This is a diagram of the organizational structure represented by an organizational chart. At the top of the chart is a single rectangular box with the words "Chairperson and Chief Executive Officer," below are two boxes with the words "Vice-chairperson" and "Members," below these boxes is another box with the words "Executive Director and General Counsel." All three boxes are attached to the "Chairperson and Chief Executive Officer" box above. Below the "Executive Director and General Counsel" box there are two layers of boxes. The first layer has a "Planning, Research and Communications" box, "Legal and Adjudicative Services" box and "Administrative Services" box. The second layer has 5 boxes with dotted-line borders; these boxes contain the words "Informatics, Mail and Security," "Human Resources," "Library," "Other Services," and "Financial Services." All of these boxes are connected to the "Executive Director and General Counsel" box. Underneath this graphic, a legend explains that the dotted-line borders represent services provided on contract or by other arrangements.