Agency of Canada | 10 | 451,100 |
Canadian Institutes of Health Research | 15 | 2,062,600 |
Hazardous Materials Information Review Commission | 25 | 150,950 |
Patented Medicine Prices Review Board | 30 | 275,000 |
Public Health Agency of Canada | 35 | 14,816,400 |
Human Resources and Skills Development | ||
Department | 1 | 27,814,711 |
Canada Industrial Relations Board | 10 | 533,400 |
Canadian Artists and Producers Professional Relations Tribunal | 20 | 87,850 |
Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety | 25 | 186,969 |
Indian Affairs and Northern Development | ||
Department | 1 | 30,420,047 |
Office of the Federal Interlocutor for Métis and non-Status Indians | 20 | 114,195 |
Canadian Polar Commission | 40 | 28,783 |
Indian Specific Claims Commission | 50 | 252,150 |
Office of Indian Residential Schools Resolution of Canada | 55 | 6,474,774 |
Industry | ||
Department | 1 | 17,542,858 |
Canadian Space Agency | 25 | 9,719,550 |
Competition Tribunal | 45 | 54,282 |
Copyright Board | 50 | 113,700 |
National Research Council of Canada | 55 | 19,673,200 |
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council | 70 | 1,800,100 |
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council | 80 | 980,800 |
Statistics Canada | 95 | 32,768,992 |
Justice | ||
Department | 1 | 12,953,141 |
Canadian Human Rights Commission | 10 | 932,150 |
Canadian Human Rights Tribunal | 15 | 74,628 |
Commissioner for Federal Judicial Affairs | 20 | 381,450 |
Commissioner for Federal Judicial Affairs | 25 | 79,450 |
Courts Administration Service | 30 | 1,684,018 |
Office of the Information Commissioner of Canada | 40 | 327,460 |
Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada | 45 | 723,000 |
Supreme Court of Canada | 50 | 1,039,550 |
National Defence | ||
Department | 1 | 54,379,652 |
Department | 5 | 100,169,685 |
Department | 10 | 4,634,953 |
Canadian Forces Grievance Board | 15 | 289,900 |
Military Police Complaints Commission | 20 | 155,950 |
Natural Resources | ||
Department | 1 | 22,513,282 |
Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission | 20 | 1,990,071 |
Northern Pipeline Agency | 35 | 43,500 |
Privy Council | ||
Department | 1 | 5,840,486 |
Canadian Intergovernmental Conference Secretariat | 5 | 298,900 |
Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board | 10 | 1,274,300 |
Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages | 20 | 760,297 |
Security Intelligence Review Committee | 30 | 130,000 |
Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness | ||
Department | 1 | 7,419,078 |
Canadian Security Intelligence Service | 20 | 9,706,508 |
Correctional Service | 25 | 59,042,218 |
National Parole Board | 35 | 1,875,690 |
Office of the Correctional Investigator | 40 | 34,426 |
Royal Canadian Mounted Police | 45 | 118,966,265 |
Royal Canadian Mounted Police External Review Committee | 60 | 39,500 |
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Public Complaints Commission | 65 | 184,155 |
Public Works and Government Services | 1 | 25,902,956 |
Transport | ||
Department | 1 | 30,224,542 |
Canadian Transportation Agency | 25 | 1,158,650 |
Office of Infrastructure of Canada | 50 | 1,793,908 |
Transportation Appeal Tribunal of Canada | 70 | 60,000 |
Treasury Board | ||
Secretariat | 1 | 7,997,572 |
Canada School of Public Service | 25 | 3,840,451 |
Public Service Human Resources Management Agency of Canada | 35 | 4,519,609 |
Veterans Affairs | 1 | 6,568,313 |
Western Economic Diversification | 1 | 2,360,850 |
Total allocations | 981,696,406 | |
Vote 23 - Paylist
Subject to the approval of the Treasury Board, this
Vote supplements other appropriations by
providing the government with funding to meet legal requirements
of the employer such as
parental leave, entitlements upon cessation of service or
employment and adjustments made to
terms and conditions of service or employment in the public
service. Departments may access this
vote throughout the fiscal year. Supplemental Paylist
requirements are generally identified
towards the end of each fiscal year, and no requests have been
submitted for Treasury Board
consideration at the time of preparation of these Supplementary
Supplemental paylist requirements are generally identified
towards the end of each fiscal year,
and no requests have been submitted for Treasury Board
consideration at the time of preparation
of these Supplementary Estimates. Departments and agencies are
not required to reimburse
funding allocated from Vote 23.
Horizontal Items included in these Supplementary Estimates |
Department, Agency or Crown Corporation | $000s |
Commission of Inquiry into the investigation of the bombing of Air India Flight 182 and resources to permit departments to support the work of the Inquiry
(The Commission into the investigation of the bombing of Air India Flight 182 has been set up for the specific purpose of evaluating any deficiencies in the investigation and response to the incident and to make recommendations to improve the Government of Canada ' s response to an act of terrorism and issues of national security. A portion of the funds will be used to cover costs related to the day-to-day operations of the Commission and will fund legal fees and salaries due to a large volume of documents received by the Commission. Additional funds are to cover the costs of reviewing and analyzing documents, and scheduling and identifying witnesses for testimony at the Inquiry. The classified nature of the material adds significantly to the workload.)
Canadian Security Intelligence Service |
1,365 |
Foreign Affairs and International Trade | 679 |
Justice | 2,589 |
Privy Council | 6,258 |
Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness | 94 |
Royal Canadian Mounted Police | 1,373 |
Total | 12,358 |
Funding for activities that are essential to the continued implementation of the Public Service Modernization Act
(Funding will support the costs of activities for promoting a fuller understanding of the current human resources environment and the integration of human resources planning with departmental business; offering interdepartmental shared mediators programs and professional development strategies; supporting development needs in terms of labour relations and conflict management; and increasing internal departmental capacity for human resources planning, performance measurement and monitoring and training for human resources specialists and managers.)
Agriculture and Agri-Food | 2,075 |
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency | 224 |
Canada Border Services Agency | 309 |
Canada Revenue Agency | 205 |
Citizenship and Immigration | 541 |
Commissioner for Federal Judicial Affairs | 240 |
Correctional Service | 278 |
Courts Administration Service | 552 |
Environment | 608 |
Fisheries and Oceans | 1,706 |
Foreign Affairs and International Trade | 413 |
Health | 358 |
Human Resources and Skills Development | 908 |
Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada | 136 |
Industry | 2,775 |
Justice | 577 |
National Defence | 1,851 |
Natural Resources | 607 |
Office of Infrastructure of Canada | 38 |
Department, Agency or Crown Corporation | $000s |
Act - Continued | |
Privy Council | 135 |
Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness | 411 |
Public Service Human Resources Management Agency of Canada | 2,829 |
Public Works and Government Services | 211 |
Statistics Canada | 194 |
Transport | 2,158 |
Treasury Board Secretariat | 474 |
Western Economic Diversification | 197 |
Total | 21,010 |
(This funding will be used for the costs of recruitment as well as to conduct complex investigations that are currently backlogged due to a lack of resources. It will also ensure that investigators are provided with the necessary tools to conduct investigations, including legal advice and access to translators, accountants and other subject-matter experts, travel, and acquisition of information and other expenses related to covert operations ensuring safe communities. The funds will also ensure the availability of prosecutorial advice at the investigative stage and follow-up at the judicial stage in prosecuting cases.)
Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions |
5,147 |
Royal Canadian Mounted Police | 115,722 |
Total | 120,869 |
(This funding will be used to deal with domestic corruption and to respond to foreign requests for assistance in combating corruption. This funding will also enable the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Justice, and Foreign Affairs and International Trade to meet additional demands arising from increased international activities related to the Convention, such as an increase in mutual legal assistance and extradition requests, the requirement to participate fully in the Convention ' s monitoring and follow-up mechanisms, and activities including the provision of training and technical assistance to developing countries.)
Foreign Affairs and International Trade | 730 |
Justice | 884 |
Royal Canadian Mounted Police | 2,846 |
Total | 4,460 |
Department, Agency or Crown Corporation | $000s |
Funding for enhanced enforcement activities relating to the National Anti-Drug Strategy that are aimed at reducing the supply and demand for illicit drugs
(This funding will be used for initiatives to improve monitoring of precursor chemicals, enhance testing capabilities at the border, enhance seizure and dismantling of illicit drug operations, prosecute perpetrators, and taking the proceeds of crime away from criminals.)
Canada Border Services Agency | 1,264 |
Canada Revenue Agency | 660 |
Health | 1,648 |
Justice | 480 |
Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness | 168 |
Public Works and Government Services | 170 |
Royal Canadian Mounted Police | 3,685 |
Total | 8,075 |
Funding for implementation of the action plan to strengthen Canada's regulatory system and establish a Centre of Regulatory Expertise within the Treasury Board Secretariat
(This funding will be used to increase the capacity of the Treasury Board Secretariat to ensure compliance with the commitments and directions set out in the Directive; establish a Centre of Regulatory Expertise within the Treasury Board Secretariat to provide departments and agencies with knowledge and assistance in areas such as cost-benefit analysis and performance measurement; and provide resources to departments and agencies to enhance their capacity to coordinate the implementation of the Cabinet Directive.)
Agriculture and Agri-Food | 60 |
Canada Border Services Agency | 59 |
Canada Revenue Agency | 59 |
Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency | 59 |
Canadian Food Inspection Agency | 59 |
Environment | 59 |
Fisheries and Oceans | 53 |
Health | 119 |
Human Resources and Skills Development | 59 |
Indian Affairs and Northern Development | 59 |
Industry | 59 |
Justice | 59 |
National Defence | 59 |
Parks Canada Agency | 60 |
Transport | 113 |
Treasury Board Secretariat | 2,408 |
Total | 3,403 |
Department, Agency or Crown Corporation | $000s |
Funding for legal and income tax debt set-off activities, including Collection Litigations and Advisory Services
(This funding will be used to support Canada Student Loans collection activities such as legal services, litigated account recoveries and applying personal income tax refunds against a client ' s outstanding Canada Student Loan debt. Human Resources and Skills Development will use its funding for its corporate accounting services.)
Canada Revenue Agency |
4,606 |
Human Resources and Skills Development | 1,017 |
Total | 5,623 |
(This funding will support the Government of Canada ' s portion of organization costs of the Summit, including the establishment of a Summit Secretariat in Quebec City. These costs include accommodation costs, Summit security planning and development and implementation of health plans as required under the terms of international conventions.)
Foreign Affairs and International Trade |
5,667 |
Health | 182 |
Royal Canadian Mounted Police | 4,277 |
Total | 10,126 |
Funding for pest management controls for the evaluation and registration of new low-risk pesticides and increasing the use of evidence-based risk assessments
(This funding will support risk assessment methodology for pest control product regulation based on real-world data and help close the technology gap by accelerating the evaluation and registration of new lower-risk pesticides so that farmers in Canada can compete in international markets. Funds will also be used to help alleviate trade barriers caused by differing pesticide residue standards through harmonization and international cooperation.)
Agriculture and Agri-Food |
474 |
Health | 3,383 |
Total | 3,857 |
(This funding will provide support for various infrastructure projects that are currently underway as well as for new projects such as improving highways in Quebec, Prince Edward Island and New Brunswick; expanding the Manitoba Red River Floodway; delivering satellite-based broadband service in the Nunavik region; and improving short-line railway infrastructure in Quebec.)
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency |
144 |
Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec | 80 |
Industry | 64 |
Office of Infrastructure of Canada | 571,763 |
Transport | 1,748 |
Western Economic Diversification | 13 |
Total | 573,812 |
Department, Agency or Crown Corporation | $000s |
Funding for the ecoAUTO Rebate Program which encourages Canadians to buy fuel-efficient vehicles
(This funding will be used to make payments to Canadian individuals who are eligible for a rebate under the ecoAUTO Rebate Program. Budget 2007 proposed a new performance-based rebate offering up to $2,000 per vehicle to eligible recipients who, beginning on March 20, 2007, buy or enter into leases of 12 months or more for a new fuel-efficient vehicle. The ecoAUTO Rebate Program is a component of the government ' s ecoTransport Strategy under the Clean Air Agenda.)
Human Resources and Skills Development |
6,347 |
Transport | 109,699 |
Total | 116,046 |
(This funding will be used to continue the operations of the Canada Exhibitions Program, which is used for major events such as the Calgary Stampede, the Festival of Lights in Charlottetown and the Tall Ships in Halifax; and for the Government of Canada ' s outreach program to Canadians living in rural and remote communities.)
Agriculture and Agri-Food | 500 |
Public Works and Government Services | 4,471 |
Total | 4,971 |
Funding in response to the Supreme Court decision in R. v. Powley to support research, multilateral discussions and capacity development for Métis organizations
(This funding will support the capacity of M é tis groups to engage with federal and provincial partners and support research, legal analysis, and policy development regarding M é tis Aboriginal rights. Additionally, these resources will be used to provide culturally sensitive police services to M é tis communities, reconcile M é tis and First Nations rights in Wood Buffalo National Park, and engage M é tis groups in the collection of information on migratory birds that will form the development of regulations.)
Environment |
940 |
Parks Canada Agency | 1,096 |
Royal Canadian Mounted Police | 611 |
Total | 2,647 |
Department, Agency or Crown Corporation | $000s |
in support of the
Federal Accountability Act
evaluate all ongoing grant and contribution
every five years ( The Federal Accountability Act was proclaimed in December 2006 and brought forward specific measures to help strengthen accountability and increase transparency and oversight in government operations. Budget 2006 earmarked $11.1 million annually, in 2007-2008 and ongoing, to support the new evaluation requirement. Funding included in these Supplementary Estimates will strengthen the capacity to oversee the implementation of this legislated requirement with the necessary resources required to undertake and conduct the required evaluations.) |
Agriculture and Agri-Food |
181 |
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency | 181 |
Canada Revenue Agency | 91 |
Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency | 91 |
Canadian Heritage | 363 |
Canadian Institutes of Health Research | 272 |
Canadian Space Agency | 203 |
Citizenship and Immigration | 272 |
Correctional Service | 91 |
Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec | 181 |
Environment | 181 |
Finance | 272 |
Fisheries and Oceans | 181 |
Foreign Affairs and International Trade | 272 |
Health | 363 |
Human Resources and Skills Development | 405 |
Indian Affairs and Northern Development | 544 |
Industry | 272 |
Justice | 181 |
Library and Archives of Canada | 91 |
National Defence | 181 |
National Research Council of Canada | 203 |
Natural Resources | 181 |
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council | 272 |
Office of Infrastructure of Canada | 272 |
Parks Canada Agency | 91 |
Public Health Agency of Canada | 181 |
Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness | 181 |
Public Works and Government Services | 91 |
Royal Canadian Mounted Police | 181 |
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council | 272 |
Status of Women - Office of the Co-ordinator | 91 |
Transport | 181 |
Veterans Affairs | 454 |
Western Economic Diversification | 181 |
Total | 7,701 |
Department, Agency or Crown Corporation | $000s |
Funding related to government advertising programs
(These funds are for advertising campaigns and initiatives intended to provide information to Canadians on a variety of Government programs and services related to Aboriginal wellness, improved quality of life for children, families and seniors, public security, emergency preparedness, environmental awareness, and improved border services. Funding will also be used to evaluate a number of existing campaigns and review the effectiveness of the Advertising Campaign Evaluation Tool currently used by departments and agencies.)
Canada Border Services Agency |
1,500 |
Canadian Food Inspection Agency | 2,500 |
Canadian Heritage | 1,700 |
Citizenship and Immigration | 2,365 |
Environment | 8,085 |
Finance | 72 |
Foreign Affairs and International Affairs | 300 |
Health | 5,100 |
Human Resources and Skills Development | 14,135 |
Indian Affairs and Northern Development | 600 |
National Defence | 10,000 |
Public Health Agency of Canada | 2,200 |
Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness | 3,000 |
Public Works and Government Services | 75 |
Transport | 1,250 |
Veterans Affairs | 700 |
Total | 53,582 |
Funding related to the assessment, management and remediation of federal contaminated sites
(The Federal Contaminated Sites Action Plan seeks to reduce and eventually eliminate federal financial liability for Contaminated Sites. Funding received from these Supplementary Estimates will be allocated to federal departments, agencies and Crown corporations to continue the assessment, remediation and/or risk management of contaminated sites.)
Agriculture and Agri-Food |
1,224 |
Canada Border Services Agency | 130 |
Environment | 3,878 |
Fisheries and Oceans | 3,136 |
Health | 608 |
Indian Affairs and Northern Development | 12,510 |
National Capital Commission | 801 |
Natural Resources | 128 |
Parks Canada Agency | 1,921 |
Public Works and Government Services | 3,247 |
Royal Canadian Mounted Police | 5,034 |
The Jacques Cartier and Champlain Bridges Incorporated | 50 |
Transport | 8,832 |
Total | 41,499 |
Department, Agency or Crown Corporation | $000s |
(This funding will allow the National Parole Board and the Correctional Service to manage the increased workload associated with the transfer of responsibility for parole decision-making for offenders in British Columbia.)
Correctional Service |
6,012 |
National Parole Board | 1,500 |
Total | 7,512 |
(This funding will be used to implement enhanced audit and enforcement measures announced in the 2007 Federal Budget. Specifically, Canada Revenue Agency funding will support a range of activities such as processing applications, verification of claims, changes to processing systems, and telephone enquiries. Funding for Public Works and Government Services will support issuance, reconciliation and redemption of the new Working Income Tax Benefit payments (cheques and direct deposits).)
Canada Revenue Agency |
45,228 |
Public Works and Government Services | 36 |
Total | 45,264 |
(This funding will be used to help internationally trained and educated individuals receive the referral services they need to assist them in finding employment commensurate with their skills and experience, and to better meet labour market needs. These services will help individuals identify their occupation ' s appropriate regulator, assessment body, and prevailing labour market conditions.)
Citizenship and Immigration | 2,219 |
Human Resources and Skills Development | 4,194 |
Total | 6,413 |
(This funding will be used to create Integrated Counterfeit Enforcement teams including regional counterfeit co-ordinators, in strategic locations across Canada. The funds will be invested in enforcement initiatives in the production or mass distribution of counterfeit currency; prevention initiatives through the development and delivery of public education and awareness seminars; and in prosecution initiatives through the development and distribution of a Crown prosecution kit related to counterfeit currency offences on a regional and national level.)
Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness |
112 |
Royal Canadian Mounted Police | 4,522 |
Total | 4,634 |
Department, Agency or Crown Corporation | $000s |
(On December 1, 2006, the Government of Canada, the Government of Nunavut and Makivik Corporation, an organization that represents the Inuit in Nunavik, signed the Nunavik Inuit Land Claims Agreement. The Agreement covers the off-shore islands that were not covered by the 1975 James Bay Northern Quebec Agreement and settles an additional claim to territory in Labrador. The main funding elements of the Agreement include transfer payments, land ownership and surface and subsurface rights, and various costs associated with implementing obligations set out in the agreement.)
Canadian Museum of Civilization |
62 |
Environment | 189 |
Fisheries and Oceans | 1,965 |
Indian Affairs and Northern Development | 24,894 |
Natural Resources | 250 |
Parks Canada Agency | 325 |
Total | 27,685 |
(This funding will be used for a series of programs that are designed to reduce processing delays, more effectively respond to regional labour and skills shortages and strengthen monitoring and compliance. These new measures will ensure that the process of hiring skilled foreign workers for both small and large-sized enterprises is more efficient and effective for employers.)
Citizenship and Immigration |
4,588 |
Human Resources and Skills Development | 15,907 |
Total | 20,495 |
(This funding is related to the implementation of the 2006 Agreement between Canada and the United States governing the export of Canadian softwood lumber to the U.S. It covers the costs to implement and administer the Agreement (Foreign Affairs and International Trade), to apply, collect and administer the new export charge that will be applied against Canadian softwood lumber exports to the U.S. (Canada Revenue Agency) and to provide legal services (Justice).)
Canada Revenue Agency | 15,231 |
Foreign Affairs and International Trade | 12,937 |
Justice | 171 |
Total | 28,339 |
Department, Agency or Crown Corporation | $000s |
Funding to implement the Prevention and Treatment Action Plans of the National Anti-Drug Strategy focusing on education, marketing and treatment initiatives
(This funding will enable Health to complement efforts indicated in the Enforcement Action Plan and legislative amendments concerning mandatory minimum penalties, which are also key components of the Strategy. A portion of funding for the Prevention and Treatment Action Plans will support a social marketing campaign focusing on prevention activities related to substance use and abuse; a drug treatment program; and enhance treatment services for First Nations and Inuit populations. In addition, this funding will be used to support a new research program focusing on drug treatment models and approaches in order to address addiction. These resources will also be used to implement the Youth Justice Anti-Drug Strategy, which aims to rehabilitate youth in the justice system. This funding will also enable the Royal Canadian Mounted Police to enhance the ability of officers to refer youth with substance abuse problems to assessment and treatment processes to facilitate reintegration into the community.)
Canadian Institutes of Health Research |
100 |
Health | 10,479 |
Justice | 548 |
Total | 11,127 |
(This funding will support the construction of five new shelters on-reserve to respond to existing demand. Funding will also support the maintenance of existing shelters along with enhanced services to better detect violence at an early stage, allow broader protection services, and provide more extensive follow-up.)
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation |
30 |
Indian Affairs and Northern Development | 8,950 |
Total | 8,980 |
(This funding will be used to enhance the capacity of regulatory departments and to establish a Major Projects Management Office that will be responsible for coordinating federal regulatory requirements with respect to major natural resource projects.)
Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency |
2,986 |
Environment | 2,254 |
Fisheries and Oceans | 5,935 |
Indian Affairs and Northern Development | 1,808 |
Natural Resources | 3,616 |
Transport | 2,969 |
Total | 19,568 |
Department, Agency or Crown Corporation | $000s |
(This funding will support the costs associated with detection surveys, enforcement and regulatory actions, conducting research on Plum Pox Virus detection and transmission, and compensating commercial producers whose fruit trees were destroyed as a result of the Virus.)
Agriculture and Agri-Food |
5,956 |
Canadian Food Inspection Agency | 325 |
Total | 6,281 |
(Funding will cover the costs for assistance to attend hearings, assistance for victims of offenders in federal institutions, and assistance for Canadians victimized abroad. This funding also offers new components to the Victims ' Fund to increase victim support and participation in the criminal justice system, and to develop and implement an annual victimization survey. A key aspect of the Strategy involves the creation of the Office of the Ombudsman for Victims of Crime to ensure victims have a voice in the federal corrections and justice system.)
Correctional Service |
2,819 |
Justice | 8,658 |
National Parole Board | 450 |
Total | 11,927 |
(This funding will support a two-year program with more than 60 nations around the world, which will be followed by three years of work to address the requirements of data management, outreach, and production of research results. Funding will also support training, community involvement and logistics for health and safety and emergency preparedness to accommodate the increase in Canadian and foreign researchers in the North.)
Agriculture and Agri-Food | 41 |
Canadian Food Inspection Agency | 182 |
Canadian Institutes of Health Research | 3,838 |
Canadian Museum of Civilization | 263 |
Environment | 4,323 |
Fisheries and Oceans | 10,508 |
Health | 47 |
Indian Affairs and Northern Development | 15,743 |
Natural Resources | 974 |
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council | 12,088 |
Parks Canada Agency | 571 |
Public Health Agency of Canada | 350 |
Total | 48,928 |
Department, Agency or Crown Corporation | $000s |
(This funding will be used for the operational requirements of Canada Business. Through Canada Business, Industry and the regional development agencies will provide small businesses and entrepreneurs with up-to-date and accurate business-related information, including referrals on government programs, services and regulations.)
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency | 2,341 |
Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec | 1,820 |
Industry | 5,936 |
Western Economic Diversification | 3,702 |
Total | 13,799 |
Funding to support the Health of the Oceans initiative to
contribute to the National Water Strategy
(This funding will be used in support of new Marine Protected Areas, increased pollution control, the advancement of a national Marine Protected Area network, and collaboration with international partners on oceans and transboundary water matters.)
Environment |
1,285 |
Fisheries and Oceans | 3,449 |
Indian Affairs and Northern Development | 100 |
Parks Canada Agency | 627 |
Transport | 5,314 |
Total | 10,775 |
(This funding will be used to wind down the Canadian Biotechnology Strategy, including the transition of certain functions to other programs in appropriate departments in order to ensure no disruption in regulatory oversight of biotechnology.)
Agriculture and Agri-Food | 100 |
Health | 650 |
Industry | 511 |
Statistics Canada | 400 |
Total | 1,661 |
Department, Agency or Crown Corporation | $000s |
(A portion of the funds will be used to cover costs related to the day-to-day operations of the Inquiry and will fund legal fees and eligible expenses for families and parties involved in the Inquiry. Additional funds are to cover the costs of reviewing and analyzing documents, and scheduling and identifying witnesses for testimony at the Inquiry. The classified nature of the material adds significantly to the workload.)
Canada Border Services Agency |
339 |
Canadian Security Intelligence Service | 2,721 |
Foreign Affairs and International Trade | 1,041 |
Justice | 3,977 |
Privy Council | 7,503 |
Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness | 253 |
Royal Canadian Mounted Police | 3,733 |
Total | 19,567 |
(This funding will support a variety of initiatives which support three core national security interests: protecting Canada and Canadians at home and abroad; ensuring Canada is not a base for threats to allies; and contributing to international security. Specifically this funding will enable the Royal Canadian Mounted Police to complete the automation of Canada ' s national fingerprint and criminal record repository. It will enable Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness to strengthen its core emergency management capacity in the areas of operations, exercises and training, and contribute to the increased security of the urban transit system. Funding will also be provided to a number of departments and agencies for the chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear Research and Technology Initiative aimed at research and development initiatives to counter threats to Canadians.)
Agriculture and Agri-Food |
42 |
Canada Border Services Agency | 5 |
Canadian Food Inspection Agency | 255 |
Health | 825 |
Industry | 694 |
Justice | 426 |
Natural Resources | 280 |
Public Health Agency of Canada | 432 |
Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness | 23,010 |
Royal Canadian Mounted Police | 22,380 |
Total | 48,349 |
GRAND TOTAL | 1,331,343 |
Departments routinely request the authority to
transfer monies between organizations for various purposes. This
table provides a summary of these transactions. Positive amounts
reflect organizations that are receiving funds, while negative
amounts indicate the reductions to organizations transferring
funds out.
The following table reflects transfers displayed in these
Supplementary Estimates.
Department/Agency | Vote | Dollars |
For additional operating and capital costs at missions abroad
Foreign Affairs and International Trade |
Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) |
1,103,800 |
Vote 5 (Capital expenditures) |
606,600 | |
Canadian Security Intelligence Service |
Vote 20 (Program expenditures) |
(1,710,400) |
For additional support to the Teasdale-Corti Global Health Research Partnership Program to foster international partnerships and collaboration in support of research and action
International Development Research Centre | Vote 45 (Payments to the International |
500,000 |
Development Research Centre) | ||
Canadian Institutes of Health Research |
Vote 15 (Operating expenditures) |
(68,750) |
Vote 20 (Grants) |
(431,250) |
Indian Affairs and Northern Development |
Vote 10 (Grants and contributions) |
488,387 |
Health |
Vote 5 (Grants and contributions) |
(488,387) |
For contributions in Aid of Academic Relations related to a scholarship program in Latin America and the Caribbean
Foreign Affairs and International Trade |
Vote 10 (Grants and contributions) |
750,000 |
Canadian International Development Agency |
Vote 25 (Grants and contributions) |
(750,000) |
For cost adjustments to the Aviation Program
Fisheries and Oceans |
Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) |
351,590 |
Transport |
Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) |
(351,590) |
For First Nations community policing services
Royal Canadian Mounted Police |
Vote 45 (Operating expenditures) |
31,000,000 |
Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness |
Vote 5 (Grants and contributions) |
(31,000,000) |
For First Nations Infrastructure Fund to improve quality of life and the environment for First Nations
Indian Affairs and Northern Development |
Vote 10 (Grants and contributions) |
7,506,000 |
Office of Infrastructure of Canada |
Vote 55 (Contributions) |
(7,506,000) |
For furthering connectivity to the National Integrated Interagency Information System
Fisheries and Oceans |
Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) |
424,750 |
National Parole Board |
Vote 35 (Program expenditures) |
272,200 |
Canadian Security Intelligence Service |
Vote 20 (Program expenditures) |
180,500 |
Foreign Affairs and International Trade |
Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) |
156,164 |
Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness |
Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) |
(1,033,614) |
For government advertising programs
Finance |
Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) |
72,000 |
Human Resources and Skills Development |
Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) |
(72,000) |
For increased workload resulting from the implementation of the Canada Shipping Act, 2001
Transportation Appeal Tribunal of Canada |
Vote 70 (Program expenditures) |
199,250 |
Transport |
Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) |
(199,250) |
For investments in search and rescue coordination initiatives across Canada
Fisheries and Oceans |
Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) |
743,928 |
Royal Canadian Mounted Police |
Vote 45 (Operating expenditures) |
187,571 |
National Defence |
Vote 5 (Capital expenditures) |
(931,499) |
For legal service requirements for the
administration and delivery of the Universal Child Care Benefit
Canadian families with young children
Canada Revenue Agency |
Vote 1 (Program expenditures) |
183,000 |
Justice |
Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) |
(183,000) |
For legal service requirements to address legislative and policy initiatives arising from the 2006 Federal Budget
Canada Revenue Agency |
Vote 1 (Program expenditures) |
196,000 |
Justice |
Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) |
(196,000) |
For legal service requirements to implement the national initiative to address inter-provincial tax avoidance by corporations
Canada Revenue Agency |
Vote 1 (Program expenditures) |
223,000 |
Justice |
Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) |
(223,000) |
For operating costs related to the International Fisheries and Governance Strategy
Foreign Affairs and International Trade |
Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) |
275,000 |
Fisheries and Oceans |
Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) |
(275,000) |
For public security initiatives
Royal Canadian Mounted Police |
Vote 45 (Operating expenditures) |
1,500,000 |
Health |
Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) |
825,000 |
Industry |
Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) |
694,000 |
Public Health Agency of Canada |
Vote 35 (Operating expenditures) |
432,000 |
Justice |
Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) |
426,000 |
Natural Resources |
Vote 5 (Capital expenditures) |
280,000 |
Canadian Food Inspection Agency |
Vote 30 (Operating expenditures |
255,000 |
and contributions) |
Agriculture and Agri-Food |
Vote 5 (Capital expenditures) |
42,000 |
Canada Border Services Agency |
Vote 10 (Operating expenditures) |
5,000 |
Transport |
Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) |
(431,000) |
National Defence |
Vote 5 (Capital expenditures) |
(1,834,000) |
Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness |
Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) |
(2,194,000) |
For research to inform policy development related to sport participation
Social Sciences and Humanities Research |
Vote 80 (Operating expenditures) |
10,000 |
Council |
Vote 85 (Grants) |
671,938 |
Canadian Heritage |
Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) |
(10,000) |
Vote 5 (Grants and contributions) |
(671,938) |
For salary adjustments within the Ministry
Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency |
Vote 15 (Program expenditures) |
37,200 |
Environment |
Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) |
(37,200) |
For the Border Infrastructure Fund relating to investments in infrastructure to reduce border congestion
Canada Border Services Agency |
Vote 15 (Capital expenditures) |
15,000,000 |
Transport |
Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) |
141,067 |
Office of Infrastructure of Canada |
Vote 55 (Contributions) |
(15,141,067) |
For the Canada Strategic Infrastructure Fund relating to investments in public infrastructure projects designed to improve the quality of life in both urban and rural communities
Transport |
Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) |
580,102 |
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency |
Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) |
57,000 |
Industry |
Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) |
34,343 |
Office of Infrastructure of Canada |
Vote 55 (Contributions) |
(671,445) |
For the Canadian Musical Diversity component under the Canada Music Fund
Canada Council for the Arts |
Vote 10 (Payments to the Canada Council for the Arts) |
250,000 |
Canadian Heritage |
Vote 5 (Grants and contributions) |
(250,000) |
For the change in responsibility for port facilities at Harbour Breton, Newfoundland
Fisheries and Oceans | Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) | 500,000 |
Transport | Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) | (500,000) |
For the cost of the independent investigation on the
Royal Canadian Mounted Police pension and insurance
Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness |
Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) |
1,882,651 |
Royal Canadian Mounted Police |
Vote 45 (Operating expenditures) |
(1,882,651) |
Western Economic Diversification |
Vote 5 (Grants and contributions) |
5,000,000 |
Canadian Food Inspection Agency |
Vote 30 (Operating expenditures and contributions) |
(2,000,000) |
Public Health Agency of Canada |
Vote 35 (Operating expenditures) |
(3,000,000) |
For the development of Official Language Minority Communities (Interdepartmental Partnership with the Official Language Communities)
Telefilm Canada |
Vote 105 (Payments to Telefilm Canada to be |
550,000 |
used for the purposes set out in the Telefilm |
Canada Act ) |
Agriculture and Agri-Food |
Vote 10 (Grants and contributions) |
400,000 |
National Arts Centre Corporation |
Vote 50 (Payments to the National Arts Centre |
192,640 |
Corporation) |
Industry |
Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) |
15,323 |
Canadian Heritage |
Vote 5 (Grants and contributions) |
(1,157,963) |
For the establishment of the Portrait Gallery of Canada
Library and Archives of Canada |
Vote 45 (Program expenditures) |
23,162,000 |
Public Works and Government Services |
Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) |
(691,000) |
Vote 5 (Capital expenditures) |
(22,471,000 |
For the Global Peace and Security Fund to continue Canadian support to the African Union peace operations in Darfur
Foreign Affairs and International Trade |
Vote 10 (Grants and contributions) |
11,867,339 |
Canadian International Development Agency |
Vote 25 (Grants and contributions) |
(11,867,339) | ||
For the initial planning related to policing and security for the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games
Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness |
Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) |
200,000 |
Public Health Agency of Canada |
Vote 35 (Operating expenditures) |
50,000 |
Royal Canadian Mounted Police |
Vote 45 (Operating expenditures) |
(250,000) |
For the Institute for Connectivity in the Americas project to encourage the equitable use of information and communication technology to improve democratic governance and to promote social and economic development in the Americas region
International Development Research Centre |
Vote 45 (Payments to the International |
2,000,000 |
Development Research Centre) |
Canadian International Development |
Vote 25 (Grants and contributions) |
(2,000,000) | ||
Agency |
For the Joint Learning Program, a unique
initiative that supports the federal government's goal to
more collaborative relationships with bargaining
Public Service Human Resources |
Vote 35 (Program expenditures) |
448,000 |
Management Agency of Canada | ||||
Treasury Board Secretariat |
Vote 20 (Public Service Insurance) |
(448,000) |
For the merging of the Canada Language Council and the Canadian Association of Private Language Schools to establish common accreditation standards
Foreign Affairs and International Trade |
Vote 10 (Grants and contributions) |
50,000 |
Canadian Heritage |
Vote 5 (Grants and contributions) |
(50,000) |
For the participation of Aboriginal youth in a training program designed to encourage a career in law enforcement
Royal Canadian Mounted Police |
Vote 45 (Operating expenditures) |
200,000 |
Public Safety and Emergency |
Vote 5 (Grants and contributions) |
(200,000) |
Preparedness |
For the payment of assessed contributions representing Canada's membership in the Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade and in the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants
Foreign Affairs and International Trade |
Vote 10 (Grants and contributions) |
109,000 |
Indian Affairs and Northern Development |
Vote 10 (Grants and contributions) |
(25,000) |
Environment |
Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) |
(42,000) |
Health |
Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) |
(42,000) |
For the Public Education and Citizen Engagement Strategy
Correctional Service |
Vote 25 (Operating expenditures, grants and |
260,000 |
contributions) |
Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness |
Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) |
(260,000) |
For the Radarsat-2 project
Industry |
Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) |
3,000,000 |
Canadian Space Agency |
Vote 30 (Capital expenditures) |
(3,000,000) |
For the reimbursement of accommodation requirements
Natural Resources |
Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) |
262,679 |
Public Works and Government Services |
Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) |
(262,679) |
For the Surplus Federal Real Property for the Homelessness Initiative
Public Works and Government Services |
Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) |
3,000,000 |
Human Resources and Skills Development |
Vote 5 (Grants and contributions) |
(3,000,000) |
For the Task Force established to provide advice on strengthening the accountability and governance of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness |
Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) |
1,500,000 |
Royal Canadian Mounted Police |
Vote 45 (Operating expenditures) |
(1,500,000) |
For the transfer of information technology services
Correctional Service |
Vote 25 (Operating expenditures, grants and contributions) |
2,600,000 |
National Parole Board |
Vote 35 (Program expenditures) |
(2,600,000) |
For the update of the Model National Energy Code of Canada for Buildings document
National Research Council of Canada |
Vote 55 (Operating expenditures) |
649,515 |
Natural Resources |
Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) |
(649,515) |
Funding for the establishment of the Office of the Public Sector Integrity Commissioner
Office of the Public Sector Integrity |
Vote 27 (Program expenditures) |
1,425,420 | ||
Commissioner | ||||
Public Service Human Resources |
Vote 35 (Program expenditures) |
(1,425,420) | ||
Management Agency of Canada |
In support of a joint Life and Physical Sciences Initiative
Canadian Space Agency |
Vote 25 (Operating expenditures) |
150,000 |
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency |
Vote 5 (Grants and contributions) |
(150,000) |
To adjust for the allocation of resources following the transfer of the control and supervision of the Population and Public Health Branch
Public Health Agency of Canada |
Vote 35 (Operating expenditures) |
622,800 |
Health |
Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) |
(622,800) |
To enable Aboriginal organizations to develop a more focussed and streamlined core funding relationship with the Government of Canada
Indian Affairs and Northern Development |
Vote 10 (Grants and contributions) |
1,920,615 |
Vote 20 (Office of the Federal Interlocutor for |
242,105 | |
Métis and non-Status Indians - Operating |
expenditures) |
Vote 25 (Office of the Federal Interlocutor for |
4,934,750 | |
Métis and non-Status Indians - Contributions) |
Canadian Heritage |
Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) |
(242,105) |
Vote 5 (Grants and contributions) |
(6,855,365) |
To ensure that new and existing federal policies, programs and services respond to the priorities and needs of ethnocultural communities (Inclusive Institutions Initiative)
Correctional Service |
Vote 25 (Operating expenditures, grants and |
100,000 |
contributions) |
Canadian Heritage |
Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) |
(100,000) |
To fund health services and health population research relevant to the surveillance of diabetes
Canadian Institutes of Health Research |
Vote 20 (Grants) |
349,999 |
Public Health Agency of Canada |
Vote 40 (Grants and contributions) |
(149,999) |
Health |
Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) |
(200,000) |
To fund influenza research to strengthen Canada's pandemic preparedness capacity
Canadian Institutes of Health Research |
Vote 20 (Grants) |
350,000 |
Public Health Agency of Canada |
Vote 40 (Grants and contributions) |
(350,000) |
To implement and administer the 2006 Canada-United States Softwood Lumber Agreement
Canada Revenue Agency |
Vote 1 (Program expenditures) |
171,000 |
Justice |
Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) |
(171,000) |
To implement the Prevention and Treatment Action Plans of the National Anti-Drug Strategy focusing on education, marketing and treatment initiatives
Justice |
Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) |
547,509 |
Health |
Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) |
(547,509) |
To manage accommodation and real property services
Canada Revenue Agency |
Vote 1 (Program expenditures) |
257,146,488 |
Public Works and Government Services |
Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) |
(257,146,488) |
To prepare for Canada's participation in International Polar Year 2007-2008, an extensive international research program in the Arctic and Antarctic
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research |
Vote 75 (Grants) |
46,656 |
Council | |||
Health |
Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) |
(46,656) | |
To promote public awareness and community participation in National Aboriginal Day events
Canadian Heritage |
Vote 5 (Grants and contributions) |
112,000 |
Indian Affairs and Northern Development |
Vote 10 (Grants and contributions) |
(112,000) |
To promote the active participation of young Canadian leaders throughout Canada (Action Canada)
Canadian Heritage |
Vote 5 (Grants and contributions) |
200,000 |
Industry |
Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) |
(200,000) |
To provide funding and support for grants and awards through the Open Grants Competition
Canadian Institutes of Health Research |
Vote 20 (Grants) |
291,000 |
Health |
Vote 5 (Grants and contributions) |
(291,000) |
To provide support to departmental staff located at missions abroad
Foreign Affairs and International Trade |
Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) |
12,859,220 | ||
Vote 5 (Capital expenditures) |
5,208,100 | |||
Public Works and Government Services |
Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) |
(49,700) | ||
Natural Resources |
Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) |
(83,000) | ||
Royal Canadian Mounted Police |
Vote 45 (Operating expenditures) |
(119,000) | ||
Canada Revenue Agency |
Vote 1 (Program expenditures) |
(230,500) | ||
Agriculture and Agri-Food |
Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) |
(243,500) | ||
Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness |
Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) |
(251,500) | ||
Health |
Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) |
(267,840) | ||
Treasury Board Secretariat |
Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) |
(271,600) | ||
Veterans Affairs |
Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) |
(301,000) | ||
Justice |
Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) |
(366,700) | ||
Canadian Food Inspection Agency |
Vote 30 (Operating expenditures and |
(434,000) | ||
contributions) |
Canadian Heritage |
Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) |
(671,400) | ||
Canada Border Services Agency |
Vote 10 (Operating expenditures) |
(753,900) | ||
National Defence |
Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) |
(1,150,280) | ||
Canadian International Development |
Vote 25 (Grants and contributions) |
(4,477,400) | ||
Agency | ||||
Citizenship and Immigration |
Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) |
(8,396,000) |
To share expenses for statistical reports on the arts in Canada
Canadian Heritage |
Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) |
23,673 |
Canada Council for the Arts |
Vote 10 (Payments to the Canada Council for |
(23,673) |
the Arts) |
To support Aboriginal involvement in aquatic
species at risk activities under the
Species at Risk
Fisheries and Oceans |
Vote 10 (Grants and contributions) |
722,592 |
Environment |
Vote 10 (Grants and contributions) |
(722,592) |
To support multilateral collaboration in French-language theatre, and to ensure Canada's participation in the Commission internationale du théâtre francophone meetings
Canada Council for the Arts |
Vote 10 (Payments to the Canada Council for |
230,000 |
the Arts) |
Canadian Heritage |
Vote 5 (Grants and contributions) |
(230,000) |
To support the biennial theatre festival for professional francophone theatres in minority regions in Canada and internationally (Festival Zone Théâtrale)
National Arts Centre Corporation |
Vote 50 (Payments to the National Arts Centre |
150,000 |
Corporation) |
Canadian Heritage |
Vote 5 (Grants and contributions) |
(150,000) |
To support the Canada Research Chairs at the Royal Military College
National Defence |
Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) |
402,500 | ||
Social Sciences and Humanities Research |
Vote 85 (Grants) |
Council | (70,000) | |||
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research |
Vote 75 (Grants) |
Council | (332,500) |
To support the Canadian Chair in Marine Environmental Protection at the World Maritime University
Fisheries and Oceans |
Vote 10 (Grants and contributions) |
75,000 |
Transport |
Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) |
(75,000) |
To support the Canadian Health Services Research Foundation's Community Health Nursing Study
Public Health Agency of Canada |
Vote 40 (Grants and contributions) |
55,000 |
Health |
Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) |
(55,000) |
To support the celebrations of the 100th anniversary of
the creation of the National Battlefields Commission and the
Battlefields Park in Quebec City
National Battlefields Commission |
Vote 55 (Program expenditures) |
325,000 |
Canadian Heritage |
Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) |
(325,000) |
To support the Centres of Excellence in fostering and funding policy research related to immigration, integration and diversity (Metropolis Project)
Social Sciences and Humanities Research | Vote 85 (Grants) | 774,125 | |
Council | |||
Public Health Agency of Canada | Vote 35 (Operating expenditures) | (85,000) | |
Human Resources and Skills Development | Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) | (85,000) | |
Canadian Heritage | Vote 5 (Grants and contributions) | (222,500) | |
Citizenship and Immigration | Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) | (381,625) |
To support the development of an Atlas on Country Resources for Intellectual Disabilities
Human Resources and Skills Development | Vote 5 (Grants and contributions) | 100,000 |
Public Health Agency of Canada | Vote 40 (Grants and contributions) | (100,000) |
To support the ecological restoration of Point Pleasant Park in Halifax, Nova Scotia
Environment | Vote 10 (Grants and contributions) | 750,000 |
Parks Canada Agency | Vote 25 (Program expenditures) | (250,000) |
Natural Resources | Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) | (500,000) |
To support the expansion and the modernization of the Musée de la Gaspésie
Canadian Heritage | Vote 5 (Grants and contributions) | 800,000 | |
Economic Development Agency of | Vote 5 (Grants and contributions) | (800,000) | |
Canada for the Regions of Quebec |
To support the indirect costs of federally-funded research at the Royal Military College
National Defence | Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) | 768,685 | |
Social Sciences and Humanities Research | Vote 85 (Grants) | (768,685) | |
Council |
To support the National Managers' Community
Public Service Human Resources |
Vote 35 (Program expenditures) |
1,001,234 | ||
Management Agency of Canada | ||||
Western Economic Diversification |
Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) |
(3,508) | ||
Economic Development Agency of |
Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) |
(3,800) | ||
Canada for the Regions of Quebec | ||||
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency |
Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) |
(6,612) | ||
Privy Council |
Vote 1 (Program expenditures) |
(6,805) | ||
Public Safety and Emergency |
Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) |
(7,171) | ||
Preparedness | ||||
Treasury Board Secretariat | Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) | (8,518) | ||
Finance | Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) | (8,866) | ||
Canadian Heritage | Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) | (19,801) | ||
Veterans Affairs | Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) | (34,611) | ||
Citizenship and Immigration | Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) | (34,859) | ||
Indian Affairs and Northern Development | Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) | (36,919) | ||
Natural Resources | Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) | (41,096) | ||
Transport | Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) | (44,960) | ||
Statistics Canada | Vote 95 (Program expenditures) | (51,464) | ||
Environment | Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) | (57,554) | ||
Foreign Affairs and International Trade | Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) | (58,240) | ||
Canadian Food Inspection Agency | Vote 30 (Operating expenditures and | (58,809) | ||
contributions) | ||||
Agriculture and Agri-Food | Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) | (65,101) | ||
Canada Border Services Agency | Vote 10 (Operating expenditures) | (111,152) | ||
Correctional Service | Vote 25 (Operating expenditures, grants and | (137,539) | ||
contributions) | ||||
Human Resources and Skills Development | Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) | (203,849) |
To support the Oceans Management Research Network which strengthens the links between researchers in oceans management related fields in the social sciences and humanities, natural sciences and engineering, universities and other sectors and institutions
Social Sciences and Humanities Research |
Vote 80 (Operating expenditures) |
14,353 |
Council |
Vote 85 (Grants) |
250,000 |
Fisheries and Oceans |
Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) |
(264,353) |
To support the restoration of Stanley Park, a National Historic Site in Vancouver, British Columbia
Environment |
Vote 10 (Grants and contributions) |
1,000,000 |
Natural Resources |
Vote 10 (Grants and contributions) |
(1,000,000) |
To support the Sport Canada Policy Research
Program with the objective of building Canada's capacity
conduct research related to physical activity and sport
Canadian Institutes of Health Research |
Vote 20 (Grants) |
52,591 |
Canadian Heritage |
Vote 5 (Grants and contributions) |
(52,591) |
For accommodation costs, programs and activities related to the Public Access Programs Sector
Human Resources and Skills Development |
Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) |
16,138,000 |
Public Works and Government Services |
Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) |
(16,138,000) |
For the revitalization of the Toronto Waterfront through investments in infrastructure and urban development (Toronto Waterfront Revitalization Initiative) as a result of change of Ministers' portfolio
Environment |
Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) |
1,505,000 |
Vote 10 (Grants and contributions) |
232,810,000 | |
Treasury Board Secretariat |
Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) |
(1,505,000) |
Vote 2 (Contributions) |
(232,810,000) |
Indian Affairs and Northern Development | Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) | 11,881,171 |
Vote 10 (Grants and contributions) | 37,250,000 | |
Industry | Vote 1 (Operating expenditures) | (11,881,171) |
Vote 10 (Grants and contributions) | (37,250,000) |
Through the Supplementary Estimates, an
organization can seek changes to various spending authorities
originally received through parliamentary approval of the
previous supply bills for Main or Supplementary Estimates. These
alterations might include requests for additional funding
relating to a transfer of funds from another organization, a
re-allocation or amendment of existing spending authorities, or
the addition of new authorities.
Parliamentary approval of such changes is sought through an
enabling supply bill. However, in order to be included in a
supply bill, an item must have a monetary value. This is not an
issue when a department is also requesting an adjustment to its
appropriation. However, in the absence of any increase to the
Vote, a notional amount of “one dollar” allows the
item to be included in the supply bill.
The authority associated with each $1 item relates to either:
The following table captures, under each of the
above categories, the instances where a $1 item is required in
these Supplementary Estimates. A number of these transactions can
be captured in a department's vote wording, but will
require a single $1 item. Therefore, as the following table is
presented by category, there may be some departmental votes that
appear more than once despite the fact they relate to a single $1
$ 1 Items included in these Supplementary
1. Approval of grants | ||
Vote | ||
Organization | Number | Explanation |
Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness - | 5a | To list in the Estimates a new grant entitled |
Department | “National Flagging System” in the amount of | |
$500,000. | ||
2. Vote transfers within an organization | ||
Vote | ||
Organization | Number | Explanation |
Natural Resources - Department | 1a | To authorize the transfer of $6,650,272 from Natural |
Resources Vote 10 for the federal response to the | ||
mountain pine beetle infestation in British Columbia | ||
($3,050,000) , and due to a technical adjustment to | ||
reduce the amount of new appropriations required | ||
($3,600,272) . | ||
10a | To authorize the transfer of $1,895,000 from Natural | |
Resources Vote 1 for the Clean Energy Agenda. | ||
3. Transfers between organizations | ||
Vote | ||
Organization | Number | Explanation |
Canadian Heritage - Canada Council of the | 10a | To authorize the transfer of $480,000 from |
Arts | Canadian Heritage Vote 5 to support multilateral | |
collaboration in French-language theatre for the | ||
Canadian Musical Diversity component under the | ||
Canada Music Fund ($250,000) and to ensure | ||
Canada's participation in the Commission | ||
internationale du théâtre francophone meetings | ||
($230,000). | ||
Canadian Heritage - National Battlefields | 55a | To authorize the transfer of $325,000 from |
Commission | Canadian Heritage Vote 1 to support the | |
celebrations of the 100th anniversary of the creation | ||
of the National Battlefields Commission and the | ||
Battlefields Park in Quebec City. | ||
Canadian Heritage - Telefilm Canada | 105a | To authorize the transfer of $550,000 from |
Canadian Heritage Vote 5 for the development of | ||
Official Language Minority Communities | ||
(Interdepartmental Partnership with the Official | ||
Language Communities). | ||
Human Resources and Skills Development - | 1a | To authorize the transfer of $16,138,000 from Public |
Department | Works and Government Services Vote 1 for | |
accommodation costs, programs and activities related | ||
to the Public Access Programs Sector. | ||
Indian Affairs and Northern Development - | 20a | To authorize the transfer of $242,105 from |
Department | Canadian Heritage Vote 1 to enable Aboriginal | |
organizations to develop a more focussed and | ||
streamlined core funding relationship with the | ||
Government of Canada. | ||
25a | To authorize the transfer of $4,934,750 from | |
Canadian Heritage Vote 5 to enable Aboriginal | ||
organizations to develop a more focussed and | ||
streamlined core funding relationship with the | ||
Government of Canada | ||
Natural Resources - Department | 1a | To authorize the transfer of $262,679 from Public |
Works and Government Services Vote 1 for the | ||
reimbursement of accommodation requirements. | ||
5a | To authorize the transfer of $280,000 from National | |
Defence Vote 5 for public security initiatives. | ||
Transport - Transportation Appeal Tribunal | 70a | To authorize the transfer of $199,250 from |
of Canada | Transport Vote 1 for increased workload resulting | |
from the implementation of the Canada Shipping Act, | ||
2001 . | ||
4. Modify authority embedded in existing vote wording | ||
Vote | ||
Organization | Number | Explanation |
Finance - Department | L10a | In accordance with the Bretton Woods and Related |
Agreements Act , the issuance and payment of non- | ||
interest bearing, non-negotiable demand notes in an | ||
amount not to exceed $318,280,000 to the | ||
International Development Association. | ||
Foreign Affairs and International Trade - | 12a | To increase, pursuant to subsection 10(3.1) of the |
Department | Export Development Act , the contingent liability of | |
the Corporation referred to in paragraph 10(3)(b) of | ||
that Act from $27,000,000,000 to $30,000,000,000 . | ||
Treasury Board - Secretariat | 5a | Government Contingencies - Subject to the approval |
of the Treasury Board, to supplement other | ||
appropriations and to provide for miscellaneous, | ||
urgent or unforeseen expenditures not otherwise | ||
provided for, including grants and contributions not | ||
listed in the Estimates and the increase of the amount | ||
of grants listed in these, where those expenditures are | ||
within the legal mandate of a government | ||
organization, and authority to re-use any sums allotted | ||
and repaid to this appropriation from other | ||
appropriations. |