Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat
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Departmental Performance Report

Library and Archives Canada

Supplementary Information (Tables)

Table of Contents

Sources of Respendable and Non-Respendable Revenue

Respendable Revenue
($ in thousands)

Making the documentary heritage known and accessible for use
Service Fees $415.1 $441.7 $550.0 $550.0 $550.0 $384.9
Total Respendable Revenue $415.1 $441.7 $550.0 $550.0 $550.0 $384.9

Non-Respendable Revenue
($ in thousands)

Managing the disposition of the Government of Canada Records of continuing value
Refunds from expenditures of previous year $8.9 $1.2 - - - $0.9
Adjustments to payables of previous year $6.9 $14.5 - - - $12.4
Proceeds from the disposal of surplus Crown Assets $12.8 $10.5 - - $13.1 $15.7
Miscellaneous revenues $4.5 $5.0 - $2.3 - $5.4
Other adjustment ($0.3) $1.3 - - - $0.5

Managing the documentary heritage of interest to Canada
Refunds from expenditures of previous year $30.7 $20.5 - - - $38.4
Adjustments to payables of previous year $19.8 $78.1 - - - $79.9
Proceeds from the disposal of surplus Crown Assets $75.1 $36.3 - - $84.4 $20.2
Miscellaneous revenues $25.4 $28.5 - $14.8 - $35.4
Other adjustment ($1.4) $7.7 - - - $3.3

Making the documentary heritage known and accessible for use
Refunds from expenditures of previous year $24.8 $7.4 - - - $41.9
Adjustments to payables of previous year $6.1 $55.8 - - - $70.8
Proceeds from the disposal of surplus Crown Assets $24.9 $37.9 - - $74.8 $67.6
Miscellaneous revenues $8.7 $21.1 - $13.1 - $32.1
Other adjustment ($0.4) $5.2 - - $2.9
Total Non-respendable Revenue $246.5 $331.1 $0 $30.2 $172.3 $427.4
Total Revenue $661.6 $772.8 $550.0 $580.2 $722.3 $812.3

2008–09 User Fees Reporting–User Fees Act ($ in thousands)

Table 2-A: User Fees
($ thousands)
User Fee Fee Type Fee-setting Authority Date Last Modified 2008-09 Planning Years
Full Cost
Copies of textual documents and microforms, 105-mm microfiches of maps and architectural drawings, documents and archival records created in electronic formats by LAC staff (0) The Department of Canadian Heritage Act, sections 8 to 12 Published in the Canada Gazette, Part 1, August 6, 2005 $377.0 $280.0 $1,938.7 Regular orders are processed within 30 days of receipt. For rush service, see Part C.

The processing standard of 30 days has been met 95% of the time.

The processing standard for rush service has been met 100% of the time.

2009-10 $392.9 $1,987.0
2010-11 $392.9 $2,036.9
2011-12 $392.9 $2,087.7
Copies of documents on microform produced by clients themselves (0) Same as above Same as above $61.6 $42.9 $133.3 Client self-service 100% 2009-10 $60.5 $136.6
2010-11 $60.5 $140.0
2011-12 $60.5 $143.6
Service fee for reproduction of documents produced by private sector suppliers (0) Same as above Same as above $66.8 $37.2 $595.2 Upon receipt of request: approximately 6 weeks for copied material and 10 to 12 weeks for uncopied material

The processing standard of 6 weeks for copied material has been met 100% of the time.

The processing standard for uncopied material (approx. 10 -12 weeks) has been met 100% of the time.

2009-10 $54.2 $610.1
2010-11 $54.2 $625.3
2011-12 $54.2 $641.0
Postage and handling (0) Same as above Same as above $34.4 $25.5 $25.5 Not applicable   2009-10 $33.8 $26.1
2010-11 $33.8 $26.8
2011-12 $33.8 $27.5
Sub-Total (R) $539.8 $385.6 $2,692.7   2009-10 $541.4 $2,759.8
2010-11 $541.4 $2,829.0
2011-12 $541.4 $2,899.8
Fees charged for the processing of access requests filed under the Access to Information Act (0) Access to Information Act 2007 (as a result of amendments to the Federal Accountability Act) $10.2 $6.1 $5,568.9 30 days, or within allowable time extension

Access to Information Act: 96% of the formal requests were completed on time.

Privacy Act: 99% of the formal requests were completed on time.

2009-10 $8.6 $5,708.1
2010-11 $8.6 $5,850.8
2011-12 $8.6 $5,997.1
Total(0) $550.0 $391.7 $8,261.6   2009-10 $550.0 $8,467.9
2010-11 $550.0 $8,679.8
2011-12 $550.0 $8,896.9

B. Date Last Modified

Not applicable

C. Other Information

The website contains more information about our services, prices and performance standards.

Rush Service

Copies of textual documents and microforms by LAC staff Copies of 105-mm microfiches, maps and architectural drawings produced by LAC staff
Please note that written requests cannot be processed in less than 5 working days because of the following factors: registration of requests; 24-hour delay in the delivery of documents from off-site storage; identification of requested documents by staff; special handling of archival documents. Processing times apply once our services have received the request. Please note that written requests cannot be processed in less than 7 working days because of the following factors: registration of requests; 24-hour delay in the delivery of documents from off-site storage; identification of requested documents by staff. Processing times apply once our services have received the request.
Number of copies Response time Number of copies Response time
  On-site request Written request   On-site request Written request
100 Maximum of 100 copies per 24 hours 5 working days 50 Maximum of 50 copies per 24 hours 7 working days
500 to 999 5 working days 7 working days 250 to 499 5 to 10 working days 7 to 10 working days
1,000 to 1,999 10 working days 500 to 749 10 to 15 working days
2,000 to 2,999 15 working days 750 to 999 15 to 20 working days
3,000 to 3,999 20 working days 1,000 to 1,249 20 to 25 working days
4,000 to 4,999 25 working days 1,250 to 1,500 25 to 30 working days
5,000 to 6,000 30 working days    

2008–09 Policy on Service Standards for External Fees

External Fee Service Standard Performance Results Stakeholder Consultation
Copies of textual documents and microforms, 105-mm microfiches of maps and architectural drawings, documents and archival records created in electronic formats by LAC staff Regular orders are processed within 30 days of receipt. For rush service, see Table 6.a, Section C. The processing standard of 30 days has been met 95% of the time. The processing standard for the rush service has been met 100% of the time. During 2008-09, consultations were conducted with clients using the copying services at a distance and on site. Clients were satisfied 85% of the time.
Copies of documents on microform produced by clients themselves Not applicable Clients serve themselves. They pick up the microforms from the shelf and make their own copies.  
Service fee for reproduction of documents produced by private sector suppliers Upon receipt of request: approximately 6 weeks for copied material and 10 to 12 weeks for uncopied material.

The processing standard of 6 weeks for copied material has been met 100% of the time.

The processing standard of 10 to 12 weeks for uncopied material has been met 100% of the time.

During 2008–09, consultations were conducted with clients using the copying services at a distance and on site. Clients were satisfied 85% of the time.

Green Procurement

Meeting Policy Requirements

1. Has the department incorporated environmental performance considerations in its procurement decision-making processes?

In progress

2. Summary of initiatives to incorporate environmental performance considerations in procurement decision-making processes:

The institution is progressing towards the incorporation of green procurement considerations in its overall procurement decision-making processes as required by the Policy on Green Procurement.

Currently, our training sessions for managers/administration include a green procurement component and our intranet provides green procurement best practices, checklists and links to relevant websites.

In the fall of 2008, one new green procurement initiative was developed with the introduction of mandatory duplex printing.

3. Results achieved:

Rigorous environmental considerations were part of the development of specifications for the construction of a new facility (energy and water savings initiatives including a green roof component).

Current practices within LAC confirm sound reuse and recycling of material (furniture, computers, equipment).

A direct cost savings of approximately $7,000 was achieved within the first five months of implementing the mandatory duplex printing initiative within LAC.

4. Contributions to facilitate government-wide implementation of green procurement:

Not applicable

Green Procurement Targets

5. Has the department established green procurement targets?

In progress

6. Are these green procurement targets the same as those identified in your Sustainable Development Strategy (Table 8)?

Not applicable

7. Summary of green procurement targets:

Not applicable

8. Results achieved::

Not applicable

Internal Audits and Evaluations

Internal Audits (Current reporting)

1. Name of Internal Audit 2. Audit Type 3. Status 4. Completion Date
Review of Privacy Compliance of LAC with the Privacy Act Completed February 2009

Evaluations (current reporting period)

Name of Evaluation Program Activity Evaluation Type Status Completion Date
Managing the disposition of the Government of Canada records of continuing value 1.1 RMAF Ongoing Approval expected in 2009–10
Managing the documentary heritage of interest to Canada 1.2 RMAF Ongoing Approval expected in 2009–10
Making the documentary heritage known and accessible for use 1.3 RMAF Ongoing Approval expected in 2009–10
Human Resources 1.4.2 RMAF Ongoing Approval expected in 2009–10

Note: The Report on Plans and Priorities for 2008–09 mentioned a planned RBAF/RMAF for the Portrait Gallery of Canada. This document was not completed as decisions have not been made regarding what form the program will take.