Energy Program Activity

Canadians benefit economically, environmentally, and socially from the sustainable production, development and use of Canada's abundant energy resources

Planned Spending: $1,593.9M
FTEs: 1,141

Actual Spending: $2,807.1M
FTEs: 1,252

Domestic and international energy policy analysis, development and advice that supports the sustainable development of Canada's energy sector

Spending – Actual: $8.3M

Sustainable development and safe and reliable delivery of electricity with a reduced environmental footprint

Spending – Actual: $2,457.3M

A fair, efficient and competitive oil, natural gas and petroleum products marketplace that is consistent with Canada's social and environmental goals

Spending – Actual: $163.0M

Improved energy efficiency of all sectors and increased production and use of alternative transportation fuels in Canada

Spending – Actual: $61.1M

Canadians derive new economic, environmental and social benefits through federal energy S&T

Spending – Actual: $117.4M

NRCan Priorities:

Government of Canada Outcome: