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ARCHIVED - The National Battlefields Commission

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Departmental Performance Report

The National Battlefields Commission

Supplementary Information (Tables)

Table of Contents

Table 3: For 2007-2008 User Fees Reporting Purposes: The User Fees Act (in thousands of dollars)

Table 3

Table 3-B: Policy on Service Standard for External Fees

Table "Policy on Service Standard for External Fees"


Table 5: Sources of Respendable Revenue

Respendable Revenue

Table "Sources of Respendable Revenue"

Table 6: Internal Audits and Evaluations

Table "Internal Audits and Evaluations"

The NBC is audited every year by the Office of the Auditor General, which analyses and verifies our accounting practices to ensure compliance with Government of Canada directives and policies. There are no other current or planned internal audits or verifications by the Office of the Comptroller General or the NBC.

Given the scope of the NBC’s mandate and that its structure does not provide for internal auditing, management monitors operations through rigorous follow-up and knowledge of the various operations in each unit.