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To promote the judicious management of overtime expenditures.
Overtime may be authorized when management is satisfied that the work or service involved is essential, and that overtime is the most appropriate and cost-effective way of doing this work or providing this service.
A definition of overtime is provided in appendix A of this policy.
This policy applies to all departments and other portions of the Public Service listed in Part I of Schedule I of the Public Service Staff Relations Act.
It is the responsibility of departments to manage overtime in a way that will ensure that its use is kept to an appropriate minimum and its cost is justified.
In monitoring a department's administration of this policy, the Treasury Board Secretariat will rely on evidence of the extent to which overtime is being effectively managed. Included in this consideration will be such factors as:
- whether clear service standards exist to justify overtime use, and
- whether economical alternatives to overtime are being considered and used, where appropriate.
Overtime use reflected by the Leave and Extra Duty System (LEDS) will be monitored by the Human Resources Branch.
Collective agreements
Policy on Maximum hours of work
Relevant Terms and conditions of employment
Enquiries about this policy should be referred to the responsible officers in departmental headquarters who, in turn, may direct questions regarding policy interpretation to the following:
For unrepresented employees
Executive and Excluded GroupsFor represented employees
Pay AdministrationOvertime (heures supplémentaires) - for the purposes of this policy,
overtime is defined as authorized time worked by an employee in excess of the standard daily or weekly hours of work
and for which the employee may be entitled to compensation pursuant to the provisions of a collective agreement or
Treasury Board authority.