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Ministry Summary | |||||
These Supplementary Estimates | |||||
Authorities | Adjustments to | Total Estimates | |||
Vote (dollars) | to date | Transfers | Appropriations | to date | |
1a | Program expenditures - To authorize the transfer of | ||||
$257,146,488 from Public Works and Government | |||||
Services Vote 1, and $773,000 from Justice Vote 1, | |||||
Appropriation Act No. 2, 2007-2008 for the purposes | |||||
of this Vote and to provide a further amount of | 2,775,229,230 | 257,688,988 | 53,936,519 | 3,086,854,737 | |
(S) | Minister of National Revenue - Salary and motor car | ||||
allowance | 74,522 | . . . . . | . . . . . | 74,522 | |
(S) | Spending of revenues received through the conduct of | ||||
its operations pursuant to section 60 of the Canada | |||||
Revenue Agency Act | 143,637,000 | . . . . . | . . . . . | 143,637,000 | |
(S) | Contributions to employee benefit plans | 402,675,000 | . . . . . | . . . . . | 402,675,000 |
(S) | Children's Special Allowance payments | 205,000,000 | . . . . . | . . . . . | 205,000,000 |
(S) | Payments to private collection agencies pursuant to | ||||
section 17.1 of the Financial Administration Act | 21,032,000 | . . . . . | . . . . . | 21,032,000 | |
Total Ministry | 3,547,647,752 | 257,688,988 | 53,936,519 | 3,859,273,259 | |
Explanation of Requirements (thousands of dollars) | |
Canada Revenue Agency requests funds for the following items: | |
Voted Appropriations | Vote 1 |
Funding to address legislative, policy, and operational initiatives arising from the 2007 Federal Budget such as the | |
Working Income Tax Benefit, New Child Tax Credit, measures related to savings plans, and enhanced audit and | |
enforcement activities ( horizontal item ) | 45,228 |
Funding to implement a national initiative to address inter-provincial tax avoidance by corporations | 19,344 |
Funding to implement and administer the 2006 Canada-United States Softwood Lumber Agreement ( horizontal item ) | 15,060 |
Funding to address legislative, policy, and operational initiatives arising from the 2006 Federal Budget such as the | |
Goods and Services Tax rate reduction and the measures related to personal tax credits, individual income and | |
corporations | 10,519 |
Funding for legal and income tax debt set-off activities, including Collection Litigations and Advisory Services | |
( horizontal item ) | 4,606 |
Funding for enhanced enforcement activities relating to the National Anti-Drug Strategy that are aimed at reducing | |
the supply and demand for illicit drugs ( horizontal item ) | 660 |
Funding for activities that are essential to the continued implementation of the Public Service Modernization Act | |
( horizontal item ) | 205 |
Funding in support of the Federal Accountability Act to evaluate all ongoing grant and contribution programs every | |
five years ( horizontal item ) | 91 |
Funding for implementation of the action plan to strengthen Canada's regulatory system and establish a Centre of | |
Regulatory Expertise within the Treasury Board Secretariat ( horizontal item ) | 59 |
Gross Voted Appropriations | 95,772 |
Funds Available | |
Less: Spending authorities available within the Vote | 41,835 |
Total Voted Appropriations | 53,937 |
Transfers | |
Transfer from Public Works and Government Services - To manage its accommodation and real property services | 257,146 |
Transfer from Justice - For legal service requirements to implement the national initiative to address inter-provincial | |
tax avoidance by corporations | 223 |
Transfer from Justice - For legal service requirements to address legislative and policy initiatives arising from the | |
2006 Federal Budget | 196 |
Transfer from Justice - For legal service requirements for the administration and delivery of the Universal Child Care | |
Benefit to Canadian families with young children | 183 |
Transfer from Justice - To implement and administer the 2006 Canada-United States Softwood Lumber Agreement | |
( horizontal item ) | 171 |
Transfer to Foreign Affairs and International Trade - To provide support to departmental staff located at missions | |
abroad | (231) |
Total Transfers | 257,688 |
These Supplementary Estimates | 311,625 |
Vote 1
: $41,835,000 in total
authorities is available
the Vote
due to the ability to recover funds for the following:
$19,039,000 for the Canada Pension Plan Account; and $22,796,000
for the Employment Insurance Account.
Note: Figures in the “Explanation of Requirements”
may not agree with the “Ministry Summary” due to